The Group Steve Rother

From Steve:

So, what will it be like living in the Age of Empowerment? In this channel the group

talks about some of the important points we will be seeing right away as we reach this

next level of evolution. One of the points they made in this channel was that the original

500 templates of humanity can no longer contain the energy. In the beginning of

humanity in the physical form there were only 500 beings who took physical bubbles of

biology to populate Earth. Until now each one of us has been a direct descendant of

one of these templates. The problem came with our evolution, as we outgrew these

original templates long ago. The group even indicated that much of the weight problem

on Earth may be partly due to this one issue. The good news is that now thousands of

new Human templates will now find their way onto planet Earth, and we are not

restricted to keeping the template we currently have. The basic idea is that the new

templates give the spirit a lot more room to stretch out in the body.

Hang on. . . here we go!

Have a great October!

Steve Rother

P.S. Don’t miss the VirtualLight Broadcast on Halloween!

From the group:

Dear creators of planet Earth, we bring you Greetings from Home.

Moving at the Speed of Love

You have journeyed such a long way through many different forms throughout the

universe to be here at this critical juncture for mankind. We wish to address today what

that looks like to us, so you can see the larger vision of what we see happening on

planet Earth right now. We tell you that you are moving at the speed of love, which is

actually a little bit faster than the speed of light. The reality of it is that you are changing

so rapidly now that many of the challenges or problems that you experience in your life

are related to the speed of the growth that Is occurring. We see it happening all over the

planet and yes,, it is raising you to a higher vibrational state. It is very common among

humans that every time you grow you experience some pain, but we tell you that the

misery part is entirely an optional experience because you do not need to stay in that

pain. Allowing it to flow completely through you and move to the next level is one of the

most important traits you can acquire. Also, we wish to share that you are not alone on

this planet. You will find your connection to other people and the other aspects of

yourselves and this will start dissolving some of the internal struggles that many of you

experience on planet Earth.

What we tell you is that every person on this planet carries a different ray of god. Just

imagine that god is a great light shining out into the universe. The light travels through a

prism and breaks up into small vibrational ranges which you call colors. Yet if you look

at the larger picture, each one of you is a unique color. Each one of you has a unique

expression of the god within you. That uniqueness is your gift. If you can find that

expression, if you can find any portion of that in another person, you enlighten,

empower, and strengthen them. If you can do this with the people around you, guess

what happens to your own life? It magically starts to be on track and you become

empowered, because you are helping others to step up at the same time.

Energy Vampires and Inner Beauty

It is very challenging sometimes, for there are people who certainly aggravate you.

There are people who do not vibrationally match you, or sometimes drain your energy.

All of you have known such people in your lives that we refer to as energy vampires. It

is not something they are doing intentionally, but sometimes they feel as if they need

energy so much that every time they are around you they must drain your energy. They

take as much as they can because they may not have another chance. We tell you,

dear ones, that is starting to shift. It is changing now because energy is not transferred

in the same way. If you can ever find that inner beauty inside of them, that is all it takes

to break down the barriers and work through this energy field.

We also wish to repeat something that we brought through in another channel recently.

It is very important to understand what is taking place on planet Earth. We have told you

about the re-wire of humanity. The short version is that the two halves of your brain are

eventually growing back together as one. That will also dissolve the separation you see

with each other and yourselves. It will dissolve much of the illusion of polarity on the

gameboard and help you to react much faster as it happens. It is not just happening in

the brain, but is also occurring energetically throughout the whole body. The pineal

gland is certainly being activated in many people on planet Earth as we speak; it is done

through intention. Your thoughts will activate it, and as you evolve your own perception

of the world around you will continue to change.

Releasing the Old Templates

As humans, you were here from the very beginning of Earth but you did not have

physical bodies. You had ethereal bodies much like what you consider angels to be

today. The bodies had no density, and as the Earth began to cool over a very long

period of time you began to lose your connection to her because she was gaining

density. Your advancement in those days was actually lowering your vibration, not

raising it. Today you think higher vibrations are better than lower vibrations. However,

there was a time when you were striving to lower your vibration to stay in connection

with planet Earth and that was when you first took the physical bodies. If you look at the

timeline of Earth, it was only in the very last seconds that you took these physical

bodies. When you took the physical form, there was a separation that had to happen

because there were only 500 souls that adapted 500 physical bodies with a tremendous

connection throughout the universe. Six primary parental races came to planet Earth to

help adapt the physical bodies of the apes to house your spirit for what was expected to

be a short duration on the gameboard of planet Earth. You have done very well with

that, although there were only 500 templates. Even today, each and every one of you is

a direct descendant of one of those original 500 templates. This is part of the reason

that you can see someone walking down the street and you could swear it is your

brother, but it is not. This also explains why someone may act exactly like or says the

same thing as your aunt or your grandmother. You re-member these people as they are

reflected through the other prototypes of those same templates that each of you can be

traced back to.

These templates have also caused challenges. Many times, especially in recent years,

your energy field has outgrown its template. This is one of the major causes for weight

gain on planet Earth and it has happened in many areas. We are not speaking just of

people that have gained weight beyond their expectations, but of those who can actually

stop eating and still gain weight. We can now share this process with you, because you

are no longer limited to the templates. The templates are beginning to change as

humanity transitions through this re-wire. Not only do you have the capability of

changing the template that you are already in, but the children being born are bringing

in a whole new series of templates-a wide variety of possible templates that humans

can take when they come into these physical bodies. The possibilities of this are very

exciting. We will share with you how you can change your own templates. You can

change how your body holds your energy, because the physical bubbles of biology are

only temporary containers to hold your energy and they are always, at every moment,

the perfect container for your energy. If you have a sick body, you have sick energy. If

you have other things that are transforming, you have a body that is growing and you

have growing energy. It is literally a perfect reflection. However, the limitations that you

have always had with the physical body on planet Earth are starting to lessen, and will

eventually go away as these new templates become in process. Of course, if you were

born into a new template it would be no problem. Changing the old template into the

new possibilities is going to be more work and take a little bit more energy. It is only a

question until one or two of you start mastering the process and teach it to others. This

can happen on planet Earth now more than ever before.

On Purpose

It is a critical juncture of time and space that you are in. You have placed yourself here

quite on purpose, dear ones, and you have made it to the junction you were trying to

make. Welcome Home! You are creating it on Earth right now. That is what is taking

place. You have the help of the universe, for the six parental races are back on Earth

trying to help you change. You have a tremendous amount of help-ambassadors from

all over the universe, on planet Earth right now just to help you to move to this next

level. You made it!

Many of you are in back up plans, because your timing on planet Earth was more

important than your surroundings or even your parental structures. What you have done

is to set up a lot of your life to be able to be in a key place at a key time. The key time is

now. It has finally happened. What you will find is that as you start stretching your own

energetics and energetic container, you will find new ways to run energy through the

body. The moment that you do this, turn around and share it with someone else. Give it

so someone else and do with it whatever you need to do, but get it out. Share it

because this is the information that is going to be incredibly important on planet Earth.

We see that many of you are discouraged about what you watch on your news. We

have the Keeper watching the news regularly, even though sometimes he does not like

to do so. When something comes up on the news we are able to share with him how it

ties in with what is happening in the overall picture. Let us explain what is happening

now, because he is very frustrated with what he sees on the television. There are huge

advancements taking place in the collective vibration. Recently, you reflected your

hope in a person who was elected to a very important position. Now you are starting to

take your own power back and that is very appropriate. It is no longer appropriate to

give your hope to anyone, because that is exactly what humans did with Adolf Hitler.

That is exactly what humans have done over and over, and over again. What you are

seeing is that all of humanity was becoming excited about the new possibilities. Now

after moving two steps forward, you are taking an entire step back. There is confusion,

anger, frustration and a lot of negative energies coming up. Although a lot is taking

place it is simply a venting process, because much of what you have set into motion is

well underway and moving in the direction you are going. Please do not get discouraged

when you look at all the evidence to the contrary. When everything appears to be the

opposite and seems to be getting worse rather than better, it is because there will be no

more secrets on planet Earth. This is happening already. It is happening in Iran, in the

United States, and it is happening all over this planet. Those are the things to celebrate,

because never again will humans follow the leader in the way you have always done


Empowerment 101

Now is your opportunity to take your true empowerment. Empower yourselves first by

taking as much responsibility for your own life as you can. It is not a race, and you are

not ahead of or behind another person. Everyone has his own path to follow. It is not

possible to compare the paths of two spirits on planet Earth, so stop trying and embrace

what satisfies you. What brings you joy? What makes your eyes light up when you talk

about it? What makes your heart sing? What is it you would do if you had nothing else

concerning you? If you had all the money in the world and no other cares, what would

you do? It is time to step into that in any way you can…now. Move in those directions

and let your light shine and be seen. Stop looking at all the reasons why it will not work,

and know that it is already yours to claim. That will change planet Earth very quickly and

you will witness less fear over the next six months than ever before.

Right now, you are still experiencing the backlash in the energy field. You are still

feeling the one step back. For the most part you will see your recovery from this

economic squeeze, and it will follow a very similar path of three steps forward and one

step back. But it is still moving forward and that is the most important part. Do not doubt

yourselves. Just let it go. Let yourselves feel the energy come through. When you see

another human being, try to find god in their eyes, even if only for a split second. Try to

find that spark that lights them up, so that you can reflect it back to them. That is the key

to finding inner beauty. That will be the most empowering part on planet Earth, and the

next five years will be very critical in everything you do. The nice part is that you are on

a very beautiful path, so enjoy the ride.

We ask you to simply treat each other with the greatest respect. Nurture one another

every chance you get and play well together.


The group

Barbara sends her love and say she will see you all next month.

Lightworker is a non-profit conscious corporation dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.



Message from Archangel Michael
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, it is important for you to remember that “service” is an integral part of the ascension process. Many of you came to Earth from far-distant Star Systems as cosmic messengers. Time and time again, you have been bearers of truth and cosmic wisdom; however, the task you agreed to for this lifetime is more important than any other you have ever experienced since you came into your individualized consciousness as an aware Spark of Divinity. Much of what you are learning as you traverse the path of ascension is a remembrance of what you already have experienced. We have stressed the fact that what we are asking of you, you have done many times before, so that it will not seem so unattainable. That is why so much of the history and the details of the past we relay to you seem so familiar.

You now have greater and greater amounts of Cosmic Life Force Energy available to you; however, you are responsible for how you utilize that energy. You must stay firmly grounded upon the Earth as you reach higher and higher into the refined dimensions of expression, and it is of vast importance to your physical well-being that you learn to balance and harmonize your energetic grid system (called your auric field or Adam/Eve Kadmon perfected body of Light). You may draw forth as much of the Essence of Divinity as you can hold; however, after integrating that which you need personally, you must radiate forth the remainder out into the world of form. You cannot hoard God Light, dear ones; it is meant to be used and shared for the benefit of all.

Please be aware that there is limited access to the power and magical transformative properties of the Violet Flame within the push/pull duality of the third- / lower fourth-dimensional environment. However, when you attain a level of harmonious vibrational patterns that attune you to the mid-fourth dimension, you gain access to the Divine alchemy of the Violet Flame, and you also have the ability to draw forth the transforming Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness. While existing within the lower dimensions of limitation and chaos, it is almost impossible to consistently radiate unconditional love from your heart center. As you have learned, the Creator Particles of life must be activated via your altruistic, loving intention. Be aware, beloveds, that at each higher level of God Light you attain, the power of the Violet Flame and the quantity of White Fire Particles of Creation increase exponentially.

There are two streams of collective-consciousness thought forms surrounding the Earth at this time, instead of one swirling maelstrom of negative thought patterns that has, up until now, made up the aura of the Earth. The negative band of distorted energy is an accumulation of many thousands of years of fear, hate, self-serving interests and actions. It has created the shadow-side of the broad spectrum of Light and Shadow: the illusional world in which humanity has existed since the fall into what could be termed a semi-conscious state of awareness.

Most of humanity has been caught up and stuck in a third- / fourth-dimensional form of mind control throughout their many lifetimes, for they have been ensnared in the beliefs of their forefathers, both racial, political, cultural and religious. Many dear souls have hardly ever had any original thoughts of their own. The negative mass consciousness belief system is all about doom and gloom, unworthiness, strict rules and dogma that discourages original, independent thinking, which has kept everyone in a state of guilt, fear and inertia. This has been called the “Herd State,” wherein everyone looked to their religious and ruling leaders to tell them what to do, think and be.

Every great religion began with inspired teachings from a great Master who was given specific wisdom teachings to impart to humanity. They were Over-Lighted by and under the direction of our Father/Mother God, and during their lifetime the concepts were adhered to and remained pure. However, upon the transition of the Master, over time, the teachings became distorted and were changed to suit the selfish interests of those in charge. They veered from the inspired truth and wisdom teachings, which were designed for the particular era to assist the masses in developing a personal relationship with our Father/Mother God as they strove to attain a certain level of Self-mastery and en-Lighten-ment.

We have said before, “You are very brave to step outside of the popular belief system, the collective consciousness of humanity, which has been a prison of sorts for so long.” We know you have been criticized, scoffed at, ostracized, and maligned in this and many other lifetimes, beloveds. However, we wish you to know that even though you may presently be in a minority, your numbers are growing by leaps and bounds. Many of what has been called “New Age concepts” are filtering into the minds and conversations of the masses, and the belief in angels and interaction with the Beings of Light from the higher realms is no longer totally discounted as it has been in the past.

The good news is that there is a new band of higher frequency emotional patterns and thought forms circling the Earth above the negative band. This band of energy is filled with Light, hope and a strong desire for self-expression and mastery. Gradually, the Crystalline Grid System is encompassing the Earth, and the Creator-Consciousness Band of Light is growing stronger every day as more and more of you access the Cities of Light and become conveyers of the Adamantine Particles of Creation. The masses are beginning to question their leaders and are holding them accountable for their actions. More and more people are beginning to question the dogmatic rules and restrictions of organized religion and are seeking their own higher truth by alternative means.

We understand that a great majority of earthly Souls are in the throes of pain, suffering and uncertainty. Unfortunately, those who are caught up in the collective consciousness belief system do not learn the lessons of turbulent times. They do not understand that the painful situations they are experiencing have been created by excessive and imbalanced thoughts and actions. The Karmic laws of cause and effect are returning to the “senders” that which has been created much more quickly than in the past, so that it can be rectified and re-qualified. For every Soul on Earth at this time, the most important life task is to strive to return to balance and harmony within both the inner and outer worlds of existence.

Those of you who agreed to come into physical incarnation at this particular time brought with you the major lessons or imbalances in your physical/mental/emotional bodies that needed to be harmonized so that you could begin to work compatibly with your Soul or Higher Self. You have come into this lifetime to balance your masculine and feminine natures: using the Divine will, power and authority of the Father Creator, but also to integrate the love/wisdom, compassion, nurturing, creative aspects of the Mother Creator. You came to experience the Earth and being fully in the physical body, while integrating Spirit into your physical Being and consciousness. You are here to balance knowledge and communications; to learn through intuition what your own truths are and to live those truths as an example for others; to learn the balance of communication skills, when to speak and when to hold your silence; to be non-judgmental, learning that each person is on their own individual path and have their own lessons to learn.

For those of you who have listened to the whisperings of Spirit and who have stepped onto the path of En-Lighten-ment, it is time for each of you to remember that the Earth is not your home; you are on assignment here. You are from far-distant star systems and galaxies and possibly even other universes. It is time for you and the many faithful warriors of Peace/Light to know how magnificent you are, and how brave you were to answer the clarion call to descend into the density of this earthly experiment. The events in your galaxy, solar system and on Earth are quickly moving forward and great change is in the offing. Therefore, it is important that you focus on what is right in your world and not get caught up in all the negativity and fear that is spewing out into the ethers. Remember, you give energy to that on which you focus your attention.

It is time for you to step fully into Self-mastery and reclaim your Divine Birthright. What would you like to become? What would you like to do? You have the ability to become or create anything you can envision, as long as it is in harmony with your Divine Blueprint. You have wondrous Light packets of information stored within your Sacred Mind, just waiting to be called forth. As you build and perfect your Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension, you will find that your creations will manifest more and more quickly. Teaching by example is one of the most effective ways to show others how to become masters of their own destiny. Always ask for the highest outcome and for the good of all—you will not be led astray. We know it is not easy to step out of your comfort zone, for you have allowed others to make you doubt yourself and your abilities. We ask you to be a brave example to those around you, those who are stuck in cultural beliefs and limitations of the collective consciousness of humanity.

Each of you has experienced life many times in either a male or a female body. You have also experienced the physical vessel in a great variety of races, forms and cultures. Beloveds, when you judge others, you are really only judging yourself, for you have experienced most all of the many facets of earthly existence. It is a great privilege to be allowed to incarnate on Earth, and there has always been a list of millions upon millions of Souls waiting to experience the physical reality that the Earth has to offer. You are no exception, for you were anxious to experience earthly creation in as many ways and expressions as possible. Therefore, as the veil of illusion is gradually lifted, you will develop great understanding and compassion for those who are stuck in the pain and suffering of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional distorted reality. We are asking you to become a brave example for those around you. As you dare to step out and claim your mastery, others will follow your example.

Many of you are experiencing a Divine discontent, as well as dramatic life changes at this time. Things that used to bring you pleasure no longer satisfy, and you may have lost any common interest with many of your friends. This is because your Soul-Self is nudging you to move forward, to expand your vision and to take control of your destiny. You must let go of preconceived ideas about the structure of your life. You must let go of beliefs that keep you stuck in a “binding” set of structural boundaries. “Letting go” gives you the power to expand your consciousness and your picture of reality. The higher your vibrational patterns become, the more fluid the time/space continuum, or the sequence and timing of events become. Structures become habits which bind you to the illusion of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. Do not become attached to the “structured life” you have created. It is important that you are willing to change your life to include new concepts as you expand your vision and awareness of the potential of the future. Never forget, you are cocreators, either of pain, suffering and limitation, or of love, joy peace and abundance. The choice is yours.

It is not by coincidence that so many brave souls chose the Seventh Ray of Transformation as their Soul Ray for this lifetime. See this blessed Sacred Fire blazing up and around you and radiating out in ever-widening circles as you join others in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity back into the frequencies of Love/Light. Remember, during these times when the evolution of the Earth and humanity are being accelerated, you can make a difference. We are aware that many of you are disturbed by all the negativity and injustice around you. However, deep within, you know that the great changes taking place will eventually be for the betterment of all. Be assured that you can be an instrument for change. Allow us to send forth the love of our Father/Mother God to and through you, filling you to overflowing. Dear ones, your radiance and Love/Light, added to that of other Light Warriors, will assist humanity and the Earth to move gracefully into the wondrous New Age of tomorrow. Know that you are dearly loved and you are under my protection.


SaLuSa 30-October-2009

Is there not a distinct feeling amongst more and more people that time is speeding up, as here you are already approaching the end of the year? If you ever needed confirmation that changes were taking place, you could hardly find better. The vibrations continue to increase and you are being lifted up into a higher dimension. It will rapidly reach a point where anything of the lower vibrations, will no longer be able to remain within them, and for the souls involved everything of a higher vibration will disappear from their view. This is a natural result of such a change, and ensures that only the more evolved souls move into the 4th. Dimension. This continues to happen as you move even further into the next dimension. It is a beautiful experience to find your selves with like kinds, and there is a great coming together in purpose and understanding.

Knowing what is to come which will transform your society, so take everything in your stride and you will sail through the last months of chaotic happenings. Outwardly you are beginning to see some pointers that are emerging, and are showing that the new plans for you and Earth are in place. Together we are a formidable force for good, and we have not followed your progress for millennia of time to fail at the crucial point of change. Indeed, we cannot fail and whatever we need to do to adjust to changes on Earth is carried out immediately. Like you, we await the developments that will indicate it is time for us to make our move, and to set a whole sequence of events into motion. Be assured you are looked upon as most precious and loved as the beautiful souls that you are, and we wish you would accept your high status as gods in the making. You are very special and you have a wondrous future before you, as you take your place in the cosmos.

Your presence on Earth at this time is important to those who flounder in the darkness, and your Light will bring a clearer vision to them. It will also give them a lift and a feeling of hope in the midst of their confusion. Caring for others is a sign of spiritual maturity, and an inner knowingness that you are all One. Treat others as yourself, and Humanity would change overnight into one that acknowledged the god in each other. Without that understanding, you tend to judge others by outer appearances which can be totally misleading. Remember that each one of you is equipped to play out your roles in life, and therefore wealth or position does not make anyone a better person than another. You all have your own challenges to deal with yet you cannot help but mix with all types, and often you have no idea where their soul evolution has reached. Trust is therefore a matter of intuition that is your personal protection.

