Reminder – Free Personal Development Ebook Promotion for 24 hours – “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” by Allan Rufus

Allan Rufus is having a Free Ebook Promotion for ONLY 24 hours for his Personal Development Book called “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge”.

Key of Knowledge

Key of Knowledge



The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus will be on a FREE PROMOTION on the 7th July 2013 for ONLY 24 hours starting at 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time.

Please click here to get your FREE download of “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” by Allan Rufus

The book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is a Personal Development book and it is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one’s life. The Master also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one’s life.

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Book Back Cover - The Master's Sacred Knowledge

Book Back Cover – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge

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Sacred Master Key with symbol meanings

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Know Thyself

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Rainbow – At the end of a rainbow you will find a pot of gold

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A key to your inner treasure

A key to your inner treasure

Books worth reading

Books worth reading

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Smiling Eyes - Sacred Master Key

Smiling Eyes – Sacred Master Key


Sedona – Courage of Quest – ArchAngel Metatron – James Tyberon

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


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Book Cover - The Master's Sacred Knowledge

Book Cover – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge


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Metatron via James Tyberonn – Sedona – Courage of Quest

Greetings Master, I am Metatron Lord of Light ! We greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love ! We welcome each of you, individually , as you read these words.

We speak on a most timely topic. The Vortexial energies of Sedona, and the powerful Lunar Eclipse of the WESAK Full Moon.

Dear Ones, Those areas on the Earth you term power points are apexes of infinity. These points are the primary dissemination mechanism of higher dimensional energies. Thi vortex -portal templates that occur in these are uniquely varied. Yet have many benevolent commonalities. Within sacred sites the door to sacred knowledge is opened, and a catalyst energy exchange occurs. The pilgrim & focal seeker can become imprinted with the code-keys of frequencial wisdom unique to each sacred site visited. In kind each pilgrim imprints their highest reverence into the energy of place. One may receive coded light energy from the site, and feed higher frequencial energy back into it. A synergetic transposition ensues as each seeker begins to manifest the impeccability of every sacred site visited, each melding and building upon the other. You carry with you the energy of every powernode you visit, and indeed each pilgrimage, each quests amplifies your energy coding.

Sacred sites can be defined in simplistic terms as areas that resonate at a higher vibration and are catalysts for spiritual experience. Such areas often radiate crysto-electro-magnetic fields of higher frequency. These locations can be naturally occurring or manmade. The latter are often temples or stone circles built over naturally occurring leylines or energy points. Temples, cathedrals and pyramids built to sacred geometry actually attract and amplify energies, especially when built over telluric hotspots that contain crystallized minerals such as quartz. Numerous sacred sites are aligned celestially, at specific angles to cosmic points.

A Year for Pilgrimage, Questing & Re-Calibration

And so we emphasize that the experience of the pilgrimage, vision quest, fasting, and shamanic journey is of great benefit, and that 2013 is especially poignant for such noble quests. Exploration of consciousness is requisite and the vision quest offer a lens that is truly necessary. We encourage all to find time in Year One for this activity, and in so doing you will be offered a very potent opportunity of expansion. Indeed, the energies of the New Earth will absolutely amplify greater access to higher aspect and self-mastery. It has always been a habit of the wise soul to seek solitude for self examination, for clearing and release, for the lifting into higher states of consciousness. It is the groundwork, and mark of the serious seeker. It has always been so. The ‘vision quest’ or ‘prayer fast’ is a ceremony that has been utilized by all Masters. It is the ancient initiation ceremonial rite of self confrontation and offers the opportunity for cleansing, for removal of obstacles and ego imbalance. All in duality are faced with such challenges and the need to create a space for review in order to face the self and stay on track. Metaphysics and Spirituality are no exception, and are susceptible to, and indeed subject to the same challenges, errors and obstructions that occur in all walks of life.


Reading books is a beginning, but not an end. It is the true seeker who recognizes that there are no short cuts, and that each sojourn is a path of rediscovery, humility and discipline. The experiences of the prayer fast, vision quest and shamanic journey are lens of learning and recalibration that are of great benefit. It takes courage and effort, for in the vision quest and the shamanic journey one faces the self, with no place to hide. There are many in metaphysics who seek leadership without doing the requisite groundwork. Many who take the teachings of others, and claim them as their own. There are those who claim credentials that are not earned, whether in the guise of a walk-in, reincarnate master or academic. All in duality will fall in and out of integrity at times. You are here to learn through cause and effect. There is grace for all who make honest unknowing mistakes. There is rectification for those who make errors in judgment in choosing the wrong path even while knowing it is wrong. Every error can become a stepping stone. We encourage all on the path, all in leadership, all seeking wisdom, to examine self, in solitude. The point is to take time to re-evaluate and calibrate. Indeed those of wisdom and learning realize it is a disciplined journey, and one of leadership must avoid the ever present pitfalls of self aggrandizement and ego imbalance.

The intent to be a better person is requisite, yet in the balance of standing in truth. It is not about wearing rose colored glasses nor pointing fingers. Sin is defined as knowledge not utilized.

Facing Self

Such an undertaking in that termed a powernode, infinity point or sacred site is extremely valuable. The fast in the infinity point offers the ability to go beyond the ego. In truth one faces and experiences what will occur in ‘death’. A virtual review of life can occur in the visions of questing, akin to what your religions refer to as the (after-life) ‘judgment’. Yet in questing it validly is reviewed and experienced deeply while you are still in ‘earthen life’. As such it is an extraordinary opportunity enabling contingency in physicality to see the errors & make the adjustments needed for betterment.

It is difficult to do this in the comforts of one’s home. Nor does it usually occur in the first attempt. It takes effort, courage and will. Vision takes place above 3d and in coded light in the stilled voice of the ‘third language’, heard in the third eye gateway. The ego of self righteousness will deny it, above ego the higher self calls for it. Specific embellished nodes ‘sacred sites’ on the planet are capable of amplifying such seeking. The ancients knew this.

Sacred sites are teachers, and they teach in the third language, the unspoken resonance of light. The Native Americans understood this and always made an offering and asked permission before entering a holy place. When a pilgrim enters a sacred site in reverence, an energy envelops the human auric field, and one’s entire being is shifted. One learns through stillness, through quieting the inner narrator and by allowing the wisdom to flow inward. The wisdom of ‘Universal Knowledge’ is activated within one’s higher self and within your very cellular DNA.

SEDONA : Purification Crucible

Certain types of sacred sites, primarily those that emit light through an octahedral geometric overlay, purify you. They literally force one to face imperfections and parts of life-pattern habits that are in conflict with your higher self. The seeker becomes purged through the crucible of deep self-examination.

Sedona is such a ‘crucible’ vector, it provides a matrix of purification. Sedona is an energy that bubbles up all that does not serve you. It can be said that Sedona was truly never meant to be an area for inhabiting of habitude, rather a place of vision and introspection. It projects a telluric energy prone to intense ‘electrical’ spikes, not always conducive to emotional tranquility or agreement. That is why many who reside within the core center of this energy are susceptible to erratic and extreme emotional highs and lows and eccentric behavior. Yet it is and remains a perfect energy for questing. And indeed, despite what some may feel, it has not lost that quality…quite the contrary.

Sedona is quite beautiful in its red rock environ, indeed many are captivated by its visual allure. It is an extremely high energy, and while some are capable of adjusting to its highly charged voltage, others find that living outside the electric vortex is far more tranquil. It is indeed an energy of inspirational amplification, but not sustainable for all. The channel suggests that the vortexial parameters of Sedona vary. We will verify this observation. Depending on astrological and telluric measures, the circular diameter can be approximated from 18 miles to 75 miles. Yet the pattern can also shift from circular to ovalesque.

Sedona now has a semi permanent anionic plasmic pool circulating within its counterclockwise rotational field. This is a result of natural magnetic attraction from the massive energy injection of the solar radiation. This is increasing the potency of the vortexial fountains. The plasma fluctuates as far north as Lake Powell and as far south as Scottsdale.

Not every point within the greater vortex of Sedona is what may be termed an infinity point. Not every person who quests or meditates in the stargate of an infinity point will be able to raise their frequency sufficiently to have the visionary experience. You see, access to travel within the energy of the portal points fluctuates according to Cosmic and astrological forces. Access also varies, with the specific vector of space-time continuum, as to how these powernodes, infinity points will define themselves according to where one stands based upon space and time. Does one stand upon the past, the future, the present; from which dimensional vector does one approach it? All of these influences change the physics & geometry with each variance of view, you see.

