2012, LET’S COCREATE A RENAISSANCE OF LOVE – Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

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2012, LET’S COCREATE A RENAISSANCE OF LOVE    by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that through the collective consciousness of Humanity we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will enable us to utilize the celestial alignments that will take place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate A Renaissance of Love on Planet Earth. Together, we will change the course of history.

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because you have been preparing for a very long time to assist with this critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. As you read this article, know that you are joining in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world who are focusing on this information with you.  With new clarity and understanding, you will be able to move through these seemingly tumultuous times with joyous expectation and hope, instead of feeling fearful and overwhelmed. The Light of God is increasing on Earth in unprecedented ways, and Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness we have ever experienced.

We rode into 2012 on a colossal wave of Unity Consciousness. Now our new Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, which was cocreated in 2011 through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, is destined to become the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

This transformation will not occur by happenstance, it will manifest through the conscious efforts of you and me and dedicated people all over the world. After all, WE are cocreating this Earthly experience. In order to accomplish this mighty feat, the Company of Heaven is calling all of us to a higher service. Listen to your inner guidance and respond to this vital Heart Call from your I AM Presence.

Contrary to what we are seeing in the media, Humanity has reached a critical mass of awakened consciousness. The chaos we observe around the world is a necessary part of Earth’s purging process. The obsolete, fear-based archetypes that have caused appalling pain and suffering for Humanity must collapse. This process is clearing the way, so that an Awakened Humanity can cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

The people responsible for the atrocities we witness around the world consist of a minuscule fraction of the 7-billion people evolving on this planet. These wayward sisters and brothers of ours have absolutely NO POWER over the Light.

In Truth, every single day there are literally billions of people who turn their attention to a Higher Power and ask for Divine Intervention in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. These prayers are always heard, and they are always answered. As a result of Humanity’s heartfelt pleas, the floodgates of Heaven have opened, and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have come through the veil to meet us halfway.

For the past 25 years we have been anticipating the year 2012. There is a lot of speculation and misinformation circulating about what will happen during this auspicious year. Most of the sharings are fear-based and predicting things like devastating cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

We have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages, and we have begun our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Light. Now it is up to ALL of us to fine tune this natural evolutionary process, so that our global transformation will occur gently with the least amount of outer-world stress.

Humanity’s ability to cocreate a New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love in 2011, and our ability to expand that Divine Love into the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth in 2012, has been greatly enhanced by the Love and Light flooding the planet from our sisters and brothers in the Company of Heaven and throughout our Solar System. One of the most powerful factors in this celestial assistance has come from our sister planet Venus.

Venus has always been considered the planet of Love. This is not just romantic hyperbole. Venus actually does reflect the full gathered momentum of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love to all of  the planets in our Solar System.

Every 104 years Venus’ service of bathing the Earth with Divine Love is greatly amplified through an event known as the Venus Transit. During this transit Venus passes between the Earth and the Sun, an event that lasts for 6-7 hours. As Venus crosses the face of the Sun frequencies of Solar Light exponentially expand Venus’ ability to radiate Love to the Earth. This increased influx of Divine Love is anchored in the core of purity within every electron of precious Life energy on Earth.

The Venus Transit occurs in two parts. After the first transit the Love of Venus builds in momentum within every particle of Life on Earth. This prepares every facet of Life on Earth for the amplified influx of Divine Love that will bathe the planet during the second phase of the transit. The second part of the Venus Transit happens exactly 8 years, minus two days, later.

The first phase of the Venus Transit which we are now in the midst of took place on June 8, 2004. Since that time, the Love from Venus has been building in momentum softening the hearts and minds of Humanity and greatly enhancing the awakening that is taking place around the world.

On June 6, 2012, we will experience the second phase of the Venus Transit. Due to the unparalleled awakening that has taken place on Earth since June 8, 2004, this influx of Light will catapult Humanity and our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into position for an event that will establish a Renaissance of Love on Earth. With the God Victorious success of this impending event, Humanity will shift  into a higher state of consciousness, a consciousness of Divine Love that will manifest as the Order of the New Day for Planet Earth.

This unprecedented event will take place during the 25th anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 11-16, 2012. This will be a vitally important step of preparation before the influx of Light that will bathe the planet during Earth’s alignment with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way on the December 21, 2012 Solstice.

It is difficult for us to grasp the magnitude of what this will mean for the Earth and all her Life. But the Beings of Light have said that from that moment forth, the physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to externalize as a tangible reality. This will be the Heaven on Earth of our own creation through our I AM Presence. These patterns of Divine Love will reflect Humanity’s Oneness and the Reverence for ALL Life.

The Divine Plan

In order to accomplish this monumental facet of the Divine Plan, we are being asked by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven to unite our hearts, our heads, and our hands during the global event that will take place August 11-16, 2012. There will be many diverse ways in which we can weave our Light into this Divine Plan. Pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance, and ask that wondrous aspect of your own Divinity to clear the way, so that you will be able to fulfill your heart’s calling.

As you may know, the Hawaiian Islands are remnants of the continent of Lemuria. The initial impulse of Humanity’s fall from Grace took place on Lemuria aeons ago. Since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987, the Hawaiian Islands have played a critical role in reversing the adverse effects of Humanity’s fall from Grace and the healing of Mother Earth. Many of the people embodied at this time have links to Lemuria. They realize that they are here now to heal the atrocities that resulted on that continent when Humanity fell into the abyss of separation and duality.

The Island of Kauai is known as the Garden Isle. This island contains within its etheric records the Immaculate Concept or Divine Blueprint for the body of Mother Earth. This is the original pristine beauty that Mother Earth expressed prior to the fall. It is the verdant splendor that we have always referred to as the Garden of Eden.

Kauai’s etheric records also contain the archetypes for the Divine Potential of what Mother Earth will express when she Ascends into her rightful place on the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution and dons the seamless garment of her new Solar Reality.

For the facet of the miraculous Divine Plan that will take place August 11-16, 2012, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have asked us to organize a gathering of dedicated people from all over the world who will be willing to work with the Company of Heaven and to serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity. Together, these selfless volunteers will cocreate a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to catapult Humanity and our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into a frequency of Light that will establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on this blessed planet.

Then, through the I AM Presence of every man woman and child, Humanity will shift into a higher state of consciousness establishing Divine Love as the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

This gathering will take place August 11-16, 2012, within the embrace and exquisite beauty of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands. The vehicle that will be used for this gathering will be the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

Listen to your heart; a Clarion Call is now reverberating from the Heart of our Father-Mother God invoking your assistance in this holy endeavor. Respond according to your inner guidance. Know that whenever you volunteer to serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth, the floodgates of Heaven open to support you and to help clear the way for your participation.

It is critical that dedicated people from around the world be physically present for this important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. All of you who have been preparing to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who you are through the inner promptings of your heart. Trust this inner guidance. Your Light is needed NOW!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present in Kauai, there will be people who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These dedicated souls will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the selfless volunteers are physically gathered in Kauai. Through our unified efforts, the Love of God will expand on Earth a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every person will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we each respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present on the Island of Kauai, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in clearing the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, money, or courage to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The Company of Heaven has asked us to organize this monumental event in a beautiful, healing venue, so the selfless volunteers who make the sacrifice to serve in this way will truly experience a glimpse of Heaven on Earth. I want to assure you that this will be a life-transforming experience for you. In wondrous ways, your life will never be the same.

If you feel the heart call to participate in the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination, all of the information you need to participate is posted on our website www.eraofpeace.org

If you do not feel the heart call to be physically present in Kauai, know that this is a global event and you can weave your magnificent Light into our Chalice of Light from wherever you are on the face of the Earth.

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door for the influx of Light that will lift Humanity’s consciousness and establish a Renaissance of Love for ALL Life on this blessed planet.

