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Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!



Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson: Awakening of Atlantis

atlantisMany souls upon the Earth have energetic ties with Atlantis, having experienced one or many past lifetimes upon Atlantis.

When Atlantis fell both in vibration and physically, the Light Gateways to Atlantis fastened causing a disharmony upon the Earth which humanity has become accustomed to. The energy of the Creator whether upon the Earth or the inner planes requires to be continuously flowing as this is its natural nature.

Light Gateways are created to connect civilisation and periods of time together to maintain the divine flow of the Creator. Even as you exist upon the Earth, now there are Light Gateways, which are allowing energy to flow from all civilisations such as Lemuria and Ancient Egypt, into the Earth’s current moment. The etheric Light Gateways also distribute energy from our current moment and level of ascension into past, present and even future civilisations.

Sometimes these Light Gateways can be blocked; stagnant energy may be present, or there may be negative consciousness being projected through the Light Gateways causing havoc in other civilisations. Due to the negative energy, fear and disappointment created before and during the fall of Atlantis, the Angels of Atlantis closed the Light Gateways so that the energy of Atlantis could be contained, to stop the projection of negativity while also preserving the sacred knowledge and wisdom of Atlantis.

Some of the Light Gateways have been opened slightly, and this is causing many energetic patterns of consciousness to anchor into the current period of Ascension upon the Earth.

There was a power battle between the development of technology and the awakening of the soul with its magnificence from within the human body. The question that was put to all Atlanteans was, ‘Do you rely upon technology giving away your power or do you place your trust in the seemingly unknown, your soul, and accept your power fully?’

We can now recognise that the same question could be put to the current age of humanity upon the Earth. The energies of Atlantis have been unresolved and so as ascension heightens upon the Earth with more light anchoring the Light Gateways to Atlantis are becoming unfastened; this has been occurring for many years now.

We can recognise that Atlantis can and will be healed through the current age of humanity. We can also recognise that humanity is being asked to complete that which was begun during Atlantis, this is one of the reasons why you are present upon the Earth now. It is your purpose to bring healing to Atlantis, therefore, the Earth as it is now, shifting the pathway of humanity into a new expansive stage of ascension not experienced before upon the Earth.

In 2016, we the Celestial White Beings invite you to be conscious of creating balance between your use and dependence upon technology of any or all forms and your conscious focus on the embodiment of your soul. We wish for you to know fully within every cell of your being that your soul is powerful, magnificent and can achieve far more than any form of technology when you allow yourself to embody your soul.

Still continue to use technology and yet hold the awareness that anything born from outside of you is an illusion. Recognise technology as helpful, however predominantly it is an illusion that can diminish your conscious awareness of the Creator. Let yourself realise that fulfilment, support and true assistance can only be found within your soul which is the essence and truth of your being.

In 2016, allow yourself to make a conscious effort to create balance between technology and the soul. The purpose of balance is to empower further the soul and dissolve the energetic consciousness being projected onto humanity from Atlantis and those incarnate who existed upon Atlantis, who wish to continue to control and manipulate as they did before.

Creating balance will allow you to be more conscious, seeing through veils of illusion and energetically claiming your inner power. As a greater volume of humanity experience this we will notice the light of the Creator shinning with greater luminosity upon the Earth thus accelerating ascension. Healing will be instigated within many people as well as within the consciousness of Mother Earth.

As the current age of humanity create a balance between their use of technology and their attention to their soul, the sacred and profound healing vibrations originally born from Atlantis will awaken within its contained environment flowing through the Light Gateways to dissolve all negative programing and projections currently embedded within the Earth and humanity from the fall of Atlantis.

The healing energy of Atlantis will return to you energising your soul with immense impact, therefore in 2016 you will notice a deeper, maybe even burning desire, to know, acknowledge and unify your physical form, mind and emotions with the expansive loving nature of your soul.

New abilities and skills will arise from your soul as well as the continuous and divine flow of the Creator, this will create a series of beautiful, magnificent and miraculous experiences within your being and personal reality with the purpose of enhancing your faith and trust in the Creator. Expect the divine to more fully manifest, expect healings to take place within your being that have been long awaited and expect a greater return to the love of the Creator.