Portal : Infinity Perception

Accordingly, verification of how an individual perceives an infinity point will vary. A third dimensional human will perceive and interpret based upon their light quotient, their awareness and integrity. One may see the portal here or the transference of energy there, and they will interpret it differently, individually.

If you would approach the same portal from a coherent standpoint, it will define itself differently, and each place that you would stand, each varied stance, would offer to you a different perception and a different definition. One’s purpose for questing, the attitude projected must harmonize into harmonic coherency with that termed the ‘Spirit of Place’.

There are those, however well intended, that speak of visiting ‘power points’ for the purpose of activating them, aligning them and anchoring them. In truth it is the power point that activates, aligns and anchors the human. And each human will receive this in a way tailored and defined by their light quotient, attitude and system of belief.

Infinity points, sacred sites, if you will, involve all that you would term the crystalline codes (of the platonic solids) … and more as well that are not revealed. They are not revealed, because humanity is not yet sufficiently perceptive. The conscious mind attempts to make logic out of it, you see. When an expansive paradigm is encountered, the logical mind attempts to fit it into what it already knows and into the frame confirmed by the ingrained mainstream science; so the mathematics, the logarithms, the algorithms, all would attempt to locate how to fit the new concept. And of course it would not fit because it is based upon a crystalline essence, and so it would be misunderstood or dismissed. And so the better understanding of the cosmic matrix and the interplay on and with the infinity points on your Earth are waiting for the human group mind to expand a bit more into comprehension of that greater reality.

We would say to you that in 2013 there is even greater light that circles about your planet now, wishing to enter into your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold 3d logic, it is not confined to ocular vision, it is not the light of yesterday, but it is the light of coherent expansion.

And we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately, and this is only by intent. This subtle brilliance is available to humankind, to the individual by self-projection. You can apply and avail yourself of it, but YOU must call it forward, and become it. You must engage the light of the truth of wellness within yourself. Because in seeking greater knowledge, one does not always seek or choose to include wellness, self love, but they are synergistically required to do so in achieving the crystalline vibration. Self Love and wellness are complimentary, and each of you will benefit by it.

Sedona – The Alchemy Is Still There !

Sedona is such a ‘crucible’ vector, it provides a matrix of purification. Sedona is an energy that bubbles up all that does not serve you. It can be said that Sedona was truly never meant to be an area for inhabiting of habitude, rather a place of vision and introspection. It projects a telluric energy prone to intense ‘electrical’ spikes, not always conducive to emotional tranquility or agreement. That is why many who reside within the core center of this energy are susceptible to erratic and extreme emotional highs and lows and eccentric behavior.

Yet it is and remains a perfect energy for questing. And indeed, despite what some may feel, it has not lost that quality…quite the contrary. It is in truth more potent in 2013 than at any time in its matrix. The Alchemy of the Sedona Vortex is absolutely still there !!!

Sedona is quite beautiful in its red rock environ, indeed many are captivated by its visual allure. It is an extremely high energy, and while some are capable of adjusting to its highly charged voltage, others find that living outside the electric vortex is far more tranquil. It is indeed an energy of inspirational amplification, but not sustainable for all. The channel suggests that the vortexial parameters of Sedona vary. We will verify this observation. Depending on astrological and telluric measures, the circular diameter can be approximated from 18 miles to 75 miles. Yet the pattern can also shift from circular to ovalesque.

Sedona now has a semi permanent anionic plasmic pool circulating within its counterclockwise rotational field. This is a result of natural magnetic attraction from the massive energy injection of the solar radiation. This is increasing the potency of the vortexial fountains. The plasma fluctuates as far north as Lake Powell and as far south as Scottsdale.

Not every point within the greater vortex of Sedona is what may be termed an infinity point. Not every person who quests or meditates in the stargate of an infinity point will be able to raise their frequency sufficiently to have the visionary experience. You see, access to travel within the energy of the portal points fluctuates according to Cosmic and astrological forces. Access also varies, with the specific vector of space-time continuum, as to how these powernodes, infinity points will define themselves according to where one stands based upon space and time. Does one stand upon the past, the future, the present; from which dimensional vector does one approach it? All of these influences change the physics & geometry with each variance of view, you see.

Accordingly, verification of how an individual perceives an infinity point will vary. A third dimensional human will perceive and interpret based upon their light quotient, their awareness and integrity. One may see the portal here or the transference of energy there, and they will interpret it differently, individually.

If you would approach the same portal from a coherent standpoint, it will define itself differently, and each place that you would stand, each varied stance, would offer to you a different perception and a different definition. One’s purpose for questing, the attitude projected must harmonize into harmonic coherency with that termed the ‘Spirit of Place’.

There are those, however well intended, that speak of visiting ‘power points’ for the purpose of activating them, aligning them and anchoring them. In truth it is the power point that activates, aligns and anchors the human. And each human will receive this in a way tailored and defined by their light quotient, attitude and system of belief.

Infinity points, sacred sites, if you will, involve all that you would term the crystalline codes (of the platonic solids) … and more as well that are not revealed. They are not revealed, because humanity is not yet sufficiently perceptive.

The conscious mind attempts to make logic out of it, you see. When an expansive paradigm is encountered, the logical mind attempts to fit it into what it already knows. As such the mathematics, the logarithms, the algorithms, all would attempt to fit the new concept. And of course it cannot fit because it is based upon a crystalline essence not yet understood by humanity. And so it is misunderstood or dismissed.The better understanding of the cosmic matrix and the planetary interplay with infinity points on your Earth are waiting for the human group mind to expand a bit more into comprehension of that greater reality.

We would say to you that in 2013 there is even greater light that circles about your planet now, wishing to enter into your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold 3d logic, it is not confined to ocular vision, and it is not the light of yesterday. Dear Ones, it is the light of coherent expansion.

And we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately, and this is only by intent. This subtle brilliance is available to humankind, to the individual by self-projection. You can apply and avail yourself of it, but YOU must call it forward, and become it. You must engage the light of the truth of wellness within yourself. Because in seeking greater knowledge, one does not always seek or choose to include wellness and self love, but they are synergistically required to do so in achieving the crystalline vibration. Self Love and wellness are complimentary, and each of you will benefit by engaging them into your field of awareness..

Wesak Full Moon Eclipse of 2013

In 2013 there is a unique and powerful Triad of Eclipses that are incredibly charged. This is an opening in which the “Guardians of Earth’ will be present, particularly so on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 25. It is termed the WESAK by Buddhists. From the apexial window of May 23 – May 28 the Sedona Vortex will be particularly embellished, and it is an incredibly potent time to pilgrimage to Sedona for Gatherings in Prayer, in Ceremony and Meditation.

Wesak 2013 is a phase in which Coherency is increased, and can merge with the inner heart. Divine Light can be more easily received by induction and then be projected from within. You see, Divine dimensional light for each human is ultimately transmitted from within your own being. It is based upon the energy of one’s own truth, the confirmations that are the Cosmos, and from that place they are aggregated.

They are expanded within you as only coherent light frequencies can be, and then vibrate themselves into the mind and heart where, by the magic of your intent, they are converted to wisdom. But it is important that you will know that it is energy that you send, energy that you receive, energy that you speak and that you guide and that you call upon that reveals to you your true divine self. Points of light and infinity dot your planet, and they offer great acceleration, but the most important sacred site, you see, is within your heart, and you ever carry it with you.

The most potent energy of 2013 is not the equinox or solstice, rather the Full Moon Eclipse of Wesak.

The timing of WESAK in the May 24 Full Moon Eclipse will bring in the presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters, the Avatars of Kristos and Lord Buddha . Obstacles can be faced and released, prayers will be manifested as given in highest good. Ganesh is present. Clarify is enhanced, the veil will be thin. And we tell you the extended window is May 23 – May 28. No place is more appropriate for Gathering than the Crucible Purification Energy Resonance that is offered in the Vortexial Window of Arizona. Gather in groups, mediate in solitude, make time for both. It is an utterly astonishing energy.

One Step Back Befor Two Steps Forward

We will say that the energies of the Sedona Vortex are unbalanced in certain aspects, but they are ‘designed’ to be so.

The ionic ratio in Sedona is electro-magnetically in imbalance, but it is that one-sided accumulation of anionic charge that defines the vortex, and allows for visioning to be more accessible. The ‘veil’ is very thin in this region, in great part specifically because of these ‘ionic differentials. It is why many metaphysicians, writers, artists and such are drawn to Sedona. Inspirational states are more easily accessed. The other side of the same coin is that delusional ungrounding also occurs more frequently The very potency of geo magnetic and geo electric forces within the vortex system of Sedona are capable of creating an initial imbalance in those that visit there. Again, that is why it is perfect for purification rites. Sedona’s ‘crucible effect’ allosw for you to ‘see’ that which does not serve you, it allows you recognize & confront the unworthy aspects of your life stream in order to face them head on, and re-calibrate.