The Beings of Light will be guiding us step by step through the months leading up to the event in August. I will be sharing the information through my free e-mail articles which you can sign up to receive on our website www.eraofpeace.org

In addition to the guidance we will be receiving from the Company of Heaven, our I AM Presence will be guiding each of us individually through our own unique preparation. Ask  for assistance, and remain in a state of Listening Grace at all times. This is an amazing opportunity for each of us to add to the Light of the world.

Additional Information about the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished. The physical manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will begin to externalize as a tangible reality, and the Light of God will catapult Humanity and our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into a frequency of Light that will establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on this blessed planet.

As I mentioned, this event will take place on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii.  When you enter this portal of Light, you will resonate with the awesome radiance of the etheric records of the Garden of Eden, and you will begin to remember who you are and why you are on Earth during this momentous time.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.

The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the entire Company of Heaven, the mighty I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that directs the Elemental Kingdom, and the Legions of Angels throughout infinity.

The entire Universe is supporting us in this holy endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the dedicated people on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on Earth in this wondrous way.

All of the information you will need to participate in this unprecedented opportunity is available on our website www.eraofpeace.org

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

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Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

“Reawakening Yourselves” – Kryon ~ David Brown

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come Enlighten yourself on the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG. You can also add, send in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will help enlighten others.

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Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown  2nd February 21012 : Kaunas, Lithuania “Reawakening Yourselves”

Greetings dear ones, for I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful for us in the spirit world to be back in Lithuania on this cold winter’s evening.

Dear ones, a new world is coming and the universe is moving into order; the planets, the stars and the solar system are moving to create new beginnings on this earth, completely changing the energies of the earth plane.

This will be a process, dear ones, this will be a process of learning, for those in power—not all of those in power—will have to let go of much of their power and much of their wealth. The energies of this planet and this world are changing, and for 15 years now, David has channeled the same message. You will stop creating through negative energies and create a new world out of pure love and there will be two shifts of energy.

The first shift in consciousness is from this third dimension to the fourth dimension, and the second shift is from the fourth to the fifth. Not only will human beings shift through this consciousness, but so will the earth plane, she will also ascend. You’re headed towards a completely new world, a beautiful, beautiful world of peace, love and harmony. There will be absolutely no room for war; there will be deep and intrinsic connections between human beings.

You are all healing and your world is changing. For those of you that are healers it is for you to claim your power; this is being supported by many different energies, and Kryon is the energy that is the umbrella for all these energies. Energies and entities of great wisdom, love and understanding are here to hold you in a space—not just for tonight, but forever—into a completely new world, a world of pure love.

There are seven billion on this planet, and there are so many people to be present with this ascension. In spirit world there are queues and queues of spirits waiting to come to this earth to be present as the earth plane evolves and moves to a new dimension, taking all populations with her to this new dimension. And this is happening now and your consciousness will be very different by the twenty-first of the twelfth, 2012. You will look back at this old world, and look over your shoulder, and you will see a crazy world that you are leaving behind, a world where everything is upside down, where nothing is the truth, and you will be moving into a new world of pure love and pure truth.

The new world will be a world led by the conscious; the old world is the world ruled by the unconscious. Your bankers, the hierarchy of this planet, and the monetary system, it’s already beginning to fail, this system will totally fail. And all the different hierarchies that are holding this system together will begin to collapse. You’re headed into a new world where you are whole and where you are complete, and where you are connected to the divine, both the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, and you will be free, free to live your life as you please, and allowing the love to constantly flow.

Just like the sun constantly shines in the solar system, your solar plexus will begin to glow, and your heart will begin to expand, connecting you to the heart of the solar system, and also allowing your mind to connect to the universal mind. Those who have done their inner work will be on the first wave into these new levels of consciousness, and you are all being deeply, deeply held and guided into this new consciousness; you made it here tonight and it was exactly the way that is meant to be. Your cells and your DNA are being activated, your hearts connected to the universal heart, and your mind connected to the universal mind. You’re also connecting to each other, for you are all one. The love will always, always, always flow. We say to treasure your bodies, feed them and exercise them well, and they will uphold you and support you in this transition.

You have all learned and understood this night what it is to be Christ conscious, when the wounded or the hurt aspects of yourself come together and become one and all the issues in your family constellation are released; that is when you become Christ conscious, that is when you are the king of your own life and when you’re walking that magical path between heaven and earth and the love is constantly flowing through you. You’ve recognized the lies and the dishonesty of the old earth and you are free from the dark side and the love flows through you and you emanate love for all to share. You are connected to all of mankind, and you will begin to lift the vibration of this planet and of those who live on the planet.

So just allow your hearts to open even more than they already are, and allow your heart to expand; just let it fill with love. Let it fill with love, just like the first time you ever fell in love, like you never feared getting your heart hurt, and just allowing your heart to expand more and more, expanding into the person who sat next to you and expanding to fill up the room, just filling more and more with love, it safe to allow your heart to open this night. Nothing can happen to your heart with your eyes closed here in a meditation, only good things can happen. Just be with your heart, and place all your consciousness and all your awareness in your heart.

Allow the TV screen in your mind to play back through your life, see all the loves that you’ve won and lost. And just be with your heart, dear ones, your spirit guides are at your feet, they’re here to hold you and to love and to guide you. They’re here to see what you can’t see, like a periscope on a submarine, with a telescope you can see across the ocean and your spirit guides can see your journey ahead of you. So just allow all those feelings to come and let them go and allow your spirit guides to take you wherever you need to go, observing your breath and relaxing, going deeper and deeper and deeper. Be with the love that’s in your heart and share this love with everybody in the room, sending your love to everybody in this room this night, and receiving the love from everybody in the room. This is how the new world will be: no competition, just love, loving each other, accepting each other, being with each other.

Allow the energies of the room to expand, and allow your energies to go higher and higher and higher, and feel Mother Earth beneath your feet, holding you, loving you, caressing you. Let whatever feelings are in your body, let them come and let them go, and have the intention to hold each other, to love each other, and to go to this new dimension, in the fourth dimension. You will not understand this dimension; you have to wait until your mind is sane and is upgraded to a fourth dimensional mind, but just feel all these energies in your body and feel how the love flows, how the love cancels out the negativity.

As we said in the beginning that the Kryon energy is the umbrella of many, many energies, and Lithuania has been a conscious country in years gone by and it has a language filled with consciousness and filled with love. Your ancestors are here this night, this very night your pagan ancestors that lived within nature, that lived with the land and the spirits of the trees, and the many different spirits; for these people this was true, and they present you with these gifts this night, reconnecting you to these ancient spirits, to this ancient world.

Allow these connections to flow and feel these energies. Your ancient brothers and sisters, they spread this beautiful consciousness around the world, become like a sponge, soaking up the consciousness of your ancestors and your ancestors’ love; they will be taking you on a journey, a journey home, a journey to the very truth of who you are.

Consciousness moves through Lithuania into the Americas, into Asia, and throughout the world, teaching the ancient cultures how to love, how to live with the earth; consciousness passed this way many thousands of yours ago, and this consciousness will come back, and you will receive this consciousness once again, emptying your body of old negativities and the love that’s already there will be energized and expanded.

Lithuania is old ancient people, and they are very close to those of Native American peoples, to the Toltecs of the south and southern Mexico, and the Mayan and the Incas, to the great shaman of the Russian lands. All these peoples knew how to live and love upon this earth. They knew how to keep their hearts open and stay connected to Mother Earth and to Father Sky. Allow these energies of the Native Americans to support this process this very night, and just feel this energy come to you and come to the room, for this is an energy of love and of power they forsake their land for the white man to have this experience of separation so we would never walk down this path ever again. Once you move into the fourth dimension you are constantly connected, fully connected to the divine.

The Native Americans may have a special message for each one of you this night, allow yourself to listen, to hear what they have to say to you. Open your inner ears and let them speak; allow the vibrations of your body to rise higher and higher.