A beautiful awakening will begin to occur within your being over the coming years; your soul will merge your past lifetime experiences of Atlantis with your current embodiment allowing healing to take place. More importantly the ancient and sacred wisdom, teachings and practices of Atlanteans will begin to rise from your soul to enlighten and inspire you, encouraging you to grasp this useful wisdom anchoring it into your current reality and experiences.

The pure Creator focused Atlanteans had a powerful ability of experiencing expansion and unity; they could merge with any aspect of the Earth or the inner planes, accepting relevant knowledge to create new embodiments of the Creator within their beings. This meant that they were able to be compassionate, sympathetic and hold a great understanding of all aspects or expressions of the Creator, subsequently they created powerful bonds with nature, animals, angels, star beings and so forth.

The energy of unity and expansion is required in 2016 as ascension will continue to accelerate with dramatic speed and powerful awakenings. Focus upon and acceptance of unity and expansion will support the creation of peace, tranquillity, grace and divine flow, allowing you to move through your ascension with greater ease and perfection due to your developing resonance with the Creator.

We invite you to call upon us, the Celestial White Beings, as well as the Angelic Kingdom, Ascended Masters and Star Beings to lend our light to support the opening of the Light Gateways, the healing of the negative projections from Atlantis embedded within the Earth as well as to assist the awakening of your soul as it brings forth to you a wealth of enlightenment from Atlantis.

Please invite us to support the major shifts that are occurring as they will influence and alter the pathway of humanity’s ascension tremendously. Achieving this at the beginning of 2016 will allow a flood of focused healing energy to be born from the inner planes to support the return of Atlantis.

While the land of Atlantis may not return as its original manifestation, the energy, consciousness, wisdom and healing vibration of Creator focused Atlanteans, which was contained and concealed for future generations will begin to return to the Earth now, using the heart chakras of many as a gateway of expression and anchoring. Know that with your consent your heart chakra is a gateway through which the enlightened energies of your past lifetime Atlantean self and the collective purest vibrational consciousness of Atlantis will be reborn through.

“I call upon the support and love of the Celestial White Beings, my Angelic Community and Ascended Master Guides. Please assist me in 2016 in forming a sacred balance between my use of technology and my awareness of my soul.

I wish for my entire being and body to resonate with and as my soul so I may know my soul with greater depth, embodying and enacting my soul energies, wisdom and abilities in my everyday reality. Please encourage me to experience a greater expansion within my heart chakra, as peace, contentment, fulfilment and supreme love manifest within my heart chakra.

“I lend my own healing energies to the Earth and humanity to support the release of Atlantis and the reopening of the Light Gateways connected to Atlantis. I allow myself to receive and express the purest and loving healing energies that are flowing forth from Atlantis as it etherically exists. I merge the Atlantean healing energy with my own soul healing vibration surrounding the Earth and all of humanity to promote divinely inspired healing.

“With the support of my soul I invite my past lifetime Atlantean self and all past lifetimes aspects of my soul to receive a deep and profound healing from my soul and soul group so that the magnificent ancient wisdom of my past lifetime aspects may be embodied within my being awakening new fulfilling and loving pathways and abilities for me to experience.

“I welcome the energies pouring into the Earth to aid all forms of ascension shifts within my being upon the Earth. I know I will move through my ascension with ease and perfection, feeling consciously supported and eternally fulfilled. Thank you.”

Simply sit peacefully to receive the energies shared with you and awoken from within your being.

The creation of love is the greatest focus for the coming years; this begins within you. The healing of Atlantis denotes that humanity is ready to take reasonability realising the power of love and the eternal natural presence of love within all.

In love eternally,

Celestial White Beings

“Celestial White Beings: Awakening of Atlantis,” Channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 4, 2015,


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

A FREE Personal Development Audio Book to Listen to – “The Masters Sacred Knowledge.”

Click here to listen to the “Master’s Sacred Knowledge” Audio Book!


As this is the time of giving, I would like to share with you my book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” in audio format.

Enjoy the audio book, and please leave a message either at or on the you tube page, and also tell me which country you are from!

The Master's Sacred Knowledge - Self Improvement - Self Help - Self Discovery - Personal Development - Life Coach
The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – Self Improvement – Self Help – Self Discovery – Personal Development – Life Coach

What others have said about The Master’s Sacred Knowledge Book!

