SANANDA – 19th August 2013 – Louise James

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A beautiful comment that I recieved and would like to share with you about “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” “THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world. I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life. This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.” NELSON D’SOUZA

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SANANDA – 19th August 2013
Via Louise James
© Ascension Explorers 2013
Greetings dear children, greetings into this most wonderful blessed place. A place that is saturated with the Universal Love. I am Sananda and I greet you with the love and the light that is embodied and imbued within my own energy. I resonate it out for you to take what you desire, what you need at this time. For this is indeed a glorious moment to breathe and acknowledge that which is the changes of the cycles of life.
For many things have been happening around the planet, many things have been drawing your attentions here and there. Is the world about to end? Is it being birthed? What about such and such and how do we proceed with preparations that we have been shown need to be done?
And I would say, dear ones, be at peace. Speak to the elements and allow them to hear your words of peace, allow them to hear you words of guidance and love. For when you are in balance within yourself, when you are a master of all that is within you then it is easy to be master within the elements so that they may respond and to resonate with you.
Remember, dear ones, you are the first step that you need to take. You are also your own master. There is none who can be master over you unless you choose to disempower yourself and place yourself within the arena of being under. But this night I am coming to bring a celebratory news. A time of that which is the great changes of life, the great changes of your planet, the great changes of all that is occurring.
Oh, many are waiting for the epiphany, many are excited for the end of this time that they call life because they so desire to step into the new world, the new Earth, the new life, that they forget that whilst they are here there is much to be done, many to be spoken to, many to be bathed, anointed with the love, the tenderness of caring, of compassion.
Many that need to have their words listened to. Similarly many that need to be told it is time to be silent. Dear ones, in the greatest of all loves of the greatest of all compassions I have come many times to speak to the human population, to my brethren, to those that I have communicated in lives past, those who I have walked with in lives past.
My message has not changed, my message is not any different to when I first walked amongst you. Oh it has been changed, it has been altered to suit the requirements of a given age of a given time by those who believe that they know best. But that is not what I am going to be speaking on tonight. Tonight is a night of true energy connection on doorways opening.
In many ways you are in the midst of a great planetary opening and I say it this way to bring to your conscious awareness the enormity of what is occurring. You see, I could give you parables, I could give you stories about the what if’s, the why’s and the how comes, but truly it would not make an iota of difference to you because it would be hypothetical.
So what I will do is I will say to you that at this moment around your galaxy, around your solar system, there are many turnings, many stars are beginning to fluctuate in their energy attracting to them similar star energy.
As they line up, as they come into the quadrants and as they come into the geometrical patternings of sacred geometry, what begins to happen is that which you call the life cycle begins to change. And this is the exciting thing because now is back to the originalities of frequency.
Now you are beginning to feel within yourselves the knowings and the understandings of why you entered into this arena, this place, this Earth. Why you came into this time of forgetfulness only to remember parts and parcels of why you are standing where you are standing, why you are sitting where you are sitting.
And to those that are physically not present but will be hearing this at a later time, I speak to you, I speak to you because your timing to hear this is perfect. You are in the exact moment of when your ears need to be touched by the words, and the compassion, the love that is here for you.
Your lives have brought you to a place of standing of observation and you are in crossroads, you are in moments of change, it is no strange thing that you are listening to my voice. Do not give up for you are on the brink of great discovery for self. Those who are present hearing my voice at this moment know that you are in a moment of change, a moment of expansion and a moment of acknowledgement.
You are in your perfect place. Because within the perfection of your creation of being so it is that you are able to observe all that is going on in and around you. And just like in the days of old where you had governments coming up against you and you had belief systems being rocked and had riots happening in the market square and oh, all sorts of things, taxes.
And yes my dears, even in the days when I walked upon your planet as one of you they had their own dilemmas, questions. And it is such that the questions have not so much changed it is just how often and how differently they are being asked. But look around you, dear ones. The sun still rises and then it sets. The moon comes up in the beauty that she is and then there are days that she hides from you.
The flowers in your gardens and in the fields and in the forests, do they concern themselves on how they will find nourishment and warmth? No. Do the birds as they travel from tree to tree, from field to field, from nation to nation, do they burden themselves with navigational properties? Do they burden themselves with baggage and luggage?
Do they burden themselves with even the thought, ‘where is my next meal?’ No they do not for is it not provided for them? Is not nature ensuring that it is looked after? Likewise dear ones, I would remind you that you have been given multiple, multiple ways and truths within yourselves to know that beyond a shadow of a doubt you will be provided for and you will be in the right place at the right time.
You are in a time of learning, a time of exchange where you are exchanging the old ways of your heart, the old ways of your memories, of your behaviours, of your thoughts, and you are taking into yourself new patternings, new designs.
You are creating for yourselves an awareness of new concepts of love, new concepts of acceptance, of being in the moment of bliss. Never doubt the love that I Sananda have for you.