And now we bring you the spirit of the Toltecs, and feel this energy, this new energy, ancient but new for you this night, and allow it to awaken your cells and your DNA, and allow it to connect you to the spirits, the animal spirits, to the spirits of the plants, to the spirits of the great pine forests. Many of you have lived these lives with the Native Americans to the Toltecs.

And now let us bring you the spirits of the Mayan, who had great and ancient knowledge, who knew this time was coming. Everyone, without fail, in this room had a lifetime with the Mayan, and let them bring you the knowledge of these end times. Let them bring you the love and the forgiveness and a deep connection to Father Sky, and let them bring to you their deep understanding of the universe and its cycles.

There are many, many aspects of yourselves being reawakened this night; many, many changes are coming, and you will be deeply connected to the Earth, to the Universe and to each other. And just feel the love, and let the love come higher and higher and higher, and just take the time to feel your bodies, allowing your vibration to go higher and higher and higher, feeling Mother Earth beneath you and her energies ascending, taking you to the fourth dimension. Allow the love to come, the love to flow, for very shortly, dear ones, there will be an onset of love flowing through your bodies, and you will merge and flow together just like these two rivers here in Kaunas, constantly flowing, constantly merging.

You’re here on a very powerful confluence where the masculine and the feminine will merge, and just allow the spirits of these two rivers to teach you how to flow and how to merge. That is why we’re here in Kaunas, this night, to allow the masculine and the feminine to flow and to merge, allowing the new world to flow into your hearts; in the new world, the masculine and the feminine flow together.

Feel your energies going higher and higher. Allow your energies to go higher and higher and higher, and feel the connection to Mother Earth and to Father Sky; this is what it will feel like in less than a year from now. On the twenty-first of the twelfth 2012 the end of one cycle, or many cycles, and the beginning of new cycles. You will enter the dimension that is very different from this one, and eventually you will ascend to this new consciousness, an even higher consciousness.

The fourth dimension of Christ consciousness will only allow you to create from love. There will be no ruling and no controlling, just a flow of love, and you will constantly and always be connected to Father Sky and to Mother Earth. We’re going to allow you to sit in this energy for a few more minutes, to let your body be used to this energy. Your cells and your DNA are activating to a new level of consciousness, but you will bring love first of all to your own human body. Illness and consciousness will become a thing of the past and you will begin to live the life of your dreams.

You’re now in a fourth dimensional vibration with a three dimensional mind. Slowly allow this vibration into your mind, upgrading your mind to a fourth dimensional mind, allowing this energy of love to connect what is disconnected. Let the feelings come and let the feelings go. You’re feeling the energies of these ancient cultures, but all these cultures that we mentioned earlier, they all ascended to Christ consciousness and they’re bringing to you their gifts, their energies and their ways. They’re awakening your inner knowledge so that you will easily find your way. You are all being reconnected to the universe so that you can go into your world and heal yourself and heal all those that surround you.

Be with this new vibration… let your body feel what it feels like… and observe what you observe… let the feelings come, let the feelings go, allowing yourselves and your DNA to activate to this new vibration and moving you into a new vibration of love. The new world is coming, dear ones, and just know that this is what it feels like.

Go well, and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

The Audio for this channelling is available from:



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Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

End of the Rope ~Magnetic Re-alignment – Steve Rother

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come Enlighten yourself on the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG. You can also add, send in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will help enlighten others.

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Greetings from Home

This day marks a level of vibration much the same way as the last seven times that we have been together. Humanity is now moving at the speed of love, which is slightly faster than the speed of light. What is taking place, at this time, is that all of humanity and the planet itself are starting to go through a birthing process. We have mentioned before that the Earth is not sick, she is pregnant. She is giving birth and this is a good way to look at it, but she is not giving birth to another planet. Earth is giving birth to a new form of human, for you have evolved past your current physical housing for your spirit.

The Evolution of the Bubble of Biology

The bubble of biology, which houses every spirit, is challenged keeping up with the vibrational growth. There are events taking place within the earth herself and throughout the cosmos that will create opportunities for you to carry much more of your own light than you ever dreamt possible. You have disconnected yourself from Home long enough to pretend to be a human, and yet you still have the essence of who you are in that body. Many times you look at the body and say, “That’s strange, I wonder how I got here. I wonder what this means.” Your body has often fought you, as you tried to move forward. It seems like many of you have actually been dragging your body around with you for most of your lives, sometimes just trying to make it work with you to hold your spirit for a time. And we see the challenges with that, but there are different events that are now underway that will help to clear much of this energy.

Many of you are now consciously releasing your old templates, letting go of some of your old belief systems about who you truly are, and who you thought you were. This has been very helpful and enabled many to move forward, but now the solar flares have begun and everyone on earth will feel this. We do not call them solar flares, as they are very similar to what you will experience as a magnetic bath. Huge waves of magnetism are coming in and stretching your own magnetic boundaries. They are moving your own lay lines of planet Earth, which are shifting as this energy comes in. During those times they are stretched out of shape, and your lay lines on an emotional level lose their anchoring. Animals tied in to the magnetic grids of earth may lose their way and often strand themselves as a result. It is almost as if no one is on solid ground anymore. Please be aware that most human reaction is experienced through magnetism; reactionary mechanisms originate from the emotional body, which has caused some challenges in the past. Several new illnesses have passed through humanity helping to adjust the magnetic body, and we tell you this will intensify during 2012.

Magnetic Rollercoaster

The first wave of this energy from the sun occurred between 2000 and 2001, and this magnetic energy was stored in the tectonic plates of planet Earth. This prepared the plates to hold the energy that entered over the next five years, which is why you have seen much of the movement in those tectonic plates. As the plates become charged they reach the level at which humans are ready to receive this energy, and then it slowly releases from these plates. This process is very similar to what you would consider an electrical capacitor or a battery, holding the charge until it is needed.

This has been happening with many of you, but as this starts to intensify and these magnetic waves arrive on planet Earth you have options. You can choose how you receive this energy, although you have not known this before. You can take this energy, which has usually knocked you off center in your emotional body, and turn it into something that feeds your love centers because this is true love that is coming in from the universe. And we tell you that the sun is not quite what you think it is. Many of you believe it to be a hot gassy ball of fire, but we tell you it is actually a portal that energy is transported through. So much energy will be released over this next few years that there is not enough energy in the sun to fill the demand. It was not long ago that many of your scientists on earth believed (very quietly) that the sun was reaching its end. They theorized that it would burn out because so much of its energy had been released. Dear ones, we tell you that almost twice that amount of energy will be arriving very soon.

End of the Rope

So, what should you do? Begin with the understanding that it is your position that will determine how the energy affects you. Let us share with you a story that may help you to understand. The Keeper (Steve) has his exercise place, he calls it his sauna. He exercises in his sauna every morning and one of the exercises involves a rope. He bought himself a rope about an inch in diameter and very soft so that he could stretch his back, and he has been doing this exercise for some time. Well the other day, not too long ago, that rope came close to his nose and he realized this rope really smelled awful. He has been holding and sweating on this rope for a while. Well, you know he is going to have to do something about it. So he tries to wash it in the shower, but it does not wash very well. Then unannounced to the keeper’s keeper (Barbara), he actually figures out how to work the washing machine which he has never used before. He put the rope in the washing machine and carefully adds only a little bit of soap, because he has seen movies where too much soap creates a messy disaster. He is very careful as he turns on the washing machine, waits for the cycle to complete and it seems that everything goes well. However, when he comes back and opens the washer door, there is no rope any more just a big pile of loose string. He looks at the rope and says to it: “You forgot how to be a rope. You used to know exactly how to be a rope and now you’re not a rope anymore. What happened?” We are laughing hysterically as he is talking to the rope. He then realized that by washing the rope he had interfered with its inner alignments. The rope realigned itself inside of the washing mashing and today is no longer a rope. He asked the rope at one point, “Did you forget that you were a rope?”