“The Masters Sacred Knowledge is a must read for anyone that is genuinely seeking real, lasting and quantifiable “change” in their personal lives. True, there may already an abundance of self help books out there at the moment. But rarely have I read one as insightful or plainly written as the “Master’s Sacred Knowledge”. Not only is it a great introduction to some of the core principles of spirituality and living a simpler, better life, it’s very words seems to speak to a deeper part of “self” that needs to be nurtured and cared for. A real gem of a book and one that I am sure to read over and over! I’m glad it found its way to me.” Charles Anthony McFaulds

“THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world.
I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life.
This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.”


“We live together in this life, along this amazing journey to learn, to grow and to love. And every now and then, we come across some inspiration, an epiphany that alters the path ever so slightly but makes sure we learn what we need to learn. Along this journey we also have choice. This God-given gift is so precious.

There comes a time in life when we realise that life is not only about making money and driving a nice car. Yes, we need to live because nothing is free, but we can achieve the same material goals with God in mind all the time… we can dedicate everything to that Supreme Infinite and then life becomes blissful. It is at this time when we seek spiritual guidance. It is known and has been said that ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears.’

“The Master’s Sacred Knowledge, by Allan Rufus, is one such teacher. This is indeed a ‘key to your inner treasure.’ The text itself flows well, is very easy to understand and offers practical daily advice. Allan is indeed an honest and sincere spiritual individual – truly noted by his courage to publish such a book. What I love about this style is that you can read from cover to cover, or simply ask yourself a question and flip the book open – read the chapter and use it as your inspiration for the day. Take it, with an open heart, and enjoy it!” – Body and Mind

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I wish you and your family a fun, safe and happy festive season filled with love and an outstanding fantastic love filled 2014 with great abundance, as we move deeper into the GOLDEN AGE.

May you take the journey into your heart space and live your remaining years from there.

With many bessing of love, light , peace and joy.
Allan Rufus

“The changing point in my life was with my motto – as long as I learn something every day, it doesn’t matter how small or large that something is, it’s something that I didn’t know before, and have learnt and added to my knowledge and character. The wisdom only came later when I started putting it into practice,”  I also went through a very bad time, but I decided to take the steps through the phase I was going through, and I eventually saw the clearing and found direction again.” -Allan Rufus

A key to your inner treasure.

By starting to take the steps inwards today to “KNOW THYSELF”,  you can go from being dull to being divine, from being depressed to being a magician and from being ordinary to that of being extraordinary.

Start your step by step process today in self discovery if you haven’t started already. Step inside your world and “become your own Master”, where you will learn not to give your power away any longer.

Knowledge is power, and you can have this wisdom to use this knowledge daily and correctly for the benefit of not only yourself, but in uplifting others too.

Release your Limited Belief Structures. It is your time now, and what tune are you going to play?

You may have said “Please send me a person who can change my life for the better.” Well the teacher will appear when you are ready.

ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR TEACHER? This book may just be that teacher!

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge will change your life ONLY if you are ready, and Open Minded.



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Smiling Eyes - Sacred Master Key

Smiling Eyes – Sacred Master Key


Universal Laws and Chakras

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –

Chakras and Universal Laws

Chakras and Universal Laws

Universal Laws and Chakras

The universal Law and Chakric system intergrate together . This IS who we are!

What is cosmic law?

Every thing in the Universe has a function and a reason.
•Macrocosm, and us the microcosm.
•Your role is to find out reason and function – Who are we and what is our purpose.
•Everything in the Universe works with the laws governing the cosmos, Universe, Things within the all.
•These laws cannot be bought off, bribed, done deals with or manipulated.
•They govern everything to keep things in perfect order. Other wise chaos would happen.

So once you get to know the laws, and you start to work with in them, then you can get into the flow and live in harmony and lead a well balanced and prosperous life with out drama, and you won’t burn your fingers, or have to say “Why me”

So empower your life by knowing what these laws are.

These laws govern the movement of energy. We are energy experiencing ourselves.

“The principles of truth; he who knows these understandingly, possesses the MAGIC-KEY before whose touch all doors of the TEMPLE fly open. The kybalion


What are chakras? They are structures of spinning light/ vortexes. They are Bodies that spin at different vibrations. They are the gate way to higher and lower dimensions of consciousness.