Never doubt the love that I have for this planet. For as she goes through her shifts and changes she will, no matter where you are upon her surface, she will go through what she needs to do.
This then releases you from the Earthly realm in a manner of speaking, to transcend and to connect at the energy level that you need to connect to so that you are able to be free at that moment of the density that is occurring so you can connect to the energy of the esoteric that is waiting for you to take you into the next level of understanding for your own growth.
Do you believe that she shakes and quivers and explodes for the fun of it? No, dear ones. The fun, the joy comes when you and your energy come to the realisation that the quivering and the shaking of the surface of the planet of this Nation is only to bring you to an awareness of release that you can breathe out that which is forever troubling you and then breathe in that which is the new patterning, the new way of being.
‘But that is too simple, Sananda, surely that is too simple’. This is what they said when I said ‘love your brother as you love yourself. Do unto others as you would have done to by yourself’.. If I were to ask you dear ones would you slap your own face in anger, would you berate yourself and strike your chest with a implement to inflict pain upon yourself because you were distressed with yourself?
Would you do it? No. No you would find some other way to release the tension and the stress and the distress. So why would you raise a hand against another that is distressed even if it is your distress with them or their distress with you.
Treat them, love them as you love yourself, just as you would ensure that you are nourished, warmthed, covered, your thirst quenched, so you should look to the others and see how it is that you may assist them. Am I saying that you should all now run out to the streets and ensure that everyone is clothed and warmthed?
No no I am not saying that. But when the situation arises, when you find yourself in a situation, do not turn the other way and say ‘I do not see it’. This is the old paradigm, this is the old way, you are moving more and more into a new paradigm, a new way of being where it is the heart energy co-joined with that which is the balance within that you will find your love, your compassion comes naturally, flowing. Energies all around are connecting at this time.
Energies are coming in from many, many dimensions. They are being magnetised to this planet for the sole purpose of observation, encouragement, teaching, and challenge at times of Gaia and the Human race as you process and progress through this next period of time. ‘Sananda, I heard that we were done with the challenges, I heard that this was the easy time, I heard, I heard, I heard’.
Yes, you heard right, and yes, the big challenges are over but you will still face your own challenges within yourself so that you know that you are constantly evolving, constantly changing, constantly rising above the paradigm, coming above the markers, coming above that which is your connections. Because dear ones, you are indeed chosen.
Chosen by many and more importantly chosen by yourselves to rise above that which is, shall we say, mulling around and dirtying the water. You have chosen to experience what it is to be in a density, you have chosen to experience what it is to be loveless and not receive the compassion and the love that is for you.
You have also chosen to be in relationships and situations where you have given love, you have received love, but that love has been become wearisome due to circumstances and situations that you are now and have been in. It is time to release this, it is time to allow the Universe to open up the star portals and the energy connections to bring to you that which is the sweetness of this moment.
Oh, my dear friend of the Ascended Masters of the week previous, the Quan Yin, spoke of gathering the fragments, the parts of you, bringing it back in that you may integrate. Dear ones, it is time to expand the virtue of looking for the parts, it is now time to say ‘I welcome all the parts, from wherever they are, let them come. I welcome the completion, I welcome the wholeness’.
And then, do not hold your breath expecting it to come in front of you, but have an expectation from that moment on that you will be faced with circumstance and situation where you will be shown yourself to yourself by yourself and by the Universe that you may integrate, marry up and bring into completion the parts of your energy, of your soul family, of your soul being.
‘Sananda you sound as if there is an agenda, Sananda you sound as if there is a timing issue here?’ Yes, I have an agenda, the agenda is love. The agenda is love yourselves dear ones that you may be whole, that you may teach others to be whole so that when the transition of energy and physicality comes you are in a place of receiving, you are in a place of balance, a place of completion.
So when the time comes for this old Earth to literally roll away you will be ready to step into the new Earth, the new dimension and the experiences there. I have an agenda of love, I have an agenda of assistance, I have a plan and a purpose to bring to as many who will hear the voice of my voice, the knowing and the idea and the understanding that they are indeed competent beings, well able to achieve whatever they set their minds and hearts upon.
