It will speak to your soul – Personal Development book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – Allan Rufus

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to

Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D

To all my blog followers and to all others that come to read this last message for 2012

As we move out of the old age of fear and negativity 2012, into the GOLDEN AGE of LOVE and UNITY 2013, I wish you all a great New Year and may all you wish for come into fruition. May your life be filled with and blessed in love, joy, laughter, great friendship and enlightenment! 🙂

Lots of love, light, peace and gratitude.


Allan Rufus

Namaste ♥

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge

by Allan Rufus

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Step inside yourself and release your LOVE genie! 🙂

Genie of love


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Click here to read excerpt from the book and see book cover and the picture of the Master Key.


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Smiling Eyes - Sacred Master Key

Smiling Eyes – Sacred Master Key


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus – A Personal Development and Inspiring Book

Merry Chritsmas Everyone!

My wish is that you all have a fun filled festive season, filled with lots of laughter, love and peace. May the 2013 Golden Age bring you great love and abundance and may peace start to filter around the world.

I trust that all the teachings and advice given to us has brought many good changes into our lives!

Thanks for your beautiful comments, likes and support over this last year of 2012-  and what a roller coaster year it has been.

With tons of love as always and in always.


ॐ Namaste ♥


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

In EBookPaperback formats

If you are looking for a Personal Development / Self Improvement Book to end your year off in a positive and uplifted frame of mind, or want to start 2013 off in a life changing and constructive way, then The Master’s Sacred Knowledge will help you do just that. Become aware of your Life Patterns and change the things you want to change and introduce a new set of Life Skills into your everyday life to bring about real, joyful and meaningful changes that will help you look at life with an UNCONDITIONAL Mind Set!

A Key to your inner treasure

A Key to your inner treasure

So if you want something cheerful, uplifting and a feel good book to read on Christmas day, or if you have been good and Santa has given you a kindle for Christmas and you are going to look for a life inspiring book to read on it, then “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is a good place to start.


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

Start taking your steps inwards today to KNOW THYSELF and go from being dull to divine, depression to magician, ordinary to extraordinary.

Start your step by step process to self discovery if you haven’t started already, step inside your world and become your own Master, where you will learn not to give your power away any longer.

Knowledge is power, and have the wisdom to use this knowledge daily and correctly for the benefit of not only yourself, but in uplifting others too.

Purchase today your copy of The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus on Paperback, for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$9.95

Purchase today your copy of The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus on EBook, for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$5.00

The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Sacred Master Key Book

Enjoy your journey TO your destination one step at a time…

Sacred Master Key with symbol meanings

Sacred Master Key with symbol meanings



Excerpt from the book


Art of Living

The old wise man was walking down a dusty dirt road on his way to the sea thinking happily to himself what a beautiful fresh morning it was, with the sun just peaking over the mountains he had just left behind shining and warming his back and casting his long shadow in front of him. “Greetings shadow self, nice to see you again, I trust you are well this morning and we shall continue to be at peace with each other like every other day.”

The birds were chirping and singing sweet songs, and flying around in search of a tasty meal at the beginning of their day. The buzz of the insects flying past and the flutter of the butterfly from flower to flower, as well as the hum of the bees collecting pollen to turn into honey were every day events that the old wise man liked to see, hear, smell and to feel what was going on around him. How amazing this all is, he thought to himself again, what a wonderful creation I am privileged to be a part of.

As the wise old man was going around the bend in the road, he noticed a young man standing on a stump by a tree holding a rope, part of the rope was tied around a high branch and the other part was a noose which was in his hands, which he was about to place around his neck.

The wise old man gently and quietly walked up to the young man and greeted him.

“Morning young man,” said the old man. “May I humbly interrupt you please for a moment? It looks to me that you are about to place that strong rope around your neck to hang yourself. If this is the case then please allow me to interrupt you for a few minutes of your time, so I can tell you a few things before you do, some things that may help you change your mind. Things that are important to the way you can look at life, things that will change your life for the better and will inspire you to love life, then I will be on my way and then you can carry on doing whatever you want to do!”

The young man looked at the old man with sadness in his face, and smudged tears around his eyes. The young man did not say anything except nodded that it was ok for the old man to say what he wanted to say.

“Please, sit down awhile on your wooden stump young master if you will,” the old wise man said in a gentle and kind voice pointing to the stump the young man was standing on. “It seems that you are not having a good day, maybe a good week or even a good year, but I would like to pass something onto you that can change that and then maybe you can still hang yourself, but this time by your feet and not your neck. This way you can still stay alive and be part of this wonderful world in which we live in, and this will help you to look at life from a completely different angle and with a very different view.”

The young man thought about it for a few seconds, then he sat down on the chopped bark-less wooden stump.