It bubbles up what one needs to face. The recalibration process of the vision quest pulls up what has been swept under the rug. And whilst it is a bit like taking one step backward, it is this very process that allows two giant steps forward. One does feel imbalance until balance is achieved, and it can only be achieved through purification. Sedona will stir, Sedona will agitate. It is so designed. The indigenous understood this, and accordingly only their teachers and adepts and certain ‘Medicine Elders’ resided full time within the vortex. The villages were largely outside the core of the vortex.

Even for those of advanced knowledge and relative balance, living in Sedona’s intensity is an ongoing challenge that requires consistent and constant effort. Sedona is a series of many energy springs that accumulate into one. But there are occasional periods in which each energy spring may be in a different frequency than the others. One may ebb while another is in peak. Add to this the lunar and solar wave influxes. The effect ( at peak-phases) is something like 20 radios all playing different songs on different stations at the same time. It can be overwhelming, and if one is noit conscious of the ongoing mechanics, can lead to emotional extremes. That is why one must constantly be aware of the energy spikes, and their potentials.

But we emphasize, and say again…it is the intensities, the surges, the ionics that create the ‘bubbling-crucible’ effect of revealing what is hidden. This is the nature of Sedona.

The Perfect Storm

The Vortexial matrix of Sedona is indeed a rare and yet perfect blend of energies for revealing what is hidden. It is the ‘Perfect Storm’. Not all vortexes are as such, each will vary, each will spin according to its purpose and design. Sedona is an intensity that can be either a stepping stone or a hindrance. It is capable of great spikes of energy.That is why some of the residents of Sedona may appear to be eccentric or imbalanced. The electromagnetic frequencial in power sites can in itself create what we will term an energetic pressure differential with the human CEF (Crysto-Electric Field) or auric field.In the process and period of equalization, auric fissures can occur, until such time as the balance is recreated. As such, there are times when it is prudent for the human to not overstay in power sites, until their auric energy is better adjusted to the harmonic. Those who choose to live in such sites will in time either gain the equilibrium or experience imbalance.


2013 is Year One of the New Earth and it will be a more gentle energy in many aspects than what you have experienced in the often tumultuous up-shifting occurring the past three years. 2013 is however, a very special, very powerful time. It is particularly suited for the Pilgrimage, the Quest and recalibration. It is a time in which powernodes, infinity points, those which you term sacred sites are projecting a new frequency through the designed injection of Solar Radiation. It is time for co-creation of the New Earth. It begins with re-calibration of humanity.

The geometry of Sedona is complex; yet it provides a window of perception along the path of Mastery. It is available for the serious seeker. It offers wisdom for those of courage. Within its ‘imbalance’ is the path to great and greater equilibrium. Learning to walk is required before one can run …much less fly. This is a great Truth. For it is precisely when humans are in a seeming conundrum, in a state of unbalanced discomfort , that some of your greatest insights occur. Deep questing can lead to clarity. It takes will. It doesn’t come whilst sitting on your couch. You see, it is not just academic knowledge, but the ‘experience’ of seeking higher knowledge that is required on the path of Mastery, for only through experience does knowledge become wisdom.

From the sacred and hallowed Star-Gate of Sedona, one can go very high. One may fly into the heavens, so far that the velveteen blue turns to luminous white…and from that place, looking downward, you will see that there is a reason for everything.

You are beloved!

… And so it is…


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

SaLuSa 10-June-2012 – Mike Quinsey

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –

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SaLuSa  10-June-2012.

The time has arrived for positive thinking and acceptance of events as they are expected to work out with no preconception as to how they should be. You know that Ascension will come regardless of how our plans for you work out, so just allow for their manifestation knowing that all is well. Matters are so near to coming out that you will be taken by surprise as to how quickly they will happen. We would rather that you focus upon the positive events, than spending time and energy concerning yourselves with what will happen to the dark Ones. Their fates are sealed and justice will be seen to be done.

However, our priority is to put the right people into places of authority and bring world peace about as soon as possible. From that point it will be easier to proceed with the plan for your wellbeing, and restore your freedom. Once you meet us we can then go forward together to Ascension, and commence to enjoy the many changes that will lift you up. In that period the energies will continue to raise your consciousness levels even higher, and unity of the people will take place because of the removal of barriers that were placed between you.

The Golden Age is about to be put in place and will delight you and thrill you with its beauty and harmony. It will be home to those who have lifted up their consciousness levels sufficiently to advance to the higher realms, and from there experience the freedom of having become Galactic Beings. At present because of your lower vibrations you are still restricted as to your movements within the Universe, as they will contaminate the higher ones. However, that is about to change as you rapidly continue bring down the incoming energies and take them into yourselves.

If you think back to a few years ago we feel sure you will notice the differences within yourself, and most likely calmness and clear thinking. As you progress so your social activities and choice of friends may also change, and you will be attracted to the more refined things in life. A peaceful existence will be sought and the extremes of emotional experiences less satisfying. You are now changing very quickly and consequently cutting your ties with much of the old accepted ways of life.

There is no reason why you should not start to live as you expect to when the New Age commences, as much of it comes from what goes on inside you. Your ideals and aims in life will be so much higher, and the seeking for self satisfaction ceases to be your main goal. Instead you will put others first and that will give you great satisfaction. Hitherto Man has been inclined to selfishness and seek self gratification regardless of the cost to others. However, you are quickly becoming at one with your Higher Self and able to relate to your Christ Consciousness. That Dear Ones, is the path you will be travelling on and it is one that you will gladly follow.

Your present life is a conglomeration of so many lives that have taken you far and wide, to many countries and through many religions, beliefs and cultures. Yet although no two paths are exactly the same you gradually find yourselves coming closer together. It is only natural that it should happen in this way as you are all seeking the “way home”, and it forever urges you onwards. The upliftment you are going through now is just part of the journey, but a very important part that represents a quantum leap forward of great magnitude.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light have known for a long time that your journey was reaching a high point in your evolution. It was our joy and privilege to be chosen to accompany you and make sure it was completed as it was destined to be. All was decided upon millennia of time ago, and of late many more souls have joined you to help you be successful. Some have entered your families and stand out as having a most advanced level of consciousness. They have become known under various names such as Starseeds, Rainbow and Indigo children. Their presence is to uplift those around them and they will come into their own very soon. Listen to these wise ones for they have much to say that will ensure you successfully stay on your path of Light.

With the coming of Ascension some of you are understandably still concerned over the fate of young family members. Let it be clear that in the end times every soul will find itself exactly where it is intended to be, and will have been aware of their destiny before they incarnated. So please allow each persons life to follow its ordained course, and feel blessed that they chose you to be in their lives. There are of course many families that do not have such advanced souls amongst them, but nevertheless love passes between them all and that will remain a link that can bring them together again. Love is the most powerful energy of all and is the indestructible force that holds all together.

We will tell you again that you are very powerful Beings, even although your powers have been very restricted because of the low vibrations you exist in now. Yet as they rise up so your powers increase, and you will come to realize your powers of creation. Imagine reaching a point where you can create whatever you desire, but do not worry about misusing them as your consciousness levels will also increase. Be assured you would not be let loose with such creative powers until you knew how to use them correctly. You are beginning to understand how very much different your lives are going to be, and how little they now reflect your true potential. You are not however left on your own to fathom such things out, and at every stage in your lives there are always more evolved Beings on hand to help you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as you evolve you will find that life in the higher levels is a beautiful experience and wherever you go you will be met by souls of Light and Love. There is a great coming together and all work in unity and Oneness, and all recognize The Source of their existence. It matters not what name you use for it as long as you acknowledge it as the alpha and omega of All That Is. We of the Galactic Federation have an open link to The Source, and our relationship is similar to yours with your Higher Self. We send you our love to help you on your way.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey.


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

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It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

SaLuSa 16-April-2012 – Mike Quinsey

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come Enlighten yourself on the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG. You can also add, send in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will help enlighten others.

***It’s in our hands to help others!*** 🙂

Also – Please post the link out on your social sites (facebook, myspace and twitter etc) so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***



SaLuSa 16-April-2012

When we speak of our allies we generally refer to those who are Lightworkers, at the front of activities that are occurring with our backing. They are the ones who are preparing the way for the greater advancement of our programs, that are restoring your sovereignty and opening up the way to Ascension. Yet in essence every Lightworker unbeknowingly or not is part of the Divine Plan, ensuring that it is successful. What our coming will do is enable us to provide the details of why we are here, and reveal that we will speed up the changes to complete all tasks as quickly as possible. We believe that will put peoples minds at rest as to our intent, and clearly indicate that we come in peace.