Dear ones, far too often in this community of humanity many are knocked down by words that they hear from others around them.. It is time to start speaking words of positivity, compassion, consciousness into the Universe, into your own energies and into all that is around you. Oh there will be times when it is necessary and it is required that a harsh word may be used to bring guidance and to bring correction.
But it should become less and less and less because when you come from a balanced place then ones who come to you will find that balance and want to emulate it and want to have what you have and you then have a workshop, you then have a carpentry space to begin to whittle and to fine tune and to dove-lock and dovetail the pieces together.
For as you begin to work within your own energy understanding that you are your own master designer, you are your healer, you are the surgeon of your own soul, your own life, so it is that you will realise that the parts of you that you’ve been trying to remove actually fit, you just need to integrate them and be grateful. You need to realise dear ones, that Gaia is in flux, she is in change, her cycle of life is indeed being altered.
Not just here in your community but around the world there are changes happening on her surface and under her surface. And those that are affected by her in the regions that she is changing are undergoing lifecycle changes, molecular structure, DNA structure, heart structure.
Dear ones, it is with the utmost compassion and love that I speak with you to bring to your awareness the great changes that are happening. And oh yes, many will say look to the stars there are many things happening in the planetary systems and the night sky.
There is this emblem and there is this emblem and there is this symbol and there is that symbol, and they will try to pull you to look and to follow. If it resonates not with what is in your own truth, do not allow it to pull you to the side. And there will be many that will say that ‘this is the only solution, and this is the only way over here’.
For more and more desperation dear ones, is coming through within humanity. Desperation because they see what they perceive the end, wars and famines and all sorts of things. And I would say to you, is it not exciting that the birth pangs are becoming a little more frequent which means that there is a new beginning, there is a new time coming and you are invited in the light of the Universe to be part of the great change. ‘Sananda, when will this be, tomorrow?’
No, no, It is already now, it is already now happening and yet the culmination, in many ways even I cannot give you a date but it is soon and yet it is sooner than later and later than sooner!! Am I now being a little paradoxical? (laughs) Dear ones, do not be so worried about the end time of date, rather rejoice that you are here experiencing, that you are here releasing and integrating, teaching.
You are here in this moment of greatness with Gaia of change, in this small pocket of her planetary experience. Oh it may not seem at times to the humanity, pleasant and rejoicing and full of excitement, but if you can look beyond that which is the fear and the discomfort you will see and sense the joy of Gaia that is seeping out into the changed people and there is much laughter, much excitement about the changes that are occurring, unity is coming, community is being reborn into the lives of humanity.
For it is only in community that you will find the strength to go forward. It is only in community and in balance that strength is unified. It is not through the muscle of an individual. It is like I have always said, if you take a stick it is easily snapped.
If you take another stick and lay it next to the first stick and you try to break that it is still maybe a little difficult but it is still easier to break that as well. But if you lay a third and you try to break the three at the same time, now, now there is more resistance on the sticks’ side and now it is more difficult on your side to break it.
What am I saying? When you join your energies with ones who are of like mind and heart. When you interweave the connection of the compassion of love, when you connect to your own true centre, you become strong. Strength is within the community, within self, of knowing that you are part of something that is unique, very individual but un-isolated.
Dear ones, you are in the golden time. Oh it has been referred to in many different ways and many different lifetimes, the Golden Age, the missing Golden Age, the lost age, yet this is the Golden Age. Golden because it is a very unique signature, a very unique time.
The Golden Age because it is not going to end at the year 2014, it is going to continue for generations. And as it continues, so you will find, believe it or not, that peace will come, that peace will reign, that people will forget the wars, they will live in harmony. This is not a dream, this is your reality, this is where you will find yourselves. Do not give up dear ones, continue.