That is what tends to happen when these magnetic waves come in. When this cleansing energy comes in, we tend to forget the game we were playing. Dear ones, we will help you to re-member where you were. Many of you will finally see yourself finally walking toward a goal that you have been working on for so long, and then you suddenly ask why you are going there.

Making New Supportive Alignments

These magnetic waves will affect many of you, because generally you think first and feel second. Many things are becoming challenging for you because the magnetic emotions are coming in so strongly, so it will be necessary for you to feel first and think second. That is taking place in such a beautiful way now, as it is working throughout many different levels. What is taking place is that you are being re-leased and re-aligned the same way the rope was of its original form. It was re-leased by letting go of its current alignments. Well, the rope was in the washing machine trying not to lose its current shape; it was holding onto its alignments very tightly, still trying to pretend to be a rope. This is exactly what we see happening here on planet Earth. As these next levels come in you will have great opportunities to move at astounding rates and make new alignments that empower you. All you have to re-member to ask is, did you re-member to be a human today? Are you in the same place as you were before? Where is your passion? That is going to be your anchoring energy to all the new alignments in the new earth. It is no longer about where you thought your safety was, or about what you were building. The keys in life are found by expressing your light from Home. Your passion carries your channel from home and that is what you came to give, to bring to planet Earth.

And many of you are saying, “Oh, I can’t do that, it’s too much fun! How can I make a living at my passion?” Well, we hope you have fun and master all human experiences. We hope you learn both the positive and the negative, for there is absolutely beauty in the darkness. Humans have been so afraid of the dark, but now you are going to see if from a different level. You will see light on what used to be darkness and much of your fear will disappear quickly. It is getting you to that point that we are working on at this moment.

Science and Light

We wish to share with you an event that is now taking place in the scientific world, which might help you to understand why so much attention is on planet Earth throughout all that is. Up until this point, Earth has been the only planet of free choice. In other words, you basically did not have any pre-direction. You did not have spirits coming into your world and actually touching you on the shoulder and correcting your course.

Yes, sometimes angles come to your world. You receive divine guidance if you are open to it, but not to the point that you absolutely do not have a choice or are being led in some way. Free choice is the ultimate and only rule on planet Earth. There is now a second game of free choice because of your success, and it’s evolving at an incredible rate on an entirely different time line. At some point you will be able to see it, but not by building rockets or spaceships, or by time travel. You will be able to see for the simple reason that humanity is evolving. Humans call us angels but there is also an interim spot, the Human Angel, and that’s where you are right now. You are learning how to be the angels on planet Earth, because eventually you will be the angels to the second planet of free choice. You are in training right now, evolving faster that you can possibly know to be able to work in these areas. We are so incredibly proud of you, for you have taken the greatest possibilities of humanity and already exceeded that so that now you’re pushing past each marker at this point. You are starting to move past each road block very quickly, as is humanity’s collective vibration of humanity. That is changing the world around you and you are beginning to see that you create everything you witness. How do the little god’s play the game of pretending to be a human on planet Earth? By putting mirrors everywhere so they can see their own light, even though they rarely know it is their light. This is changing very rapidly now, for you will begin to see your light. Yes, you will do well to balance your egos; you have done that so far. You have experienced that many times and we want you to feel your worth, because the ego has to be in balance. That does not mean that you will be losing it for many of you have challenges the other way for you do not have enough ego to stand up and say, “This is what I brought from home.”

As those leading the way vibrationally, your job is not just to hold the door open but to make it safe for every single one of you to take the step. Make is safe for the people around you. Move out of the judgment, out of the polarity consciousness that is almost strangling this planet. You will experience more polarity, especially as you go through your elections. This will be quite fun to watch, for every election has become closer, closer and closer, and it will be the same for this particular one. The reason for this is that polarity is leaving, and just as anything is taken away from humanity, humanity grabs onto it and will not let go. That is exactly what is happening, you are making a difference. Do not believe everything you see on television or read in the news, because this planet is evolving and graduating very quickly. You have already set that into motion.

Discovery ~ Evidence of Life

So, what about the science? The science is beginning to understand the energy of what we have called spirituality. Of course, from our perspective there is no difference between spirit and human. We simply see that humanity is spirits pretending to be human and playing the game of evolving their souls. You are doing this well at the game, and now for the scientific piece. Something just happened that was not in your news, and you will not see it on television: another planet was just discovered, and it is believed to have supported life. They have not found the actual evidence of life, but they have discovered the residual debris field and remnants of life. The challenge about this particular planet is that it is about 620 light years away. Is this the second planet of free choice of which we just spoke? No, it is not. It is another planet that is on a similar path and that’s why it was found. As the discovery becomes known there will be some that will try to disprove it, and many others that will try to validate it. However, you still do not have means to visit this planet, or communicate with its inhabitants. So, there is much that needs to happen. Here is another very interesting piece, for it was not planet Earth that discovered the other planet. It was the other planet that discovered you. This will play out in the history of Earth, and the discovery will make a huge difference in your planet as it starts to evolve. It will take time, for you have no technology in place and no way to communicate. You do not even communicate the same way at this moment.

Choose Your Vibration

You are not alone. You have always known that, but now you will find validation for it which will give you opportunities. We have mentioned before that as all of humanity evolves many elements of the veil disappear, which means that you will have direct communication from one heart to the next. You do not need to speak or write your words, for you can connect one heart to another right now if you will start practicing that. It will help you tremendously as you move into these new bodies. You have put filters into place so that you could pretend to be a human on this very difficult planet, but those filters are starting to dissolve. They are being washed away by the magnetic energy, and we don’t even care if you re-member whether you are a rope or a knot. What is taking place is that you have opportunities for new alignments. As those filters are also being gently washed away, the external vibration will now have more of an effect on the human body than ever before. Now, what does that mean? Well, you will all know very shortly exactly what we are speaking of. Every vibration that is caused externally and enters the body from the outside, whether it enters through the chakra system or simply a vibration of the body, you are more susceptible to interpreting vibration than ever before. For some of you this will be a weak spot, it will be an Achilles heel and you will compensate. Most of you will feel strengthened by this Energy; certain pieces that you have become accustomed to will start to change.

One of these outside vibrations is what you call music. Music has always had an effect on your spirit. Music has always been able to reach the human part of you and touch your soul very quickly, especially if it’s your favorite music. Now we tell you that music will become a form of communication that you will eventually use just as much as your words, because now the vibrations can reach you on much different levels. You will find that suddenly many of your choice in music will change. Some of you are now thinking, “Well, I will never listen to Rap music.” However, there is a rhythm in Rap music that carries vibrations just the same way as other music genres, for it only needs to be in alignment with you. Choose what fits into your world, and realize it is not just music anymore.

Sensitivity to Background Noise

We also tell you that from now on you will be very sensitive to ambient noise, to background noise. Here is the challenge and what is taking place on a larger scale. Humans are wired in such a way that you do not actually hear such a sound; what you hear is a difference in the background sound. If all of you walked into a quiet room, you would still hear a buzzing in your head. That is kind of the background noise that is often described white noise, background noise, or hissing and crackling.. Much of that is actually the sound of the machinery that makes up the illusion of the game, but on top of that you don’t actually hear the sounds but the variations of the background sound. Soon you will start to hear all of it including the background sound, which you have not been conscious of before. That will cause challenges for many of you. So, work with it ahead of time and start to know what this feels like. Work with this and start listening to the silence right now, start getting comfortable with how your ears work and how they change even as you move to different dimensions, heights, and elevations. Feel how that works because your own body is beginning to expand energetically. The expansion is not yet physical, but the expansion is taking place energetically. When you expand, you automatically touch everything around you. Your natural reaction is, “Oh, excuse me I wasn’t meaning to touch you or to be in your space.” In a very short time humanity will become comfortable with itself again. You will put your energy back into the Universe, where it has been missing ever since you began pretending to play this game of pretending to be a human. The love that you have right now will change this energy overnight. You have the ability to take these steps, and be dragged from one level to the next or jump joyously up the steps skipping two or three steps at a time. It is your choice, literally. You are grasping it. This is not happening to you, for you are welcoming and embracing every part of that experience. We watch in amazement, for so many of you have hit the proverbial brick wall so many times before. We are so proud of you that you trust yourself and still dare to move forward. You have the light inside that you can anchor onto, but then that is the nature of lightworkers. That is the spirit of those of you who choose to come in first to hold the door open for others. It is not a race. You have definitely chosen the more difficult role, for it is lonely to be the first ones to arrive. We could not talk you out of it; you have performed this same service in every life time that you have been here, and you will do it again.