Our mission has recently changed from passive roles to ones that directly engage the dark forces, and we are enforcing the edict given to your military authorities that the use of nuclear weapons is not going to be allowed. We are paving the way for a declaration of world peace, from which point the use of any weaponry will be banned. As a precursor to such happenings, we need honest and trustworthy people in positions of power who will abide by such rulings. Hence, after the dark Ones are removed, we will support such appointments as we need them to get fully behind the changes. As a result you will be propelled into a new era when your rights will be restored, and power returned to the people.

Knowing what is ahead we ask you to take in any inconvenience in your stride, as it will be short-lived. Indeed you will have been advised as to the reasons, and will be able to see beyond the immediate problems. There is a meticulous plan that will avoid any chaotic conditions from developing, and we have anticipated all possible scenarios. What may at first seem insurmountable problems, will present no difficulty to us bearing in mind the sources we have at our disposal. Remember Dear Ones, that we have millions of craft involved in the changes within your solar system, and they can be with you in no time at all. We have the technology to keep your Earth in balance, and we have been doing so for quite a long time. It is the same where pollution is present, as we have been keeping that in check until it can be completely cleared.

For us, disclosure will be seen as the pinnacle of success, as we can then involve ourselves directly with you and there is a lot to do. Clearly once the media is released from the control of the Illuminati, much that has recently passed and gone unreported will be revealed. For example the present task of bringing criminals to justice who have committed crimes against Humanity, should be front page news but it is not. However, it will grow to such proportions that it will soon be impossible to be ignored. We have a plan to provide our own news outlets, and once we are introduced to you it will become a necessity. Be assured that we have the means of providing whatever is needed to make sure every soul is aware of what is coming, and that each one is offered the chance to ascend and what it requires.

In the meantime we must say that the Lightworkers have done exceptionally well in getting you this far. Some have suffered for their troubles, but have had solid faith and willpower to continue their tasks. The Spiritual Hierarchy has been instrumental in ensuring success, by arranging for many Lightworkers to incarnate on Earth especially for this important time. Be assured that if you have as yet an unfulfilled task, you will be called when the time is appropriate. It will not be long before you find out, and many will be required to carry out work within their communities. If you are in the know about the future, your knowledge needs to be shared with those who need informing. The truth cannot be concealed any longer, and clearly the more you can open peoples minds to other possibilities the better.

Life has to go on in its daily routine, as what is coming will not change it for some time yet. It is first a re-structuring of society that creates a foundation for the new paradigm, and then your lives can be raised up bit by bit as we cover your needs. It is about ridding society of the lack deliberately created to keep you in poverty and enslavement, so that you become lifted up to a standard of life where it can be enjoyable and a happy experience. It is not intended to place you into luxury, but to give you all of the necessities that everyone is entitled to. There should not be such extremes between the rich and the poor, and there is absolutely no reason why you should not enjoy a high standard of living.

Be patient now that we are so near to meeting, as exciting times lay ahead and we have planned some outstanding ways of celebrating it. Naturally you will want to see our craft in their hundreds, and a magnificent flyover is going to take place. That should eradicate fear, and when you see that we are members of the Human Race the link between us will be undeniable. We have told you many times that we are your family, so you would expect us to appear very similar to you. As you have found out there are also Humanoids amongst us, but bear in mind they area also highly evolved and members of the Galactic Federation. Our mere presence amongst you should be sufficient for you to realise that we are Beings of love. You may not be conscious of your ability to “feel” the energy of any individual, but we know that you will feel ours of love and peace towards you when we meet.

Major events are weeks away now rather than months, but allow for the initial sorting out to settle as it involves quite a lot of organizing. Obviously we are keen to get on with our tasks, but still have to make sure the time is right. It is not our way to rush things, as you have found out. We have a far reaching view of everything that is happening, therefore all of our actions are carefully drawn up for success, and that is what we promise you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

***Please send out link out to as many people as you know (facebook, myspace, twitter etc), so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***

***MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!*** – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

Or if you prefer an ebook format CLICK HERE

My personal site with links to online retailers to purchase my books.

Fine Art for your walls

Click here – Please come and join LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

Thanks for you support.

It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

*** IMPORTANT TO READ AND REPOST*** Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/28/12 – Greg Giles

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come Enlighten yourself on the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG. You can also add, send in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will help enlighten others.

***It’s in our hands to help others!*** 🙂

Also – Please post the link out on your social sites (facebook, myspace and twitter etc) so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/28/12

These events we speak of are not events that can or cannot happen, these are events that can happen and will happen because you made them happen. We of the Galactic Commands have said to you time and again that the events that so many of you wish to experience are within your grasp, but it is you as a collective that must choose to experience these events, and it is you that will make them a reality. How this is done has also been explained to you, but certainly bears repeating here.

The events you wish to experience such as the arrests of the leaders of the criminal Cabal, as well as a reunion with us, your Star Families, can be manifested by your consent and your intent. Action is then necessarily applied and the reality you wish to experience is yours. This is how it works. Simple enough, is it not dear ones?

We at this time are asking for your permission to join you in your world and we see many of you welcoming us warmly. We also see many of you taking action to make your wishes a reality by helping to spread the word of our arrival. We also see many of you who have made your intentions clear that you wish to see the arrests of members of the criminal Cabal, and many who are also taking action to make your wishes a reality by assisting to spread this news as well.

As your efforts continue, the reality you wish to experience begins to manifest. If you stopped your efforts in this regard today, the reality you wished to create would begin to un-manifest and dissolve. The reason for this would appear to you to be a mundane reason, legal reason, technical issue, political issue and so on, but the catalyst behind these apparent reasons would be nothing but mundane, it would be because you as a collective chose to no longer manifest this reality.

This is important to understand today as so many of you, our Lightworkers who were chosen to be here to help manifest a new reality for this planet and her people, choose to sit by and wait for events to happen for them, instead of making events happen by them. Do you see and understand the difference? We see many of you asking for us to make ourselves known to you, to offer you proof of our existence and our intentions by placing this proof in your hand, but we tell you again we cannot reach your hand until you create the circumstances that will facilitate this meeting. We ask you at this time to get more involved, to refrain from demanding proof, and make your chosen reality your reality. Choosing is not nearly enough at this time, you must also act to see your chosen reality manifest. Will you begin to take action? That is the question we pose to you today.

So many wait on you and your fellow Lightworkers to get your job done. So many eyes are upon you as we await you to spread the news of our existence and of our peaceful intentions. So many eyes are upon you as we await you to inform your brothers and sisters of the imminent arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal and what these arrests mean to them, yet we see on a daily basis so many of our trusted family members wasting valuable time sharing in their social networks every kind of unrelated content. We tell you the time for sharing this kind of irrelevant information has passed, and it is now time to focus, focus dear ones at the tasks at hand. We ask you to set the table for the arrests of the criminal Cabal that will then open the door for our arrival. Will you do that? Will you complete this part of your mission? Would you give your undivided attention to this assignment until this part of your assignment is complete?

Moving on to our side of the operation, we are again very pleased to report that the numbers of the Cabal’s space fighting forces is dwindling down to nothing. Soon they will be bereft of any space capabilities, and this will be a very important milestone for us to reach. Once entirely free to safely travel through the space surrounding your planet, we then can proceed with advanced phases of our space operations.

As we have said, we will now increase the frequency and the quality of the sightings of our craft all throughout your world. The United States will also begin to receive more flyovers of our craft as well, as the numbers of those military units who stubbornly remain aligned with the Cabal are also quickly dwindling. As we have said, these units who refuse to comply with your new system will be dealt with just as their counterparts of the space commands have been dealt with. Their days are numbered as well, and soon they will face the consequences of their choice. There can be no other way for them, as they will not be permitted to wriggle out of what they have created for themselves at the last moment. It will not be permitted to work like that. Not this time.

The men and women of your criminal Cabal also face justice for their actions, and they now see this as inevitable. How abruptly their visions of their futures and of the prison planet they hoped to create have changed. Do you see dear ones how quickly your reality can change once suitable choice, intent, and action are applied? As recent as even a few months ago, the leaders of your Cabal still believed the future of their prison planet was inevitable and nothing or no one could stop it. Some even spoke of this publicly, arrogantly boasting to the face of the public that was to be enslaved.

Today, the members of the Cabal sit and wait for their time to be led away in handcuffs, taken into custody to face justice at the hands of those they wished to enslave. No longer will you hear them speak of their New World Order. It is now time for the people to have their say.