Every one of you is on Earth at this time by freewill choice, and you are privileged to be present at such a momentous time. You have chosen which side you wish to be on, and so the Light and dark play out their last roles to see out the final days of duality in this cycle. The result has always been known as the Light is supreme, but it is up to you as to exactly how it achieves its victory. If for example you did not welcome the Galactic Federation, then by Universal Law we could not force ourselves upon you, and your final days would be vastly different to what you envisage. Fortunately you have made it clear that you desire our presence, and that is what we have worked for over many, many years. We have gradually eased our way into your consciousness, and in such a manner that you have accepted us as your friends and fellow travelers of the Universe. You were never going to be bound to Earth in the lower dimensions indefinitely, and you are already cutting your ties and releasing all that no longer serves you. The cleansing affects everyone and everything, and you could view it as the great sorting out of souls and all life forms.

When you think about how well and orderly the Universe runs, you can hardly fail to appreciate the magnificence and power of the intelligence behind it. It operates on a scale unbelievably large, and you have galaxies and solar systems all moving in absolute perfect cohesion. Even we are ever in awe of such powers of creation. We naturally understand the greater picture and it is far ahead of yours. That is not meant to be boastful and is simply how it is for us, whereas your consciousness levels do not allow for such depth of understanding. Wisdom is acquired as you evolve, and it would achieve little if you were brought on too quickly. One of our first tasks is to set you right where your spiritual origins are concerned, and remove the dogma that clouds your ability to see true. Once you all know the truth, it will clearly be easier for people to come together and have respect for the different cultures. You can learn from each other as all experience carries its own lessons.

We notice that because of the imminent changes, you have become bold and confident about speaking your truth. We applaud those of you who feel that the time is right to do so. As long as it is spoken in kindness and not forced onto people, it will ignite a new level of thinking that will light up their minds. It will be extremely hard for some people to change their rigid thinking that has become a way of life, but the truth must fully come out before Ascension takes place. You are the most important part of the plan for your upliftment. Mother Earth could if necessary take care of herself, but the transition and cleansing will be far easier if all participate in it. If Mother Earth started now you could not remain on Earth, as there would be changes of enormous magnitude threatening your existence. However, that is not in the plan as there is co-operation between us all to make the passing as gentle as possible.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bid you all well with blessings for your well-being. Whatever happens you will be safe, and our ships are ready to aid you should you be in danger. It does not mean in all circumstances, as some relatively minor changes will see souls leaving Earth and this will be in their life plan. You have to get used to the idea that death itself is nothing to fear, and once in the higher levels you will quickly throw off any vestiges of trauma. The vibrations alone are healing, but you will be attended by those who know how to help you quickly recover. We are all love and it is our way of life, and if you can do the same you are leading the way for others.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

SaLuSa 26-October-2009

We know that some of you still cannot understand how God allows the suffering that you experience, or see around you. It brings us to remind you that the wheels of fate were set in motion from the time this solar cycle commenced some 26,000 years ago. Regardless of when each civilization has come and gone, the consciousness levels have remained. In other words, you do not start with a clean sheet when a new one is born, but you do have the opportunity to create something different to what preceded it. You will know that there were two earlier civilizations that reached great heights, yet there is little evidence of their existence today. However, the souls that experienced lifetimes in Lemuria and Atlantis carried forward those experiences at subconsciousness levels. You have therefore created your present reality as a result of them, and is it not surprising that you often find yourselves repeating the same experiences again. Each cycle gives you the opportunity to further evolve, and avoid the mistakes that resulted in the demise of the previous civilizations.

Dear Ones, God has given you freewill and therefore “allows” whatever you choose to experience. With the benefit of incarnation you will understand that you frequently come back to participate in what you have created. This way you see and experience the results first hand, and how else would you know the value or otherwise of your creations. Therefore when you look around you and observe the actions of the dark Ones, it is because you have “allowed” them to create their reality without opposing it. We do not mean that you should take up arms against them, as that would not solve the problem. Instead you should project a new scenario, and through your powers of creation visualize what it is you want to replace the old one. This is why there is much emphasis upon holding your vision of the future. Thoughts attract the energy that will manifest a result, and this is happening now. Out of the chaos which is the cleansing taking place, you will see the first signs of a new path being created that fulfils your dreams of a peaceful and happy existence. It is only time that stands between you and its emergence, as it already exists in the higher dimensions.

You attract all situations to yourself, and that goes for friends and family who become part of your life plan. In small groups you act out your karmic responsibilities, and it relates to what you call both good and bad experiences. The nature of duality allows for both the Light and darkness to descend upon Earth. Although you have periods of spiritual enlightenment and life is pleasant and agreeable, as your true history will show it is never maintained indefinitely as the dark Ones plot to seize your power and rule in your place. However, this present period is resulting in an upturn that will complete the cycle on what you would call a “high”, and you will ascend if that is your desire. The dark Ones have run out of time to continue challenging the Light, and they have had their chance and failed to defeat it. Victory was always going to be yours, and all that was uncertain was how it would be achieved.

At no time can the dark Ones defeat the Light, providing you wake up to your innate powers and use them. Of course you have fallen asleep in the darkness of the lower vibrations, and such times are indeed the Dark Ages. However, the Light is always there to help your awakening once you stir from your dream world. Now it is growing so rapidly that events are speeding up, and once you can see the new pathway coming into manifestation you will know for certain that you are at your journeys end. Everything is set for a series of dramatic events, but we ask you to continue exercising you patience and accept that all is well. To turn around a situation that has been created over hundreds of years does not happen overnight, but with our help you will see incredibly fast changes. That it is at all possible is great a credit to those Lightworkers who have paved the way over the last hundred years or more.

Can you see that you have never been left to rot in the prison that your Earth has been made into? There has never been a time when you have had to face the darkness by yourselves. Always Spiritual Beings have followed your progress, and as far as possible guided you to the Light. We too as the Galactic Federation are part of that family, as our membership is only open to those who have ascended. This is why you shall soon join us and proudly work alongside your brothers and sisters. The Creator has made the Universal Laws and they allow for help to come to you from all over the Universe. Your success in grounding the Light upon Earth, has led to higher vibrations attracting the attention of other Beings of Light. There is a wonderful feeling amongst them of the Oneness of all life, and it is quite natural to want to join up with you. For too long you have lived in a state of separation, and you have lost that natural feeling that desires to recognize the soul within each other regardless of outer appearances.

Dear Ones, we seem to preach to you but we only place before you the truth, as for too long you have been brought under the control of those who have dictated what you should believe. Look within if you are in any doubt and follow your intuition, and above all be prepared to change your most sacred beliefs if you feel it is right to do so. There are so many revelations going to come out, at times your minds will be overflowing with questions. Answers will be provided and we will follow those up with whatever proof you require. We know already what your concerns are, but hitherto you have had to source your own answers. Carry on seeking, as many Lighted Ones are on Earth specifically to help you find the truth. Where you find conflict between one version to another, take out of them what feels right to you and in time all will slot into place. As you know by now, your history bears little resemblance to the official records, and it is more a matter of hiding the past from your eyes. However, the truth cannot be hidden, and every event that has ever occurred is held within the Hall of Records.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel your rising energies that reach up to us and we are overjoyed at your response to our messages. There are many such as us who wait to arrive on Earth, and they represent your families from the higher dimensions from whence you came. Keep on keeping on, is good advice in these turbulent times and know we are always near to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 28-October-2009

The vibrations are lifting up so quickly that many of you are noticing changes in the people around you. Consciousness levels are such that there is now a clearer perception as to what is happening, and a realization that it is you the people who hold the answers to the problems that confront you. You are collectively capable of just anything that you set your minds on, and it will be this conscious coming together that will ensure your success. Your potential is unlimited and as you project your heartfelt vision of what you see as your future, so it begins to take form. You can hardly have failed to notice how many people are coming forward with demands that changes take place. They do so without fear and hold the flag of freedom high in the air, knowing that theirs is a divine mission. However, they do need support and every sympathetic soul that sends them Light is strengthening their efforts. As such actions grow so others also take strength from them, and a powerful thought form for change takes on its own energy.

Be assured that no matter how little you feel you can contribute to Light upon Earth, it will expand as a result. Light comes to you from all quarters, but none more powerful than the Central Sun of your Universe. The set up is too complex for you to grasp just now, and words would fail from being inadequate. Just know that within that Sun are the most wonderful Beings of Light, whose magnificence is beyond description. Their consciousness fills the Universe and provides the energy upon which all depends on its existence. The Universe is totally organized and answers to the Laws of the Creator, and all life has to conform to them. There would otherwise be chaos and evolution would be impossible.

The vast size of the Universe is another matter that you have little idea of, and again it so difficult to give you an adequate description. It contains millions of Star Suns each with its own complimentary planets in systems similar to yours. The Galactic Federation membership is by comparison quite small in numbers, yet even so it has millions of personal and Spaceships at its disposal. They serve throughout the Cosmos, and where the Earth is concerned the tasks that lay ahead are also let to those civilizations that mirror Man. That is why you invariably see human like Beings where contact is made. It is not to say that the Federation has no other types because they do, however they are nevertheless Humanoid in appearance.

You often see Space Beings pictured from the many contacts made over the years. Yet they can in no way convey to you the beautiful emanations that are given out, that are so powerful they engulf you when you come near. It is their highly vibrating energy that is received by you, as a wonderfully loving experience that is most uplifting. It is a peace that knows no equal and enfolds you in its love. Your earthly experience of the energy of love is in no way comparable, but it does place thoughts in your mind as to what it is like to be in an absolute state ecstasy.

The Earth is your school playground, and like young children you love to play games. However, they are not just childish fun, but very serious lessons in being responsible. Each soul is thrust into a physical experience that is meaningful and gives opportunities to evolve spiritually. You create your societies and the rules, and Man endeavors to live within them. They do not always reflect spiritual wisdom, and are often intended to serve the dark Ones and their plans for control. These are situations where you have to exercise your freewill rights and claim your sovereignty. Governance should be by the people for the people, and not to enrich those who represent you. Your Constitution makes these points quite clearly, and if your representatives have failed you by not complying with them, they have broken their oaths. The time is not too far away when those politicians who have let you down, will be removed from their posts. Instead you will have people with the desire to serve for the good of all.

Many beneficial changes are on the horizon, and they will lift your quality of life very quickly. Our allies are already primed for their various responsibilities, and indeed have been working towards their objectives for many years. The foundation for the changes has been laid down, and co-operation has extended as far as some leaders in other countries. President Obama will lead the plan that releases you from the dark Ones, and his true colors will be seen once he can fully establish his authority. He has his critics and that is to be expected, but his hands are tied until he can muster the support he needs to go surging ahead. Our presence will enable that to happen, which is one of the reasons the dark Ones try to prevent disclosure of our existence. That is quite impossible as it has been decreed that it is now time for you to meet us, but first the disclosure must be made so that we are officially recognized. You will feel more comfortable about us and our appearance when the nature of our mission is given, and you will find that the plan is for your upliftment to higher levels of existence.

We ask you many times not to be fearful, and we shall continue to do so as that would be playing into the hands of those who would keep you in the dark. Certainly be aware of events that are taking place, but do not emotionally become involved. By all means make others aware, as many people are oblivious of the battle that is being played out between the dark and the Light. It is nothing new, as duality allows for either one to capture your minds and souls. The power swings from one side to the other, but no matter how long it takes the Light will always emerge the victor.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of many representatives of the Galactic Federation that have regular contact with you. Humans talk about keeping their chins up and it is exactly what you should be doing, as your success in overcoming the dark on the higher levels, has ensured it will also manifest on Earth. A few weeks or months are neither here or there in the whole scheme of things. Keep smiling and that alone will imbue others with happiness and joy. We never stop projecting our joy and love to you, and if you sit back and think of us, it will come to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Anchoring Peace

Planetary Logos Lord Buddha-

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-26 /10/09

Greetings to all souls of the Creator on the Earth, I extend a wealth of love to you my friends as I come forth to share with you this week’s message from the spiritual planes.
I, Lord Buddha, oversee the Earth and unite with the souls of humanity and Mother Earth; I am working within you, alongside you and leading you to access your truth and inner body or realisation of enlightenment. It is my mission and purpose to share the sacred energies and qualities of the Creator with you to ignite the all knowing, wise and loving aspect of the Creator within you. I am integrated as one with all and so experience your existence on the Earth as well as the situations and circumstances of every soul on the Earth. I understand the uncertainty and fear that some of you are experiencing due to the powerful energies of love surging onto the Earth at this time of the Earth’s evolution. I also understand that many people feel a renewed determination to achieve discipline and mastery over their being but I feel that there is one quality from the Creator that needs to be anchored in greater abundance into every soul on the Earth. This quality is the energy and vibration or intention of peace. The quality and light of peace will bring forth a renewed connection for all with the Creator, while acting as an immensely supporting and balancing, activating an ability to see and view your reality and actions with greater clarity. The teachings of the Creator for 2009 and 2010 are to hold the discipline of remaining balanced and focused in your own sacred energies whatever occurs around you. This may sound difficult but it is almost like detaching from the influence of your situation in your reality and holding faith in the energy of the Creator that everything in your reality will always flow with ease and precision, so that you may walk a positive path of love on the Earth. The Creator is asking you to practice remaining balanced and at peace with yourself and your reality so that you can aspect a lesson and level of mastery, progressing to understand greater teachings to aid growth and ascension. Remaining balanced is to not succumb to fear, worry or negative emotions and to exist in the middle of the extremes of happiness and depression so that you are content, stable and at peace.
It is my belief that the quality of peace needs to be anchored into the souls of humanity to assist in soothing their energies which may seem a little turbulent at the moment as old energy patterns, situations and blockages are coming to the surface to be released. To assist in a greater wealth of peace anchoring into humanity and into your being I wish to share with you an Ascended Master practice that I teach to all who visit and study within my Planetary Logos Ashram at the planetary white level of the Creator’s universe. This practice is not usually taught on the Earth but I feel that it may benefit many people in accepting a greater stillness, tranquillity and equilibrium to aid their acceptance of the Creator and comprehension of their existence on the Earth. I will now take time to guide you through this process of anchoring and accepting peace.
I ask that you sit peacefully, focus on your breathing to gain a deep meditative state of being.
Say ‘I invoke my divine guiding light and overseer Planetary Logos Lord Buddha to embrace me in your sacred and pure soul light charged with enlightenment and a wealth of spiritual inspiration. Let your loving planetary white light surround my entire being, protecting me and awakening my energies so that I may be open and receptive to your light and the vibrations that you share with me. Please prepare my energy for anchoring a greater wealth of peace. Let it be.’
Imagine that you are surrounded in pure white light, creating a sacred sanctuary of light for you to exist within.
‘Overseen by Lord Buddha I ask for a divine alignment to the energy of peace within the soul of the Creator and ask that the circular lattice of peace descends from the soul of the Creator to exist around me.’
Imagine a peach ball of light descending from the soul of the Creator and forming around you, the lattice of peach light encapsulating your body and aura. You can see the light and quality of peace from the Creator’s soul flowing continuously through the network of light manifested around you.
Imagine a beam of light descending from the soul of the Creator and travelling directly through the centre of your body, anchoring the peach lattice of peace into your energy and the Earth. As the beam of light flows from the soul of the Creator into the top of body it will draw on the light held within the circular lattice permitting it to flow down the centre of your being. Some of the light will then continue to anchor into the Earth while the rest of the light of peace will integrate with the bottom of the circular lattice of peace, creating a continuous flow of light anchoring into your body and flowing up from below your feet around and through your aura, until it reaches the top of your head. This means that the consciousness and qualities of peace are penetrating your entire being and are continuously renewing and building in vibration within your person.
The energy of peace is centring and balancing your being while increasing the flow of the Creator’s light into your energy systems and physical body. Allow yourself to experience the continuous flow of peace that the circular lattice manifests.
‘I ask for the Creator and the planetary level to integrate the energy of peace from the Angelic Kingdom, Ascended Masters, Venusians, Sirians and Andromedans into the sacred light of peace held within my circular lattice. Assist me in accepting the most appropriate consciousness of peace for me now.’
Feel the energy and light of peace intensifying and flowing with a quicker vibration and speed as it circulates through the centre of your body and into your aura. Relax and enjoy this integration and repeat to yourself for as long as you wish,
‘I am peace.’
When you wish to complete the process of anchoring and accepting peace imagine the energy you have absorbed descending down into the Earth almost like roots or a ship’s anchor grounding your energies into the physical planes and your current reality.
Throughout your day when you feel as if you are unbalanced or if your emotions are going to extremes or your mind is not acting in a productive way, take a moment to imagine or acknowledge the lattice of peace and the energy flowing around and within you. The lattice of peace will remain with you always and will hold a greater influence if you remind yourself of its presence each day. This is a practice that many Ascended Masters within the Planetary Level Ashram sit and experience for hours on end, but you need only experience this practice for as long as is appropriate for you.
I hope that you will find this exercise from the Planetary Logos Ashram beneficial and helpful.
With the love of my soul, I am united as one with you now and eternally,
Planetary Logos Lord Buddha

Best wishes and blessings, Natalie

Its time to Shine!

Saint Germain
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Please note – The information of this Transcript is free and should be made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not add, change or alter any of its contents

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self for your greater good.

** ** **

I am Saint Germain, I am the king and Lord of the Violet flame and I extend to you, to each of you this violet flame energy for you to integrate as part of my energy and to embrace the understanding of this energy and power and with that to allow yourself some leeway in some small way to be human and in that humanness to claim your divinity as you have been trained to do and with that to have a powerful insight not only into the world of spirituality but very much into the world of materiality for that is very much a word that most of humanity finds quite challenging to perform within, and with the new energies, with the king of the golden energy that creates a spark within the flame I saint Germain alongside my brother Lord Kuthumi bring forth a new energy unto this plane, blazing forth from the golden rays and the violet rays, a new energy to light up the lives of humanity, to create sparks within, so that you may blast yourself forth into a wondrous and most exciting journey – awakened each day – as part of this exciting energy and thus as Saint Germain, the King of the Violet flame and Lord that reigns supremely over the Amethyst and Violet rays I welcome you, greetings!

A: Greetings

It is for you and for me very much a process of understanding and being; do not think this only goes for you only it is indeed for me just the same. I too am learning, in process of transcending energies extending limitations. Each one of us from the higher realms are extending thus ascending our energy fields into much more powerful expanding energies, far more powerful and greater than ever and because of this each of you are also undergoing the process of transformation and therefore it is a learning experience for all of us, it is certainly a learning experience for all of you, and this brings forth the celebration of light unto this plane bringing new magnificent rays and flames that will assist you in transcending lower energies and limitations, and information of some of the teachings up to now have for some of you, for many of you infact, been a challenge to understand, some may understand about the energy but in general many are struggling to understand the true meaning of the path of ascension. Many a being feel that the pathway of ascension that you are now within is a physical transcendence but in fact it is very much an eternal process that you have to work through bringing change and the only way many of these changes are actually able to come about is for you to find within yourself a quiet time and for this very reason myself Saint Germain and my brother Kuthumi have been in retreat for us to find a whole new reconditioning and strengthening of our existing energy fields so that we too can move on beyond the levels we previously preferred to entertain ourselves and others within. With that comes new experiences and as life should be for you truly exiting each day must give to you a new experience, indeed life is a celebration whether you want to celebrate it or not you certainly should get out your Champis (Champagne) and flip your corks (laughter) yes it is indeed a joyous celebration of light, we on the inner planes of spirituality existing and living within the inner octaves of higher energy, light and sound, we prefer to do a spiritual champagne cork popping (laughter)

Dear ones the vibrations of your planet and of your energy fields is now increasing to such an extend that you truly have to come into your own power by realising your strengths, many are able to do this, many aren’t able to truly understand the true bliss and power of your own divinity which perhaps for many (in some instances) is not a bad thing (for the moment) especially those with an altered ego that runs away with them, though the time is now for you to ‘rise and shine’ with your honored ego creating a magnificent balance for your lower ego and soul ego to be together as one functioning with unity. For no longer can you say ‘this aspect of myself is entertaining that, but today I prefer to entertain this’ for in truth and reality you are only one, as we are all one so then if you are only one living within one unity consciousness then how can you split yourself for your own convenience? You cannot do this, so with the new energy the true power lies in embracing it therefore for this group in specifically (and those following this work) and the energy shared through this particular channel we have been asked to explain some about energy and how the human bio-fields come together as one creating a magnificent symphony of light where everyone of the octaves created within this composition creates a magnificent cord call a human being, a human being created through the music of God.

Now with the new energy you need to begin to understand yourself as a musical instrument, you will find more and more information coming through currently and in the not too distant future about relating yourself the reality of colour and sound for that is truly one of the easiest and simplest ways for you to understand yourself as a multi complex being that truly has to adhere to the laws of simplicity for you to be able to make any sense of yourself, a mouthful?

A: Yes (laughter)

SG: But it’s true so now through the new octaves of sound and frequencies of light and colour you will begin to understand that you have as part of the greater whole magnificent complex energy every right to every thing of life. You indeed have, you have claimed the right for this energy, you have worked for this energy, and now is the time for you to step forward, step off your complacency protective boards and take a very deep dive into the crystalline waters of mysticism and love and with that to embrace yourself as a wondrous new being. The earth as you know her, needs all of the love and support that you can give her. The earth or lady Gaia needs all the love and support that we from the ascended realms as well as those from the star realms as well as those from extended light energy pockets are able to give her, and for that very reason you will find that the energy of those that assist Creation within the world of manifestation, the Elohim, are coming closer, moving forward towards the earth plane at an increasing rate infusing their energy very closely into the earth plane, to help each of you and all of us to create for ourselves all of the divinity that we desire and is rightfully ours.

