Personal Development – Personal and Spiritual Growth Books

Enjoy the journey to your destination….

If you need to know something, get to know something about yourself

“Your inner strength is your outer foundation” Allan Rufus

If you are interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth, and know others who are, then these 3 books will be a great investment in your own Self-Transformation and make great gifts for someone else’s transformation.

Personal and Spiritual Growth Awareness is fast becoming important in one’s own life, as the outside world becomes more unstable and uncertain.

Your inner worlds stability is a way to help bring balance and control in what is going on in your own life, in your own world. It is something you can change and take control of through the power of your mind.
What is on your mind will reflect outwards in your thoughts, actions and deeds.

Two GREAT TOOL we have at our disposal is AWARENESS and IMAGINATION. We cannot change something if we are not aware.
Once we become aware, we can change our lives by using our imaginations.
In these 3 books, I bring you awareness so you can use your imagination to uplift and inspire your own life. Become your OWN Life-Coach Today.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge

A key to your inner treasure!

Listen to an Audio Excerpt

This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Excerpt from the book

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Art of Living

The old wise man was walking down a dusty dirt road on his way to the sea thinking happily to himself what a beautiful fresh morning it was, with the sun just peaking over the mountains he had just left behind shining and warming his back and casting his long shadow in front of him. “Greetings shadow self, nice to see you again, I trust you are well this morning and we shall continue to be at peace with each other like every other day.”

The birds were chirping and singing sweet songs, and flying around in search of a tasty meal at the beginning of their day. The buzz of the insects flying past and the flutter of the butterfly from flower to flower, as well as the hum of the bees collecting pollen to turn into honey were every day events that the old wise man liked to see, hear, smell and to feel what was going on around him. How amazing this all is, he thought to himself again, what a wonderful creation I am privileged to be a part of.

As the wise old man was going around the bend in the road, he noticed a young man standing on a stump by a tree holding a rope, part of the rope was tied around a high branch and the other part was a noose which was in his hands, which he was about to place around his neck.

The wise old man gently and quietly walked up to the young man and greeted him.

“Morning young man,” said the old man. “May I humbly interrupt you please for a moment? It looks to me that you are about to place that strong rope around your neck to hang yourself. If this is the case then please allow me to interrupt you for a few minutes of your time, so I can tell you a few things before you do, some things that may help you change your mind. Things that are important to the way you can look at life, things that will change your life for the better and will inspire you to love life, then I will be on my way and then you can carry on doing whatever you want to do!”

The young man looked at the old man with sadness in his face, and smudged tears around his eyes. The young man did not say anything except nodded that it was ok for the old man to say what he wanted to say.

“Please, sit down awhile on your wooden stump young master if you will,” the old wise man said in a gentle and kind voice pointing to the stump the young man was standing on. “It seems that you are not having a good day, maybe a good week or even a good year, but I would like to pass something onto you that can change that and then maybe you can still hang yourself, but this time by your feet and not your neck. This way you can still stay alive and be part of this wonderful world in which we live in, and this will help you to look at life from a completely different angle and with a very different view.”

The young man thought about it for a few seconds, then he sat down on the chopped bark-less wooden stump.

“I would like to pass on to you some Sacred principles in the Art of Living and Dying, and to share some Sacred Wisdom with you that will really change your world around if you would be willing to give it some consideration, and then slowly implement it in your daily living,” said the old wise man. “Sacred principles that will take you from a world from outer doing to that of a world of inner being.”

“We are all on a journey of self discovery, and it is not the end destination that matters right now, but what does matter right now is how you are in the present moment, the here and now, what you are thinking and feeling now, what your deeds and actions are now. That is what is really important to you today, and then in each moment of every other day is just as important. It is all about the now and the step-by-step you take in your journey to your destination that matters and determines your future and what you will also encounter in your future, as how you feel in the now will be your future. So don’t live life aimlessly and without purpose or the small insignificant things or problems will start to erode you away. I will call you young master because everyone is a master in the making, until you become the Master. Can you understand this young master?” asked the old man to the young insecure boy.

The young boy nodded.

“I can give you a Master Key that can open many doors, but you need to unlock the doors and walk through them by yourself. Unlocking the doors and going through them will release you from your-self created bondage and prison cell. That I cannot do for you. I can only pass on this Master key to you, and what you do with it is up to you.”

The boy nodded after listening, and he was happy that someone cared for him, and was taking the time to talk to him. He was also now very curious as to what this old man was going to say to him.

“Young master, what good is knowledge if you don’t put it into practice! Young master, what is knowledge?” the old man asked, but not waiting for an answer. “Knowledge is all the things and lessons you have learnt along your path up to this point in your life, and you will continue to learn more as you keep moving along your pathway to your destination. So, look at the greater picture of all your life and look forward to all the days that will come in your future, learn from your past and most importantly live positively in the NOW, in this present moment, which is a gift from the creator, and get your mindset balanced to be truly happy.”