I walk with you, I am with you, I love you, I am Sananda.
*Brought through by Louise James
© Ascension Explorers 2009 – 2013
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The Grand Sextile – August 25th – The Solomon ’s seal – Pleiades – ANNAMERKABA

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A beautiful comment that I recieved and would like to share with you about “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” “THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world. I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life. This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.” NELSON D’SOUZA

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The Grand Sextile – August 25th – The Solomon ’s seal – Theme – TRANSFORMATION – Pleiades

In the next few days of your earthly time, there will once again occur a grand celestial event in your skies as major celestial bodies move into place to form a six pointed star. Another portal will once again open and bring with it a strong infusion of light onto this planet. This is the time that all of you will be able to fully, consciously and collectively connect yet again to the divine. Coupled with the energies that all of you have collected and have hibernated within your vessels for the last few weeks, the energy that will be unleashed onto GAIA will have tremendous power to break down the old systems and to transform all that stands in its way.

And so we ask that all of you, with all of you might and desire for change, connect to the divine and allow your bodies to become light anchors, pillars of light, through which the pure cosmic energies of love, peace, serenity, tranquility and understanding can pass through and into the very depths of your planet.

We ask that as this energy passes through you, for you to completely merge with the energies and to monitor your thoughts continuously for 3 days. One day prior to the portal, during the portal and the next day after the closing of the gates.

You shall become PURE channels of this energy, for all the darkness shall be transformed to light, doubts and fears into confidence and peace. Bear in mind that as this energy passes through you, and cleanses your very being, you may experience various energy fluctuations throughout the 3 day cycle. Please understand that this shall be a natural state, for your bodies will be transformed FOR THE DURATION OF 3 DAYS (24-26) – YOU SHALL BECOME PURE PILLARS OF LIGHT. Your senses will heighten. Your vision will sharpen. Your hearing will significantly improve. Each word you utter will carry tremendous power within. Your thoughts will quickly manifest into your reality and so we ask all of you to be increasingly aware of these processes and to carefully monitor each and every thought, word and action, for you must think love, breathe love, BE LOVE. You must completely transform yourselves into pure VIOLET FLAME.

Allow the energies to permeate through your body and if you begin to feel anything but love, peace, tranquility and joy, simply shift your focus back to love and light. Remember to keep your thoughts positive, do not allow any negativity to seep through. Simply shift your focus and know that for these 3 days you are an immensely powerful being, carrying pure, crystalline consciousness of the universal truth within your vessel and delivering it to mother GAIA.

And so on the 25th of your August you are to sit in a meditative state and imagine and see and feel and sense yourself to be a pure, pillar of violet flame. See yourself connecting with your crown chakra to the Source. Be sure to “imagine” that your link to The Source is completely protected in golden light as it travels down from The Source into your Crown chakra, going all the way down the center of your body and exiting your body through your base chakra and going all the way down to the very core of the earth. Sit still and breathe deeply in and out. With every breath that you take pull more and more violet flame through your crown chakra, down your body and out of your base chakra into the heart of the earth, from where it shall envelope the whole planet and be distributed to each and every soul that dwells therein. All the while feeling LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING, PURITY, TRUTH, JOY, CONFIDENCE, AND ETERNAL BLISS.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

Pleiades High Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

HILARION August 4-11, 2013 – The Rainbow Scribe

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback



A beautiful comment that I recieved and would like to share with you about “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” “THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world. I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life. This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.” NELSON D’SOUZA

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The Angels et al, via Tazjima: Who Are You, Truly? – Elizabeth Ayres Escher

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D

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ॐ Namaste



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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback



A beautiful comment that I recieved and would like to share with you about “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” “THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world. I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life. This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.” NELSON D’SOUZA