Do you see how quickly your reality can change? Do you see what you can all do when you set out to change your reality? There is nothing you cannot accomplish together by applying a few principles of manifestation. Today, do you wish to see the arrests of these criminals? Today, do wish for us to begin our landings? Then make it happen. You know how it’s done.

For those of you who have been working so hard on the tasks at hand, we thank you and applaud your efforts. For those of you who will now begin to undertake these tasks we thank you as well, as your participation is invaluable at this time. You will get the job done. We have faith in each and every one of you. That is why you are here.

Looking towards the days ahead, we see these arrests that are so important to this operation making their way to the general public through your news media. There are many members of your criminal Cabal who have begun to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigations. Many more arrests are now being scheduled, and the number of those that will be taken into custody grows by the day. Soon your world will be purged of all that is dark and these arrests are nearly the beginning, as your new Earth will be pure in light, and darkness will not abound anywhere in your new home.

Continue to apply the pressure on these dark ones by spreading the news of their imminent demise and just as importantly, what these arrests mean to the people of your planet. You all should know what these arrests will signify, and again we would be very pleased to see you celebrate this momentous event as this too will have an important impact on the people of your world. It is important your brethren see these arrests as good news and not more of the same bad news that is paraded in front of them daily by your news media. Your news media will also be experiencing many great changes in the days to come, and also how your news is brought to you.

Today, your news media is nothing more than a tool to enslave you through mind control programming and propaganda, mixed with paid advertisements camouflaged as news stories. This will change. Once we are free to begin our landings and more personally interact with you, we, with the assistance of our Earth allies, will be speaking to you through your media and we will have a lot to talk about.

There is so much ground to cover and so little time left to cover it, that we will be making our presentations available to all who wish to listen twenty four hours per day on certain networks, and broadcast to you information pertaining to our mission and also the important changes occurring in your world. Many of you will also be working with us at that time, and coverage of our working relationship will also be shared with those of your world. This is important, as it is vital to our overall mission that as many of your world as possible understand our peaceful intent and accept us in their world as we assist you make the many necessary changes to allow your ascension into the higher realms to proceed as smoothly as is possible. That is the goal of our mission, and with your assistance we will achieve that goal, and every man, woman, and child on the planet will benefit greatly from our efforts together.

There are many changes up ahead for you and we will detail for you what these changes are and how best we can together proceed through them. As we have said, there are yet challenges for you in the days ahead, and these challenges will test your will and determination greatly. You have throughout your many incarnations faced many different challenges, and the challenges for you up ahead may be as great as any you have faced before. With the Cabal safely out the way, we will be able to work with you, and together we will persevere through these difficult times and meet our challenges head on. Together we will succeed, and for this your reward shall be great and it shall be well earned.

There are many projects we must accomplish together and some of these projects will require great numbers of you to work with us to accomplish our goals. Your host planet has suffered much damage due to pollution, and much of this pollution is radioactive in nature. This radioactive waste must be purified, and we will have many teams assigned to this task, covering every square mile of your planet. You will have nothing to be concerned about regarding your safety either in the short term or the long term, as we have many qualified men and women who will train each of you in this field. We have highly advanced technology that will enable you to get this job done, and we see many of you will be eager to undertake this assignment. We have specially designed ships for this type of work, and each of you will be assigned a ship and you will join a crew for this undertaking.

We also have pressing matters to attend to involving your planet’s magnetic fields, as these must be returned to their pristine condition. Many of you will also be working in this area, and you as well will receive training from highly qualified personnel within our organization. We also have specialized craft for this field as well, and you will be properly schooled in all the different types of craft that make up our vast fleets and what these crafts have been designed for.

As we have said, many of you will go on to become official members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to being able to meet personally with many of you and discuss your futures with us. There are many more projects as well that must be accomplished before your ascension into the higher realms, and these projects will be discussed with you at length and detailed to you in the near days ahead. At that time, you can make your intentions known that you are interested in a position and which project you would prefer to be assigned. We will also discuss with you the opportunity to become a full member of our organization and what that will entail as well. We feel many of you will be very excited to begin your new careers with us, and as we have said, many of you are already members in full standing of the Galactic Federation of Light and your memories of this and of your past will be safely returned to you at the appropriate time. All of you would do well to prepare yourselves for quite a surprise, as your journey has been considerably longer than your current and relatively brief incarnation on Earth.

We see many of you being overjoyed upon the return of your cherished memories, and we look so forward to this day as well as you all have friends and family that have missed you greatly while you have been away on assignment. Carry on now with your current assignments and together we will accomplish our tasks at hand and meet in the middle for our family reunion and see to the successful accomplishment of our mission.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

***Please send out link out to as many people as you know (facebook, myspace, twitter etc), so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***

***MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!*** – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

Or if you prefer an ebook format CLICK HERE

My personal site with links to online retailers to purchase my books.

Fine Art for your walls

Click here – Please come and join LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

Thanks for you support.

It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

***IMPORTANT*** FOR EVERYONE TO READ AND REPOST TO FRIENDS*** THIS EFFECTS US ALL*** Love spoken here! – “New Government Regimes Worldwide…Day” – Message from the Ashtar Command

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come join the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

***It’s in our hands to help others!*** 🙂

Also – Please post the link out on your social sites (facebook, myspace and twitter etc) so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***



Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter #2 Feb. 23, 2012

Love spoken here!  –  “New Government Regimes Worldwide…Day”

Message from the Ashtar Command

NOTE from Russ Michael – another insightful, uplifting, thrilling behind the scenes and future events update.  How every blessed we are.  PLEASE–as requested below–spread the word as asked about this long overdue forthcoming avalanche of worldwide banker and political arrests to family, friends, and co-workers.  Bless us all . . . as we are truly so very, very blessed.  Celebrate this joyful  “end times” moment!!  WE are ONE.  (***Forwarded–as well–to my more than 70 Light Worker LIST HOLDERS)

Feb. 22, 2012

Telepath, Greg Giles

Ashtar Command speak

Care is called for at this time as we proceed with the many plans to free your world from your oppressors. The speed at which these events proceed is important at this time, although we do strive to maintain forward momentum as we push ahead with the many scheduled phases of this, as well as other aspects of the overall plan. We see we remain on schedule, and we also foresee no delays to this operation. Remain ever patient as you will experience the fruition of this plan, as we will not permit any obstacles to stand in our way. Many of you are waiting to see action, and it is action you shall see. By now many of you know what is asked of you, but these tasks do bear repeating.

Please look after your fellow human family members as many may experience fear and confusion upon seeing so many political and financial figures taken into custody simultaneously and also in rapid succession. The arrests will climb high into your political arenas, and it is here where we foresee the bulk of those who fear suffering a greater emotional toll. No one and no office within your world governments are off-limits, and legal indictments have already been prepared against some of your most powerful political figures.

They will be taken into custodyjust asanyone who commits a crime against another has in your legal systems, and they will enjoy no luxuries due to their alleged stature or wealth. They will be removed from their offices and positions within your governments and financial systems and will be arraigned in a court of law at which time the charges against them will be made known to them and to the public as well. You are the victims in these cases, and therefore you will be kept abreast each and every step of the way throughout these prosecutions.

We ask you to assist to spread the news of these pending arrests as to strengthen the impact of what they will mean to the people of your world. It is not overestimating these connected events when declaring humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical rule of those who have oppressed you for so very long. We see this day as your true Independence Day, and we see this day replacing in stature many of your current holidays which may have little to do with important matters of your world.

This day will be remembered and celebrated by all throughout your world no matter one’s nationality or religious background, making this a truly global holiday celebration. Many of you are impatient at this time awaiting action, and we say to you action is what you will see. You will not be let down in this regard, as nothing can or will delay these proceedings any longer. We see a date when you can begin to witness these events for yourself, and on this day this is what you will see. Get ready, as this day is not far off.

“What then?” many of you are asking. Upon these arrestswe, along with our allies, will begin the next phase of the overall operation which is to make our presence known to all of your planet who will not turn a blind eye to us. We have a very meticulous plan that we see successfully reaching its desired outcome, and upon our readings that a suitable number of you understand who we are and why we are here, we will immediately proceed with the next phase of the operation which is the landings of many of our ships and personnel that will interface with you, the people of Earth.

These introductions are necessary as many projects must get underway and it is you that will be undertaking them, with our assistance. These projects must be completed according to a restrictive time schedule, so as you can see we must begin these series of events as soon as is possible. Remain vigilant, for these arrests will be the catalyst for the many events to quickly follow. There will not be long delays between each successive project, as once the Cabal is obliterated there will never be a reason for us to slow our progress in any way.