We are Hu(Colour) Man(Man), the colour of our charkras are the same colour as the rainbow. At the end of the rainbow, you will find a pot of gold. The gold is the HALO around our enlightened head. see

When you get sick/dis-ease, then have a look at which part of the chakric system it is in, and start to heal the dis-ease in that chakra. Disease manifests first in the aura – light body, then works its way to the earth/physical body where it has “grounded” itself. So dis-ease is a blockage in that energy vibration chakra/body/vortex/spinning wheel. Send the light colour to this blocked/sick chakra that is appropriate for it. Heal the outside light body vibration which will work its way inwards to the dis-ease area and work on getting the vibation back to correct level. The longer the dis-ease has been in the body, the harder to heal it. (Please understand that I am no substitute for a doctor, but by becoming aware of what is going on in your body, you can heal yourself to a certain extent)

It is important to keep your aura healthy. Everyday visualize white light around you like a cocoon, that you become surrounded by this light, you need to do this twice aday. Every 12 hours. Be aware that alcohol, drugs – recreation and legal drugs creates holes in the aura which allows all sorts of things to jump into you system.

Getting to know the Laws and Chakras and how they work together will bring a change for the better in your life.

PRICIPLE OF MENTALISM – The ALL is MIND. The Universe is Mental

Energy –power – matter are subordinate of the Mastery of Mind.

“He who grasps the truth of the mental nature of the universe is well advanced on the PATH OF MASTERS”

“Without this Master Key: Master-ship is impossible, and a student will knock in vain at the many doors of the inner temple”

•first gland to appear in human embryo.
•Aids in growth,
•blood pressure,
•sex organs,
•conversion of food into energy,
•temperature regulation.
•self knowledge.
•Universal. Spiritual connection.
•Bliss connects to higher dimensions)
•Entry point of higher consciousness – the higher self connection point in the physical body.
•Access cosmic consciousness, and contact to multi-dimensional beings.
•This is the body where you become aware of your multi-dimensional nature, which you see through the connection with the 3rdeye.

To bring rejuvenation to entire body, both crown and 3rd eye must be activated which brings bliss & grace & ecstasy from the higher consciousness.

Connected to base by opening of the kundalini sexual energy.

Soul leave from here if opened, if not out of another place, where it can end up in negative astral realms.

When this chakra is closed, the mind is closed, won’t listen to reason, or allow any other opinions. Those with closed minds prefer to be right, rather than find truth, and are unlikely to experience higher consciousness which come with an open mind.

PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE – (Law of REFLECTION) As above, so below. As below, as above

Solving the dark paradox, and hidden secrets of nature. It is the universal application and manifestation on the various planes of material, mental and spiritual universe –Universal Laws

•Sight of big picture- higher and lower consciousness.
•Psychic perception) seat of spiritual & multi-dimensional vision.
•Higher intuition, non-physical vision and clear thinking.

This is the place to see various guides, angels, and other non-physical beings – fairy’s animal guides

3rd eye connects to crown to bring in higher wisdom, crown receives conscious, and 3rd eye grounds it.


This chakra relates to
•Lymphatic (carries fluids fatty acids and fat) and endocrine system. (glands that release hormones for metabolism,
•tissue function,

Major endocrine glands –
•Pineal – 3rd eye.
•Pituitary gland – .
•Thyroid- makes proteins controls energy.
•Thymus – immune system.
•Adrenal – regulates stress and produces adrenaline.
•Pancreas – hormones insulin digestive enzymes.
•Ovary/testes – eggs/ sperm. hormones

PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates everything is in motion –nothing is at rest. There is a difference in the rate of vibration scale that manifests of matter, energy, mind and even spirit.

From THE ALL – which IS PURE SPIRIT –down to grossest form of matter – all is in vibration. The higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale.

“He who understands the PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION, has grasped the SCEPTRE OF POWER”

•Free will.
•To be heard.
•Self expression)
•Centre of higher creative energy.
•Governs self expression, creativity, self esteem and communication.

Speak your truth. (Very Very Very Important)

When operation to full potential it brings amazing powers, until you transcend negativity and gain control of your desires and thoughts, the full powers of this chakra will never be yours.