Although only Earth is making this move, every physical body will evolve to allow you to hold more of your spirit. Your higher self will be a conscious anchor that you can use on a daily basis, and it will talk to you the same way you talk to it now. Enjoy this journey. Step into it with absolute joy, wonderment, and excitement of what you can create next. There are no limits, and that is why we give you these concepts and ideas to stretch your brain to start to think about what is possible. You have created a miracle here on planet Earth.

You have created something that has never happened before in the Universe. You are evolving god. Incredible work, dear ones, we are so proud of you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and pretending to be a human, because you’re doing one hell of a job with it.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another every chance you get and Play well together.


The group


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End of the Rope ~ Magnetic Re-alignment – The Group – Steve Rother

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

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Greetings from Home

This day marks a level of vibration much the same way as the last seven times that we have been together. Humanity is now moving at the speed of love, which is slightly faster than the speed of light. What is taking place, at this time, is that all of humanity and the planet itself are starting to go through a birthing process. We have mentioned before that the Earth is not sick, she is pregnant. She is giving birth and this is a good way to look at it, but she is not giving birth to another planet. Earth is giving birth to a new form of human, for you have evolved past your current physical housing for your spirit.

The Evolution of the Bubble of Biology

The bubble of biology, which houses every spirit, is challenged keeping up with the vibrational growth. There are events taking place within the earth herself and throughout the cosmos that will create opportunities for you to carry much more of your own light than you ever dreamt possible. You have disconnected yourself from Home long enough to pretend to be a human, and yet you still have the essence of who you are in that body. Many times you look at the body and say, “That’s strange, I wonder how I got here. I wonder what this means.” Your body has often fought you, as you tried to move forward. It seems like many of you have actually been dragging your body around with you for most of your lives, sometimes just trying to make it work with you to hold your spirit for a time. And we see the challenges with that, but there are different events that are now underway that will help to clear much of this energy.

Many of you are now consciously releasing your old templates, letting go of some of your old belief systems about who you truly are, and who you thought you were. This has been very helpful and enabled many to move forward, but now the solar flares have begun and everyone on earth will feel this. We do not call them solar flares, as they are very similar to what you will experience as a magnetic bath. Huge waves of magnetism are coming in and stretching your own magnetic boundaries. They are moving your own lay lines of planet Earth, which are shifting as this energy comes in. During those times they are stretched out of shape, and your lay lines on an emotional level lose their anchoring. Animals tied in to the magnetic grids of earth may lose their way and often strand themselves as a result. It is almost as if no one is on solid ground anymore. Please be aware that most human reaction is experienced through magnetism; reactionary mechanisms originate from the emotional body, which has caused some challenges in the past. Several new illnesses have passed through humanity helping to adjust the magnetic body, and we tell you this will intensify during 2012.

Magnetic Rollercoaster

The first wave of this energy from the sun occurred between 2000 and 2001, and this magnetic energy was stored in the tectonic plates of planet Earth. This prepared the plates to hold the energy that entered over the next five years, which is why you have seen much of the movement in those tectonic plates. As the plates become charged they reach the level at which humans are ready to receive this energy, and then it slowly releases from these plates. This process is very similar to what you would consider an electrical capacitor or a battery, holding the charge until it is needed.

This has been happening with many of you, but as this starts to intensify and these magnetic waves arrive on planet Earth you have       options. You can choose how you receive this energy, although you have not known this before. You can take this energy, which has usually knocked you off center in your emotional body, and turn it into something that feeds your love centers because this is true love that is coming in from the universe. And we tell you that the sun is not quite what you think it is. Many of you believe it to be a hot gassy ball of fire, but we tell you it is actually a portal that energy is transported through. So much energy will be released over this next few years that there is not enough energy in the sun to fill the demand. It was not long ago that many of your scientists on earth believed (very quietly) that the sun was reaching its end. They theorized that it would burn out because so much of its energy had been released. Dear ones, we tell you that almost twice that amount of energy will be arriving very soon.

End of the Rope

So, what should you do? Begin with the understanding that it is your position that will determine how the energy affects you. Let us share with you a story that may help you to understand. The Keeper (Steve) has his exercise place, he calls it his sauna. He exercises in his sauna every morning and one of the exercises involves a rope. He bought himself a rope about an inch in diameter and very soft so that he could stretch his back, and he has been doing this exercise for some time. Well the other day, not too long ago, that rope came close to his nose and he realized this rope really smelled awful. He has been holding and sweating on this rope for a while. Well, you know he is going to have to do something about it. So he tries to wash it in the shower, but it does not wash very well. Then       unannounced to the keeper’s keeper (Barbara), he actually figures out how to work the washing machine which he has never used before. He put the rope in the washing machine and carefully adds only a little bit of soap, because he has seen movies where too much soap creates a messy disaster. He is very careful as he turns on the washing machine, waits for the cycle to complete and it seems that everything goes well. However, when he comes back and opens the washer door, there is no rope any more just a big pile of loose string. He looks at the rope and says to it: “You forgot how to be a rope. You used to know exactly how to be a rope and now you’re not a rope anymore. What happened?” We are laughing hysterically as he is talking to the rope. He then realized that by washing the rope he had interfered with its inner alignments. The rope realigned itself inside of the washing mashing and today is no longer a rope. He asked the rope at one point, “Did you forget that you were a rope?”

That is what tends to happen when these magnetic waves come in. When this cleansing energy comes in, we tend to forget the game we were playing. Dear ones, we will help you to re-member where you were. Many of you will finally see yourself finally walking toward a goal that you have been working on for so long, and then you suddenly ask why you are going there.

Making New Supportive Alignments

These magnetic waves will affect many of you, because generally you think first and feel second. Many things are becoming challenging for you because the magnetic emotions are coming in so strongly, so it will be necessary for you to feel first and think second. That is taking place in such a beautiful way now, as it is working throughout many different levels. What is taking place is that you are being re-leased and re-aligned the same way the rope was of its original form. It was re-leased by letting go of its current alignments. Well, the rope was in the washing machine trying not to lose its current shape; it was holding onto its alignments very tightly, still trying to pretend to be a rope. This is exactly what we see happening here on planet Earth. As these next levels come in you will have great opportunities to move at astounding rates and make new alignments that empower you. All you have to re-member to ask is, did you re-member to be a human today? Are you in the same place as you were before? Where is your passion? That is going to be your       anchoring energy to all the new alignments in the new earth. It is no longer about where you thought your safety was, or about what you were building. The keys in life are found by expressing your light from Home. Your passion carries your channel from home and that is what you came to give, to bring to planet Earth.

And many of you are saying, “Oh, I can’t do that, it’s too much fun! How can I make a living at my passion?” Well, we hope you have fun and master all human experiences. We hope you learn both the positive and the negative, for there is absolutely beauty in the darkness. Humans have been so afraid of the dark, but now you are going to see if from a different level. You will see light on what used to be darkness and much of your fear will disappear quickly. It is getting you to that point that we are working on at this moment.

Science and Light

We wish to share with you an event that is now taking place in the scientific world, which might help you to understand why so much attention is on planet Earth throughout all that is. Up until this point, Earth has been the only planet of free choice. In other words, you basically did not have any pre-direction. You did not have spirits coming into your world and actually touching you on the shoulder and correcting your course.