You will witness a meticulously laid plan unfolding with precision each day throughout the rest of this year leading up to your ascension, and it is your ascension that necessitates the undertaking of many of these projects. Many of you will be taking a hands-on approach to many of these projects, and we look forward to working with you in the near days ahead.

There is much to do and as we said little time to do it, so prepare yourselves for your new careers with us, the Ashtar Command. We have been journeying throughout this universe on missions of peace and liberation for many eons, and through our travels and work we have enlisted many beings from throughout the cosmos who share our passion to assist worlds in their times of need.

Not all of our crewmembers and officers are of the humanlike species, and many of you will soon be meeting many different beings from many different star systems. Some of these beings will appear quite different to you and even sometimes what you have least imagined. We say to you that all the members of the Ashtar Command are ascended beings,which is only accomplished through love and spiritual understanding. There is never a reason for you to be fearful or concerned with your safety when interacting with any of these beings, and you will find that many different beings interact not only professionally, but socially as well, and many close friends have been made throughout our command.

We look forward to enlisting humans from your planet to join us as new recruits ready to begin your new careers that many of you may find quite satisfying in so many different areas. We also look forward to welcoming back some of our crewmembers who have incarnated into the physical to carry out their duties as our agents in the field. Your positions and stations await your return, and your careers will pick up just where they left off no matter how long it is that you have been gone. The Ashtar Command plans to see humanity’s ascension through, and remain here with you for a time afterwards ensuring the safety and well-being of the newly ascended human.

Upon the decision that our work here is done we will move on as there are many other worlds that can benefit from our assistance. We will never be far from you, and possess the means to travel back to these universal coordinates in quick time. Many of you who will become members of our team will continue to call this planet your home and you will have the opportunity to travel back here for visits and rest and relaxation. You will also have the ability to visit many other planets throughout this universe with your fellow crewmembers, and we feel you may enjoy these trips very much as well. There exists such a blessing of variety throughout this universe and there is something for everyone no matter what your particular tastes may be.

There are sandy beaches and snowy mountains and everything in between. There are scarcely populated locales as well as bustling communities if this better suits your liking. Your adventure will only be beginning once we make contact with you as a new life and a new career awaits you. This moment is just up ahead as events are moments away from unfolding in blissful excitement. Your buildup of anticipation has been long, and this also suits a very important purpose. All has been for a reason, and we see many of you understand this clearly. Your experience every step of the way has been carefully designed and implemented, and this is just as true for these last years and months as it ever was.

As a matter of fact, your recent history has been more meticulously orchestrated than any other time in your history. Nothing has been left to chance, and nothing about your experience has been overlooked. Some of you may feel certain aspects of your recent experience has been nothing more than a waiting game, but we assure you that it is we who have been waiting on you. As we have often made very clear, it is your world and it is up to you. We are assisting, this is all we have been permitted to do and we cannot overstep our bounds. We await you to reach certain levels of understanding and consciousness, and we also await certain actions to be undertaken by you.

Upon the reaching of these milestones, we can then assist you to reach another. At this present time we are focused on the arrests of the men and women of the criminal Cabal and we await the actions of our human Earth allies in the field. Again, you’re not waiting on us or our signal that it is time to proceed. This signal has been given by all parties involved, terrestrial, as well as extraterrestrial, and we see the successful implementation of this carefully laid plan at any moment.

We hope you enjoy this moment, you assuredly earned it, and as we have said, this event is merely the beginning as the fireworks will continue unrelenting for many months to come.

Your world will experience wonderful advancements throughout this period in your history and your world today will barely resemble your new Galactic society we will begin to create together. This would surely be a wonderful and exciting time to be here, and this is why many of you chose to be here today. You felt it was worth all what you knew you would have to endure to reach this point, and yet you made the decision without hesitation.

This is what awaits you dear ones. It is quite appropriate for you to display a childlike expectation of excitement, as this will all be new to you and you have not experienced anything new such as this since you were a child. Feel free to enjoy this moment and celebrate it, for it has taken you many long years to get here and you have earned every part of it.

Enjoy this moment, for it is your moment, as each and every one of you has contributed to your journey in one way or another. Your achievement has truly been a team effort, and all deserve to take part in your celebration.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

***Please send out link out to as many people as you know (facebook, myspace, twitter etc), so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***

***MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!*** – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

Or if you prefer an ebook format CLICK HERE

My personal site with links to online retailers to purchase my books.

Fine Art for your walls

Click here – Please come and join LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

Thanks for you support.

It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

Galactic Federation of Light – Greg Giles

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come join the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

***It’s in our hands to help others!*** 🙂

Also – Please post the link out on your social sites (facebook, myspace and twitter etc) so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***



Hand-in-hand we shall overcome all obstacles before us. There exists no one and there exists nothing that can stand in our way. You, as a 3rd dimensional human, have fared greater challenges and adversities than what you are experiencing today and we believe in you, all of you, and we know you can get through these last difficult times of your journey together and emerge out of it into the light of the higher realms. This is your goal. This is the main reason for your current incarnation and you are almost there. Do not let anything slow or stop you now, as nothing can.

Try to look at everything as a challenge that has been purposely placed before you, for indeed this is most often the case. Try not to look at your troubles and think “Oh, poor me, another problem”, and instead look upon these obstacles as another challenge that you will conquer, and emerge that much stronger on the other side. This is how we see your journey every step of the way, and this visualization technique may assist many of you to head into yet another test of your will and determination with renewed vigor and fortitude.

Up ahead we see better days for all of you, far better days, but we also see additional challenges as well. Prepare yourselves for both, and you will fair a lot better throughout these challenging times. All along your long journey you have received challenges that you were forced to overcome somehow, someway, but you also received help and guidance from above even if another of your human family was enlisted in this effort.

Today, we see many of you coming to the aid of your brothers and sisters and we are overjoyed at the display of brotherly and sisterly love for one another. How far you have all come in such a short period of time. You all have stellar families are looking on in admiration for your efforts to assist one another in your times of need and they are so proud of each and every one of you. They will be able to express their feelings to you personally in the days ahead when you will enjoy a long deserved reunion with them. We see this day approaching quickly, and each successive day we see further obstacles removed that today keep us apart.

Much continues to develop behind the scenes and we would like to share with you a little of what has been going on. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, have many divisions whose task it is to seek out and neutralize any hostile forces that wish to interfere with us as we offer assistance to worlds such as yours. Here in your world we have encountered a fighting force of reasonably substantial size and strength, but nothing we have not dealt with before and nothing we cannot handle in any way. Our teams are actively scouting for these hostile forces, and upon locating them we neutralize them and remove them from this area of space without any attempt to harm any personnel within these crafts, although the same cannot be said for our opposition as they continually make every effort to harm our personnel with everything that they have got. Continue reading

SaLuSa: February 24, 2012 – Mike Quinsey

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

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Also – Please post the link out on your social sites (facebook, myspace and twitter etc) so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***



SaLuSa: February 24, 2012

You hunger for the truth as you come to realize that for eons of time it has been kept from you, and that much of what you view as your history has been fabricated to suit the aims of those involved.

Perhaps the most important omission is evidence of our visitations to Earth, and the contacts we have made. However, through archaeology for those who eyes to see, there is evidence going back thousands of years.

Some of it is undeniable, even to the point of showing that craft were in your skies long before you took to the air.

If it had already been accepted that we were constant visitors to your Earth, and had meaningful contacts when we imparted knowledge to you, it would have been so much easier to make Disclosure. In fact, in some ways it might not have even been necessary to do it at all, as our link to you would have been understood, and our visits would have already been openly taking place.

So it is now left to our Allies to create such pressure on your Government, that they will ultimately have to give in to your request for the truth to be acknowledged where we are concerned. Both your Government and Military are well aware that in one way or another, our presence will soon be made known if only because we are in conflict with those who refuse to make peace, and instead create war.

It can commence as soon as the media decide to allow the truth to be put into print, and that outright lies and false information are rejected. There are some moves towards such changes but it is not fast enough for us, so strong pressure will be applied until the breakthrough occurs. We along with you have waited patiently for a long time to see the dark Ones move aside and allow the New Age to begin. The Galactic Federation will consider direct action if the impasse remains much longer. They know that we have already done where their underground bases are concerned, and that we mean business when we decide to act. Furthermore, they do not have the means to thwart our plans any longer, as the Light is formidable when used for the good of all.