Throat contains powers of healing, and transformation.

Relates to
•thyroid gland

PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY Everything is Dual, everything has poles, everything has pairs of opposites, and opposites are identical in nature but different degree in nature.

Like and unlike are the same, Extremes meet, all truths are but half-truths, all paradoxes may be reconciled.

There are 2 sides to everything or opposite aspects.
•Hot-cold. – difference in degrees
•Light-dark. – noise
•Love-hate- through use of will
•+ / –

“Art of Polarization becomes the Mental Alchemy

•WIND Intellect.
•Self acceptance.

Heart pumps blood on physical level.

Blood is the living symbol of which we are, the richness decides on the messages and vibration that enrich or decrease our lives.

On a metaphysical level it’s the organ that pumps love through entire light body.

This is the place we experience love. GATEWAY to our HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS.

The core of everything in the universe is love and is Ultimate truth.

When this chakra is open there is
•No such thing as fear and pain.
•Only love,

Open and clear heart is vital for spiritual transformation.

Closed chakra =
•self pity,
•Keeps you trapped in lower consciousness. All negative emotions must be released and resolved so heart can open up again to higher self – nirvana

Heart chakra – relates to
•circulatory system,
•upper back


To-fro -Flow-inflow


High tide-low tide




Creation & destruction of worlds

Raise and fall of nations & mental states of man.


One cannot annul the principle, or cause it to cease its operations, BUT one can escape its effects to some degree. USE it instead of being USED by it.

So the MASTER through WILL attains a degree of POISE and MENTAL FIRMNESS while the masses swing backwards and forwards like a pendulum.


•FIRE Will power.
•Self definition.
•Self esteem.
•personal power,

Meeting point of higher and lower selves – place of compromise and decisions.

When blocked
•ego and personal power is lacking confidence,
•you worry what others think,
•And depression operates from here.
•You have a problem making things work.
•You will accept other people’s negativity.
•Lack of will.

When operating –
•it will bring respect,
•sense of personal power,
•a cheerful and happy attitude,
•you become out going,
•and love challenges

In physical – relates to
•gall bladder,
•Small intestine.

•Nothing merely happens – no such thing as chance.

So through rising to a higher plane you can become causes instead of effects.

Masses are dictated to through others will, & desires that are stronger than themselves.

Pawn on the chessboard.

MASTERS rise to the plane above, dominate their moods, characters and qualities and powers as well as the environment surrounding them, and become MOVERS instead of pawns.

THEY PLAY THE GAME OF LIFE, instead of been played and moved about by others will.

They use the principle instead of being its tool.

The MASTERS obey the CAUSATION of the higher planes, but they help to RULE on their own plane.

•WATER Emotions.
•Self. Gratification.
•Pleasure feeling.
•acceptance )
•Way we interact with others on social level.. Self worth.

Expression of creativity. Tied to throat chakra. Higher self’s creativity impulse and process. Without these being combined/ merged =no creation (like on base male and female sexual energy merging = no baby)

Sensual beings hug those you love, like touch, free in self expression and in touch with lower self.

Sacral brings

It is impossible to be oneself and spontaneously express true nature without this chakra being fully awaken and uninhibited

Parents and social rules repress this chakra – attitude towards acceptable behaviour.

Blocked here brings
•emotional unbalance,
•become manipulative
•obsessed with sex,
•scared of sex,
•lacking energy,
•Self worth.

Awaken base chakra to awaken this chakra – higher self will not connect when these chakra are not functioning.

Lower self must have free reign of lower centre with no emotional repression or sexual inhibitions for connection to higher self.

Both this chakra and base give our light bodies grounding essential to our incarnation.

In physical – relates to
•female sexual organs,
•large intestines


To create –You need a balance of both PRINCIPLE OF GENDER

= equal. Generation – regeneration – creation

To understand this Principle, understands the PHIOLOSOPHY of MENTAL and SPIRITUAL CREATION – GENERATION – REGENERATION

•Survival – fight or flight.
•Self preservation.
•(one needs to be playful to keep this chakra operation to full potential –joyful

Sex is one way to keep the connection, that why sex should be fun, and playful. No emotional dramas, which causes dysfunctions. With partner you build up your light bodies –one partner

If you are not having sex, when you get the energy feeling of being HORNEY, then focus that energy inwards and up through the spine, through other chakras up to the crown.