Yes, sometimes angles come to your world. You receive divine guidance if you are open to it, but not to the point that you absolutely do not have a choice or are being led in some way. Free choice is the ultimate and only rule on planet Earth. There is now a second game of free choice because of your success, and it’s evolving at an incredible rate on an entirely different time line. At some point you will be able to see it, but not by building rockets or spaceships, or by time travel. You will be able to see for the simple reason that humanity is evolving. Humans call us angels but there is also an interim spot, the Human Angel, and that’s where you are right now. You are learning how to be the angels on planet Earth, because eventually you will be the angels to the second planet of free choice. You are in training right now, evolving faster that you can possibly know to be able to work in these areas. We are so incredibly proud of you, for you have taken the greatest possibilities of humanity and already exceeded that so that now you’re pushing past each marker at this point. You are starting to move past each road block very quickly, as is humanity’s collective vibration of humanity. That is changing the world around you and you are beginning to see that you create everything you witness. How do the little god’s play the game of pretending to be a human on planet Earth? By putting mirrors everywhere so they can see their own light, even though they rarely know it is their light. This is changing very rapidly now, for you will begin to see your light. Yes, you will do well to balance your egos; you have done that so far. You have experienced that many times and we want you to feel your worth, because the ego has to be in balance. That does not mean that you will be losing it for many of you have challenges the other way for you do not have enough ego to stand up and say, “This is what I brought from home.”

As those leading the way vibrationally, your job is not just to hold the door open but to make it safe for every single one of you to take the step. Make is safe for the people around you. Move out of the judgment, out of the polarity consciousness that is almost strangling this planet. You will experience more polarity, especially as you go through your elections. This will be quite fun to watch, for every election has become closer, closer and closer, and it will be the same for this particular one. The reason for this is that polarity is leaving, and just as anything is taken away from humanity, humanity grabs onto it and will not let go. That is exactly what is happening, you are making a difference. Do not believe everything you see on television or read in the news, because this planet is evolving and graduating very quickly. You have already set that into motion.

Discovery ~ Evidence of Life

So, what about the science? The science is beginning to understand the energy of what we have called spirituality. Of course, from our   perspective there is no difference between spirit and human. We simply see that humanity is spirits pretending to be human and playing the game of evolving their souls. You are doing this well at the game, and now for the scientific piece. Something just happened that was not in your news, and you will not see it on television: another planet was just discovered, and it is believed to have supported life. They have not found the actual evidence of life, but they have discovered the residual debris field and remnants of life. The challenge about this particular planet is that it is about 620 light years away. Is this the second planet of free choice of which we just spoke? No, it is not. It is another planet that is on a similar path and that’s why it was found. As the discovery becomes known there will be some that will try to disprove it, and many others that will try to validate it. However, you still do not have means to visit this       planet, or communicate with its inhabitants. So, there is much that needs to happen. Here is another very interesting piece, for it was not planet Earth that discovered the other planet. It was the other planet that discovered you. This will play out in the history of Earth, and the discovery will make a huge difference in your planet as it starts to evolve. It will take time, for you have no technology in place and no way to communicate. You do not even communicate the same way at this moment.

Choose Your Vibration

You are not alone. You have always known that, but now you will find validation for it which will give you opportunities. We have mentioned before that as all of humanity evolves many elements of the veil disappear, which means that you will have direct communication from one heart to the next. You do not need to speak or write your words, for you can connect one heart to another right now if you will start practicing that. It will help you tremendously as you move into these new bodies. You have put filters into place so that you could pretend to be a human on this very difficult planet, but those filters are starting to dissolve. They are being washed away by the magnetic energy, and we don’t even care if you re-member whether you are a rope or a knot. What is taking place is that you have opportunities for new alignments. As those filters are also being gently washed away, the external vibration will now have more of an effect on the human body than ever before. Now, what does that mean? Well, you will all know very shortly exactly what we are speaking of. Every vibration that is caused externally and enters the body from the outside, whether it enters through the chakra system or simply a vibration of the body, you are more susceptible to interpreting vibration than ever before. For some of you this will be a weak spot, it will be an Achilles heel and you will compensate. Most of you will feel strengthened by this Energy;       certain pieces that you have become accustomed to will start to change.

One of these outside vibrations is what you call music. Music has always had an effect on your spirit. Music has always been able to reach the human part of you and touch your soul very quickly, especially if it’s your favorite music. Now we tell you that music will become a form of communication that you will eventually use just as much as your words, because now the vibrations can reach you on much different levels. You will find that suddenly many of your choice in music will change. Some of you are now thinking, “Well, I will never listen to Rap music.” However, there is a rhythm in Rap music that carries vibrations just the same way as other music genres, for it only needs to be in alignment with you. Choose what fits into your world, and realize it is not just music anymore.

Sensitivity to Background Noise

We also tell you that from now on you will be very sensitive to ambient noise, to background noise. Here is the challenge and what is taking place on a larger scale. Humans are wired in such a way that you do not actually hear such a sound; what you hear is a difference in the background sound. If all of you walked into a quiet room, you would still hear a buzzing in your head. That is kind of the background noise that is often described white noise, background noise, or hissing and crackling.. Much of that is actually the sound of the machinery that makes up the illusion of the game, but on top of that you don’t actually hear the sounds but the variations of the background sound. Soon you will start to hear all of it including the background sound, which you have not been conscious of       before. That will cause challenges for many of you. So, work with it ahead of time and start to know what this feels like. Work with this and start listening to the silence right now, start getting comfortable with how your ears work and how they change even as you move to different dimensions, heights, and elevations. Feel how that works because your own body is beginning to expand energetically. The expansion is not yet physical, but the expansion is taking place energetically. When you expand, you automatically touch everything around you. Your natural reaction is, “Oh, excuse me I wasn’t meaning to touch you or to be in your space.” In a very short time humanity will become comfortable with itself again. You will put your energy back into the Universe, where it has been missing ever since you began pretending to play this game of pretending to be a human. The love that you have right now will change this energy       overnight. You have the ability to take these steps, and be dragged from one level to the next or jump joyously up the steps skipping two or three steps at a time. It is your choice, literally. You are grasping it. This is not happening to you, for you are welcoming and embracing every part of that experience. We watch in amazement, for so many of you have hit the proverbial brick wall so many times before. We are so proud of you that you trust yourself and still dare to move forward. You have the light inside that you can anchor onto, but then that is the nature of lightworkers. That is the spirit of those of you who choose to come in first to hold the door open for others. It is not a race. You have definitely chosen the more difficult role, for it is lonely to be the first ones to arrive. We could not talk you out of it; you have performed this same service in every life time that you have been here, and you will do it again.

Although only Earth is making this move, every physical body will evolve to allow you to hold more of your spirit. Your higher self will be a conscious anchor that you can use on a daily basis, and it will talk to you the same way you talk to it now. Enjoy this journey. Step into it with absolute joy, wonderment, and excitement of what you can create next. There are no limits, and that is why we give you these concepts and ideas to stretch your brain to start to think about what is possible. You have created a miracle here on planet Earth.

You have created something that has never happened before in the Universe. You are evolving god. Incredible work, dear ones, we are so proud of you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and pretending to be a human, because you’re doing one hell of a job with it.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another every chance you get and Play well together.


The group


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

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http://www.allanrufus.com – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

Your Divine Spark – Celestial White Beings – Natalie Glasson

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come Enlighten yourself on the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG. You can also add, send in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will help enlighten others.

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Your Divine Spark

by the Celestial White Beings

Channelled through Natalie Glasson


With tremendous honour we step forward to exist in the energy of the Earth, we are the Celestial White Beings. Our energy always flows with the greatest of respect to those that we connect with. We see the divine spark of the Creator within each person on the Earth and we ask that this is something that you remind yourself of regularly. Now is the time to allow your divine spark to be creative, expressive and expansive.