Like you, we want to see quick progress and not continual delays, and we intend to make sure things begin to happen that everyone will be aware of. There is much in progress and it is creating openings for our allies, and we are encouraging them to step in and take them. Be assured that results are going to come to your notice, and it will be the time when you will absolutely know the countdown to Ascension has started. That you have a date for the completion of this cycle is wonderful, as it means you have something to set your sights upon as you count the days that remain. The people that front the freedom movements that press for release from the old ways of dictatorship, are really the pioneers that have set the scene for even greater achievements. All changes have to commence somewhere and sometime, and from small beginnings the Light shall take over from the dark and deliver the promises made to you.

Sit tight yet not in tension as all is well and you will find that all of a sudden a whole series of events will take place, clearly showing you that your expectations are being fulfilled. We protect you and Mother Earth and have done so for millennia of time, and shall continue to do so. It will be more obvious when we can finally meet with you openly, and when we can it should be a most enjoyable change of direction for you. To know that you are finally safe from the attentions of the last cabal will bring a rush of joy and excitement, and a great time acting out the final plan for your Ascension. For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness. It is another area of development that we shall help you with as soon as it is possible.

When you think of what is planned for you, we hope it lifts up your hearts and you spread the feeling of happiness it should bring you. Naturally those souls that have remained with closed eyes and ears where Ascension is concerned, will be the ones confused and even frightened of the changes for which they have not made preparations. They deserve the same attention and help as anyone else, so that they may also leave duality on Earth in the knowledge of where their future lies. This experience will achieve much in time, as it will remain in their subconscious memory until it can serve them again. They certainly will not have to start at the bottom of the ladder again. Like any other soul they will progress because it is impossible to stand still, as even if it is not perceptible, everything is in state of change and is the one constant in the Universe.

In the future you will have much more knowledge and understanding of the Universal Laws, and with full consciousness you will have no problem in adhering to them. It can all be summed up by living from a point of Unconditional Love, and although a great challenge in your present circumstances it will become easier as you ascend. Dear Ones try to live to your highest understanding of what it is to be an ascended being, and you will soon find out how far you have progressed. Bear in mind that All Is One and that should help you overcome most difficulties you are likely to encounter. We say that because many you of you have been brought up to think of people, in little boxes that have labels on them rather than see one complete Human Family. You are not expected to reach perfection now, indeed that would be extremely difficult until you reach a much higher level of consciousness.

For those of you who like to keep abreast of what the different sources are reporting, you might have noticed that there is slowly a convergence of information taking place. That is a sure sign that the time lines are beginning to come together, but you will still find some that are more extreme than others. Those who uphold religious beliefs tend to be on their own, as they feel bound by the apocalyptic prophesies of their ancient teachings. Many are no longer applicable as they were given at a time when they seemed possible, but events since have changed the outcome. This year will sorely test their beliefs, but obviously like anyone else they have a future of their own creation.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and give you my Love to help you on your way.

Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey.


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

***Please send out link out to as many people as you know (facebook, myspace, twitter etc), so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***

***MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!*** – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

*IMPORTANT* Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 19/02/2012

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come join the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

***It’s in our hands to help others!*** 🙂

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light  2/19/12

You want answers. Please quite yourself for a moment. There will be certain events unfolding within the next few days that will alter the course of your lives on Earth. The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest, and we would suggest you prepare yourselves for this. We see some disruptions to some services, but not many as these beings are taken into custody, and we would like all of you who have informed yourselves of the importance of these events to share this information far and wide and also educate others as to their relevance.

Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor. Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.

We would like you to know that great sums of time and effort have been put into the planning stages of these proceedings, and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, would like at this time to thank all our allies in the field who have dedicated so much of their lives to seeing this plan blossom. Humanity will be set free upon these arrests and this we feel is certainly a cause for celebration, and it is celebration we would be very pleased to see. Celebration will help to create the necessary energies that will allow others to feel what this event means to them, as many may be puzzled and even frightened by these proceedings.

There is nothing to be frightened about. These arrests are an important step on your way to ascension and you, as a society, will immediately begin to reap the benefits of their success. Many arrests will occur simultaneously, however, some arrests will follow on successive days. We will do our best to see to it that no disruptions to these arrests are made by outside influences such as the portions of militaries that have not aligned with the plans for your new Earth. They will also be dealt with in due time, but for now, we will simply keep them neutralized so they cannot thwart any of these proceedings.

We always have your safety in mind as a top priority, and we strive to see to it that no harm ever comes to you. Be advised, the cabal wishes to interfere with these arrests even though many of their ranking officials have agreed to surrender to authorities. They will fail at any attempt to stop or slow these proceedings, and we will see to it this is the case and protect our Earth allies and the public as to the best of our abilities.

Keep your eyes to your media outlets. It will soon become clear to you which companies have agreed to cover these events and which ones declined to be a part of this coverage. This will also give you a clue as to which media companies have agreed to align with your new system and even give you some insight as to which media companies will assist in the coming disclosure announcements. In time, we see all media companies complying with the new direction, but for now, the few who have made the commitment will suffice and we thank the men and women of these companies greatly for their courage and commitment to assist in the implementation of your new system.

Your new system will begin to come online within days of the removal of these obstacles who have thwarted every attempt at the initiation of the programs necessary to implement your new system. This is why they are being removed from your society, as we saw no other choice as their stubbornness and arrogance saw no end. This is the bed they have made for themselves and now they must lie in, and it will be quite some time before many of them achieve the necessary restructuring they need to again enter a society freely. We will make sure of this, as other souls need to be protected from these dark hearts.

Your society will also be shielded from these planners and schemers and be free to flourish to heights never before seen on your planet. To reach this goal, many changes will need to be made that will seek improvements in every conceivable area, and these changes will begin immediately upon word that a suitable number of these dark ones have been taken into custody.

The charges against these individuals will be varied, and there will be many charges levied against many of them. This will ensure they cannot wriggle their way out of these proceedings and reenter your society and once again wreak havoc on your systems. Please give us your support and demonstrate this support to others who will not immediately understand these proceedings, and take the time to inform them what they are all about and how their lives will now improve dramatically now that those who have plotted and schemed against them for many decades have been removed from their positions of power. Assure them that all is well, and in fact, have not been better for many long years and that your society will now reap the many benefits that can now safely be made available to you.

We have a long series of projects lined up that are ready for implementation, and we know many of you will be quite pleased and excited at what is in store for you. You will receive a new financial system as the old system of corruption will now see its last day with the removal of those behind its corrupt mechanics. Your new system will be based on equality and fairness, and each and every one of you will enjoy the natural flow of abundance that is rightfully yours and has always been. The men and women who you will soon witness being taken into custody have successfully plotted and schemed to keep you from experiencing your natural state of abundance, but upon their removal you will now receive what has been denied you for so very long.

We will discuss with you further your new financial system in due time, but let us today focus on the removal of these dark ones from your society. Stay alert and remain vigilant for the launch of these arrests as prior word may not be given to you. We will say that we, as well as our Earth allies, have given our signals that we are all set to move ahead with the operation and we see no delays or stoppages to our mission. Again, your safety is always a top priority with us and we will be on guard for you at all times and protect all of you as best as we can.

Please inform as many as you can as to the nature of these arrests and what they mean to your society as to strengthen the impact of them, as the many projects scheduled to follow depend upon the mindset of your people. We feel the momentum created by this event will be sufficient for us to launch the follow-up programs, and under the proper circumstances they will begin to be initiated immediately upon the conclusion of these initial arrests. Many other arrests will follow as well as the tentacles of the Cabal reach far, but we are confident these initial arrests will sufficiently clear the path for the initiation of the next phases of the overall operation. We promise you dear ones this will be quite a show and well worth waiting for.

You will be kept abreast of any new developments and other plans for the next phases of the operation through our channels, and soon we will be able to begin communications with you through some of your cooperative media companies. You will be able to witness these arrests for yourselves through certain media outlets, and we advise you to monitor your media and inform your brothers and sisters of which companies begin coverage of this event as it is important as many of you as possible witness these proceedings as this will be the signal that humanity is finally free from their oppressors.

We wish you all to know this day could not have been made possible without the tremendous efforts of all our agents in the field that we respectfully refer to as Lightworkers, and each and every one of you who have worked so hard to clear this path to your new reality. We thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to bring change to this world, and promise you that you will reap the rewards of all your efforts.

Keep in mind as you proceed into the coming days and the events they will have in store for you that we wish you to remain calm and balanced and to respond to the call to assist your fellow human family members if fear shall overcome them upon these arrests which may be startling for some. Not all will react to this news as good news, as many will see this as a bad sign or a rude awakening from their slumber. We ask you, our Lightworkers, to do what you can to calm others and reassure them that all is well, for indeed it is. Your planet is now on a firm path to ascension, and you will soon be welcomed into your Galactic community. This is an honor, and with this honor comes many new responsibilities and we wish you to know what this entails.