Kundilini energy
•(The Caduceus – the coiled serpent on corporeal energy liquid fire- releasing this energy develops the consciousness which expands to become aware of truth.
•Brings you into Divine Awareness.
•Merging of Goddess with God, to bring inner knowledge, which brings pure joy, pure knowledge, and pure love.

You are Truly Your Chakras – Receiver (female) and omitter (male) of energy. The mind translates the information and process it, then send out what it knows, has stored or worked with before. So Re-Programme yourself if you need to so the correct vibration is sent out, which is important to stop the cycle of Karma. As this is your future – Action=reaction.

You Are One Great Antenna.

The Love Crew walking from Toronto to Miami – Please support along the way

Is Walking From TORONTO to MIAMI

THE LOVE CREW – Primary Purpose And IntentionThe primary purpose and intention of The Love Crew is to help usher in the new era of peace, love & harmony on earth by expressing as much love energy into the world as we can. That time is arriving right now as we speak and The Love Crew is dedicated to helping that happen in any and every way we can. We are BEing the change we wish to see in the world and shining massive amounts of intense, contagious, positive energy everywhere we go. By doing so we are helping inspire countless others to do the same, all around the world. Numerous projects are in the wings waiting to be unleashed as our resources increase and this walk is intended to help speed up that process.

SHORT TERM PLAN – Generate Massive Attention
The “Love Notes” we will be handing out. The first big step that will enable The Love Crew to touch the lives of many is to quickly generate as much positive attention as we possibly can. To do this, for starters, a few extremely warm souls will embark on a 3 – 4 month walk from Toronto Ontario to Miami Florida. We will be handing out 100,000 – 150,000 love notes, (business cards), that say ‘I LOVE YOU! PASS IT ON’ on them, plus offering warm hugs to as many people as we can, as well as sharing kind words and positive vibes with everyone we encounter.

This walk is slated to start in mid January of 2011 and will last until around the beginning of May 2011. Local people will be encouraged to join us and walk through their city with us. During this walk we will attract huge attention from all around the world. We will generate local media attention from each of the cities we visit along the way, plus attention from top level media outlets is likely. Heavy online attention from all over the world will also come our way.

I really appreciate anything you can do to help this project touch as many people as it possibly can. I believe Love really is the answer. Once more of the world is in a state of love rather than a state of fear, there will be no more wars, no more hunger, no more violence… just peace, love & harmony will remain. That is the world I wish to see and that is the world that I am dedicated to helping create. Will you join me in this mission?

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one” — John Lennon

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” — Gandhi

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Endless Love & Gratitude
Shawn Jason

Find out more how you can be part of this amazing journey by going to OR
Contact me directly at

Hi Friends, Allan Rufus here. If you would also like to support me, I now have 2 books in print for those interested or if you know anyone who would be interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth. They will make great Christmas presents, and you can find them at two locations.
Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon


Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

Become your OWN Life-Coach


Or ebook format at

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.
Have a Great Day. In love light and peace.

“WHILE ON THE WAY TO ASCENSION” – Message from Archangel Michael – Ronna Herman

FEBRUARY 2010 * LM-2-2010

Beloved masters, what is it that you are most concerned with at this time? What is it that you cannot seem to overcome or find an answer that will explain the stressful situations that constantly plague you? For those of you who have been on the path of awareness for sometime, it seems as though you are at a dead end and no matter what you do or don’t do, you cannot get past the persistent obstacles that are creating so much dismay.

We have emphasized many times that you are in the midst of an intense, very important transformational process. Many of you have moved into a cycle whereby your strongest core issues are rising to the surface so that, once and for all, you can neutralize the discordant energies/thought patterns that are causing such turmoil, so that they can be transmuted back into their original form: pure Light Substance. The path of ascension has many stages and initiations which can manifest as periods of intense study, growth and expanded awareness, followed by times of assimilation when it seems as though you have moved into a null zone of stagnation or back into chaos. The pulse and heartbeat of our Father/Mother God create cycles of varying degrees, and every living thing is attuned to rhythmic cycles of some kind or another. As you move into the formulation of each higher sub-dimensional environment, you will find that the cycles of experience and manifestation are speeded up considerably.