The essence of the earth is currently shall we say not completely imbalanced or balanced but very much in transition and it is also for this very reason that the powerful violet flame is becoming such a powerful tool for you to use and utilize for many reasons or purposes for in the philosophy of the new world order it is only light and love that shall prevail so therefore if you try to use the powerful energy of the violet flame for the purpose of self absorbance I am afraid it will fail.

The new world order which I Saint Germain am heading as the king of the violet flame and overseeing lord of the violet and amethyst rays brings with it a tantalizing new energy which is the very reason why I have asked this woman to describe my gathering or visitation here with you today in a light way so that you may be able to lighten up a little and shine your way unto the world instead of being miserable, down, limiting and the ever questioning, will it ever end the ever questioning? You tell me

A: Yes

SG: You have the answers powerful young lady (SG address lady in circle) yes the questioning must end.

Synchronicity is one of the most powerful aspects of intuition. Intuition brings forth a way for you to find a unexplainable road or journey along a pathway that you don’t quite understand yet once you are there, are able to realise when back tracking your thoughts, that the awareness of the moment on the journey that you did or were supposed to take is what enables you to reach your destination. Now synchronicity is one of the most powerful energies that can transmute the lower thought forms of fear and guilt and the forever questioning that’s currently playing out (quite predominantly on the earth plane) therefore for you will find that a lot of the information coming through not only through known but also unknown avenues is to diffuse fear and to finally release guilt from the clutches of the inner darkness afraid to truly face the self as an extension of light. Therefore synchronicity is the energy that you must watch out for everywhere you go, you will find that those previously opposed or unable to converse with you in some way about beliefs and understandings will come forward and now unmistakably share with you their experiences of synchronicity out of the blue. This one of the subtle ways in which we bring energy through as we awake new energies stirring the pots of divinity until such time that each is ready to come forward magically taking a sip from the potion of love called Creation for that is when humanity will be able to claim themselves as powerful creators and instead of many of the thought-waves or religions or institutions or teachings keeping their followers thinking along a one track mind of fear rendering themselves unable to embrace their right as powerful creators they will be served with the horse-d’-oeuvre of synchronicity, which is one of the tools through which we are directing much of the new thought waves. So when your friends or neighbor is excited to share with you their experience of this to their own shock, then get excited with joy for the new energy is here.

It is part of the tools of the new world, all part of the ingredients as we brew a magnificent broth stirring the pots of divinity and when the time is right whomever is ready to move on steps forward to share in the joy. So there is no need for you to go out to create wars of light, with the new energy you allow energy to unfold and you do this best by shining your light, lighting up your own wisdom, sharing your own inner self in such a way that every one of your friends and family knows of your shift. They may not be able to place their finger on it, but they will know the shift in the look in your eye and the smile on your lips, the look of insight, the smile of knowing, this is the energy that is now unfolding, gently, for you see the forces of light is without pressure, the only force that is possible is love.

Love is an energy very powerful, so powerful it’s best you don’t oppose it. It conquers all releasing all fears and attachments to fear and it is for this very reason many like to prefer to think of the opposite of love as fear or hate, but infact as you know love has no opposites for nothing, no thing can come against it.

So what you are now beginning to work with, and to face in your personal life on a daily basis is the questions of the mind that dares to ask you within each minute of the day who you are. If you have thought previously this to be intimidating and boggling then you better think again for in time to come this energy shall increase tenfold. And each of you that has an idea of your existence, each of you that has some understanding of your background you will not be hammered and dampened by that question at all, for all you will answer is ‘I AM’ and the new energy that now extends from this ask you that each time you have the power within your heart and mind to actually expel from your lungs the oxygenated ‘I AM!” to have some compassion by allowing some of this energy for your neighbor so that they, your brother or sister that feels round in darkness for their history and existence will benefit from your wisdom allowing them to embrace who they are, God Beings, Christed Beings, Light Beings, beautiful beings, no matter the expression of the preference of your current life experiences, everyone is beautiful, everyone is special. Of course then there are those that may feel themselves not to be beautiful and special in another’s eyes, but the key to this is what brings me to my next point. This is the other energy that you now need to actively work with and I know that you have been presented with these energies previously but because I have come to give it to you today I want you to take in seriously! (Laughter), and this is forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key that will unlock every unconditional aspect you could ever need to transcend yourself from this universe into any other in any way you wish. No longer are you able to walk about judging another no matter what they have done in your eyes for it is not up to you, it is not your business to say what another has done or not and favor your likes or love accordingly. So forgiveness is another powerful aspect of the new energy force of light that is beamed towards the planet and how is this done, through light rays. Are you with me?

A: Yes

Unconsciously or subconsciously these energies are being beamed towards the planet through the filters of your time and the filters of your time is found within the world of your science, and in your world of science you have what is referred to as protons neutrons electrons and atoms, so the filters within your time that is also found in some of the many grid structures that surrounds your planet is what actually physically carries the vibration of this energy. Metaphysically and of course scientifically in a spiritually advance way that energy simply travels through the string theory of thought projection. These energies are finally integrated into the human bio force field which is then absorbed into human consciousness as it is beamed back from the level collective unconscious. This creates a blanket of light that eventually allows this energy to be pushed down ( compressed) as it descends, in the energy of conversation you enter a room and you feel perhaps you have been discussed, perhaps this is, probably is, for the energy of thought hangs around the room and in the same way the energy of negativity can ‘hang around’ so can the energy of positivity. So in your world of animation perhaps see these energies being beamed down towards your planet via light refractors, using light rays being beamed towards the collective unconscious being programmed by many beings such as myself and many other beings from the hierarchy of light that all come together to be able to bring through a whole new influx of light and much like you create energy that ‘hangs around’ so do we, which is dispersed through the collective unconscious into areas of light, and as you say in a light-bulb moment the light goes on you think of your friend and she/he appears or calls. What actually happens is you were receptive towards the world of unseen plasma where we gravitate towards you new light influx which improves your ability to experience synchronicity, intuition, change, and you are absorbing all of this using of course your full spectrum senses not only your earth senses as has been recently shared with you (See Pallas Athena 26 October).

So while humanity for many reasons may seem to be despondent in many ways there is an unfolding light energy that is almost unbelievable to try and explain or understand, new powerful rays beamed towards your planet for you to integrate and make part of your life and believe me not only the spiritual or light workers benefit from this but everyone. Even your brother or sister that you believe is so wrong, from where does this come if not judgment. Even they have the same access to the same power and the same love perhaps they have more cloudiness to break through to be able to allow it to transform them or integrate it, which they can only do once they are prepared to cross the bridges of fear, which as you know is the one energy that can truly limit and debilitate you. although there are other aspects of this energy that can result in inspiration in some way, the limitation overrules.

One of the greatest conflicting struggles amongst humanity is the comfort many feel within mass energy, in other words to come together to share good or bad, as you say ‘birds of a feather flock together’ and so it is with fear, as many feel comfort in shared fears feeling at ease with not being at ease, feeling fine to be unsure oppose to setting out to discover, feeling grounded to anchor their insecurities for this at least gives them an indication of where they are (not) at. For a short lived fraction its OK, this is in the acknowledgment of where you are at in the present moment if you are true to your fears and insecurities but let this be short lived. So in this lie the acknowledgement of the communication with the self which is a most powerful energy that the masses of your land are unable to relate to. So fear as a warm blanket is now being lifted from your planet, little by little. With each rise of energy or with each couple of degrees that the collective unconsciousness raises its own energy vibration, the lower frequency vibration is being pushed up shifting the high density of fear into the light allowing a whole new ray of light unto the planet. If you can imagine placing yourself into a thick and dense underground bunker with a movable cover, with each opportunity you join together every strength to lift this lid and with every push you see more and more light and so with every rise within the limitation of the collective energies more light is absorbed, the density is lifted and each of you within every moment of your life plays a very important part in this lifting of density and therefore you are the first ones to be preached to, to let go of your fear, judgment, the ever questioning mind and to reach a stage of finding that God Presence within. That is what you have been preached about or taught all of this time, this topic covers even more than 3 quarters of your transmitting messages and teachings to let go of this and now you are being asked again through the powerfully blazing violet flame to transmute all of this embracing yourself as most powerful creators for you are and with that to stand together as one united consciousness and through the power of your intent lift the density of everyone else’s for that’s why you came. You didn’t come here to have a jolly good time all the time did you?

A: Yes we did (Some sister reply) (laughter)

SG: At least we have one good sister of sanity here, of course you did, to rise and shine! (Laughter) Indeed you came to have fun, to have joy, to live, but because of the lower vibrations that creates a very intense density for you within your lower bodies many aren’t able to lift themselves up. That is why I am asking you today as Saint Germain to rise and shine, to become excited about your life and to be truly excited about the reality you are a part of and how are you going to do this? You are to with love, unconditional love, analyze every imbalanced part of your life and then fix it quickly, you are going to use the power of the violet flame to blaze it into accepted perfection.

I am asking that you persistently continue to be the most beautiful being that you are already (only you cant see this) for as you say love is blind, but know the new universal energies are the glasses (laughter) and through these energies you will come to see yourself as a brand new and beautiful being. A wonderful being, you will begin to see the excitement within your life no matter your exterior structure so in other words no matter how you may perceive yourself to be, you are just fine. No matter how you may perceive your lack, or carry too may curves (laughter) know you are just fine. You are beautiful, so now it is time for you to embrace that and each time you feel a vibration of energy that makes you feel a little uneasy note it down on paper or in your journal, analyze it and find out why you are not feeling good at that time. You will find that many of you have…I am not going to use the word predicted as we prefer not to although we love predicting we just don’t tell you about it (laughter) wil find that especially from now on and within the first 6-8 months of the Christed Year 2010 the masses will go through tremendous change when it comes to food, the way that you eat, what you eat and how you like to eat it. Humanity struggles with preconditioning, so you will come to understand that you will find your own way of eating breaking previous set ideas on food and the enjoyment thereof for as it is good to enjoy 3 balanced meals a day, it is also good to enjoy 6 balanced meals a day with different proportions and combinations. With the new energy comes a new way of eating as you will find that you will combine different foods that you previously didn’t entertain as you will find that you will combine foods in ways to benefit and charge your energy field. Therefore we cannot reiterate enough the power of prayer especially over that which you consume, be that in solids, liquids or light (energy/prana) thus allow yourself through the current transformation to become a little more flexible, wiggle your feathers (would you like to do that?)

A: Oh Yes

SG: open yourself up, get a little flexible, so instead of being staid, stale and transfixed in your personality, allow yourself to experience your own retreat and in that time embrace a true transformational wave of your own consciousness and accept that with each new day, you understand anew, you believe new, you embrace new, therefore share anew, share some of your life and wisdom, even share some of your money..

– Dead silence –

SG: No ?

A: (Shrieks of laughter)

SG: we have an unlimited supply within the world bank order up there, down here and everywhere (laughter).

Dear ones the energy of that which I am sharing with you today is to understand that for you to transform yourself, when you listen to the guidance that is coming for you, each one of these messages say to transform yourself you have to become lighter, not more dense. Does it say transform your life become heavier (laughter) does this sound right? No. So become lighter therefore my approach to you is light this day so you can lighten up, shine, and embrace your lightworker self, create a new energy for yourself in the lightness of your being. I understand that within statistics around 78% of all humans have in recent years set out a little haven’t you? Gained a little weight have they? (laughter) in some instances more than a little (laughter) now the lightness of being doesn’t necessarily mean lighter of figure, if you want by all means, but if not then certainly allow that energy of want because of beauty and the nagging voice about your appearance to be transmuted as you embrace yourself as beautiful, a wonderful divine entity of light for within this light entity lies the eternal knowing of your divinity and within this it truly doesn’t matter which form you have decided to carry during this or any other of your incarnations. This is your choice and according to that choice you are living out this life experience except that now you need to realise that the light switch is on, the pituitary is being resounded with sound and light frequencies. The pineal is being resounded through sound and light frequencies and if you allow yourself to become transcend now instead of continuously living within your current limitations and misery, thus you take on a exciting and jovial personality, you will see more than there is. Have you ever tried to see more than there is?

A: Some

SG: I am daring you, to go out and see even more than that, see colour and energy beyond your lower formational mind, even if you can’t comprehend what it means, only recognize it as beautiful. Listen to the sounds of your heart, open your sacred or higher aspects of the heart. Embrace the higher orchestral aspects of the heart, allow these compositions to play out your personal composures of music that only you can direct, orchestrate and vocalize. So in this excitement and most incredible awakening of love consciousness be kind, be gentle, be still and share with others. Forgive your neighbor, friend, and self, and finally transcend into a new light. You cannot take your energy field and light bodies and move these beyond 5th dimensional frequency if you can only relate to 3D. How are you going to embrace the true fluidity of the 6th Dimension, the true manifestation and ceremonial magical orders of the 7th dimension, the infinite of the 8th, the true understanding of the reality of divine beingness and completion of the 9th, the dimension of eternal creation of the 10th, the mastering dimensions of the 11th, the supernal service commitments of the 12th and beyond this dimension where the Ascended Master energy works from if you can only relate to yourself as a 3rd dimensional being? Your wings are going to be stuck. You need to transform your wings into energy and light to enable you to rise and fly, extending beyond this into the greatness of Creation and this will only be possible if you embrace your crystalline self. As humans you are quite set, I bet you can’t even fly from your chair?


SG: But I bet if you invoke your crystalline wings you could?

A: Yes

SG: Would you like to give this a try (Yes!) so then follow me!

All get ready for the activation.

Saint Germain takes the group through a process of scooping stagnant energy from close to the floor and lifting it up to transcend

Do you feel the change?

A; Yes!

Good if we continue like this we’ll have a whole new earth! (Laughter). The density of the negativity that you have come with has collected here, and you have been transmuting your own troubles by lifting them up. Shall we try that all together one last time?

A: Yes

All do this.

Let this go, make yourself anew, you have crystalline wings waiting to unfold.

Saint Germain shared personal humor with all on excess fat on the sides “Not these wings” you call these wings?

A: Love handles (laughter)

Close your eyes, be relaxed be at ease, be at peace, visualise yourself right where you are at in your own beauty sitting on this chair, in this space, and for a moment feel the lightness of the room, feel how the energy has lifted, feel how some energy that has brought life back into your veins allowing your blood to flow fresher gives unto you increased excitement and stimulation. Now being comfortable in your breathing I want you to visualise walking through a most magnificent forest with trees everywhere, see yourself walking without shoes along the beautifully laid out pathway pf cobblestones, feel the comfort of the stones beneath your feet, the natural stones from earth. See the pathway weaving itself into the forest weaving high up into the hills until eventually you reach the mountain top, you come to the end of the forest, ahead of you is a beautiful cave, mysterious, enter the cave, and see ahead of you in the cave streams and waterways and cave pools of water, its light inside as the sun streams in through portals into the cave. See many portals of light extending from the mountain top into the actual cave allowing light to fill the cave, see the turquoise waters everywhere. Pause.

Now step into the water, gently, and as you do so you realise it was not truly the reflection of the water that enticed you so, but all around the entire cave is laced with beautiful crystal structures growing from the floor, walls and rooftop of the cave, crystals everywhere. Pause. Feel yourself gliding over the crystals under the water as you gently touch these. Pause. Allow yourself to float into the centre of the pool where you come to float under one of the natural sky-light portals which allows entry of the sun which shines down unto the water lighting the cave. Pause. See the sunshine rays now shining down upon you aligning all of the chakras and energy bodies. Pause. Again look around and take in the splendor of this amazing cave. The water is about chest deep as you can still comfortably stand and float. Pause. The cave water is soft, crystal clear, warm, comforting, pause, now on the count of 3 I want you to gently slide deeper into the crevices of the cave until eventually your head is under water and you are able to breathe comfortably under the water, know that you are safe. Now in your mind, close your eyes and let go….one…two…three. Pause.

Slide deeper, simply allow yourself to drift off into a magical mystical dream…pause.

Now find yourself in a magical old temple of light, and everywhere you look you see massive structures of Amethyst quartz. Pause. See the light that eneters the temple refracting the amethyst rays giving off a most beautiful violet glow everywhere. Pause.

The temple floor is polished amethyst. I now invite you to walk across it and then jump on the amethyst slab in the shape of a narrow long bed, jump up and lie down on the slab, and the moment you do I want you to feel the connection of the violet flame within you communicating with the amethyst energy. Pause. Some time ago some of you felt the awakening of the violet flame activated through my counterpart Lady Portia (Channelling: 21 June 2009) you may recall this where she took you through a process of awakening the violet flame within yourself, your 12th chakric system, which she incorporated as 12 prayer candles. Now visualise within every one of your 12 chakras a glowing violet flame that comes to life, flickering gently, allowing all of the energies of the amethyst within this temple to recharge and recalibrate everyone of the chakric violet flames, so by the end of this time of healing your violet flames will be fully charged but for now simply relax on the amethyst slab seeing the violet flame flickering in all of your chakras. Long pause.

I now want you to visualise myself entering the healing temple, I come to stand next to you covering you with a beautiful blanket, a deep violet blanket, leaving your feet exposed at the bottom, with your hands hanging on either side, with the blanket covering you from under the arms to your ankles, a think soft wooly blanket in the most vivid violet you have ever imagined. Pause.

Now become aware that a most powerful brother of mine lord Kuthumi comes to stand at your feet as he places the palms of the hands, his palm chakras on the soles of your feet connecting his palm chakras with your sole chakras. Pause.

Entering the room coming to stand at your crown is Archangel Michael. He places both his palms on your crown chakra connecting both his palm chakras with your crown chakra. Pause.

Opposite me the Energy of Master Jesus is manifesting, Master Jesus places his right hand on your base chakra and His left hand on your crown chakra. Pause.

With that I Saint Germain places my left hand on your base chakra and my right hand on your crown chakra, the opposite to Master Jesus. Long pause.

Now visualise how the energy of these 4 beings including myself creates a powerful influx of light that activates a most powerful amethyst ray of light into your energy field. Visualise this amethyst ray about 30-50 cm in diameter extending from the hands of Lord Kuthumi and AA Michael from your crown to your feet, the Master Jesus and myself supports this facilitation with our energy fields. Pause. Powerfully see this amethyst tube of light which further charges the violet flames within your 12 chakras. See every one of your chakras give full life to a very powerful violet flame. Pause.

Once this energy is anchored and powerfully in motion myself and Master Jesus lets go of your crown and base centres stepping back from your body taking your hand on either side stretching your arms out He holding your right and I holding your left stretching your arms like the shape of the cross with Lord Kuthumi and AA Michael continuing to ground the amethyst ray of light into your energy field. Pause. Master Jesus and I now place our hands on top of each other and lies your hand we are holing on top of ours, He holding your right, me holding your left. So you have your right palm chakra on top of his right and left, and you’re left on top of my right and left. Pause.

Together the 4 of us now sends a powerful ray of light into your heart chakra. Pause. Now from your heart chakra I want you to extend a most powerful energy emanating from your heart chakra allowing another magnificent violet flame to manifest on each of your palm chakras so use the love in your heart to light up each of your violet palm chakras. Pause.

Now see yourself lying down with the glowing 12 violet flames in each of your 12 direct chakras and also in your palm chakras. Pause.

Lord Kuthumi now asks that you release unto him everything that you feel unsettled about, unhappy about, and uneasy about, so allow his palm chakras to draw out from your energy field any energies that you still feel not good or at ease about. Pause. Visualise this energy leaving your body through your feet, traveling through Lord Kuthumi’s palm chakras into his energy field being transmuted into light released from his crown energy as beautiful violet flames of light into the atmosphere all around, with him transmuting all your lower discordant energies into higher octaves of light, allowing this to continue until you feel absolutely satisfied. Very long pause.

Once complete you will feel the energy slowing down with Lord Kuthumi sealing the energies of your sole chakras with two beautiful violet flames extended from his palms into your soles. Pause.

Now bring into your mind all of that which you unselfishly desire for the self in a un-egotistical way, all you desire to be brought into you energy field in the form of universal energy, universal prana or universal life-force energy, allowing all this to be integrated through the crown chakra of AA Michael being transmuted into personal life force energy which is being absorbed into your energy fields, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Visualise how this most powerful Archangel facilitates this process for you and see how your etheric energy is being filled with this light by creating a violet shield of light all around you, filling from your feet, into your legs, hips, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, over your face and head until eventually it seals the crown chakra so we shall give you a moment or two to make sure you have integrated full capacity transmuting ions of the violet flame with you embracing this energy or Chi into your body and light-bodies, your etheric bodies. Pause. Once you are happy communicate to the Archangel to seal off your crown energy by activating two additional violet flames in the area of your crown which he releases from his palms into your crown. Pause.