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The Angels et al, via Tazjima: Who Are You, Truly?
Posted by Alice C on August 5, 2013 / Comments Off
Category: Ascension Tags: Angelic Legions of The Divine Mother, Divine Mother and Father, Pleiadian Council of Nine, Sanat Kumara
mountainsideThe Angels et al: Who Are You, Truly?, channeled through Tazjima, August 3, 2013 at
“Who are you (or “Hu R U” in text!)?” asked the Caterpillar of Alice in “Through the Looking Glass”. Many of you are now deep into the process of discovering the answer that Alice was seeking.
Today, several of us, as ascended masters, angelic beings and divine mentors have joined together to address you through our scribe:
I AM Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, also known affectionately as “Raj” by many.
We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine.
We are the Divine Mother and Father.
We are You, part of your Multidimensional nature, which you are now in the process of rediscovering and opening up to the realization that you are greater than you know.
We have joined together to address our brothers and sisters through this scribe as part of her own mission to know herself better. While well aware of some of her own spiritual roots, she has been unwilling to reveal much to her readers. Now has come the time to speak of many things, not just of a personal level, but a Universal level.
Each of you is in the process of returning to Source. Why? Creator has instilled his creation with the desire to be in Oneness. For some time, this has not been the case; many worlds, universes, creations and individuals have, shall we say, strayed from the original blueprint and far into darkness and separation. And so Creator has sent forth brave ones, volunteers all, to work in these distant fields to act as wayshowers, to bring awareness back to those who notice them, in whatever light, positive or negative, that joining into oneness is possible for anyone to accomplish, no matter how lost they currently feel.
Our scribe has been undergoing the process of “getting to know yourself” as described and guided through the work of Jim Self, long one of our guides and mentors, taught by Archangels and Masters. This is one approach to coming into Oneness, but only one; there are many and each individual needs to discover what method or direction suits their own individual needs. All of you are unique and precious to Creator; all of you are now discovering just how unique and amazing you truly are. To some the revelations will be overwhelming at first, and then others will be quite accepting and also blasé about their discoveries. And still others will be secretive, at least at first, because they do not yet trust themselves or those around them to understand completely what has been revealed or why.
We ask nothing of yourselves that you are unwilling to give at this time, only to look dispassionately at what your heart tells you, what is shown to you through dreams and visions, what you feel through your body, what is revealed to you in moments of “aha”, as you piece together disparate bits of information into a complete picture… a new you is being revealed.
Our scribe has noticed what has been explained by Jim Self in his latest energy update (August 2013) as a removal of certain levels of frequency, a detachment from the need or ability to emotionally react to some happening in daily life that would have earlier created a disturbance in her emotional body, creating another thought form to be stored in her unconscious to be dealt with at a later date. This detachment, while deemed by some to be a lack of response or coolness in her nature, is a godsend now as the agitation in the world around her increases.
She is now able to watch the gyrations of the minions of the departing paradigm with equanimity; these oppressors are now struggling to retain their control over the people and are attempting all kinds of acts of oppression and aggression to push through their agenda. It is not working anymore as the energy has shifted and the structures that once held together the rigid paradigm of the third dimension have been removed. All the flailing about is pointless, but will be done by these stubborn ones until they, too, realize that change is inevitable and that their time is done.
Butterfly and Balm
For the lightworkers to be drawn into the drama of the departing paradigm is not the solution, either, for to place attention and focus on these dark energies is to strengthen their remaining hold on society and the individual. One must learn to be observant, compassionate and removed, focusing instead on the golden vision of the inner heart and connection with soul; the I AM Presence and Creator.
Through the Law of Attraction, what is focused upon will emerge into your life and hers. It is universal law and above all those created by those who wish to control the actions and lives of others for their own benefit. So be willing to forgive those who have worked against you throughout your many lives on this planet and others, and to move on into your own dream of bringing heaven to earth. It can be done; it is being done by many who have learned to focus on what gives them joy and can offer abundance and healing for the collective of humanity, not just their own pocketbook.
Now has come a time of letting go of what is not yours, what has never been yours. It is up to each of you to identify just what constitutes those things that have been put forward by others in your life as being the way to do things, what to believe, how to act, who to trust, who to hate. All of you have been affected by the administrations and belief systems of your elders, mentors, teachers and bosses, to one extent or another.
However, as the energies shift and change, the new children coming into the world and many who are here already as Indigos, blue-ray beings, crystals, walk-in volunteers, starseeds and other various titles, these individuals do not resonate with the old energies and so they rebel or walk away from what has been placed before them as the way things have always been and seek another direction, one quite divergent from that of their parents and teachers. The children understand that there is another way to be, to follow; so they go their own way because of their different “wiring”. They have come in with bodies that naturally respond to higher frequency levels and so they can adapt to and demand that others change, as well. For them the process is easy and quite natural.
This ability to shift with the incoming energies and shifts is not quite so apparent in the older generations still living on this planet. Our scribe is one who came in soon after the last great world war; she took on some of the decades of energetic healing of karmic patterns and lines that many of her compatriots did, but in a mostly unconscious manner. She just knew that things weren’t right or comfortable for her, so a great search for meaning was undertaken quietly, moving her away from the paradigm of her parents, and eventually quite away from her entire family. She has lived a solitary life for many years now out of choice, realizing that she needed to focus on her own inner growth and not respond to the needs of others in the manner which was the existing and unsatisfying paradigm of her own mother.