More and more Soul groups are coming together on Earth at this time. Therefore, it is important you understand that a group of Souls will consist of people who are at various stages of en-Lighten-ment, and each person has gifts of varying degrees to contribute to the whole. Each group comes together for specific reasons. Some have been and are being reunited with close members of his/her Soul family in order to give and receive support. Many are brought together because of group missions they have assumed. Time and time again, while on your journey throughout the universe, you have answered a clarion call to unite with a greatly diversified group of Souls in order to assume an important mission at some future time and place. Some of you are fulfilling more than one important mission during this special time on Earth. For others, it is somewhat of a reward lifetime, whereby, seemingly novice initiates are being supported and assisted by the more advanced members and are given the benefit of the group’s wisdom and Love/Light. Be assured that those dear Souls have given the same service in the past, and at a Soul level they have already met the requirements of an initiate on the Path. Possibly, they need only a little nurturing, training and assistance in order to remember who they truly are. Some progress so swiftly that they are given a Divine Dispensation of Love/Light so that they may quickly step into their true roles as Self-masters, teachers and wayshowers.

Some groups go quietly about spreading Love/Light and wisdom amongst their family, friends, neighborhood and local areas of influence. They spread and share their loving energy as they tranquilly go about living and being examples for others to emulate. While other groups become leaders and talented teachers and are destined to have a broader range of influence, possibly even worldwide. The more diverse a group is, the greater their potential influence on those around them will be, for they embody a well-rounded range of experience and wisdom to impart to others.

Allow us to take you on a journey, as we give you a mind picture of what ascending humanity is experiencing at this time. Imagine that you are viewing a very different reality from our vantage point, as we observe the ascension process that is taking place on another planet. We of the higher realms have the ability to sense the feeling nature of the people, as well as see the vibrational patterns that their thoughts and actions convey. Colors are more vivid and each person’s auric field can be seen by all and is considered to be a normal attribute. However, the people did not understand the meaning of the auric field.

We will focus on a group of Souls who are traversing the path of ascension together. The first scene we view consists of a small secluded village within a valley, which is surrounded by mountains. The villagers are simple people and there is not much contact with the outside world. There are many humble dwellings scattered about the valley and most all of the inhabitants have to struggle in order to eke out a living. The land is infertile and the weather is harsh and unpredictable. The people are suspicious of each other, and there isn’t much interaction or cooperative effort for the common good. However, there are three families who had built their dwellings close together, further up the side of the mountain, a short distance from the village. They share water from a nearby stream and also share the fruits of their labor with each other. They often gather to discuss their problems and give thanks for the bounty they receive. They begin to notice that everything is a little brighter and more harmonious on their mountainside.

There is always a slight haze hovering over the valley, and the few times any of the mountainside group had gone down into the village, it seemed the people were even poorer and more unhappy than before. They also resented and were inhospitable to outsiders, and there was an aura of sadness and despair in the atmosphere. After a time, the members of the higher Soul group stopped going to the village. They found that they could produce all that they needed to live simply and in comfort. Gradually their numbers grew to form a new village; however, with the expansion came new tests and challenges for the people.

As time went by, several of the more advanced Soul group became restless and discontented. They knew there must be more to life than living and dying in a small secluded village, so they decided to climb the mountain to see what the world was like beyond the mountaintop. Their journey was arduous with many detours and challenges along the way. However, the group found if they were patient and worked together to resolve their problems and pooled their resources, the way became easier. Slowly, but surely they made progress until they reached the mountaintop, where they discovered there was a village somewhat like the one they came from, but even better. The people of this village had skills the group had no knowledge of, and they created many useful items to make life easier and more comfortable.

Our Soul group of travelers were slowly integrated into the village, and before too long they had learned many of the skills and special talents the villagers shared with them. Life was not perfect, however, it was much better than in their previous village, and so a few in the group decided to stay in this village, even though there were some negative aspects with which they must contend.