Archangel Michael now steps back from you about an arms length away from your head expanding your crown energies. Pause. Your crown chakra now fully integrates all of the other chakras 8-12 with the 13th being the complete integration of the system as a whole. Pause. Kuthumi now also steps back expanding the chakra energy of your feet to about an arms length away. Pause. I indicate now for you to stretch out your arms to the side as myself and the Master Jesus also steps away extending your energy about an arm’s length away from the tips of your fingers. Pause. Now in your mind, keep within this extended violet energy, sit up on the slab, and feel how this expanded new energy feels around you. Long pause. Can you relate to this?

A: Yes

SG: Now jump off the slab, stand next to it, feel how your energy extends in all directions. Pause. Again bring into your mind the 12 violet flames in the 12 chakras, the 2 flames in your palm chakra, the 2 in the soles, see 3 flames in the crown area. Long pause.

The four of us now hold hands, extending our arms to each other creating a ring of light with you standing in the centre with myself Saint Germain facing you, Master Jesus behind you, Lord Kuthumi to the right of you and AA Michael to the left of you. Pause. With us holding hands the 4 of us now emanate a most powerful vibration from our heart chakras to yours which reinforces a golden flame within your heart chakra allowing the golden and violet flames within the heart to be as one. Pause. See these two flames blazing as one within your heart. Pause.

Now from our throat chakras we blaze towards your throat chakra a powerful blue flame which activates within your throat a sapphire blue flame with the violet flame intermingling as one. Pause.

We blaze towards your base a powerful ruby flame so that the ruby and violet flame become as one. Pause

Finally we create a most beautiful translucent flame, a mother of pearl flame which reflects the Divine Feminine placing this into the crown which together with the violet flames transmute into a Diamond Violet Flame with your crown. Pause.

The 4 of us let go of our hands, now turn to your right and face Lord Kuthumi. The gift that lord Kuthumi today bestowed upon you is to truly help you release from yourself all of the limitations which still binds you in may ways to lower limiting thought forms. Vibrations and emanations of a lower energy are not necessarily bad but it could be un-grounding. Many of you need still need to ground yourself more fully into your planetary experience for many of you are truly at times unable to relate to yourself as the true human that you are. You see yourself within your spirit and light bodies and many times unable to relate yourself as part of the earth experience therefore releasing the negativity and uneasy vibrations from the soles of your feet not only helps you to transmute that which is limiting your own processes of being, thought and creating, but also helps you through the blazing violet ruby flame to ground your energy physically into the earth experience, which will also assist you in recognizing the irregularities in every unbalanced minute of your day, and with that to take yourself through transcendence, transmuting limiting energy being born from your limitations when it comes to your own values and inability to forgive yourself, transcending this through the intuition of your higher mind by allowing the violet diamond consciousness within this crown to balance this gift and with that give your thanks to Lord Kuthumi as you turn to face AA Michael on the opposite side of Lord Kuthumi. Pause.

AA Michael through the blazing crown violet diamond flame facilitated for you today the powerful activation of the sapphire violet flame within the throat. By allowing the energy to be transformed from universal to personal chi AA Michael facilitated a influx of energy which supports your dreams into reality allowing you to fill yourself with the amethyst consciousness into a lightness of being, this is not only for you to recognize the positive vibrations and integrating these but powerfully helping you to let go of the guilt of wanting to create in your life. It is a natural state of being; in fact it is very outdated to live in a world of lack. How else can you experience all of the most wondrous gifts and blessings that Creation offers you if you cannot be a part of this and integrate these? Yes sure, within the lower foundations of lust and greed discontent can breed the ever increasing desire to have more, but this is only fueled by insecurity and thus by lighting up this powerful blue flame within your throat AA Michael blesses you for you to go forth and express your desires with integrity and honesty and divine truth, the truth of your reality as a multidimensional blessed divine being, thus he facilitated the integration of light potions to fill up all of the empty pockets within your energy field, supporting you to slowly transform yourself to carry the power of the violet flame all around you, extend your gratitude towards him. Pause.

Turn now to face the Master Jesus. The master Jesus and I both from opposite sides infused you with light for you to embrace yourself as a super conscious divine being. These two energies were lodged within the heart and crown. The Energy of the heart is the combination of the violet and the gold and the crown the violet translucent mother or pearl energy which once melded and blended was transformed into the violet diamond flame. This serves as a reminder for you to stand tall within your masculine feminine processes of your divine mind and divine heart and to embrace through the love of The Christ within as without the truth of your incarnation at this time as a light worker, to expand your consciousness for you to be able to help others integrate the changes within this physical glandular reality, within their anatomy, helping them through the changes within their anatomy from lower limiting thought forms to extreme advance energies which will be medically proven by your medical scientists recording the changes within the Pineal gland, within the pituitary gland. By integrating these energies and shielding you with the total amethyst energies which carry through the amethyst rays a powerful yet gentle aspect of the violet flame serve to bring a true awakening within of your shifting DNA. You see for you to be able to transmute all of your lower realities in other words the limiting RNA/DNA into a unlimited cosmic DNA carrying cosmic consciousness you need to integrate all of the new aspects of yourself and truly for many of you one of the many avenues that you still lack integration is in absorbing your physical reality as a co-creator and thus give your thanks to Master Jesus for facilitating the Diamond consciousness within your violet-diamond flame within the crown, turn and face me now.

I gift to you the powerful essence of the violet flame amplified within your heart, where you already carry the Golden Flame of our Divine Creator within your heart. I now want you to give your thanks to me as I extend my appreciation to you for stepping forward this day wanting to be initiated or engineered into a conscious transition or transmutation inspiring you to embrace yourself as powerful energy of colour, light and sound, transmuting the old into the new. The 4 of us now make our way from your energy field as you are transformed back to the cave pools under the water. Pause. Now find you can walk beautifully under the water with the level just above your crow. Breathe comfortably, walking along I now want you to choose out specific crystals as you connect to on the side walls and bottom of this pool or cave river, connect with the intention to integrate these into your DNA structure and with that find for yourself one, two or more crystal vibrations that you feel connected to. Now place your sole chakras on these standing on these crystals embedded within the river bed, also place your two palm chakras also on the side walls on a preferred crystal or crystals, it can be one choice or you may choose 4 different crystals energies to integrate. This integration will aid shifting the density within the supposed junk DNA transforming any limitations into light DNA. Pause.

Visualise your violet flames on the soles and palms integrating the crystalline energies. Pause. Visualise in any way or form how this energy is integrated into your DNA until you feel very calm and beautiful. Feel your increased vibration rising in frequency feeling quite tantalizing according to the vibration you wish to integrate this day. Pause.

Now release all the energies walking along the underwater path as the water become more shallow until eventually your head is above the water, again come to stand under the portal of light where you stared off as you feel the rays of this sun portal reflecting light into the water all around lighting up the turquoise water and cave all around. In your mind stretch out your arms and embrace the sun rays into your being. Feel yourself become lighter, and even more, until eventually you feel ready to leave the water, again standing on the side facing the cave river, and when you are ready make your way from the cave, back through the forest along the cobblestone pathway. Pause.

Just before you bring your energy fully back into this space, quickly remind yourself of all of the process of light you have experienced this day, integrated and shifted. Pause. Bring an awareness of that which you choose to integrate yourself through your chosen crystalline energies, slowly bring yourself back into your physical reality, back in your chair, move your arms and legs stretching these out, yes stretch your limbs, get some circulation flowing, and shine your light!

Very long pause.

Is there anyone here that needs to have some clarity or explanation on the crystals you have chosen?

A: No

A: My question is not so much the crystals but often I find in meditation especially during the gifting part I fall asleep through it.

SG: Beloved sister this takes place within the mental field, the sacred mind and sacred heart joins hands they override your questioning by allowing you to sleep to get you out of the way so they can fix you (laughter). While you are in activation you keep questioning asking can I feel this is this true (A: Yes – Laughter) and they are tired of the questioning (laughter)

A: Someone else: I had an experience at the back of my head a pull from the base to the top towards the crown, when you were talking about the pituitary could this be, for a long time today I felt this pull.

SG: Beloved sister this pulling energy is due to stimulation within your ascension chakras. The increased energy or new energy that shall soon be discovered and shall we say gazetted for a better word about this changes within the pineal, pituitary (and thymus) glands within your physiology shall reveal an increase of energy flow from the back of the head to the top of the crown. The pituitary and pineal are situated within the centre of the head connecting to the 3rd eye and crown energies which now also very much is forming a more noticeable bond, like you find the energies of the lower chakras bonding, also the middle chakras bonding and here you have the higher chakras bonding, with the throat being a portal of spiritual transition between the mid and higher energies, serving as a portal into the world of unconsciousness. The Medulla Oblongata which is situated at the base of skull is especially very vulnerable at this time, in fact has been for some time, and it is for this very reason that AA Michael initiates a special shield of protection over this area. When you are in a situation that you feel unsure or uneasy it won’t hurt or harm to ask AA Michael to place his shield of protection around this vulnerable area. Initially it was the energy of titanium and platinum which was introduced over that area as protection which is now being enforced by combing this energy with a pure crystalline sheath, it was sealed at first with the energy of mother of pearl over this area but now with the increased influx of Christ consciousness you have also a crystalline shield over that because of extreme vulnerability in this area because of your transcending consciousness so what you felt is real and true, take care of yourself have plenty of rest. So when you feel the increased vibrations from the neck up do not panic for the ascension chakras are being stimulated. These are a group of 44 chakras at the lower level increasing to 144 eventually within the crown area. Does this answer your question?

A: Thank you very much

SG: You can ask me anything except the results of your lottery (laughter)

A: May I ask are we likely to see physically changes with the new crystalline energies

SG: I am not sure of your question?
A: Are we likely to have physical experiences?
SG: Very much indeed, you will begin to see physically things are very different to what they were before and that is also why you need to integrate the understanding that within every complexity of existence and structure of life there is the resounding possibility of multiple bodies so there are these aspects also surrounding the planet that very much influences the energy and through these extended light body energies you will begin to tap into a multidimensional field of light which will look differently, you will see it differently, it will smell differently. We will give you a wonderful example of this we had quite a giggle as you say (smiles). In the afternoon of yesterday this particular lady I am communicating through (Chanel) was in her kitchen and she suddenly experienced a very strong smell of roses. She recently purchased roses and when she experienced the smell she went to make sure the roses has a smell she walked to the area where she kept them (far away from the kitchen) and viola no smell at all. She even tried to get close to the flowers nearly pricking herself to smell both the red and white, but there was no smell! This was a multidimensional experience because the roses were standing in her kitchen for some time before she moved them out and they choose to leave her through their own multidimensional aspect or etheric plasma a gift of their supposed smell (Commercial roses in SA don’t smell) this completely perplexed her mind which we found very humorous (laughter).

A: I would like to ask about protection because I am in a very vulnerable position and I have been told that I am to raise my vibration so that my energy field can’t be compromise by lower vibrations, but now after this I want you to tell me how do I do that.

SG: By using your energy field as it is now after this activation, place your energy field within the violet flame allowing the violet flame to transmute all of that which makes you feel uncomfortable. If you want to use a physical example you may create a picture, you can paint the violet flame on your wall and place etherically energy into this, you may place fears into this flame and invoke its protection or to transcend yourself or anyone that surrounds you into a different vibration of light by merely projecting this into the flames but whether you do it physically or metaphysically it matters not, doing it mentally it does not matter therefore create a metal picture of this placing a violet flame in a certain area or areas or on your altar or perhaps in a certain part of your house and then visualise the constant blazing of the violet flame placing firstly your own fears into that violet flame, secondly place forgiveness towards self and others into that violet flame, thirdly place absolute unconditional love to blaze through all discordant energies so that you may pass on only love and enlightenment to those that restricts your flow of energy, does this make sense to you?
A: Yes

A: Can I use the violet flame for when I am doing healing?

SG: Absolutely you may, I suggest for this purpose start off invoking the Amethyst Ray, then gently invoke the release if the violet flame through this ray and once you and the person are comfortable with this energy invoke the violet flame into full power according to the highest will of the individual you are working with in other words get permission from their higher self and then set the intent for them to only integrate levels which they can handle and in this way you may guide them into the introduction of the violet flame and perhaps for those of you that are in the healing profession when it comes to your time now for you to make all of your gift or Christmass Cards for your people why don’t you hand paint some violet flames and in this way hand them a gift of awareness. Give these gifts of transmutation to others for it is not often you are going to find a violet flame painted on commercial cards not so? (Laughter) not likely, so paint it yourself. Type the message if you wish, but paint the card. “Mary blessed friend, here is a gift of the violet flame” (Smiles). The violet flame will become extremely prominent, in fact humanity will realise it is already everywhere. Have you ever seen any institution of religion that does not in any small way contain the colour violet in any way? I haven’t, makes you think doesn’t it. It comes in may ways and forms but the vibration of the colour is what allows integration to a great degree in many ways, it is also for this reason many people harbors unknown fears towards this colour for they are unable to work through their own processes of limiting consciousness when it comes to their own fear of that which they may ‘see’ or ‘confront’ or ‘feel’ within the unknown. Some are very fearful and it is now time to heal this and let it go for balance is the most important energy now on this planet which is why it was agreed today to give you the blessings of the Master Jesus, AA Michael, my brother Kuthumi and of course myself, I cannot leave myself out of the picture (laughter) so we give you this gift of transmutation by flooding you with the amethyst and violet energy, for some serving as a reminder of what they have already experienced to a great degree through the lady Portia and myself some months ago, perhaps go back and read this, it is true I was there (laughter) and so to bring an understanding of love to you.

Through the act of forgiveness and transcendence, shifting your vibrational consciousness into a un-limiting form by claiming unconditional love in your heart and mind (even if it has to put you to sleep) {Saint Germain looks at lady asking the question – laughter} it must be so for the powerful rays of light of the new earth is here. It is now up to you to integrate these through a lightness of being and as I have made mention of earlier one of the difficult areas for many lightworkers is their inability to embrace the physical aspect of their earth reality for they are already up there (pointing up- laughter) perhaps that is why some of them are getting so wide to keep them down (Pointing out to the sides as in gaining weight – shrieks of laughter) I better not say too much now I do not want trouble (laughter) and so the lightness of being is what is needed now. To shine, to light up, rise and shine, to become light in energy, and if need be lighter in body too if you desire, but certainly in humor, in energy, to raise your vibrations as high as you can possible get it and how do you do that? Can anyone tell me?

A: Some answers: Let go / be joyful / connect / have fun /

SG: These are all good answers but by each day reaching for a higher potential in yourself, that’s how you do it. By aiming higher with intent, then so it must be. Aiming each day to raise yourself into a lighter state of being through the act of all that you made mention of, letting go becoming lighter, having fun, be jovial, laugh, doing all this indeed incorporates a lighter state, transcending you into divine oneness and this oneness is indeed what activates your ‘new’ DNA your crystalline DNA, the DNA that you have just a few moments ago asked to be further activated and charged. Are you with me?

A: Yes

SG: Are you happy?
A: Yes

SG: Very good.

The new energies being activated with increase influx through this divine portal of 10:10 on this day also ask that you begin your forgiveness by practicing it on the self, do not be so hard on yourself. Do not be too over perfect; this is not intended for if so how can you have room for improvement? (laughter) if you are over perfect overnight you might become completely bored with yourself (laughter) so keep reaching up integrating higher levels of consciousness for this is the way you expand your current sense of being.

I hoped through my message today to give you some enlightenment, some information on the self once again and with that I wish you a most splendid journey ahead until we meet again, until I am ready to speak with you, until you have some time to speak with me. The essence or focus rather here is to allow the inner violet flame to blaze towards others that surround you and in the process to bless all, your family, friends, neighbors even the ones you do not like with love. As you transmute yourself from limiting to limitless allow all those around you to face the same process within themselves for each of you are beautiful God Beings, God loves you, He cares for you, she cares for you, and I Saint Germain care for you, the Master Jesus cares for you, The Archangel Michael cares for you, the solar Lord and King he cares for you (Kuthumi), everyone of the light beings care for you, your guides and angels all care for you.

Begin this day on the 10:10, a masterful entry to new beginnings to love yourself no matter what, to forgive yourself no matter what, and thus to spread your light and your love unto others by staying focus on your own beauty, your own magnificence, embracing this HUMBLY and be gentle and kind to the earth and all of the beings that comes with her.

I am Saint Germain, I bless you as I give you from my heart to your heart a most beautiful gift, a very special violet flame which I place in a pure crystalline disc and I ask that you keep this hanging around your neck close to your heart. Arevoir

A: Thank you very much


“Trust And Let Go”

Lady Quan Shih Yin

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

During this session Lady Kwan Yin shared some profound wisdom on the
inner child as well as a most powerful initiation balancing the
masculine/feminine aspects of our inner child amongst other energies,
we are invited into her Ashram on the inner planes of Shamballah
within the etheric energy of the Himalayas

At the end of the transmission we had a surprise super quick visit
from Lord Kuthumi sharing briefly his decision to momentarily withdraw
his energy from the channelling earth frequencies, for a short

Please note – The information of this Transcript is free and should be
made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not
add, change or alter any of its contents

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations,
simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be
undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for
your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by
your higher self for your greater good.

**** **** ****

I am Kwan Shih Yin; I come to you in love this day, greetings to you.
It may take some time to come into a perfect frequency of love for as
you know this is to be the first time that I am working with the
frequency of this being, in this way (conscious chanelling)

Dear ones I am Kwan shih yin, I am a mother of this planet serving
alongside all of the other mothers of this planet, your planet. We
serve in a weave of love to create for you a whole new structure which
serves as a blanket of Light for humanity. Great changes are taking
place at this time on many and every level of this world and because
of these intense changes it has become really and truly important to
bring in new support for the Blanket of Light. The blanket I am
referring to is as always the Breath of Creation.

Every one of you has an inner journey to fulfill. You have by choice
of self taken on an experience called humanness and through this
experience of bringing your heart energy to this planet in this way at
this time, you have come to serve each other by reminding one another
of eons that many of you have shared, spending time together in many
ways, many lifetimes, and also shared energy as part of the elemental
energies of your planet. At this time the elements of this planet are
facing extreme challenges which is the very reason why these beings
that oversee this energy have been extremely active. Each of you here
and many not present know inertly the feeling of being part of the
elements of creation, for you have served within the inner worlds
creating the rain, the sun, you have served within the realms of light
which supports the etheric structures that keeps all of life together.
You have also served as the passion and the flames of this planet. You
have served as the light, the night and day which is also another
reason why many of you feel a particular energy towards a specific
expression of nature for instance some feel that you are unable to
cope with strong or excessive winds, others unable to cope with
extreme and strong heat of the sun, many of you still carry memories
of the service that you played a great part in creating, the great
elemental energy.

Lightworkers such as yourself have come now this time in this awakened
consciousness to support your fellow man and ancestors here upon this
plane in creating a whole new world, and because of this history and
your understanding of the elemental energies you have chosen to bring
your part in creating balance on this plane at this time for much of
the work is being done on elemental levels. You know the erraticness
of your weather patterns, and I Kwan shih yin are one of the major
overseers of these weather patterns, I am part of a huge group, many
millions infact that assists me in this project. I am like a powerful
wind, I am hot like your sun, I work very gently through the power of
your waters to help bring emotion and to sustain this emotion in a
balanced way.

You have come this time as lightworkers not only to create for
yourself a life that you are dreaming about, a life that you know you
were promised all along. You not only came because of your power to
serve humanity and the earth, but you very much came also because of
your incredible connection to the elements, and the elementals really
can do with the support that you can give them for these beings use
their energies as support to assist in the massive changes, some done
and much more to come, that shall deliver the power of
transformational change. Before you can go too far, before you allow
all of this to run away with you, it is first asked of you to be small
in yourself, meaning to withdraw your energy from being active in too
many directions restructuring your light allowing it to come together
as one. In this oneness restructuring of life you shall find yourself
as part of the one that is innocent and gentle, one that cares and is
constantly kind. For you to find direction and a deeper understanding
of your divine support as part of the cosmic plan of divine fusion and
divine beingness, you need to now find within you first an element
that shall allow you to be truly great friends with yourself, which is
for the average not an easy task at all, for most of humanity find it
extremely challenging to be in a position of great friendship with
themselves. Do you follow me?

A: Yes

QY: Are you friendly with yourself?

A; Silence, someone says yes.

This essence lies within the awakening child within. Before the child
awake within (which delivers unto you much blessings and an
understanding of the deeper aspects of the self) you always have to
come to meet the erratic child without. You have first to know the
personality of the child without to discover remotely that perhaps the
truth exists that there is a child within after all. One that plays
constant games be that with the self or others. The outer plays games
without rules, often being childish and unable to shift to the new
creating set ways oppose to understanding the self in a more profound
and symbolic way.