The divine energy within your being can be given so many labels, such as your soul, inner truth or higher self. In this communication we wish for you to truly rejoice in the magic within you as if you are our magic students and we for the first time are explaining that you have magical abilities which just need to be realised. The magic within you we will name your divine spark because a spark has the potential of manifesting into something profoundly magnificent and large. Your divine spark within you is the energy of the Creator. It doesn’t matter about your beliefs of the Creator, which name you offer the Creator or the qualities and actions you believe the Creator holds. The simple understanding needed to begin to realise your divine spark, is that the spark is an aspect of the Creator. The divine spark is whatever you believe the Creator to be and this belief may change over your lifetime and so your divine spark will alter as well. This doesn’t mean that your divine spark exists as your current beliefs or that your divine spark evolves as your understanding expands, but the truth is that your realisation is changing.

Returning to the reference to magic students, we believe that for more people they would be far more likely to believe that they are capable of magical skills than believing that the Creator exists within their being. Others may feel that the possibility of achieving magic and the possibility of the Creator existing within them both feel so distant in terms of experience and so belief is very small. The truth is that you are the Creator and you also hold magical skills, it’s just that you have chosen so far not to recognise both possibilities fully. If you were our magic students we would first start by explain to you where the magical energy within you is situated. We would then share with you how to use the magical energy starting with achieving small miracles and then progressing to greater skills, so let us achieve this now for you.

Within your heart chakra is a divine spark of Creator light; the same divine spark exists within all your chakras, within every cell of your being and throughout our auric field. For now we will focus upon the divine spark within your heart chakra as your heart harbours pure vibrations of light and energies, so you can place your trust in the divine spark of your heart. Then there is a need to visualise, sense, acknowledge and simply accept the divine spark. You could draw a creative picture of your divine spark or understand the colours of light that it holds, something that imprints an image onto your mind and awareness. With an understanding of your divine spark there is a need to feed and nurture its energy to allow its powers to strengthen. As you would feed your physical body with food so you need to feed your divine spark. You can achieve this by breathing into your divine spark, with your breathe you are collecting life force energy within your being and directing it to your divine spark. Life force energy is the vibration of the Creator which exists within and around you and is needed to maintain your energy. By imagining that you are breathing into your divine spark in your heart chakra you are nurturing your divine spark with the possibility of increasing its power. Your divine spark then begins to expand and unfold its energy. You may realise that your divine spark has been deceiving you all this time into thinking that it is a small powerless energy when in fact it is an expansive large and powerful presence. As the light of your divine spark begins to flow into your body, aura and surroundings then you begin to become more familiar with its energy. It can be like reading a book about your divine spark or watching a video all about yourself as much wisdom and information begins to flow into your mind. In magician terms you are accessing your magical powers.

You begin to realise that there is energy inside of you that needs to be put into use and the more that you draw upon the energy the more you understand its power. To enhance your magician skills we would teach you set skills to truly bring the magical energies into your reality, but we know that you are already magicians; you just need to direct the energy. You need to focus upon what you want to create, what you want to experience, what you wish to draw from the energy within your being. With simple understand of the energy and how you wish to use it you access your magical skills and then simply need to practice drawing upon and experiencing the energy within you.

Many people see spiritual growth as a long and sometimes tedious process but if you were training to become a magician with the ability to achieve anything and everything, we feel that you would probably approach the journey in a different way and with a different mind-set. Always remember to keep the element of joy in your spiritual growth and spiritual practices; joy is needed to raise your energy vibration and allow it to be maintained at a quick speed.

We wish for you to truly realise that there is something magical, magnificent and truly wonderful within you, if you begin to believe this then you are so much closer to truly viewing and experiencing it for yourself. Allow yourself to imagine the most divine and beautiful energy possible then magnify it a thousand time and you will be a step closer to perceiving the magnificence that is within your being. Now imagine that this understanding was so real to you, how would you treat your physical body, how would you treat yourself? We imagine that you would act differently; you would perceive yourself differently and would possibly even change your life style. The beauty within you may cause you to see the beauty of everything around you. You may find a new confidence and respect for yourself and would probably no longer say negative things to the divine spark within you. Your divine spark also holds wondrous abilities, offering you the ability to create anything that you wish and desire. You would begin to see yourself, your actions and thoughts in a whole new wayand realise that certain understandings of yourself from the past are simply meaningless illusions that you have carried within you, honouring them as truth.

We wish to propose a mission for you to achieve over the coming week, this is to discover your divine spark, to feed and nurture your divine spark with life force energy and to begin to recognise the presence of your divine spark within you. While this mission is extremely serious we wish for you to bring as much fun and joy into the mission as possible. Even if you allow your mind to be extremely creative this is perfectly appropriate because we wish for you to realise the magnificent divine spark and energy within you. You may feel that for the whole week you are making up the energy or imagining it within you but essentially we wish for you to revert to the innocence and playfulness of a child and to enjoy the process of creating, building or realising the beautiful divine spark within you. How would you feel at the end of the week if you spent the entire week every moment imagining, knowing and rejoicing in the fact that there is a powerful, magical beautiful energy within your being, which is with you always and at your disposal? Make it into something amazing and divinely beautiful, enjoy the pleasure and joy that manifests, watch how your perception of yourself changes. Then at the end of the week you can sit peacefully in meditation and ask to see the true divine spark within you. By this time you would have naturally connected with the divine spark whether you realise it or not, your energies would be open and receptive and most blockages between you and your divine spark would be dissolved. Your understanding of your divine spark may be completely different when you look to see the truth then if you had simply tried to connect in meditation, because you have already placed attention on the divine spark, nurturing it, making it easier for you to accept.

We truly wish for all to see the magnificence in themselves, because we truly see and feel your magnificence. Please be fun, joyous and playful with your connection with your divine spark, the Creator and the Universe as this will allow so many energies to open up to you and much healing to take place. Our message may seem unusual but we feel it is needed at this time.

Let yourself see the magnificence within you and notice how it alters your perspective of yourself.

We are the Celestial White Beings


Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

***Please send out https://palmtreelifestyle.wordpress.com link out to as many people as you know (facebook, myspace, twitter etc), so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***


http://www.allanrufus.com – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!

*** IMPORTANT TO READ AND REPOST*** Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/28/12 – Greg Giles

2012 – The year of GREAT CHANGE!

Who AM I ? -Self – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Self Help – Self Awareness – Self Discovery – Self Realization – Self Motivation – Teaching – Information – Angels – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Rebirth

Click here – Come Enlighten yourself on the LOVE and UPLIFTING BLOG. You can also add, send in quotes, videos, poems, or messages that will help enlighten others.

***It’s in our hands to help others!*** 🙂

Also – Please post the https://palmtreelifestyle.wordpress.com link out on your social sites (facebook, myspace and twitter etc) so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/28/12

These events we speak of are not events that can or cannot happen, these are events that can happen and will happen because you made them happen. We of the Galactic Commands have said to you time and again that the events that so many of you wish to experience are within your grasp, but it is you as a collective that must choose to experience these events, and it is you that will make them a reality. How this is done has also been explained to you, but certainly bears repeating here.

The events you wish to experience such as the arrests of the leaders of the criminal Cabal, as well as a reunion with us, your Star Families, can be manifested by your consent and your intent. Action is then necessarily applied and the reality you wish to experience is yours. This is how it works. Simple enough, is it not dear ones?

We at this time are asking for your permission to join you in your world and we see many of you welcoming us warmly. We also see many of you taking action to make your wishes a reality by helping to spread the word of our arrival. We also see many of you who have made your intentions clear that you wish to see the arrests of members of the criminal Cabal, and many who are also taking action to make your wishes a reality by assisting to spread this news as well.

As your efforts continue, the reality you wish to experience begins to manifest. If you stopped your efforts in this regard today, the reality you wished to create would begin to un-manifest and dissolve. The reason for this would appear to you to be a mundane reason, legal reason, technical issue, political issue and so on, but the catalyst behind these apparent reasons would be nothing but mundane, it would be because you as a collective chose to no longer manifest this reality.