The rest of the Soul group decided to continue their journey down the other side of the mountain. The valley floor was at a higher elevation than their original village, and life was somewhat better, but there seemed to be many minor conflicts and discontent among the villagers. There seemed to be a lot of jealousy and envy, and there was somewhat of a cast system, whereby some of those who were talented or gifted with beauty of face or form, or had a special skill, acted as though they were superior to the rest of the people. Also, one of the villagers’ favorite pastimes was to gossip about their neighbors or to ridicule their beliefs and habits, especially if they were different from their own.

After a brief time, some the group quickly picked up the negative habits and became caught up in the competitive atmosphere of the village, while the rest of the group remained as outside observers and soon came to the conclusion that this was not a place in which they wanted to settle. They left the village without looking back, focusing their vision on the next mountain peak and the gifts it might have to offer.

Thus began the never-ending cycle of experiencing life in a specific frequency-level environment to gain knowledge and wisdom in order to become a candidate for ascension into the next higher realm of existence. After you, as an aspirant on the Path, have been gifted with the talents and knowledge of each higher level of awareness, you are forever changed. Thereafter, you must traverse the valley of your new reality until you have cleared and harmonized any incompatible vibrational patterns from within. That is why, sometimes, after you have gained a new level of Beingness, for a brief time, it seems discord and challenges reappear in your life for resolution. After your Energetic Signature becomes compatible with each new dimensional level, you are ready for the challenges of the next mountain. Know this, when you have heard and answered the clarion call of your own Soul, nothing can stop you from seeking the path which eventually leads to en-Lighten-ment, for a Divine discontent will plague you until you do.

Beloveds, those of you who have climbed the great mountains of life repeatedly, and traversed the diverse valleys filled with shadows, tests and trials are now bringing forth into your consciousness the deepest core issues from within your Being.

Before you incarnated, you were determined to resolve these issues in this lifetime, for you knew that in order to attain Self-mastery once more, you must gain a certain level of balance and harmony within. Remember, you are not being punished and you are not doing anything wrong if you are endeavoring to do and be your very best. Once you awaken to the God Spark within your Sacred Heart, you will never again be placed in circumstances which are insurmountable. You will always experience tests, challenges and circumstances to help you awaken to the great potential within and to move beyond the illusion of the lower planes. You must always strive for the highest and best solutions.

We understand that one of the most difficult tasks is gaining control of your feeling nature and emotions. It is important that you clear the atmosphere around you of discordant vibrational patterns every day so that you can stay empowered within your Sacred Heart and Solar Power Center. You are creating a new chapter in your ledger of life each day. Will that chapter be on the positive or the negative side of the ledger? Remember, it is permissible and important that you blaze the Violet Flame of transformation back through the history of your lifetime, thereby erasing cause, core, record and memory of any discordant energies of the past.

The Violet Flame is the gift of transformation and will help you move from the wheel of Karma into a state of Grace. Diligently use the Violet Flame to erase all negative actions, or you must face and rectify your own miscreations via cause and effect situations. Learn to love your miscreations free. Force or resistance will only strengthen any negative thought forms. Follow the nudgings of your Soul and Higher Self, and do not be swayed by popular opinion. You must strengthen and learn to listen to your own inner Divine sense. Your body is a sounding board. It is a tuning fork on a certain wave length, which makes up your Energetic Signature. If your life is filled with chaos and painful events, raising your consciousness will lift and harmonize the wave patterns of your Energetic Signature, and your life experiences will also become more balanced, satisfying and enjoyable.

Beloveds, you are in the critical times which have been foretold for many ages. However, there is also more help available to you than ever before. The heavens have opened and the precious elixir of Life is pouring forth upon all Creation. This may seem like an impossible concept, but we tell you, you do not have to make this journey of life alone. Keep your eyes focused on the mountain top, as you stay centered within the God power of the moment and you will not be led astray.

You have the potential to become physically vibrant, emotionally fulfilled, mentally aware, financially abundant and spiritually en-Lighten-ed. It is your Divine Birthright to experience your life’s journey in the physical realm to the fullest. You were designed to savor and enjoy life each day with passion, to experience physicality with full awareness and conscious intensity. Your earthly sojourns were not meant to be filled with pain, suffering and deprivation. It is your choice whether you experience life on Earth as a heavenly place or as a hellish nightmare. Allow us to show you the high road and Light the path before you. You are loved most profoundly.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman

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