Symbolism plays a major part in your energy field and all that you
represent, in fact if you allow the inner aspect, the sincere innocent
part of the self to guide you, you will find dear light friends
symbolism in everything all around, and through this you will find
guidance and messages should you but just observe and look deeper into

Most beings are incredibly busy trying to create life and ‘love’ for
themselves which leaves us completely dumbfounded for they always run
in the opposite direction to that which the symbolism guides. How many
times do you need to have a certain message spelled out for you to
understand it and with that bring this symbolism to life. Now with
your knowledge dear light friends, with your understanding of the self
along this pathway that you have ventured, and now understanding your
divine inner connection to the elements that keeps all in life,
understand too your inner divine symbolism, it is this divine
perfection that we always somehow introduce to you in some way or
another. We give this to you in messages, in visions, we show you
flashes of light, we bring you winds of change, we give you waters to
wake you up, yet you never look to see beyond that which you prefer to
see and at the very same time you fall down on your knees praying for
guidance. Humanity loves to contradict themselves as they love leaving
their options open either way.

My work as kwan shih yin on the inner planes of divine compassion
serves to bring each of you to this inner guidance of understanding
the self, into the understanding of your own divine perfection
contained in the symbolism that carries you, that guides you, for the
visions and guidance and all of that which was and is very much part
of your life from birth to this day, all of the invisible beings that
took care of you, are still very much part of you. They never went
away, your imaginary friends are still waiting for you, it is only you
that need to recall them, for it is part of the set plan of this game
that the older you get the more you for-get, forget about the
invisible forces of light and love and support that is there for you
thus the more go with that which is tangible oppose to with that which
creates all that even dares to become tangible.

For all is spirit, can one even dare to say that two atoms that
combine to create another which you can absorb with your six senses
including your intuition is not spiritual, it is not possible for in
the beginning there was nothing and now there is all this and where
did it all come from, from you, throughout time and space in the same
way dear ones that you supported life in all of its facets, in its
flame energy, water, air, earth and ether. You supported as part of
the Concept that gives life to all that is, and you shall return to
that Concept by releasing your divine inner blueprint, which is your
symbolism that keeps you anchored to a world of sanity and the world I
refer to is not the one that you find all around you tangibly. This
world dear ones of the light is a world that is recreated the moment
you close your eyes and dare to dream. A word manifest so real and
truly tangible if you would but allow the inner divine symbolism to
guide the outer child in having fun and joy whilst playing in the
playground called life. This is the purpose of your being here mainly,
to be able to live out your dreams through the innocence of the inner
child allowing the outer child to grow up, older, mature yet never
loose the inner zest for living. The moment life becomes too serious
for you and unable to create for the self joy, harmony, fun and
laughter, this is when you adhere to the outer aspect that strives to
live ‘in security’ thus being insecure, thus you experience this
aspect of the self that need you to live within the lower part of your
energy field for you to ‘feel safe’, whereas we are always urging you
to allow the higher aspects of the self to teach you by guiding you
along the passion of fun and joy.

At the moment, the weather patterns across this planet are
tremendously erratic, one of the reasons being the earth’s tremendous
sadness that she carries within her womb, for too many of her beings
are blindfolded so busy scurrying around like enormous ants creating
little factories for themselves to live in and live through and live
by, that they completely miss the greater aspect of the new energy
which now is so important; which is all about going back to the inner
love and innocent aspect by allowing the inner sense to emerge, to
release from yourself a symbolic energy creating innocence in
everything that you do, creating a beautiful pattern in your lives, so
no matter what you do, do it to the best of your ability instead of
just doing it for the sake of it.

Dear ones of the light, you are asked now at this time to communicate
your love to the elements of this plane. There is a calling for you
lightworkers to become much more in touch with the elements within
you, and to do so by communicating your internal symbolism to the
external symbolisms, the elements, overseen by the elementals. The
secure child within has no fears of the elements, it knows how to
communicate with the external elements for it is very important as
many of you tend to overlook and some forget about these aspects of
communication, the connection between the internal and external thus
that which create the moods in you, and that which creates the moods
out side of you all around the planet. Nature is natural thus it has
become extremely important for you to be in touch with nature without
and the way to do this easily is to find the origin of your nature

Often in life one gets to face tremendous upheavals and challenges and
in your particular world it is mostly related to insecurity issues
being unsure and fearful the latter often from an individual aspect of
being alone or without abundance. There are in most cases these
fearful attachments which prevents you from going within, and should
you be able to go just beyond that, you will come to know that by
allowing the innocence within to communicate to the innocence without
which is the nature of the earth and the nature of your moods, you
will come to such a divine balanced state of knowing your divinity and
when this occurs it will release for you a clear and conclusive
vision, a picture of the symbolism of your divinity and through this
vision you will inertly know that you are always divinely cared for
and loved. You will rest in tranquil knowing thus your part as the
greatness of this earth along with everyone else, and so the time has
come now not only for you as workers for the Light Energy but for all
to work together, stand together not only as you come to man the plan
of light enfoldment, but also to allow your innocence to connect, to
create a wonderful eternal energy of love, compassion and care.

Gone are the days of being in conflict with another, of always needing
to be more secure and better than another for only the fittest shall
survive this and the fittest in this plan never need rely on the power
generated within your gymnasiums, but more so be fittest in faith,
compassion, kindness and care. The way to do this is to surrender to
the child within.

Everyone of you have been a child at some stage, you had your
imaginary friends, the ones that took care of you by sweeping you out
of the way as the motorcar came streaming down the way, well they are
still here. Internally contained is still a presence from those days
back, the innocent aspect of yourself, the inner child. It is awaiting
your call. This inner aspect which knows infinitely that anything is
possible beloved dear ones of a light vibration is still there,
active, waiting for you. It is this aspect of the self that asks “when
last did you have fun”. When last did you take a paper and scissors
creating objects that fly through the air? When last did you cut out
symbols and stuck them to your plants pretending it to be an early
Xmas? The outer aspect of the inner child prevents this for this is
the ego aspect that always demands. It is also this outer ego that
won’t allow you a tree without a gift, for there is always the need to
have and the expectancy of supply.

Dear friends of the light, the greater part of my visit to you this
day as Quan Shih Yin, is to remind you to go within and draw without
the innocent parts from these areas.

It is the innocence within the inner aspect that allow you to dare
breaking free from restraints and restrictions, allowing to explore
for the insecure aspects of the self lurks in the shadow side asking
you ‘when will things go wrong’ always expecting this. So in tapping
into your inner nature and being completely at ease with your outer
nature by communicating your connection to the elemental energies you
are asked to create a whole new visible pathway of light sharing with
others along the way, creating great excitement again within your
existence and your being. It is very important for you as a being to
now release from your energy field the limitations that prevents you
from going ahead and believe us there are many. You are on the brink
of a massive shift, a planetary shift. There may be a physical
reaction, in fact by merely observing the elements without one cannot
help by registering these changes already taking place, and therefore
with these changes and shifts within the inner earth plates you need
to be as comfortable with the self as possible, as balanced as you can
possibly be, and in this way you will be part of the support energy
for these changes as you will create the inner feelings without
amongst all, wherever you go. Humanity always expects the worst, many
times with the outcome in question. Many of you have experienced
previous mass exists, and still carries this memory, now it is time to
let it go.

There are many changes ahead for you, for the planet, for everyone of
you, therefore now tune in the fine strings of your soul instrument to
bring to you clarity, a new harmonic vibration and resonance, as you
too are experiencing a restringing within, facing internal avalanches
of change. Each of you, not simply those of you whom kindly came to
meet with me in this physicality, but many out there in your world are
facing avalanches of all proportions that shall bring change and the
major reason being the inner child is yearning to be without. It no
longer wants to hide behind the pillars created in the shadows of your
time but rather wants to go out into the public playground called
life, and be authentically itself, and such a time is it now where you
have to gently take the little one by the hand and go all out to show
them the world without, allow them to give to you the pleasure of
knowing how you are so loved all around, how you are so cared for all
around. So the key here is to allow the giant within (your mind) to
become gentle, thus tame the human mind by allowing your cosmic
(sacred) heart to awaken. Tame your inner fears by following your
internal map of unconditional love and divine beingness where no
direction is ever needed bar knowing. This knowing is what shall
awaken within you every aspect of completely surrendering into the
light; by completely surrendering into the innocence of the self and
for you to then take your grand egos and pack them in tiny little
boxes and place them on the shelves of forgetfulness.

When last have you listened to a child or rather truly listened to a
child? But Kwan Yin, why would I, grand me, listen to a little one?

Some of the greatest problems occur when having a child bringing it
into this world and not allowing that child to show you its world. You
don’t allow this world to show you the world of make belief for how
utterly ridiculous not so, yet should you but take a moment in time
and become aware of the child within you would gladly sit up and
listen to other children without, saying “now can you tell me about
your world?” Take some time from your incredibly busy important and
supposedly perfect lives and listen to some that you believe not to be
so. The reason why as you know, is by simply hearing a few little
words dear ones expressed by the innocence of your nation, you will
again come to face yourself finding what went wrong within, why you
mistrusted that child so, why you find yourself to be so all important
never to even give a simple moment of your time to one that is
supposedly not of your emotional standing, I ask you!

At this time you are being prepared to awaken within to the
compassionate feminine goddess of the self. This aspect of femininity
brings to you ways of being perfectly flexible, and is unable to fully
cope or blossom unless accompanied by the innocence of your inner
child. It is the child and the mother within that combines and through
this energy allow you to bring true balance within, thus without. The
child always dares, the mother nurtures no matter what, so here you
are asked to live and dare!

Don’t think that if you play it safe all the time it will remain so,
thus dare by allowing the inner aspect of innocence to follow its
guidance thus truth through its connection with nature, the nature of
the self which is represented by the elements – within as without, and
then surrender to allow the inner femininity thus the compassionate
aspect of the self to bring to the self ways of flexibility thus
working with the energetic life springs or coils called surrender.

Surrender is an energy that everyone some time in your lives has to
face, which is often with great effort and impossibility unless you
allow the inner child and inner goddess to gently guide you though
this process for the masculine aspect of the self usually finds it
extremely trying to let go trusting the internal aspects of
flexibility. The masculine aspect relates to the outer child, the
erratic child for you never know what to expect from its behavior
being ego drive.

So the outer part of the nature of the planet as with your personal
outer child’s nature is much the same, unpredictable acting on its
wounds. Nature in its natural sense carry, care, nurture, protects and
guide if you will. To create a link between your inner and outer parts
thus the way for you to find a way of creating bridges that connect
every aspect of yourself allowing yourself to blossom, is to face the
act of surrender.

The inner child understands that no matter what unfolds for you during
this lifetime that all is a part of your outset growth plan. The inner
child is the appreciative side of the self that has respect and lives
in integrity, that blesses all, and dares ultimately to be different.

With these words of wisdom being shared with you this day, you are
asked; you are urged in fact to connect to the nature of your being by
being in nature.

You are asked to begin a divine communication with your elements, and
also to understand what part you play as a divine innocent being in
the creation of your own nature as well as the reality of nature
unfolding around the planet as we speak. Do not simply accept all as
it is, set it into new directions by changing its cause. Do not be
forced to into a certain direction if you prefer not to be along that
way, change your course into another direction, and as you know to
begin with, it is done by changing the way that you think for what you
think is ultimately what you become.

In the quiet stillness of your being, thus in the nature of your
existence allow this innocence within to reveal to you a wonderful new
pathway of light, a journey or happiness, wholeness and love, where
you feel compassion towards all, and to do all that you do with
kindness and care and understand that in every moment exists an
opportunity to serve the self henceforth the light, inevitably all
that is. Within every one of life’s moments there are opportunities to
sparkle and glitter you light, and in doing so think but for just a
moment to share and pass this on to all around. Should you come to one
that may not be as excited as you about your excitement, simply
sprinkle them with the energy of laughter and compassion, glitter and
sparkle them with delight and then run and hide within nature as you
playfully inspire all around. When they come looking for you and
forces down the shrubs to find the one that forces them to acknowledge
excitement, jump out and give them a big innocent fright, love them,
and then run some more. Allow the innocence within to bring to you a
new-found happiness without.

Follow your hearts, listen to the children, and know the only
difference between you and them is the fact that they still know where
their imaginary friends are.

You possibly wouldn’t be seen dead with them not so (laughter) no you
are all grown up not so? So pack those egos away, and have some fun.
Be in touch with yourself by being in touch with your nature, and with
that allow your inner guidance to deliver to you your innocence of
being, being the best that you can be.

Dear friends of the light and so to welcome you in my paradise and in
my world, I would like to personally escort you, each and every one of
you, to my inner planes, would you like to come?

A: All shouts yes!

QY: The dragon’s await, let us go!

All get ready for energy activation & initiation.

Do be comfortable; drink some water if you need to, as there is no
stopping along this way. Pause.

I Quan Shin Yin invite you to venture with me into my ashram as I ask
you to walk with me experiencing a wonder world of laughter, joy and
happiness. Imagine yourself walking along a cobble pathway, with the
most lush and splendid gardens on either side, trees, flowers, animals
of all kinds in the nature of your vision. Pause. As we venture deep
into this beautiful imaginary world visualize that the cobblestones
beneath your feet are being transformed into gold, so you are walking
along this golden pathway with the magnificent and immaculate gardens
on either side, nature sounding all around. Pause.

In the far distance you will come to notice massive golden walls
stretching to either side as far as the eye can see; pure gold as the
pathway you are walking upon. As you get closer to the wall you notice
an entrance with massive gates, and once you are much closer you
recognize my personal entrance into my Temples in Shamballah. Pause.

I invite you now to follow me into the gardens but first come to stand
on the outside of this massive golden gate and notice outstretched on
the walls on either side of these gates are my own two personal golden
dragons blazing their fire of compassion towards the gate entrance.
Pause. Now come to stand facing this gate and in the knowing that you
are about to enter my personal entrance into sacred Shamballah, I want
you in the stillness of your nature to ask the innocent aspect of the
self to awake within a wonderful vision of your inner child and then
through the innocence of this energy I wish for you now to request
entry into my Ashram, the Temples of The Lady Quan Yin. Very long

Once permission is granted the gates will automatically open, enter,
the gates close, the two dragons again lie down resting, basking in
The Light, the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom. Pause.

Now walk deeper through the sacred gardens of Shamballah, towards the
Temples of Lady Quan Shihn Yin, or Kwan Yin which ever you prefer as
you come to face your initiation temples for this purpose (Inner Child
Initiation), these are very tall ostentatious temples set in a
peculiar Chinese fashion. Pause. Visualize the Chinese architecture,
the varied roof levels, and the chimes and ringing bells, also see the
immaculately painted scenes covering the walls with the ruling colour
red, representing the power of the earth dragons. Pause.

Before you enter this temple I wish for you to make clear contact with
your inner child, receiving pure visions of the expression of your
inner child. If anyone prefers not to have this meeting with their
inner child we suggest for you to sit here on the steps leading into
the temple and wait for our return. Pause. As for the rest of you, now
enter the temple, you will see the lower inner structure is square
shaped with its 4 definite side walls, with set arches everywhere, and
as it stretches up you will notice many levels, with many interrupted
walls and arches as it ascends towering into the heavens, set in a
typically Chinese fashion. Pause. Be still and hear the bells and
chimes softly playing. Pause.

Now as you enter the temple you will notice painted on the tiled floor
within the centre a golden sphere, make you way towards it and come to
sit in the very centre of this golden circle, on the floor, make
yourself comfortable. Very long pause.

Now within your mind, bring a vision of how you would prefer to see me
Quan Yin, visualize me entering the temple from the opposite side to
where you entered, making my way towards you as I come to sit facing
you, so close our knees almost touching. Pause. I now ask you to place
your hands palms open facing up resting on your thigh’s in the lotus
position. Pause. I now place my open palms over yours with my right
palm over your left and visa versa. Now feel a connection creating a
link between my 3rd eye and yours, with my palm chakras connecting
with yours, my masculine aspect charging your feminine aspect and your
masculine aspect connecting with my feminine aspect. Pause. Feel the
power of knowing and releasing creating a flow of energy between your
3rd eye and mine. Pause.

I now ask of you dear one of the light, to close your eyes gently and
be still within this vibration of love that is transferred from my
energy field as Quan Yin to yours as truly magnificent. Pause.

Now visualise for yourself: If you could create a female vision of
your inner child no matter your sex what she would look like. Pause.
Without any energy disturbance now visualize from your left of this
inner temple appears this little girl, she makes her way towards us
taking a seat on your left thus my right. Pause. Once her energy is
settled I am asking you to create another vision by repeating this
process, see a little boy, the masculine side of your inner child, and
with that he enters coming to life, as you invite him to join us,
sitting on your right side thus my left. Pause.

I now let go of your palm chakras as we all join hands, with you
joining hands to your right with the masculine aspect of your inner
boy child connecting you to his feminine aspect (his left hand with
your right) and you take with your left hand the right hand of the
feminine representation of your inner girl child, thus your feminine
side joining with the masculine aspect of your inner girl child (your
left hand with her right). Pause. I duplicate this by joining the
masculine side of myself with her feminine side and my feminine side
joining hands with your inner boy child’s masculine side. Pause.

With all our palm chakra’s joining we are all interconnected as one.

Kwan Yin repeats this connection for those that didn’t get it.

Dear friends of the light, I now wish for you within this meditation
to ask the masculine aspect of your inner child for a direct answer
and guidance that will allow you to become more secure within yourself
thus now take this time to address the masculine aspect of your inner
child to communicate to you, with clarity, what is needed for you to
learn, to experience and let go of, that will enable you to grow up in
such a way where you can now finally make peace with and let go of all
of that which you fear so much. Very long pause.

Have you all got an answer?

A; Yes

QY: Anyone need more time? Anyone not hearing anything?

A; I don’t

QY: Beloved sister with this exercise the intent is not to wave a
magic stick allowing you to wake up in your magnificence by giving you
the answers to that which you inertly know, but rather for you to wake
up in your magnificence letting go of the stubbornness of always
having to have some flashy visual proof of everything in your life
(Doubting Thomas) so here and now, ask the masculine aspect of your
inner child, what creates an insecurity within your beliefs and life
that always breeds fear into your being. Do you follow me?

A; Yes

QY: Now ask the question, connect and hear the call. Can you hear the

A: No

QY: The answer is as I told you, you need’nt always have grand flashy
experiences to validate their existence waiting for these to wake you
into your magnificence, sister why not TRUST AND LET GO! What is the
issue surrounding this that keeps you trapped?

A: I don’t know what the issue is I just feel there is this pulling
that won’t let go

QY: Exactly! Now this is what we are asking you, ask your masculine
inner child to give to you the answer to this, and find it you will
providing you allow the innocence within to bring this without. Do you
follow me?

A: I do

QY: although I can, it is not for me to wave a magic wand and reveal
these fears to you in this exercise, for this will defeat the process
of getting you to let go of your male stubborn side which only feels
comfort when it controls. Do this by allowing the secure inert knowing
to come to the fore through the energy of the masculine inner child.
Anyone else needing help?

Did all of you connect to an answer to your fears?

A: Yes

As long as you can address this, heal it by brining it to the fore.

Now to get back, turn to the female aspect of your innocence and
request for her to reveal to you ways and what is needed from you to
have more direction in your beliefs and understanding your life and
evolution. In others words now ask this flexible aspect of the self to
give you guidance when it comes to bringing more flexibility to the
inflexible side of the self. Ask the little girl what is there that
you need to apply to bring more stability for the self when it comes
to your beliefs and supporting your evolution. Our sister, are you
with us?

A; I am Trying

QY: That’s all that’s required of you, well done.

Very long pause.

Please remain seated as I get up indicating for the two little ones to
follow me with us standing and you still sitting on the floor. I now
whisper to these two little ones to one at a time embrace you with a
warm hug, and share with you the love they feel for you, and then for
the two of them to join hands and walk off the centre core in the
direction that I came in and to wait for me at the entrance where I
entered from. Now also if there is anything else that you as an
individual need help with, need support with, then now is the time to
ask this of them. Very long pause.

Once done they leave the centre with joined hands waiting for me on
the outside of this inner temple sacred space. I indicate for you to
stand, again taking your hands in mine holding them lightly, as I now
communicate to you a specific symbol, from my 3rd eye to yours, a
symbol which I suggest you work with at all times to help you connect
with your inner child. So now again close your eyes and feel the
energy of this imprint between my 3rd eye and yours until eventually
this symbol become so clear and imprinted in your 3rd eye that it no
longer needs the imprint from my 3rd eye to imprint this into yours
and thus the energy between our 3rd eye’s start to dissipate until the
connection is completely halted. Now again open your eyes, embrace my
smile as I give your hands a gentle squeeze with the assurance that
you are now fully on a path of inner recovery.

You are now on a clearer pathway where you will come to meet other
aspects of yourself you never knew existed and henceforth you are now
in the healing process of putting to bed many of the unfinished
supposed errors, the errands you never stopped running, the messages
which never came to completion. You are now enroute to bringing all of
the unfinished aspects and issues to a rest by integrating the inner
masculine/feminine innocence, allowing this presence within to awaken
to all that’s without and visa versa. Pause.

I let go of your hands, I thank you for allowing me into this very
personal space of yours, Namaste` as I bring to you an awareness of
your beauty. I now leave, joining the little ones waiting for me as we
join hands with them on either side of me turning to face you from a
distance. Pause.