Perhaps her actions were deemed suspicious and selfish by some, but she was driven by a deep inner desire to understand what was going on, outside and within. The process for her is still ongoing, but now there is an increasing acceptance of her inner power, strength and determination to be reunited with her Soul and with Creator. With this acceptance also comes a sense of peace despite all that is continuing to play out in the world around her. This is a journey that is being undertaken by many individuals, each in their own way, and is beginning to be reflected in changes manifesting in the outer world, as the “people” come awake to the need to change what has been accepted and put forward by the few to control the many to what can be accepted by the many and is for the good of all.
It is up to each individual to arrive at that place when they can accept and learn to love themselves, as they are, not as they hope to be, but as they are here and now. And they will begin to discover just how truly wonderful and astounding that knowledge can be, even if they now see themselves as being quite simple and plain on the surface. No one is what they appear to be; all are part of creation, facets of the great diamond of Being and in the process of being buffed and polished by events in daily life, by opportunities and promptings to expand horizons and sense of Self. Respond to these promptings as you see yourself guided and learn to trust the process. You are in control; you just may not be aware of that fact, yet, mainly because you are not quite aware of Who you are.
Strawberry Falls
You will discover that paradox will be quite apparent as you continue to grow towards self-realization. Paradox allows for people to change. What is true of a person or an event one day, may not hold true the next. Perhaps someone hurt you in the past. Will you hold that against them until the day you breathe your last breath or can you forgive yourself and them for what has happened and allow them to reveal how they have changed or not.
You do not have to give in to another; just be compassionate and understanding. You act as mirrors to one another and reflect back what has not been dealt with. As bluffing agents, your “enemies” act to bring your attention to what has not been released from your own unconsciousness. How you react to their actions or not can give you a sense of just how far you have come in the process of forgiving yourself for acts of omission or commission.
What upsets you today as someone commits an atrocity “out there” is something that you, yourself, may have committed in another lifetime or even this one. You need to forgive “them” and yourself and move on. These acts are still being committed by those who hate themselves so desperately that they believe by hurting others they will regain a sense of control and power over their own lives. Of course they are seriously deranged in thinking so, but even the worst murderer or child rapist can change, can find redemption in the “lord” if they can forgive themselves and learn to love what they are now, a child of the Creator.
Can you do any less than the angels and forgive that one as the Creator does every day, every moment, knowing full well what that individual truly is already? Can you forgive yourself? Can you learn to love your loneliness and the traits that drive you from being able to live with others? Can you learn to accept that what you deem as weaknesses and character faults within may truly be your most precious gifts and strengths that you can place on the altar of Being?
As the velocity of change quickens in the world, through the avenues of extreme weather, social upheavals, economic and political changes, as well as upsets caused by the now daily revelations of what has been hidden from the general populace by their governments, religious institutions, by corporations and powerful individuals, each person is undergoing a process of initiation into mastery. Many are unprepared and will leave as the paradigms shift and the frequency levels of the planet continue to rise.
This exodus is well underway already; it can be seen in an increase in the death statistics, whether through natural causes or through violence and social upheaval. Do not feel that the ones leaving have failed, however, as each individual has a path to follow. When one leaves the body, one can adjust the patterns and make another attempt at mastering the energies and demands of physical embodiment, which is so much more challenging than many beings existing in the higher frequencies, truly understand.
You are the brave ones, who have taken on the job of bringing a planet back into alignment with the Will of the Creator; it is not an easy task and will take some time to come into full manifestation, but the light is increasing in this world. The new world will come into being; it exists already in your Heart of hearts. Each individual who leaves will come back to fulfill their mission or choose to fulfill it from the worlds of light, as they are so guided. Do not fear for your loved ones who do not appear to be awake yet; they will not be left behind even if they appear to forsake you and your efforts to go forth into the New World, now. If you are meant to work together, you will, but you cannot force change on another against their will. Let them be what they are. They will discover what lies within soon enough.
Be the process of change that you want to see happen in the world. Focus on what is your dream, your passion, your joy and bring it into manifestation. It is not your duty to correct what is broken. The energies of change will scour and remove that which is not suitable for the continuation of life from the world. This planet is undergoing her own path of initiation and return to her Christic plane of being; what vibrates at a lower level is being removed, naturally. What already exists within her and within each individual will eventually manifest in the physical.
This process is already underway. See the world with the eyes of a child, filled with excitement and wonder, free of cynical judgment, alive to the possibilities and delights of physical existence. Your world is a wonder of creation and you are, too. Discover the joys of life on a beautiful planet, made even more beautiful by your focused thoughts and visions of heaven on earth. You are a part of the Creator made manifest. Bring your most beautiful dreams and passions into reality. You have the power within; learn to harness it for the good of all creation. Be what you are meant to be, a beautiful, powerful being of light.
Oregon Butte 041
Go gently into the new day that approaches you as a dawn flushing the skies of your world. Go forth in wonder and create in joy. You are human angels, drawn into manifestation by the Mother and empowered with grace and spirit by the Father. You are their hands; create in the fields of the Lord and learn to sing, again, with angels and elementals. We stand at your side, guiding, mentoring and giving encouragement when needed, but you are the masters. Go forth and act accordingly. We truly love you as you are, here and now.
Namaste; we bow to the Divinity within each of you.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Not So Good News – Saint Germain – Aruna Byers