Firstly, as a member of a Galactic community you no longer possess the option to settle your differences with war, as war has never been a viable option. All of your differences shall be handled democratically, according to a proper discussion of the opposing viewpoints and a vote. There will be men and women overseeing your affairs who are highly trained and skilled to see to it that all your differences are handled in the proper and peaceful manner. There shall be no other means to settle your differences permitted if you wish to remain a member of your Galactic community.

Secondly, all the pollution of your world must be purified, and no further polluting of your planet will be tolerated. We will supply you with the technology and the training necessary to accomplish this goal.

Furthermore, we must insist that you all begin to treat each other with the respect you all deserve. Racism, bigotry, and hatred on any level is not suited for worlds that are members of the Galactic community, as this sort of behavior can be seen as a virus or plague and cannot be allowed to spread throughout this and other worlds.

The planets you will be joining in a peaceful and cooperative alliance have themselves shed their 3rd dimensional skin, and have experienced similar challenges and tests just as you have. To permit their worlds to fall backward after they have come so far because we allowed worlds who continue to exhibit signs of lower dimensional behavior to interact with them would be a dereliction of our duties as one of the management teams of this galaxy. We are sure you understand this, and we are certain you will agree that once your world enjoys the advancements of a Galactic society that you too will not wish worlds that may have the power to destroy all you have accomplished to interact with you.

Please understand, we do not wish to control you or force you to do anything you do not as a collective wish, and you do possess a choice at all times to withdraw from the Galactic community and once again isolate yourselves and be quarantined until you once again decide to make a commitment to higher dimensional ideals and virtues. We are confident that once you begin to experience what it is like to be a part of the Galactic community you will make great effort to maintain your communities and to continue to advance as a Galactic society. Not only will your world receive the benefits of advancement, but so too will you, as your programming will be advanced and you will enjoy many new attributes of your physical vessels. We look forward to assisting you in making this great leap from an isolated third dimensional world to a fifth dimensional Galactic civilization, and we are honored to be permitted to be your guides for this momentous occasion.

Please work with us as we do all we can to make this as smooth as a transition as possible, and please remember to look out for your fellow brothers and sisters who may need your assistance. You all have gotten here together, and together you shall continue on into the higher realms of this universe. It has been a very long journey for many of you, and we say to you that all of you have gone through many very difficult experiences and tests of your will and determination. This is why you are the ones here today, as it is you that have demonstrated that you have earned your right to be here at this time. There can be no other way, and you all deserve such credit for your achievement to grace this stage today. We salute all of you for choosing to be here through these difficult times, and say to you that your struggles will finally be over for good very shortly as we proceed with the purification of your world.

Remain patient. We assure you that you do not have long to wait now. The next phase of our operation is about to commence, and you will see just what we have been so busy with for many long months and years. The scope of these proceedings is quite enormous, and we are sure many of you will soon see just why none of this could be rushed and patience was instead called for to see the desired outcome achieved. These many investigations and legal processes took many thousands of hours of manpower, and the men and women of your human family who have taken part and have given these processes so much of their time, effort, and dedication, deserve much gratitude from their fellow brethren, and we see a day soon when you will have the opportunity to make your appreciation made known to them.

Until then, continue to do all you can on your side of the ball setting the table for these many connected events. We see all the hard work so many of you are doing and we thank you greatly for your efforts to bring about the changes that will clear the path to your new home and your membership within the Galactic community. The benefits of which are great and are many, and we are confident you will clearly understand that all your hard work has been well worth your efforts. Continue on now with your work and expect to see fireworks in the near days ahead. We assure you that you will not be disappointed. You have earned all you are to receive and this is your day, and we wish you to all enjoy it as it will be a day worthy of celebration.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

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***MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!*** – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

SaLuSa 13-January-2012 – Mike Quinsey

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Please contribute to this LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.


You have a saying that “there is no fool like an old fool” and that could be applied to the Illuminati because they are of the older generations. They have gone way beyond the time period given them to step down, and allow Humanity the chance to claim what is due to them and has been denied you for thousands of years. The Spiritual Hierarchy have offered them a way out that would guarantee their safety, so that they could be held in secure surroundings until they were called to account for their crimes against you. We simply want them out of the way so that the path to Ascension can be opened up and in doing so, know that it will go ahead without interference. Delaying tactics are not going to get them anywhere, as the Divine date for a leap forward looms nearer which will authorize us to use whatever methods we wish, to reign in the dark Ones. Their supporters carry little power but are spread far and wide and it is mainly of a nuisance value. They too are getting disenchanted with their responsibilities, as the golden egg will not be found in their nest and they will find that they will get little reward for what they have done for them.

Our approach and that of our allies has almost disembodied the power structure that has held the dark Ones together. They counter more opposition as people are rapidly awakening as to how they have been hoodwinked, and tricked into believing that steps taken in their name were for their benefit. In fact, the dark Ones have never worked for anyone but themselves to achieve their aim of world domination. They caused the destruction of two great civilizations and were so very close to adding yours to the list. It is now too late for them to alter their plans, plus our presence has limited their actions to ensure their failure. So Dear Ones, whatever you hear or read about vague threats from them, realize that they have had much taken away from them. Their roar may be frightening, but in reality they are more like the toothless tiger.

We have the answers to the worlds problems, but cannot thrust them upon you but we will be subtle and put ideas out so that you can find them yourselves. Indeed, some are known and openly discussed but it takes a lot of persuasion to go ahead. Humans have a natural propensity to hold onto what they have, and it takes time to convince them the merits of something different. For example the benefits of NESARA have been known for many years, but it has taken a long campaign to place it in front of those who could have sufficient influence to make it become a reality. Clearly debt forgiveness is the only answer to get out of the hole that many countries have fallen into, and have no realistic chance of getting out of by repaying their loans. Who will be brave enough to put that suggestion forward, well look around and you will find that one presidential candidate has mentioned it. Clearly there will be great opposition to it by those with vested interest in keeping the status quo, and their hands upon their wealth. You will find that once there are new governments and the old guard can no longer carry any authority, many benefits will start coming along. There are naturally priorities but even so there will be no undue delay once as you might say “the coast is clear”.

We have to keep our plans secret even if our intentions are known, and that way we expect to progress more quickly. We do move with the times, and because we are very flexible is why generally speaking it is best that we do not commit ourselves to exact dates. However, there will be a time once the dark Ones are out of the way, when we shall be more forthcoming as we would like to keep you in the know and involve you in our activities. It is after all, your Earth, your cycle of Duality and your Ascension, and we want you to be every much involved right through to the end times. Some matters involve high technology and are presently too advanced for you to have much input, so there will be exceptions. In the future many of you are going to join the Galactic Federation in their work, so it is only right that you start to involve yourselves with us. We would go as far to say that is why you are here today, and have been prepared for such work. The dark Ones may have been very clever or should we say crafty in fooling you for so long, but as Beings of Light you will not be in the least affected by their actions anymore. As with any soul, you leave yourselves open to the lower vibrations when you focus too much on their fear laden activities, so yes be aware of what is going on but quickly move on and leave it in the past.

The times you are in are so volatile and yet when you stand back they can be so interesting. They are showing you what happens when you lose your way, and forget that you are of the Light. Whilst it was known that you would drop down into the lower vibrations, the extent to which you would cut yourself off from your true selves was unknown. That was up to each individual and clearly some would fall further than others. What is amazing is your progress since Beings of Light were sent to Earth to help lift you up again. In a mere two centuries you have succeeded in creating a wonderful grid of Light around the Earth, and its presence has helped transmute much of the darkness that existed. This again has had the affect of reducing the power of the dark energies, and helped release people from their hold. It has been a great effort and success that is due to your bold intent to establish the Light once more on Earth.

From where we are above you and looking down upon your beautiful Earth, we are saddened to see the extent of the damage that has taken place. Mother Earth was once the Garden of Eden and one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. With your help, we can undo all of the damage and make good everything so that it is restored to how it was in the very beginning. From there we will go further and add whatever resonates with you to make it into a wondrous planet, that will be the jewel in the crown of God. Believe us Dear Ones, you will have no limitations placed upon you, and how happy and joyous we will all be.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoying this period that has lifted you up to new heights because you can sense how near you are to Ascension. The hard work you have put in will now pay off, as your path to success opens up and your preparations are brought to a conclusion with God’s blessing.

Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey.


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends. – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me,  or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed  form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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Click here – Please contribute to this LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG by adding, sending in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will enlighten others.

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It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!