I indicate for these two little angels to now move coming to stand in
front of me with all of us facing you. Pause. Now the intent is set
for an internal transition to take place within you, blending these
two little one’s energy fields to become one, please allow this now
(pause), once completed I gently rest my hands on the shoulders of
your inner child facing you, be it a boy or girl, it matters not, the
connection is yours. Pause.

I ask you now as with this to trust the transformation within by
allowing 4 golden dragons to join us, to breathe their fire aspect
into yours (Solar Plexus), thus they take their positions representing
the 4 different directions (North, South, East, West) – also
representing the 4 lower bodily aspects of your being (physical,
mental emotional and spiritual), allowing them to also bless you with
the elements of air, water, fire, earth aspect of your nature by
awakening the etheric thus the 5th element ether within you. Pause.
Thus allow these golden blazing dragons to wake your full fire aspect
by lighting all of the chakric flames that you have been initiated
into thus far. If you can recall these light them individually from
the base up, and for those that don’t recall these or haven’t
experienced this, simply allow these golden dragons to breathe life
into the aspects of the self that still carry the memory of your
connection to the nature of life, the elements. Very long pause.

Whilst this continues we simply stand by observing; you feeling the
passion and the love of these dragons blazing compassion and life into
your being. Long pause.

Once your energy field is sufficiently charged with your inner flames
burning brightly, the dragons slowly withdraw their power leaving you
enveloped, surrounded by a golden cocoon of light or a golden star
tetrahedron of light which ever you prefer. Pause. Connect again with
the inner flames, and with the protection of the divine golden
masculine energy surrounding you, and now I want you to visualise the
exact energy field (be it a cocoon or star tetrahedron which ever you
are comfortable with) duplicated in silver to seal your energy with
the blessing of the divine feminine. Long pause.

Within your minds eye, now bend down balancing on bended knees, call
your inner child to leave my presence and come to you to stand in
front of you, with you on bended knee making you the same height.

Now I want you, within the presence and the light of this most
precious and blessed temple of mine, to communicate to this innocent
aspect of the self that which you intend doing to allow yourself to
grow beyond the insecurity of the outer insecure child and to do so by
allowing the inner child to show you the journey of trust and letting
go, surrender.

Also communicate to this child all that you feel you still need help
with, look into his/her eyes, ask for his/her help, and once done
become aware that the symbol I transferred into your 3rd eye is also
firmly implanted and very evident within the 3rd eye of your inner
child, can you relate to it? Pause.

A: Yes

The key here is to trust – allowing the inner self to guide you on
journeys unknown to the self. Pause. With that give your child a
little hug, look up and feel my energy of love and compassion that I
bless you with as I return your look with laughing eyes, then stand
up, take your inner child by the hand, give thanks to my presence by
acknowledging my Temples and the scared dragons, also give thanks to
my Ashram within Shamballah accommodating you, inviting you into its
present state of being. Now turn and make your way (with your inner
child safely holding your hand), pass the inner sacred gardens, when
you reach the golden dragon gates for a moment recall the experience
you felt this day, give thanks to the dragons for entering, remember
your innocence, remember your inner bliss, request for the gates to
open allowing you to exit, and once done, leave, give thanks again, in
your own time make your way through the entry gardens until eventually
the golden pathway transforms into cobblestone and once you feel fine
to return, find yourself back in my midst speaking through this being
as Quan Shihn Yin, right here, right now. Long pause.

Ground yourself into your present physicality, anchor your energy
firmly into the earth, take your time, take in some liquid, ground
yourself from your base chakra into the earth, bring back into your
vision the symbol you were given not to forget this. If you tend to
forget these take your pointing finger and draw this symbol over your
heart chakra and ask your body to absorb this. Also draw it on your
third eye, even draw it on your leg for once you state with intent for
your DNA to remember this, then so shall it be. The key here is for
you to call upon these symbols at times of great stubbornness, at
times when you need to be more flexible, at times when you need a way
forward through the mists that may cloud your visions.

Do you have any questions for me?

A: I have a son and daughter and there is much strife between them, is
this a reflection of my inner strife?

QY: How would you relate to this?
A: I did have inner strife in the old days, did I pass it on to them?

QY: If you feel that you had a hand in this then perhaps its best to
first bring balance into your own inner self, thus balance your own
inner masculine/feminine

A: This is what I feel happened today

QY: You also need to understand there is absolutely no guilt needed
from your side for you to carry because of their inability to
communicate because of their choice to have this conflicting
experience within this lifetime. There is no guilt for you to carry,
not even from a Karmic aspect, make this clear to them, with love, for
they need to now grow up, let go of the conflict, there is no need for
the strife.

There is no need for anyone to be bad friends if they can’t be any at
all. Share this with them.

Anyone else?


I will again give of my energy field to return to this group ion this
way, brining teachings and wisdom on compassion and love to you. I
shall again descend into this realm brining teachings of understanding
the innocence of the self, this is very important.

Long pause.

One of the most important realizations for you now to live through is
the importance of just being, simply living your life as an immaculate
being. To enable this you need to allow the innocent aspect of the
self in guiding you, the innocent aspect of the self is the part of
the self that never needs to be pardoned and it is this part of the
self that we of the ascended realms and those of other and higher
orders of light see when we observe you. We only relate to you as pure
and kind and beautiful, it is you that need to relate to the other
aspects of the self bringing these into balance as you created these
and therefore when your job is done or should you be (excuse the pun)
man-enough during your lifetime to want to look at yourself just the
way you are, and face all of this opposing energy, you will become
lighter in all ways and in so doing you too will come to see yourself
as we do.

What we see is your pure innocent and all knowing symbolism, the
symbolic reflection of your energy expressed in geometry as all of
life is about geometry, even you, therefore it is important for you to
draw on these geometric patterns, use these, especially at times when
you are searching for the needle in your haystack of insecurity,
anger, your ‘need’ to know and so on. With that call upon my energy,
Quan Shihn Yin, to serve you, to serve with you, and bring about a
balanced energy of fun and joy filled with creative awareness where
ever we may go. Call upon me at any time, when you are unable to find
peace within which prevent you from letting go to finally surrender.

Dear ones, after my greeting to you sit back for a while and relax and
recall the memory of the possibility of your innocence within you, and
just be. Is this good for you?

A: Thank you so much Lady Quan Yin, we so appreciate it.

QY: You are always so very welcome, Namaste` (all answer Namaste`)
until we shall meet again. Please be still, don’t disrupt the energy
here for just one moment, yes?

A: Yes


I am Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to
greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a blessing of divine
knowing. Greetings beloved ones.

A: Greetings Lord Kuthumi

Beloved ones I have taken this time which shall not be longer than a
minute of yours to gift to you a blessing of peace, understanding and
love in my absence. I Kuthumi shall move to the inner planes for my
own initiations and growth for a period of time, spending also time
within my Ashrams, some of which you are aware of and then there are
the new ones which we shall make you aware of when the time presents
itself. During this time, as many of you are aware, you need to
experience the inner search to observe yourself from the powerful
Goddess energy and to do so greatly. In this time, get to know these
aspects of the self which has been extremely dormant for most of you,
the urgency is here to let go of the conflict not only prevalent
within the self, but very much so between all others. There is a great
message of urgency here for all light workers on this plane to join
hands and thus hearts for when you are within this state of
togetherness conflict is out of the question. There is a great need
for everyone to support one another, to share laughter, joy and
happiness, to be your divine self working with the teachings that you
are given, and in this way for you to play your part in the outplaying
drama of this magnificent planet. So beloved ones the reason why I
have come to share this with you here personally is because of my own
personal interaction with this group through this channel over the
past number of years. (All say thank you). My energy field already
retracted 6 days ago (from the date of the channel 9 May)), I have
merely ‘popped in’ as you say (laughter) just to let you know I have
not forgotten you, I never will. Call upon me, and I shall be there. I
am working with these channels during this time; I am simply not
sharing my energy field in communicative channeling for this time. The
period will become known to you soon, and as these teachings of
enlightenment become more powerful for all of us that are moving on
within the inner planes we shall certainly pass on these vibrations of
love and wisdom to each and every one of you (all say thank you) and
thus in the time ahead of you, be strong, be firm yet flexible, care
for each other, be there for each other, reach out and give a helping
hand to another, stop the conflict and bickering, and be as you are as
one. I am Kuthumi, I am the Cohan of the golden rays of love and
wisdom and I greet and I personally bless thee with love, Adonai.

A: Thank you we so appreciate this.


Loadsa Love

Chanel Lingenfelder


Vortex of The Violet Flame

Archangel Metatron Via J Tyberonn

“Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love.
Dear Ones, Humanity are at a crux, a crucial point. Those of you that have carried the Ascension Light to this point have indeed done your job, but now more is required of you.
You see, there are masses of humanity that are undecided, uncertain where to go, and so great numbers are taking a step back, rather than forward. And we tell you, that cannot be allowed to occur. Your energy is required.

And so we speak to those of you carrying the light. Because many of you are now at a seeming impasse. And some of you do not even recognize your immobility. Masters, sitting on the fence is no longer a possibility for those that have heard the clarion call of the Planetary Ascension.

So why the pause, why the indecision ?

It is because there is a final stage of clearing required on the planet, and within your selves.

The Crystalline Crucible

You see the 999 ushers in the Crystalline Age, and with that the transformation to the Crystalline MerKiVah. Yet that transformation requires the last dross of imbalance, of obstacle to be removed from your field.

The issue is that what was easy to remove has been removed, and what remains is harder to grasp, as if swept under the rug from site. But the Earth itself is mobilizing to assist you in that release. Certain vortexial points within the earth are now engineered, since the advent of the Cosmic Trigger, to enable the release into the crystalline energy. That through what is termed the Crystalline Violet Flame, indeed a crucible of sacred purification.

The Crystalline application of the Violet Flame, is a crucible of purification. It serves as the final processing of those obstacles that prevent the seeker from moving into the non-polarity of the Crystalline MerKiVah. It is available with intent and process, but is amplified, generated and disseminated from specific vortexial points on the planet.
The Earth and indeed Humanity are in a moment of Forward-Thrust, of Critical Momentum, and it is no longer suitable, no longer sufficient to rest on your laurels. More is required. You see the sacred seal has opened, and transformation is calling. A new program presents itself, and it is the Crystalline Awakening into zero field, and with it the transformation to the new Crytsalline MerKaBah and MerKivah. A system that is non polar, non-gendered.
Forward Movement

The magnetics and electros of the Earth are completing themselves and finding a fulcrum of balance. Did not the Magnetic Master , Kryon of Michaels Family complete the adjustment of magnetics to make way for the crystalline grid? Indeed it is so.

The electro magnetics of polarity field now gives way to the Crystalline Emergence within zero field. It is an aperture whose time has come, it is a point of Re-Creation. And that Re-Creation is the return to the Crystalline Essence from which you have come.

The Elemental Fulcrum

And so within the present flux, there is an fixed moment, a fulcrum point of Universal Truth that is opening like a lotus flower. It unfolds within the new paradigm of the Ascending Earth, and it does so within what is termed the ‘Elements of Earth’. That of Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Ether.

Indeed there are points on the Earth that are tantamount to the unfolding, and these offer themselves in purposeful transformational alignment.

And so we speak of sacred waters. Masters there is a unique symbiotic relationship between the human physical resonance and that of the ‘Earth-Element’ of water. The frequencial imprint of the human body is in special resonance with the five sacred elements of Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Ether. Yet it is the resonance of water that correlates to the essential creation or imprint projections of the human form. If you consider that the human body is approximately 70 percent water, there is a easy logic in understand the basis of this premise.

Crystal Waters of the Violet Flame

There are certain points of waters upon the Earth that present a unique crystalline lens & amplification of what is termed the Violet Flame. The three largest of these form a triangle and are as follows: Lake Baikal in Siberia, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Lake Tahoe in the United States. The former two are currently recognized, the latter one is only now being so.

Yet in truth all 3 have always been sacred. How could such powerful bodies of water not have pristine energies. Pause for a moment to consider the commonality of all three. Each are vast and deep bodies of pristine waters. Each are surrounded by an enclosure of volcanic mountains and valleys rich in electromagnetic and crystalline fields, forming an ovid lens. As such all of the matrixial ingredients for the vortexial swirl is present and embellished with a supra-potent field of natural plasmic energy.

Now we tell you that bodies of clear, pure fresh water contained in deep entrenched formations are capable of unusual, crystalline fluid properties. This is a different form of crystallization than occurs in the silica colloidal waters of Banff and Torres del Paine, as it is non colloidal, Newtonian fluid. Your academics and physicist do not yet fully recognize that specific waters of clear Newtonian properties are capable of crystalline physico-chemical properties when compressed at specific depths, becoming ‘densified’ liquid crystals.

In essence deep lakes of clear waters such as Lake Tahoe, Lake Baikal and Lake Titicaca, develop layers of liquid crystalline energy that exude tremendous energy, and amplify the conscious projection of the living waters.

The lauded studies of Japanese researcher Dr Emoto, has shown that conscious water can exude pseudo crystalline forms when influenced by positive energy emissions. We tell you that unique waters such as those in Tahoe, Baikal, Ouachita and Titicaca, also are enhanced by the geometrical vibrations of the crystalline and noble metals within the living land, particular at deep levels. Your academics believe water to be incompressible, but we tell you it does exist in compressed states in specific conditions, and in these situs, it is creates an enormous energy field.

The Mega Vortex of Tahoe

One of the most potent vortexial portal complexes in the Americas, has been unrecognized by many metaphysicians in the past four decades. It is Lake Tahoe in northwest Nevada, on the border of California. Yet some of your renown leaders and teachers, such as Ronna Herman and Jim Self were drawn to live in its vicinity as anchors. Many others are now drawn. Yet in truth the waters of Tahoe have been recognized for their stunning beauty and tranquility for millennia. But Masters, these waters offer far more than this. Those that spend time near the waters soon find a deeper and deeper tranquility. And yet they encounter deep moments of self review, release and re-prioritization. This attribute is no random occurrence, and its function is becoming greatly amplified in the crystallization of the Violet Flame.
A Land of Golden Energy

Your geologist are aware that there are vast deposits of gold & silver in the greater area of the Tahoe Vortex. Both of these noble metals offer tremendous frequencial attributes to the Tahoe waters and Vortex tyhat are extremely beneficial.

( *Writers Insert Notation – Over three quarters of the gold mined in the United States comes from Nevada, it is also the second largest producer of silver.)

Vast quantities of these metals are in the carbonate formations within the Tahoe Vortex and absolutely embellish the energy of this place. There are also crystals that naturally occur in strands of pegmatites in the igneous granite that surround the area and throughout the Sierra Nevadas. Opals, citrine, amethyst, ametrines, garnet, jasper, turquoise, chaldonacy, and other quartz varieties abound in the area. Some known, others not, yet their potent energies add immensely to the energy of place.

Many of you tend to think of Nevada for its gaming, and thus assume it is not a high vibration. Yet we tell you that the north west portions of Nevada are a vastly different energy from the gambling mecca you call Las Vegas. It is why so many are drawn to the area around and between Lake Tahoe and Yosemite. We tell you that between the nodes of Yosemite and Tahoe is a pristine energy that carries great energy of higher dimension.

Within that energy the lower vibrations of human greed are filtered and washed clean from the higher fields that abound there. That is why the indigenous, and indeed the Atlanteans before them recognized and came to the energies of the Tahoe Vortex.

The area of Lake Tahoe has been recognized as sacred for aeons. Enclosed in its vast vortexial complex are an array of unique energies that add to its immaculate energy. Within its field are satellites that add to its frequencial potency. The areas known as Pyramid Lake and Grimes Point ( Spirit Cave) are in fact part of the energy of the mega vortexial-portal system of Lake Tahoe.

Tahoe is also an anchor to a second energy matrix which includes Mount Shasta, Yosemite and Grand Teton National Parks. All are harbingers of the Violet Ray of Sainte Germain. Each represent the Violet Flame is an elemental context, Shasta is fire, Tahoe is water, Yosemite is Earth and The Tetons are air.

We are ready for your questions.

Question to Metatron: Ronna Herman has recently channeled Archangel Michael regarding vast amethyst crystals that exist beneath Lake Tahoe. Can you speak on this ?

AAMetatron: What this beloved Messenger has brought forth is the anchoring of the vibrational creation frequency termed the Violet Ray. Archangel Michael has shared with you that the Crystalline-Pattern of what is termed the Violet Flame carries the vibrational patterns of the Divine God-Cell. It was anchored and split within duality in a male and female aspect, the former in Mt Shasta, the Latter below Tahoe, both in octahedronal matrix.

The Octahedronal format held the non-duality of the crystalline matrix and emitted the dual aspects of same into polarity aspects of male-female. We have shared with you before, the octahedron is the sacred geometrical format that servers as a transducer of energies, and gateway to higher dimensions. Thus the as above so below.

Question to Metatron:
And the amethyst crystal that AAMichael speaks of below Lake Tahoe, is it etheric or in physical?

AAMetatron: Both. In the truest sense all crystals that occur in physical also occur in etheric form, as well as in matter/antimatter format. This is an axiom of crystalline physics that is yet to be rediscovered, but that discovery is not too far away in linear time.

The Amethyst Crystal that is dimensionally below Lake Tahoe is not Atlantean in origin, as are the massive Master crystals of Arkansas and Brazil. It predates both Atlantis and LeMuria, although the savants of both were aware of both the violet amethysts in Shasta and Tahoe.These crystals were constructs of what you term the Elohim Masters of the higher Arch-Angelic Realm in tandem with elite Arcturian Crystal Masters.

Accordingly existing in the etheric realm and becoming physical after placement. The Master Arcturians became what you may term the guardians and keepers of the crystals, forming an ovid of antimatter around them, and working the duality transductions. One of these is indeed the one you term Sainte Germain. The ovid is what is termed the Crystal Creation Cave.

Question to Metatron:Can you speak on the activation of the Tahoe Vortex.

AAMetatron: Better to say transformation. Indeed it has been incredibly active for aeons. The Tahoe Vortex-Portal is transforming with the ushering in of the Crystalline Age. The Amethyst Crystals are moving from octahedronal mechanism to that of the stellated Icosahedron in both Tahoe and Shasta. The transformation is an aspect of the Cosmic Trigger and 999 transformations of and within the Earth to the Unified Crystalline Field.

Lake Tahoe is then one of many centers on the Earth that will assist the transformation in a specific role of feeding the energy and frequencial imprint of the Violet Ray into the earth, but in non-dual, crystalline aspect. It will be amplified by the amethyst-energy silvertine (feminine) waters of Lake Tahoe, and disseminate these energies into a vast region of the North American continent. This is only now beginning, but indeed the very elevation of this area, will keep it above the encroaching seawater of the changing earth in the centuries and millennia to come. This will not be the case for the more southern, lower elevation areas of Nevada.

And so what we tell you is available in Tahoe after the 999, is a release of the final obstacles that need to be released in order to achieve the new Crystalline MerKiVah. There are other such areas, including Banff, Titicaca and Baikal.
The unique pattern of Tahoe lies in the differentiating frequencies of the vast gold and silver within the deep waters, which indeed facilated the placement of the omnipotent Amethyst Crystal Ovid below them.

Question to Metatron: You shared previously that Grimes Point is part of the Tahoe Vortex-Portal System. Can you re-address the Time Gate aspect of Grimes Point.

AAMetatron: Yes. As we have shared, this is a very unique point and a satellite contributor to the energy of the Tahoe system. It is however an entirely different function from the Crystalline Violet Ray function of Lake Tahoe, but the specific Time-Gate that occurs at Grimes Point, could not occur without the synergy of the contributing energy matrix projected by the compressed crystalline waters in the depths of Lake Tahoe. ( Note – AAMetatron channel on Time Warps in The Tahoe Vortex -Grimes Point- is reprinted below in its entirety – to read scroll down)


Dear Ones, The living earth is your ally in the graduation into the Ascended Earth, and emergence into the non-polarity of the Crystalline Age.

The crystalline aspect of the crucible energies of the Violet Flame will amplify and boil to the surface the remaining untoward vibrational frequencies within your energy field in order to clear the path for the crystalline MerKiVah.

This is exponentially easier to accomplish within certain conscious powernodes, such as Titicaca, Baikal , Banff and Tahoe. But it can be accomplished at any time, at any place, with proper intent.

Dear Ones it is requisite.

Masters, As you through love and will project the Crystalline Radiance of your own Divinity, you change the world, by changing yourself. Ascension occurs one heart at a time.

Respect and nurture one another, and rememember to love your self, for you are the Light of GOD. I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS.

And so it is.