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•*¨*•. .


. .._/l\_..

ॐ Namaste



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My message today is to not go into fear, no matter what happens. Many dramas are coming. Nothing can deter what has already been activated, and we are not making any crazy calls about what will come of its own accord.

Be able to calm yourself and mention to those around you to calm themselves, because mental activity can create chaos.
Break free of your attachments if you can. Stay away from men and women who aim to destroy. Stay only with those who have opened their hearts.

Community consciousness will need to be the calming dose of sanity while you are in the midst of difficult, non-aligned activities.

News of mass destruction must be drawn out of your consciousness. Your mind can destroy more than you want destroyed while it chatters about this or that death and destruction calamity.
Face all, and do not let fear defeat your health or the health of others. Carry on the best you can without complaint. Press on with any details needing your attention.

I’m not calling in the darkness when I tell you it is now moving to your area. We want all to be happy by dismissing darkness as it appears. Collect the answers that you need, only from credible methods.

Go within yourself and ask to be guided. Delete any attitude you have about the “negative controllers” and gather no more action based, dense, negative thoughts about the conditions created by these controllers. Contain what you say about what is happening, because there are no credible concepts that you can share. The only thing that matters now is the caring you will be called upon to do.

The controllers will cease their attacks when they claim their full control of those countries in which they have gained a close network of cronies. Only one of these countries is the US. It is not only the US, but most of Europe and Australia as well. Russia is not in their control, as it has a different network.

Most of Europe will soon be deposed of its union as areas of destruction are coming fast. In the next months you will hear of many disturbances in Europe, particularly those countries in the southern region where money is already in a controlled, managed authority camp.

Pass along the news that caring must begin in the native way: all of Mother Earth’s children are equal and are not to be dominated by the aristocrats or criminals. Shave the continent of Europe by 1/4 and then see how many controllers there are in the contained mainland that remains-none.

What will be left will not include any of the controlling parties. NE Europe will be the next area to move to.
More and more countries in South America are going into “no-comment” mode about what is about to occur in the continents of Europe and North America, Canada included.

A great movement of Mother Earth will occur that energetically effects all, not only those in those vicinities. My message to you is not to go away, but accept and be non-concerned about what can happen.

No deaths are about to occur that have not been deemed okay on a soul level. Practice this mantra: No matter what happens we are all in good hands. “Don’t go into blame against any cosmic deity or nature spirit.

All have their load to administer. Make believe is just more content. Share your actual news and ignore what master con men are about to tell the masses. Wake-up and be assured that none of the things you will hear about are the real deal. All will be fictionalized.

Yes, people will die, not all that is claimed, however, and those who die will not be affected like those who live. Being one of those who live will be the difficult way.

Graduation from Earth School depends on how you are about to greet the most complex configuration of events ever to happen on your continents.

No place can be a safe haven, only the heart of awareness can be that. I AM THAT I AM is the heart of awareness.
Be masters in the confrontation of your dream and you can continue your awareness in the consciousness of reality.


Ascended Master Saint Germain

For more of Saint Germain’s messages, visit:
This message may be shared in its entirety with proper credit and the above back links included.

Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