This is important to understand today as so many of you, our Lightworkers who were chosen to be here to help manifest a new reality for this planet and her people, choose to sit by and wait for events to happen for them, instead of making events happen by them. Do you see and understand the difference? We see many of you asking for us to make ourselves known to you, to offer you proof of our existence and our intentions by placing this proof in your hand, but we tell you again we cannot reach your hand until you create the circumstances that will facilitate this meeting. We ask you at this time to get more involved, to refrain from demanding proof, and make your chosen reality your reality. Choosing is not nearly enough at this time, you must also act to see your chosen reality manifest. Will you begin to take action? That is the question we pose to you today.

So many wait on you and your fellow Lightworkers to get your job done. So many eyes are upon you as we await you to spread the news of our existence and of our peaceful intentions. So many eyes are upon you as we await you to inform your brothers and sisters of the imminent arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal and what these arrests mean to them, yet we see on a daily basis so many of our trusted family members wasting valuable time sharing in their social networks every kind of unrelated content. We tell you the time for sharing this kind of irrelevant information has passed, and it is now time to focus, focus dear ones at the tasks at hand. We ask you to set the table for the arrests of the criminal Cabal that will then open the door for our arrival. Will you do that? Will you complete this part of your mission? Would you give your undivided attention to this assignment until this part of your assignment is complete?

Moving on to our side of the operation, we are again very pleased to report that the numbers of the Cabal’s space fighting forces is dwindling down to nothing. Soon they will be bereft of any space capabilities, and this will be a very important milestone for us to reach. Once entirely free to safely travel through the space surrounding your planet, we then can proceed with advanced phases of our space operations.

As we have said, we will now increase the frequency and the quality of the sightings of our craft all throughout your world. The United States will also begin to receive more flyovers of our craft as well, as the numbers of those military units who stubbornly remain aligned with the Cabal are also quickly dwindling. As we have said, these units who refuse to comply with your new system will be dealt with just as their counterparts of the space commands have been dealt with. Their days are numbered as well, and soon they will face the consequences of their choice. There can be no other way for them, as they will not be permitted to wriggle out of what they have created for themselves at the last moment. It will not be permitted to work like that. Not this time.

The men and women of your criminal Cabal also face justice for their actions, and they now see this as inevitable. How abruptly their visions of their futures and of the prison planet they hoped to create have changed. Do you see dear ones how quickly your reality can change once suitable choice, intent, and action are applied? As recent as even a few months ago, the leaders of your Cabal still believed the future of their prison planet was inevitable and nothing or no one could stop it. Some even spoke of this publicly, arrogantly boasting to the face of the public that was to be enslaved.

Today, the members of the Cabal sit and wait for their time to be led away in handcuffs, taken into custody to face justice at the hands of those they wished to enslave. No longer will you hear them speak of their New World Order. It is now time for the people to have their say.

Do you see how quickly your reality can change? Do you see what you can all do when you set out to change your reality? There is nothing you cannot accomplish together by applying a few principles of manifestation. Today, do you wish to see the arrests of these criminals? Today, do wish for us to begin our landings? Then make it happen. You know how it’s done.

For those of you who have been working so hard on the tasks at hand, we thank you and applaud your efforts. For those of you who will now begin to undertake these tasks we thank you as well, as your participation is invaluable at this time. You will get the job done. We have faith in each and every one of you. That is why you are here.

Looking towards the days ahead, we see these arrests that are so important to this operation making their way to the general public through your news media. There are many members of your criminal Cabal who have begun to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigations. Many more arrests are now being scheduled, and the number of those that will be taken into custody grows by the day. Soon your world will be purged of all that is dark and these arrests are nearly the beginning, as your new Earth will be pure in light, and darkness will not abound anywhere in your new home.

Continue to apply the pressure on these dark ones by spreading the news of their imminent demise and just as importantly, what these arrests mean to the people of your planet. You all should know what these arrests will signify, and again we would be very pleased to see you celebrate this momentous event as this too will have an important impact on the people of your world. It is important your brethren see these arrests as good news and not more of the same bad news that is paraded in front of them daily by your news media. Your news media will also be experiencing many great changes in the days to come, and also how your news is brought to you.

Today, your news media is nothing more than a tool to enslave you through mind control programming and propaganda, mixed with paid advertisements camouflaged as news stories. This will change. Once we are free to begin our landings and more personally interact with you, we, with the assistance of our Earth allies, will be speaking to you through your media and we will have a lot to talk about.

There is so much ground to cover and so little time left to cover it, that we will be making our presentations available to all who wish to listen twenty four hours per day on certain networks, and broadcast to you information pertaining to our mission and also the important changes occurring in your world. Many of you will also be working with us at that time, and coverage of our working relationship will also be shared with those of your world. This is important, as it is vital to our overall mission that as many of your world as possible understand our peaceful intent and accept us in their world as we assist you make the many necessary changes to allow your ascension into the higher realms to proceed as smoothly as is possible. That is the goal of our mission, and with your assistance we will achieve that goal, and every man, woman, and child on the planet will benefit greatly from our efforts together.

There are many changes up ahead for you and we will detail for you what these changes are and how best we can together proceed through them. As we have said, there are yet challenges for you in the days ahead, and these challenges will test your will and determination greatly. You have throughout your many incarnations faced many different challenges, and the challenges for you up ahead may be as great as any you have faced before. With the Cabal safely out the way, we will be able to work with you, and together we will persevere through these difficult times and meet our challenges head on. Together we will succeed, and for this your reward shall be great and it shall be well earned.

There are many projects we must accomplish together and some of these projects will require great numbers of you to work with us to accomplish our goals. Your host planet has suffered much damage due to pollution, and much of this pollution is radioactive in nature. This radioactive waste must be purified, and we will have many teams assigned to this task, covering every square mile of your planet. You will have nothing to be concerned about regarding your safety either in the short term or the long term, as we have many qualified men and women who will train each of you in this field. We have highly advanced technology that will enable you to get this job done, and we see many of you will be eager to undertake this assignment. We have specially designed ships for this type of work, and each of you will be assigned a ship and you will join a crew for this undertaking.

We also have pressing matters to attend to involving your planet’s magnetic fields, as these must be returned to their pristine condition. Many of you will also be working in this area, and you as well will receive training from highly qualified personnel within our organization. We also have specialized craft for this field as well, and you will be properly schooled in all the different types of craft that make up our vast fleets and what these crafts have been designed for.

As we have said, many of you will go on to become official members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to being able to meet personally with many of you and discuss your futures with us. There are many more projects as well that must be accomplished before your ascension into the higher realms, and these projects will be discussed with you at length and detailed to you in the near days ahead. At that time, you can make your intentions known that you are interested in a position and which project you would prefer to be assigned. We will also discuss with you the opportunity to become a full member of our organization and what that will entail as well. We feel many of you will be very excited to begin your new careers with us, and as we have said, many of you are already members in full standing of the Galactic Federation of Light and your memories of this and of your past will be safely returned to you at the appropriate time. All of you would do well to prepare yourselves for quite a surprise, as your journey has been considerably longer than your current and relatively brief incarnation on Earth.

We see many of you being overjoyed upon the return of your cherished memories, and we look so forward to this day as well as you all have friends and family that have missed you greatly while you have been away on assignment. Carry on now with your current assignments and together we will accomplish our tasks at hand and meet in the middle for our family reunion and see to the successful accomplishment of our mission.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles



Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends.

***Please send out https://palmtreelifestyle.wordpress.com link out to as many people as you know (facebook, myspace, twitter etc), so we can spread these teachings and this information as quickly as possible, and to help others who are seeking this type of knowledge.***


http://www.allanrufus.com – Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

If you would like to support me, or if you know anyone else who is interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth Books, then you can find my 2 books in printed form, as well as in ebooks at:-

Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon

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It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day in this most powerful year of 2012, the year where change will bring us into LOVE!

Love light and peace as always and in always!