“Masters in the Making”

Ascended Master Kuthumi
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Please note – The information of this Transcript is free and should be made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not add, change or alter any of its contents
Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations, simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed, connect with the Energy of S pirit and set the intent for your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by your higher self for your greater good.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time, and to gift unto thee a blessing beloved ones of the most glorious year, the Christed year of your own mastery for the very first time this time around. Thus for the duration of 2009 may the light of Christ shine down upon you, this day, that year, and then again for the rest of your entire existence.
A. Greetings
MK. It is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts that we gather with you upon this day, as we hold each of you here firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved Masters in the making, for that is indeed truly what you are…Masters in the making…in fact, truth be told you have been training as Masters for rather some time, shall we say.
Yes you have the limitations of earth life and you have the limitations of the time zones that you find yourselves within, within this earth plane, but for us, for the beings of light and the Masters and the spirit beings from other dimensions and galaxies, the angelic beings, the archangelic beings, the galactic and intergalactic beings, there is rather no need for us to ponder on time, space and distance as you know it.
Indeed you have been prepared for many a year, in this lifetime to be able to reach this time of your life to sit here and to understand what you are going through. It is rather a momentous occasion for you, for you have chosen to be here this time, and with that, to have an understanding of the lifetime that you’ve come to play out, which we do understand the complexities of beloved ones. We have been there; we have walked your world, we have cared for you in many a way from within and behind that which you call “the curtain” of separation which of course you know naturally is within the consciousness of your own mind.
Indeed this is the time, during this particular lifetime, where you are now reaching a different level of your own consciousness and as what is transpiring here with this vessel that I, Kuthumi, speak through at this time, everything in life is changing. (changing from trans to conscious channelling) It is changing wonderfully fast. In fact, truth be told, in time to come and especially in the first of the Master celebration years of 2009, which brings it to an absolute pure, immaculate year of the 11 energy representing the Master, is the first time in many, many eons, that you as a being will be able to address yourself in full understanding and consciousness of who you truly are. That is indeed a celebration. Beloved Masters in the making …it has taken eons for you to get to this particular stage of understanding. It has taken many a lifetime for you to be able to grasp the fullness of this lifetime, to grasp a pure essence of knowing the truth of who you truly are, and of course this we do, indeed we do.
As I have shared with you many a time there is absolutely no need for any of us to be convinced of that of which you believe, of that which you understand or prefer to work with or work through, no, it is rather you…it is rather you that needs convincing. Convincing of yourself and beloved masters in the making that is exactly what you are doing currently. That is exactly what you are facing right now. You are facing probably one of the greatest challenges that you have ever faced when it comes to denial and when it comes to doubt in any a lifetime that you have ever lived. You are facing a culmination of the greatest challenges that you could ever dream of putting for yourself together in a wonderful package called ascension.
As we have mentioned it certainly is not for the faint of heart, definitely not. And you, each and every one of you here within this circle at this time, and many, many thousands and perhaps millions of those of you that may come to hear or read these words, either through this particular channel or many a thousand others, all of you are the ones that are now stepping forward to become the Masters of your own lives.
What a grand time that is indeed…what a grand moment it is for creation. How absolutely incredible it is for the One that created all of this, to have the ones who have been put away to live within the realms of unforgetfulness, wake up to the fact and the reality of what they come to do…and who they are. How wonderful is that?
Beloved ones, it is very important for you, at this particular time of stepping into your own power in a masterful way, to understand that you need to work with yourself now at a different level. As I have made mention of on more than one occasion, it is time for you to step out of your proverbial nappies, not so?
A. Mumbled agreement.
MK. I will now make it very clear that in fact, beloved ones, the nappy factory is closed.
A. Great laughter
MK. And you are not going to have any choice but to start wearing different garments…and with that you need to now to be able to get to this most wondrous stage of your lives where you are able to now finally, after the many, many years of practicing, of training, after the many, many lifetimes of learning and evolving through lessons in those lifetimes come, and especially with a lot of the teachings that have been presented to you, some through our beloved Goddess Ishtar…you remember her don’t you?
A. Yes
MK. Yes, to now come to this grand time in your lives, where you are at the threshold of mastery, and where you are able to look at yourself in your proverbial mirrors, and tap yourself on the nose like that (indicates)…audiences laughs…and look back at yourself and telling yourself how wonderful you are! Aren’t you?
A. Yes
MK. Yes…yes. And for the kind of wonderment that you’ve been prepared, each and every one of you, nappies is not going to do it.
A. Mumbling
MK. Definitely not.
We are not saying that in times to come that perhaps you would not wish that you were wearing a nappy…but then again that’s growth and evolution not so? Yes. All depends of course on who you are with (amused here).
Beloved ones, 2009 is a time zone where not only you as light workers or others of the light, will face various issues and challenges to do with mastering yourself in a hood of your own understanding…but…very much, every single being, every single aspect of living breathing light upon this plane will face some stage of mastering some aspects of itself in this masterful vibration. And the reason being is because you are now in preparation, preparing yourself to shed your skin, preparing yourself to change your garments, as I have made mention of, and with that to embrace a whole new perception, a whole new picture of what you see yourself as, and…you will not have been able to come to this part in your life where you are able to understand and integrate all of this greatness, had you not faced some of the challenges, not so?
A. Mumbling
MK. Yes. For the challenges, the upheaval, the unsettledness, and every now and again, as I have asked this vessel to describe the theme for the first meeting of next year, there’s a couple of cobblestones around, and some of them are very slippery, not so? Yes. And some, even though small, are definitely not good to walk on are they? A. Mumbling
MK. Yes. And then of course it depends whether you are wearing stilettos or boots, not so?
A. Laughter and mumbling.
MK. Yes. We give warnings, warnings of love. Beloved ones, the truth of 2009, is a truth that will be revealed and unraveled from day one in such a way that with each and every day, or breaking day, a whole new truth of planetary and galactic consciousness will be revealed. A lot of changes that were implemented in 2007 will now finally come to fruition in 2009. A lot of changes that were put in practice last year in 2007 and were taken to a different level of understanding here in 2008, some weren’t able to really, really put the pieces of these puzzles together, yet all of this will come together in 2009. As we have made mention of many a time, it will be a while still before all of the beings of your plane will be able to lay their insecure ammunition down and embrace a new understanding of light where there is no control, where there is no contamination, a place in one’s heart that is sincere and that is pure without any hidden agendas or ulterior motives.
Know that the preparation for the energy of ascension, the preparation for that which awaits you in the Christed year 2010 and beyond, when things really will begin to speed up much faster…this is the exciting part where you and every one like you will be challenged again to anchor your belief systems, and to hold these ideas and thoughts of your understanding and of your innate beliefs firmly within every part of your existence. Beloved ones, your scientists know that there is a lot more to the planet than what they can actually explain. Your medical profession knows that there’s a lot more to the human body than they are able to perceive at times, and those are the energies that will really and truly come to the fore in the following year. It is where you and the likes of you that understand these new concepts of energy and how it affects you and your matter, as I have shared with you during our last gathering of light will now come to a totally different point of knowing, understanding and trusting.
What is a Master? Any ideas? Any one?
A. A totally balanced soul
MK. A totally balanced soul..yes.
A. S elf realized.
MK. S elf realization…yes.
Beloved ones, a Master is indeed a being that has experienced life on every level without life experiencing him or her. S o what that means is, a lot of the challenges that you as masters in the making are facing during this current time is because of your inner turmoil to live in ultimate perfection. Life is for the living, not so?
A. Yes
MK. Yes…indeed…then why don’t you live it? Hmmm?
One thing you have to understand about mastery is that by being in your own footsteps and claiming yourself to be a master or a master in training, is that you must be prepared to live fully. I want you to become aware with every thought, especially as time unfolds over the next calendar year, of every time when you choose not to be on this planet. Make a list…you need a big book.
A. Laughter
MK. Dot it down…you might have to get yourself some new software, not so? You’ll fill up your hard drive as you say.
Beloved ones, being a Master is being in your footsteps. We have shared numerous messages, not only me, Kuthumi, through this or other vessels, but numerous of the Ascended Master Energies have shared the importance of footprints, the importance of fingerprints. We have shared with you the importance of having your extremities in touch with the earth and at the same time being in touch with yourself in the extreme. In fact, we have highlighted it and underlined it, and now I’m going to say it again. Be comfortable in your shoes. That does not mean to say that perhaps it’s time for you to go out and buy a brand new pair…nooo…what it means is for you to claim your own authenticness and live it…live it is the keyword here…to live it.
Living your authenticness means that you are now able, or at least finally able, to look at the experiences of your life as experiences…instead of judgments, instead of blames, instead of blockages, instead of cobblestones and hurdles, instead of pain and sadness and moping and crying, instead of complaining, instead of waiting when the right moment will happen, or the right thing will come along, and believe me I speak to each and every one of you. The waiting game is over.
MK. The Master lives in the now and in that now, no thing, nothing can find its way that belongs either to that which was or perhaps striving for that which is to come. Even if it is you sitting here right now and you cannot find your mind away from the fact that you are going to have a coffee just now, not so? That is in the future. Beloved ones, that is a prediction that may not happen. You’re all thinking of the worst…there could be no electricity in an hour from now.
A. Hoots of laughter
MK. S ee where your minds are at. Know where you minds are at…Masters. The Master is the one that lives and walks in a world of humbleness…not doormat syndrome…humbleness, for there is a vast difference between those two. Doormat syndrome is a syndrome that stems from things going awfully wrong within the 8th chakra and the energy of that doormat was unable to transcend victoriously through into all of the centres birthing the magic of you, and therefore what happens is that energy gets stuck within the base centre and from there on it is very, very difficult…it is not impossible…but difficult to be able to raise the vibrations of that which keeps you so completely within your victimhood.
Humbleness or humility is an energy of self love and the love for all that is, beloved ones, that is so good and so incredibly beautiful. It is an energy that brings with it such immense love, unconditional love. It is an energy that says I know that you are God. Beloved ones, when it comes to Creation and what is being formed upon this planet, what is being created on this planet, the One that created all of us, although not able to discriminate between any, knows that the creation of man itself is indeed an accomplishment, an accomplishment to express the humbleness of God, therefore He created you in His image. He created me in his image…he created all of us in his image, not so? If God can be that humble then so shall the master be, so ought the master to be. It is the humbleness of the God within you that knows the God within everyone else, this realization brings the understanding that it is impossible to differentiate between one level of energy and another if it comes from the same source. Not so it is all Energy.
A. Yes
MK. Therefore the Master walks a journey where he or she humbly love and takes care of all of creation. The Master knows and understands all of the energies that makes up the complexities of life, and therefore it is very important for you, as Masters in the making, to take the energy that is about to engulf you, shall we say rather in the second wave of ascension, which incidentally is an energetic influx of the power of unconditional love, for that’s all it is, to take that energy and to ride that wave, in fact, we dare you to ride the very crest of this wave without a surfboard. Do you think you can do it?
A. Yes and mumbling
MK. Any Master can…indeed…any Master can, and beloved ones riding the crest of this wave within the greatness and yet the humbleness of your masterhood, this is what the energy for 2009 is all about which will awaken within each and every person in each and every vision, in every living organism on this planet that has a brain and is able to think, that this is the time to truly, truly, truly grow from the most powerful inner part of the self which is the sacred roots and expand from that and blossom into this most amazing and most magnificent being called the Master. Everyone upon your planet will feel this energy, although not everyone will know what to do with it. For it is when the challenging Master awakens and the ego believe to be still the master that these beings will actually experience tremendous confusion, for they will know that something is different and yet indeed something is happening, but, they are not quite able to understand what their masterhood is about.
The first and foremost ingredient of humbleness, they do not have.
Beloved ones, indeed the golden age carries the paradise matrix. Indeed the golden age, the time that is now ahead of you, directly ahead of you, as we have been sharing recently, is a time of understanding that as a Master you have a duty towards everything that surrounds you. And that is what will separate you, the masterful light being or worker from those that are still mastering the third degree of their dimensional realities. And that too is good, and that too is fine, for there is absolutely no need in any way to lay a judgment against anyone, no matter who, where, when or how. Life is as it must be. It is up to you the Master to decide where you would like to leave to, how you are going to travel and what you intend creating along this way.
Beloved ones, integrity, as we have mentioned before, is the number one ingredient for the humble Master. Integrity in your heart, in your mind and in your soul. Integrity at these levels bring an awakening for you, a masterful celebration that you are a part of. It brings a truth that will ring the most wonderful celebratory bells in the ears of your divinity, and what we have been working on for many a year is for you to finally understand that you are magic manifest. Aren’t you?
A. Mumbling
MK. Yes…indeed you are…indeed you are. Every one of you is magically manifested and you have, each of you, the ability to do just that. Therefore we have shared with you many a teachings on this topic.
A Master is never short of anything, there is no lack, and there is no need. When lack and need which humanity normally experience usually in the lower vibrations of their energy systems are worked through, and you are truly able to work with through these energies, this is when the Master no longer needs as the insecure need falls away, as inner content replaces need. Beloved ones, when you anchor the Presence and the Light of Christ in every part of your existence, in every cell of your multi-dimensional body, this is when those needs and those wants and those desires fall away. For that is when the insecure part of the self is able to step out of the way, allowing the Master to remain. And the Master that remains will find that in every celebration that he is within, there is only a wonderful, wonderful outcome…no matter what. To reach this stage or level of enlightenment where you are able to work through and letting go finally of the lower vibrations of the insecure ego, beloved ones, you need to first and fore mostly make peace with the fact that you’ve come to live life. You’ve come to live this lifetime as a human and as a person.
You have to make peace with the fact that the master cannot, absolutely cannot, separate your earth reality from your spirit reality, it is not possible to do this.
What is possible is through masterful thoughts to balance these two worlds, bringing them together so beautifully to enable you to live in a much higher vibration even though at fleeting times within a lower thought form…for that is all it is.
Beloved ones, we understand, and believe me, as I, Kuthumi, have lived many a lifetime upon your plane, many a Master has lived upon your plane…many…hundreds of thousands of them in fact…and therefore we understand your journey as you do. We very often eavesdrop, especially when you seem to think that we are not there, (laughter from audience) when you think at times we don’t care and we don’t know life. Well we do (more laughter from audience). We understand the complexities of your life because we were once there…yes…I can read your minds be careful…admittedly, admittedly we perhaps did not live in the new age as you do with your technology and all of your challenges, your academic challenges and your spiritual challenges, but live we did! (laughter from audience) And we still do…just in a spirit multi-dimensional state of experience.
We understand the tribulations, we understand the trials that you set up for yourselves, we understand the experiences you call challenges, we understand the shortcomings and the needs and the wants. But being a Master you now have to come to a space in your lives beloved ones, to know that you (as God) is always wonderfully cared for. That you as an aspect of God are always being nurtured, that surely as explained within a lot of your biblical texts, if He then too can take care of that which is but as small as a tweeting bird, shall He not take care of you which is much more than that of a tweeting bird…not so?
A. Yes
MK. And therefore, beloved ones, the master lives without fear. Fear is such a challenging aspect of masterhood, for you first need to confront and put to bed every single one of those fears that you allowed to control you, before you are able to masterfully put that fear to bed with the understanding that indeed you are blessed.
Beloved ones, we, myself as Kuthumi, and many of the other Masters upon your plane have diligently fought against you giving in and relinquishing your power to fear. We have asked time and again that you come to terms with that which still has a lot of control over you, with you, for you. And that is what the process of mastery is all about. I have asked very recently, not through this particular vessel, that humanity need to take care of the things which still hangs in the air. For if they loosely hang in the air’ they have the ability to create blockages in the flow of your manifestation ability. Beloved ones there is absolutely no need, at all, for me or any one of the Ascended Beings and Light Beings to hear what your lives are about. There is no need for us, anyone of us, to sit and listen to your problems. No! You have your guides to do that. We have a lot of other work we are doing, but we offer you this advice to help you so that you are able to step out of that which limits you and into that which propels you, fantastically so.
It is the God within you that will awaken you to the fact of your masterhood.
What prevents you is the insecure aspect of your personality that refuses to believe its magic, that is controlled by its own fears, the power of the fearful unknown, the tomorrows, the yesterdays, yet in the now there is none. S o with mastery then I am going to ask you to once again have a very good look at who you are. Eliminate that which prevents you from becoming the Master that you already are. And how do you do that?
Beloved ones there are various tools that we have shared with you and others over time, but the simplest thing to do is to sit still on your chair and think to yourself, what is there in my mind that repeats itself again and again. What, what. What? Can you share with me? What? Yes?
A. Mumbling
MK. What are your fears – give them to me.
A. Being alone.
MK. There we go…now isn’t that a brave soul.
A. Being mislead.
MK. Being mislead. Correct.
A. Being poor.
MK. Being poor. But sister what is poor…hmm.
A. Not in spirit but in material things.
MK. It’s all the same. Your matter should reflect your spirit. It is all and one the same. When one looks at being poor as a fear, what happens is, you give the control of the humbleness of your trust to that which gives you things or creates things in your life. When you can understand that the only way for you to overcome this fear is to allow the golden aspect of the most sacred part that is you, control and rule your life which is the keys, as I have made mention of previously, that you hand over from the vehicle of yourself to God. In other words give the will of your fears to the will of God. And when this happens you will never again ever have to entertain any level of fear, the fears of lack, the fear of not having. For as I have just said to you, if God can but take care of that which is so small and not even on your level of living consciousness don’t you think He’s going to take care of you, far greater…far more. Have you ever starved…?
A. No
MK. No. Have you ever had nowhere to sleep…no. Then what is the problem?
A. Mumbling
MK. Do you know what the problem is? Insecurity. For humans feel that they need to walk in a way where other humans walk, well that is what you say. You say, we as humans need to be like other humans to be able to be worthy of that which they are worthy of…not so?
A. Mumbling
MK. NO! The most wonderful part of working upon your plane through many a lifetime beloved ones, is the fact that I don’t have to do it again (amused here).
A. Great laughter
MK. The new age certainly is very challenging, not so?
A. General mumbling
MK. Beloved sister, the Master believes. And when the Master believes the Master receives. And if you believe that in your heart of hearts you will be loved and taken care of, and you believe that you will be blessed abundantly, then there is absolutely no reason whatsoever that it shall not be. Do you understand this? My blessings and my love I give to you…and to each and every one of you…do not feel left out (audience laughter) we do not have enough Kleenex to go around.
A. Great laughter
MK. Beloved ones, the spirit of change, the change of life which you are experiencing right this very minute, in front of your very eyes and that is what the Master is about, to surrender into the trust of God knowingness, and in that God knowingness to understand that no matter how you feel your life should be, that it is perfect for this gives a Master the power humbly to become all that.
Many a great Master of your times have experienced much turmoil before receiving their anointed cap of masterhood, not so? Yes…and you are looking at them…aren’t you…indeed. Yes. Not me. You.
A. Laughter.
MK. I’ve had my time, beloved ones…I’ve had my time. And this time it is you who will change the concept of life on this planet, for that is what you came to do. And therefore understand if there are any situations within your lives that you feel you need to give your attention to, it matters not how big, how large or how absolutely trivial the situation might be, and you don’t do it, I am going to make you a promise as Kuthumi, that life will push you into the smallest corners you never ever thought you could fit in (audience laughing), until you do it.
Thus if something is worrying you, if there is something you feel you should do, if you have the need to save the river down the road and you do not have the guts, the gutspa to go and see the person in the office that is taking control of that river, believe me that river is going to flood your house.
A. Great laughter
MK. There’s no nicer way to put this. S o…be careful of rivers (more laughter)…be careful of rivers, unless of course you live in a boathouse…not so? (More laughter)…but then of course there are floods in other ways.
What I am sharing with you today, beloved ones, beloved Masters is that 2009 being the year of mastery, will pull on every one of your feathers, pluck them out one by one if they are not secure.
A. Much amusement
MK. And don’t think we don’t know where to find you!
A. Hoots of laughter
MK. It is the Master that represents himself or herself through the humbleness of ‘knowing’ the All Knowing God, and it is through the humbleness of embracing the Energy of the all knowing God claiming this Love from within, that you go forth and implement change to take place. It is the Master in you that will chase you. You will chase your own tail if until you realize this, in other words, to make great changes, not only in your lives but in everybody’s lives. You have come to be the catalysts and 2009 is going to be the time for you to prove this. Dear ones, the challenge here for you is to understand that you are still alive. The challenge here is for you to understand that you are still here on planet Earth (amused) and for the moment it still has quite a third dimensional vibration, not so?
A. Yes, right.
MK. Yes…as you say do you want to hear the good news or the bad news…Uh huh.
A. Mumbling
MK. You would like to hear both.
A. Yes
MK. Well the good news is that life is changing and there’s an increasing fifth dimensional energy on the way, and the bad news is the reason why you feel so unstable is because you are already in it, and this you know. How many of you are standing with one leg in the fifth dimension and the other one in the third…(audience mumbling)…and just as well there’s not a blazing fire between the two, not so?
A. Loud laughter
MK. Beloved ones, the Earth and its changes which takes you grandly with her as she swings into a much faster orbit, thus you as masters in this chain of events called creation, you will be a part of her as you all go into a whole new plane of vibration, preparing yourself for one of the most important quantum energy shifts that has hit your planet in the last 26,000 years at least, and this is only one aspect of change that 2009 will anchor.