“The journey to the centre of your heart is a challenging one, and there will be many trying moments when you will want to give it up, but each moment is there to teach you something, and it’s how you approach each of these moments which decide your highs and lows and your future and all our futures. We all reach different levels of understanding at different times, and the information that each of us comes into contact with will mean different things to different people, depending on their consciousness. We are all on different cycles, and paths which are leading us back to the Creator Source and it is up to us as individuals the direction we choose to go in, the people we choose to be with whether it’s forward, backwards, or even around and around and around. So choose these things wisely young master so as not to chase your tail!” said the old sage looking at the boy gently.

“The sculpting of our self is a never ending process. You decide what you want to look like by chiselling, moulding and trimming your shape, your personality – your Tree of Life. You have the power to add or subtract the traits you like and dislike. It is a process of moulding and carving the soul seed which you are to your liking. This seed grows to be the big you. You water the seed with knowledge as it grows, it takes years and years to get big, we all have to start as a seed, then turn into a seedling and then into a mighty tree if that’s what you want to be. The wisdom is your fruit which others can live off, and the seed can be replanted to go and bring life about again, a never ending process, the circle of life!” explained the sage.

“This tree you have chosen today is a very old tree, it has gone through many different seasons, good and bad yet it is still here, big, strong, tall and graceful, just like you can become over time. Look at the colours of the leaves, they are changing and will soon let go and be released to carry on their own journey, and the tree will be left bare yet still living patiently waiting for its spring to come around again and then it will rejuvenate itself to that of magnificent glory. We all need to let go of that which we no longer need, or no longer serves us at any given point in our journey, just like the tree letting go its leaves or parts of itself, the things that it knows would be detrimental to its survival at a certain times of the year, knowing well that it is part of the cycle of life. It just releases parts of itself, it does kill itself, and this is something you may want to consider young master.”

“See that negative engraving on the tree trunk?” said the sage pointing to a carving in the tree. “That has been engraved on the trunk by someone who is not looking at life in a positive way, and it will be with this tree for the rest of its life, it cannot get away from it, it cannot release or change what someone else has done to it, but you can, you have the power and consciousness to get rid of negative engravings you have allowed others to carve in you as well as the ones you have created yourself. You don’t have to carry those engravings with you for the rest of your life. You just need to become aware that they are there, and you can transmute them out of your being. You have the power and ability to let them go!”

“You have the power young master, you have the power!” explained the master confidently and pointing to the seated youngster who looked up.

“The changing point in my life was with my motto – as long as I learn something every day, it doesn’t matter how small or large that something is, it’s something that I didn’t know before, and have learnt and added to my knowledge and character. The wisdom only came later when I started putting it into practice,” said the old man delightfully. “It takes time, but gives you something to focus on. Focus and work on you young master, as you really matter in your life. I also went through a very bad time like you are now, but I decided to take the steps through the phase I was going through, and I eventually saw the clearing and found direction again. It is like walking in a dense forest, and you cannot see the way, which way to turn, no sunlight to help you get a direction, you feel lost, helpless, insecure, unhappy, sad, unsure, but then all of a sudden you come to the edge of that scene and you come to a clearing where you can see things at a….(To read the rest of this positive and inspiring book, click on the EBook or Paperback link below)

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus in EBook – INSTANT DOWNLOAD!

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus in Paperback Book!

“You inner strength is your outer foundation.” – Allan Rufus

Release your Limited Belief Structures. It is your time now, and what tune are you going to play?

You may have said “Please send me a person who can change my life for the better.” Well the teacher will appear when you are ready.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge will change your life ONLY if you are ready, and Open Minded.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – A key to your inner treasure.


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Self Discovery is something we will all need to do some-time in our life

One Response

  1. Thanks for compiling this list of spiritual growth books! I am excited to check out quite a few of them! I love books that can inspire and entertain so I have found myself more drawn to spiritual fiction books as of late. I have to recommend a fantastic spiritual fiction book by author Jay Allan Luboff entitled, “Harry Pond Looks Homeward: The Spiritual Adventures of an Ohio Farm Boy” ( The book follows Harry Pond, a Vietnam Vet returning home for the first time in three years. Almost as soon as Harry settles in there is something unexplainable and mysterious happening in his hometown. His Uncle Julius has had a personality change and is now keeping company with dark companions. The book soon becomes a battle between good and evil as Harry and his sister Becky try to save the farm from those who want the land for all the wrong reasons. They take on this mission with help from guardian angels, ascended masters, and show the reader that good always prevails It truly is a magical book that weaves messages of spiritual wisdom into it that can help anyone on their spiritual path. Hope you will give it a read and perhaps add it to your blog list next year

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