Beloved ones, the seriousness of this is the fact that the ascension that you are facing and are going through and will still very intensely experience over the next couple of years or so, has never been a possibility upon this plane as it is currently and this brings another aspect of masterhood for you to look at. You need to look at the truth that every other time when the magnetics of this planet shifted, so did the energy vibration of every single thing on this planet. This time you are given the opportunity to stay alive through this shift, to be anchored in your lives, which has never happened in the history of this planet, never. Beloved ones, a Master live with great awareness of everything that is within and beyond him. The first realization of course is for the Master to know that he is not alone. The second realization of course is for the Master to know, to understand that he at times ‘need to’ be alone. Alone in your mind for a minute, alone in your body for 3…it matters not. We have given you extensive teachings on the still point within the crown, as we have done during our last transmission, but in the mastering of these energies and your energy centres and all of that that you have been so abundantly blessed with this past year, comes the truth and the understanding now to integrate all of this, thus you need to understand stillness, for stillness within delivers power without actively.
A. Mumbling
MK. Yes indeed. Even if it is just a mere minute at a time, even if it is five of your earth minutes at a time it matters not. S tillness within the core of your still point is what awakens the truth and the power behind your masterhood.
Masters do not control…(laughs)
A. Laughter
MK. Masters share. Beloved ones, one of the reasons why your globe is in such economic mess is because of greed, because of control…yes?
A. Yes
MK. And with the realization of putting those energies to bed and waking up a whole new energy and economic system which is currently underway, one of the biggest and most important reasons that everyone of those beings high up within the ranks of these worlds has to come to understand is that to have a wonderful thriving economy there cannot be control of any kind, we have often said that is why your internet is so successful because there is no-one completely controlling it.
A. Mmmm
MK. But the moment there is control what happens is, because of greed dictation steps in, and because of that what happens is most fall by the way-side due to issues regarding worthiness, they are unable to see themselves in the grandness of who and what they are, or that which they represent, all because they are not sure if they are worthy or not, and this is the single, biggest issue that humanity in general has to work and triumph through…am I worthy, and the master knows their worth beyond anything with the only difference being the master has absolutely no need to share this worth in any way or form in such a way for another to use this in recognizing them the be the master that they are. Do you follow me?
A: Yes
Beloved ones, the master lives unconditional love.
It is a word that your new age has played with for some time now, in fact it is a word that is rather impressive to your beings of the new age, unconditional love, but very few actually knows its meaning. During my last transmission with this group in particular we gave you some ideas of terminology that you should note and understand do you recall this?
A; some whisper no?
Mk: And you want to be masters? ( S ome laughter)
A: some one answered Kuthumi ‘don’t judge’
MK: We are not able to sister (laughter)
Beloved ones have you ever, ever, really and truly looked at understanding the meaning behind unconditional love? Do you truly understand what it means to have zippo conditions to your love? Do you?
A: No
MK: so this is where your mastery shall begin. On the 1st of Jan uary 2009 a whole new energy shall be released unto this plane which is all about delivering the possibility of a mass understanding of all that I just shared with you. Beloved ones, as we have saluted you for your efforts in the work that you have done, understand that in mastering the self and mastering the pathway of the vision of the self, one needs to begin by mastering your understandings and with that the challenge comes for you to even take one small aspect of a word like unconditional love young man (Kuthumi looking at a youngster in the circle) and to understand what it is all about. To place yourself within the matrix without conditions and to know that no matter what transpires within your life, this ultimate vibration that’s called love can never fail you and this is mastering.
Beloved ones, mastering and masterhood is seeing the God within everything and everyone so if you can begin to in a very small way see all of that which you are a part of (and this extends beyond everything you may think as part of a masterful plan) then only shall you be able to begin perceiving what it is like to have no conditions to your love. Conditions is a human addiction “I love you but..” “I will love you, I will stop loving if this or that..” yes. “I will always stay with you but…” yes these are the conditions to your love and as I made mention of earlier on this year the only but you should be worried about is yours and it should be firm (hilarious screeches of laughter) thus let go of the judgment, keep working at this as you have on being light workers and in fact as part of your mastering which includes letting go of the conditions to your love, letting go of the control beloved ones, letting go of the little energies being emitted by you that inevitably changes the world of others, whilst it keeps you comfortably within the seeds of your own complacency. When this happens you become familiar with your situation with the result enjoy being ‘safe’ in your dysfunctions called comfort thus understand that with each breath you take as a master, a new venture awaits you. Each day beloved ones wake up feeling the Love of God within your hearts, as you feel the Love of Christ within your being, feeling the blessing of your soul within alive, feel the excitement of this lifetime you came to live, see the beauty all around and know this wonderment by embracing this beyond anything, any limitation that you as master never can entertain. Be this wonderment. These are the teachings you have been exposed to and some you have been following over lifetimes, yet every time you reached a certain plateau where there act of fear took over, you stagnated and with that faced the setbacks, yet I tell you this time beloved masters, this time we urge you to take your beds and walk.
We urge you to embrace your divinity, your divines. We urge you to be strong in your faith, to know, to live this by practicing your beliefs and all shall be yours. It is in this divine knowing that you are finally bale to transcend the energies of ‘I am not worthy’ and with that be able to embrace the truth of the fact that you are indeed a divine magical mystical being as this is when you as a master masterfully take control and the only way this cane be done is by giving it up.
Relinquish the control and with that place your will into the divine Will of God and then you shall walk proudly as a master in great humbleness for indeed this is the only way.
Beloved ones, the master understands life, the 3rd dimensional challenge of being on this planet as the master knows where he or she is required to be because of preset contracts with the 5th dimensional seal of consciousness for this is where the planet earth is already in motion of moving towards which is another reason why the lower energies shifts you into discomfort should you give them the power to. The reason why the master can deal with all this is because he understands life, and the living of it from a understanding delivered through the 7th dimensional planes and beyond, which is another reason why we bring to you the teachings of abundance and manifestation for it is your right as no-one is suppose to live within worlds of lack not at all. The master knows this as the master carries the knowing of these sacred teachings within.
Dear ones, it is time for you now to put into practice all that you have learned and experienced, thus put to bed all that control you as you have allowed this therefore it is your duty as a lightworker and a master in the making to now step out of your own proverbial box and with that take these teachings and information shared with you and share this in some way with the world without expectancy. Without the need to be believed, as you carry the knowing of its truth, this is the humble master. It is within this knowing stillness that you shall realize that indeed you are God, and with that I want you to visualize within the area of your crown 12 golden flames. Now open your eyes, look at the person opposite you and see the 12 golden flames on top of their heads. Can you relate to this?
A; Yes
MK: Can you visualize this?
A: Yes
MK: Anyone having a problem?…we’ll just have to push you out the window wont we? ( S creeches of laughter)
12 golden flames burning brightly and once you are sure to see this you may close your eyes, straighten your spine, sit back and relax and be comfortable and allow us for the very last time this year for this group specifically take your through a journey of the mind, your own mind. Perhaps you may think it’s a journey through the mind of this vessel, not, perhaps you may think it’s a journey through me mind as Kuthumi, not, it is YOUR minds. Long pause.
Beloved ones every bit of this work shared with you on this level (activations) is shared with you to assist transcending yourself from limited to unlimited, from finite to infinite thus with your eyes closed relax your hands on your lap, open your palm chakras up in the supine position and with that again bring your attention to the 12 golden flames blazing in strength above your head. Pause.
Now imagine a most magnificent golden energy raining down upon you. Pause. Visualize yourself embracing this golden energy like rain pouring upon you. Now become aware how this golden energy is being absorbed by your palm chakras, how this energy travels up your arms, into the rest of your body. Visualize this energy being absorbed into your crown through the 12 golden flames and then visualize how this golden energy fills up your entire being until you can actually relate to every single cell of your body vibrating at a golden frequency. Long pause.
Be aware of your breathing; be aware of your position being relaxed in the chair, with your back straight and comfortable. I wish to now ask you, each and every one of you dear ones do you wish to venture further along the journey of Ascension answer within your minds not out loud.
Do you wish to venture creating a new earth as you go along?
Do you wish to continue within your lives bringing an awareness of the most profound changes and energies upon your planet? Do you take responsibility for your lives no matter how faulty it may prove to be for your judgment? Do you stand firmly within your shoes? Can you feel your relation to the earth? Can you feel your connection to the planet from a higher aspect?
I now want you to bring your attention to your solar plexus and with your eyes closed imagine a most exquisite golden cord connecting your solar plexus to the heart of mother earth. Pause.
Now using this link I want you to share with the earth that which you intend taking care of in time to come, be that as a project for the year to come or the times beyond that. From your solar plexus give your 3rd dimensional perception of your 5th dimensional duties towards the earth. Very long pause.
Again bring into your mind’s eye the 12 golden flames within the crown still focusing on the golden cord between your solar plexus and the pulse of the earth. Pause. I now want you to visualize very quickly the energies we have been working on over the last while, the white flame within the base, the violet flame in the sacral, the golden flame within the sun chakra between these two, now visualize the silver and golden supporting chakras on either side of the base, then the ruby-red flame within the solar plexus with the 3 golden energies grounding the downward pointing triangle within the solar plexus with the bottom of these encapsulated by a silver energy, then within the heart a pink flame, within the high heart another golden flame, within the throat a double sapphire flame with the inner being paler than the outer, within the brow visualize the emerald flame, and finally within the crown you have the 12 golden flames are you with me?
A; Yes
MK: Very good.
Beloved ones, I now wish for you to visualize ahead of you in the very centre of this room manifests one of the most powerful master teacher that you ever had the privilege of working with, beloved ones I wish for you to connect to the Energy field of Lord Jesus, Joshua Ben Josef or Lord S ananda as some might know Him by. Within this powerful sacred energy which is the expression of The Christ along with all of these flames activated and awakened know of the many opportunities that awaits you, anchoring you through the Golden umbilical cord of the self, connecting you to the womb of the earth – with the 12 golden flames burning brighter in your crown I now want you to visualize this Master hands you a gift. In your mind stretch both your hands forward, open them as you allow this Masterful Being to transfer into your hands a most exquisite gift. Beloved ones receive the most clear brilliantly faceted flawless diamond you have ever seen. We invite you now to hold this precious stone this diamond energy in your hand and with that connect your 3rd eye to that that of this Masterful Christ Being (Very long pause) and in your mind see you the Energy of the Christ Joshua takes this beautiful purest of diamonds off your palms after allowing you to feel its tingling energy and with that reaches forward placing this into your 3rd eye.
Beloved ones for those of you that experienced the last grid activation we blessed you with the diamond aspect of the Amaru crystal within the third eye which opened and activated a yet higher level of the crown energy and this day we gift to you this most wondrous gift of diamond consciousness implanted and activated within your 3rd eye which will help raise your vibrations to that of diamond status so that you may venture forth as a masterful being in the time to come and with that live the example by being the example. Within this stone of utmost purity and truth beloved ones comes the knowing that for you to live the example and with that being the example, the most important realization is for you to always be your authentic self.
I now want you to imagine in the area of your third eye, in the very centre of the diamond a beautiful citrine energy begins to form. Pause. Beloved ones within your mind give you’re thanks to this most magnificent Being Joshua Ben Josef, for stepping forward this day energetically activating your diamond sheath within the 3rd eye. Now become aware that another most powerful Being makes His presence known blessing you with His Light, you know him as The Buddha, thus in your mind’s eye see the Lord Buddha before you with the sparkling diamond energy within your 3rd eye with the core of this energy birthing a miraculous citrine vibration.
Beloved ones now within your mind see Lord Buddha leaning forward and with that he places the pointing finger of his right hand on your third eye, he closes his eyes and energetically transfers immense knowledge, wisdom and understanding into this centre as he further activates the citrine core within the diamond energy. Pause. Allow this citrine to burn brighter from a bright yellow transferring into a deep amber colour. Pause. Buddha now releases His energy field from yours and with that thank Him for his contribution to your energy field rewire for you to abundantly come to know all of that which is needed for your masterhood, all that will keep you grounded and anchored along your journey of masterhood. Pause. Now the most magical being whom you also know as S aint Germain manifests before you, and places his right hand on your heart blessing you instantly with the energy of the Violet Flame. Your entire body is now encapsulated with this violet sheath. He now places his left hand at the back of your heart centre (his right hand activating the violet flame remaining at the front) activating the silver flame assimilating with the violet energy creating a further protective shield for you, the violet-silver flame. Allow this energy to encapsulate your energy field, be that in a cocoon or star-tetrahedron shape, see this energy as your divine protection in every avenue, in every way, in every situation no matter what, so that even though you may think of a situation to be not of the most positive beloved ones, know that within every experience growth is the ultimate purpose. Happiness should be the end result of any situation that was not to begin with and with that give you’re thanks to S aint Germain.
You now have Archangel Michael that appears in front of you and he hands to you an identical copy, your own replica of His Excalibur sword of Truth. I wish for you to visualize this sword in any which way or form you feel comfortable with and with that see how you within your mind are strapping this sword of truth to your side, simply hanging by your side etherically and know that with this blessing beloved ones you are given to power to take your sword of right-use-ness and use it correctly. By embracing this gift self-righteousness is no longer a part of your path. Pause. Give thanks to archangel Michael for this gift.
Beloved ones bring into your mind the magical Lord Merlin as he appears standing facing you in which ever way of form you relate to him and as if by magic he waves a wand and instantly complete encapsulates you with a Ametrine Energy, thus the 5th Dimensional shield combination of Amethyst and Citrine. Pause. Allow this energy to create an even vaster shield of light connecting your immediate energy field with all that’s beyond that. Very long pause.
Beloved ones, within your mind’s eye Lord Merlin takes your hands in his as he looks at you through the wisdom of the eons that it has taken him to get here as he too remembers back when he stood like you today facing the portal of masterhood. He remembers when he too as with you now faced a break-through of living and being, which put him in touch with his own masterhood. He looks you in the eye and smiles the famous Merlin smile and with that reminds you that as you take on masterhood in your own way in your own light then so too are you able to use the power of your own wand transforming life in the way that needs be. Give your thanks to Merlin as he makes his way from your energy field. I now want you to visualize with your eyes still very much closed in front of you a most magnificent being, beloved ones now see a higher aspect of yourself standing facing you. Pause.
So if you could in some way or another put form to your higher self what would it look like? Thus we invite you to journey into your own mind so that you no longer entertain the limited side of your imagination, see yourself for who you truly are, see your divineness, see your magnificence and then visualise this magnificence in front of you align every one of their energy centres with yours beginning first with the earth chakras, 12 within your immediate auric field, 6 on either side all located between the earth and under the arm is about the area where these chakras are located. Thus first see a connection between their first 12 earth chakras and yours (there are a further 12 which will be activated at a later stage I presume – Chanel) Then see a connection between your star chakras forming, here from the upper part of your energy field with your arm held horizontally with the earth, thus in this upper 180° from one side to the other you have 48 star chakras hovering within your energy field and it is though this energy that all of the star beings communicate through as the earth beings communicate through the earth chakras. Visualize this magnificent being facing you connecting their star and earth chakras to yours with these energy centres becoming illuminated like glowing wheels of fire-light, sparkling with light. Pause. Now I want your visualize taking their hand in yours and with every moment step closer to each other. I want you to look them in the eye beloved ones and with that claim that you live within a world of change and shifting vibrations, and with all of this energy coming alive I want you to feel how your base chakra comes alive as it connects fully with the base energy of this being and with that step a little closer. Pause. I want you to understand that as a master you need to work at balancing your emotions in such a way that it will overrule any insecurities and judgment that you may or may not be aware of and with look this magnificent being in the eye and claim your multi-dimensional beingness, as a being that knows only love and grace and then step closer as a intricate connection forms between your sacral chakras. Now at the level of your solar plexus be aware that your solar plexus is still connected through the golden energy to the earth, be aware that their solar plexus is also connected to the earth and to your solar plexus. I want you to see this golden connection increasing in power as you step even closer to this higher aspect of yourself and with that become aware how much brighter the 12 flames are burning within your crown. Pause.
Beloved ones, you are a powerful being. Pause. But only through the practice of unconditional love thus seeing the most purest and divine aspect of everyone within your lives and that which is beyond you, will you come to integrate the truth of being a master thus to communicate your will, at will, without will and with that see a divine connection linking the energy between you and this being’s heart, higher heart and throat chakras. Pause. I now want you to step so close to this being that you can feel your noses touch feeling the heat of their breath as you look into those divine eyes and then see how this divine connection between your 3rd eye and theirs activates a flow energy which allows your diamond sparkling 3rd eye with the inner core citrine to spin at a fast rotation clockwise, the faster the spin the closer you move to them until eventually you feel your eye-lashes touching standing with your noses side-by-side, your eye lashes are touching and your energy fields fully connected and with that become aware that the 12 flames within your crown and the 12 flames within the crown of this being begins to spin in opposite directions, thus visualize the 12 flames within your crown turning in a clockwise direction and the 12 flames within their crown turn in a counter-clockwise direction. Pause. Now at this point understand that at an etheric level this is the integration of the lower and higher aspects of the self which vibrates according to the golden infinity symbol energy which will allow the two of you to become as one. I want to give you a moment to experience this and in this moment dear one allow these two energies to interlock through these golden flames infinitely and with that bring these two aspects of the self into a vibration that is as ONE. Eventually you will find that that you merge completely with this higher aspect of the self, you will find that your body feels very powerful, your energy vibrates at an increased rate, some may feel a little unsettled whilst to others it will feel as natural as breathing as for everyone it’s a different feel, yet the energy is as one. Long pause.
Beloved ones, take a few moments before you open your eyes and familiarize yourself with the fact of how much more powerful you are than you thought. Be aware of how much taller you are than you thought and so just that much more wealthier, healthier, and blessed than you ever thought you were. I want you to embrace the truth of unconditional love as part of your harness, claim your divineness as a extremely powerful master of note and with that to know that not now, or now ever beloved ones do you ever need to entertain any situation that in any way takes away from you any power and energy that robs you from your self-worth. Be powerful within yourself, claim your armor, claim your divinity, you have your gifts given to you, you know where your power is and now I want your gently open your eyes, ground yourself within your physicality, and be strong, have power and be excited for excitement is a masterful blessing that inspires the master and so too does the master see the excitement within anything and everything. Believe me beloveds, the journey of masterhood is not an easy one. If you think the journey of ascension is not for the faint of heart, then let us not even mention mastery. Masters fully surrender. Indeed you are masters all the way in making for you are here listing to or reading these words. How do you feel?
A: all answer either ‘relaxed, empowered, excited, at ease and some inaudible’
MK: Do you think you might make it through next year?
A: all laugh and shout yes!
Mk: Beloved ones you don’t have a choice (laughter) you shall stay and do the work you set out to do and guess what, you are going to do it well (all cheer) and have fun. Long pause.
Beloved ones, it is indeed a joyous occasion within the realms above this one, and below this one. It is indeed a most profound unconditional love experience to be active within this experiment called earth-life, and even more so to see the awakening of such beautiful people, and for us from the realms of ascended enlightenment to come into your world embracing you with such joy!
Anything is possible and with that lift the limitations from your mind as you are to remove the ‘but’s’ from expressions. Take away the judgment of another, take away the blame from each other and hold each other’s hands and hearts as you are about to step forth into a brand new frequency of Light. Beloved ones for some this process we have shared with you this day of increasing your vibrations may take up to 21 days to integrate (up to 31st December) and with this know that there is a gift of Love in all that we share and as I always say when you leave from here take all that you wish for and bless it unto another thus I Kuthumi gift unto thee the most precious blessing of all the worlds and that is for you beloved sons and daughters of the Light to now fully with the year of mastery ahead of you stand firmly within the power of who you are. Thus wear your armor of unconditional love with glory, greatness and joy, and with that take this divinity and give off spark of light to life everywhere.
May the Light of The Christ burn brightly in you, now and always. May you leave from here and have the most blessed celebratory holidays, celebrating the Birth of Christ thus the understanding of love and beloved ones it matters not should you believe this celebration didn’t actually take place on the celebrated date, but what matters is the memory thereof and at this particular time it is very good to remember why this man called Christ Joshua came to this plane, how He walked here amongst man and woman of a earthly form just like Him, teaching unconditional love and although perhaps at that time not many were able to integrate this message, now with you and the time of your own freedom zone you are able to understand these teachings better and with that put your knowledge into practice to grow into wisdom. But know wisdom means nothing unless you are able to impart with it in such a way that it is understandable thus show others how to create wonder and magic and joy within their lives. These are the gifts beloved ones that were bestowed upon the Baby Jesus at the time where I Kuthumi was personally present as part of the delivery team of these gifts and now I gift unto thee these gifts in the knowing, truth and understanding that you are wisdom, therefore take this wisdom and see it for all its worth, see your wisdom reflect your love, see your wisdom reflect in your understanding, take away the judgment of your life, be kind, be tolerant, make sure that you embrace change and with that keep on moving and growing. Make sure that you don’t stagnate, get rid of the fears, get rid of the angers and anguish and with that be firm in all that you believe.
I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and with that I bless thee, and I give thee my love. Adonai.