“I would like to pass on to you some Sacred principles in the Art of Living and Dying, and to share some Sacred Wisdom with you that will really change your world around if you would be willing to give it some consideration, and then slowly implement it in your daily living,” said the old wise man. “Sacred principles that will take you from a world from outer doing to that of a world of inner being.”

“We are all on a journey of self discovery, and it is not the end destination that matters right now, but what does matter right now is how you are in the present moment, the here and now, what you are thinking and feeling now, what your deeds and actions are now. That is what is really important to you today, and then in each moment of every other day is just as important. It is all about the now and the step-by-step you take in your journey to your destination that matters and determines your future and what you will also encounter in your future, as how you feel in the now will be your future. So don’t live life aimlessly and without purpose or the small insignificant things or problems will start to erode you away. I will call you young master because everyone is a master in the making, until you become the Master. Can you understand this young master?” asked the old man to the young insecure boy.

The young boy nodded.

“I can give you a Master Key that can open many doors, but you need to unlock the doors and walk through them by yourself. Unlocking the doors and going through them will release you from your-self created bondage and prison cell. That I cannot do for you. I can only pass on this Master key to you, and what you do with it is up to you.”

The boy nodded after listening, and he was happy that someone cared for him, and was taking the time to talk to him. He was also now very curious as to what this old man was going to say to him.

“Young master, what good is knowledge if you don’t put it into practice! Young master, what is knowledge?” the old man asked, but not waiting for an answer. “Knowledge is all the things and lessons you have learnt along your path up to this point in your life, and you will continue to learn more as you keep moving along your pathway to your destination. So, look at the greater picture of all your life and look forward to all the days that will come in your future, learn from your past and most importantly live positively in the NOW, in this present moment, which is a gift from the creator, and get your mindset balanced to be truly happy.”

“The journey to the centre of your heart is a challenging one, and there will be many trying moments when you will want to give it up, but each moment is there to teach you something, and it’s how you approach each of these moments which decide your highs and lows and your future and all our futures. We all reach different levels of understanding at different times, and the information that each of us comes into contact with will mean different things to different people, depending on their consciousness. We are all on different cycles, and paths which are leading us back to the Creator Source and it is up to us as individuals the direction we choose to go in, the people we choose to be with whether it’s forward, backwards, or even around and around and around. So choose these things wisely young master so as not to chase your tail!” said the old sage looking at the boy gently.

“The sculpting of our self is a never ending process. You decide what you want to look like by chiselling, moulding and trimming your shape, your personality – your Tree of Life. You have the power to add or subtract the traits you like and dislike. It is a process of moulding and carving the soul seed which you are to your liking. This seed grows to be the big you. You water the seed with knowledge as it grows, it takes years and years to get big, we all have to start as a seed, then turn into a seedling and then into a mighty tree if that’s what you want to be. The wisdom is your fruit which others can live off, and the seed can be replanted to go and bring life about again, a never ending process, the circle of life!” explained the sage.

“This tree you have chosen today is a very old tree, it has gone through many different seasons, good and bad yet it is still here, big, strong, tall and graceful, just like you can become over time. Look at the colours of the leaves, they are changing and will soon let go and be released to carry on their own journey, and the tree will be left bare yet still living patiently waiting for its spring to come around again and then it will rejuvenate itself to that of magnificent glory. We all need to let go of that which we no longer need, or no longer serves us at any given point in our journey, just like the tree letting go its leaves or parts of itself, the things that it knows would be detrimental to its survival at a certain times of the year, knowing well that it is part of the cycle of life. It just releases parts of itself, it does kill itself, and this is something you may want to consider young master.”

“See that negative engraving on the tree trunk?” said the sage pointing to a carving in the tree. “That has been engraved on the trunk by someone who is not looking at life in a positive way, and it will be with this tree for the rest of its life, it cannot get away from it, it cannot release or change what someone else has done to it, but you can, you have the power and consciousness to get rid of negative engravings you have allowed others to carve in you as well as the ones you have created yourself. You don’t have to carry those engravings with you for the rest of your life. You just need to become aware that they are there, and you can transmute them out of your being. You have the power and ability to let them go!”

“You have the power young master, you have the power!” explained the master confidently and pointing to the seated youngster who looked up.

“The changing point in my life was with my motto – as long as I learn something every day, it doesn’t matter how small or large that something is, it’s something that I didn’t know before, and have learnt and added to my knowledge and character. The wisdom only came later when I started putting it into practice,” said the old man delightfully. “It takes time, but gives you something to focus on. Focus and work on you young master, as you really matter in your life. I also went through a very bad time like you are now, but I decided to take the steps through the phase I was going through, and I eventually saw the clearing and found direction again. It is like walking in a dense forest, and you cannot see the way, which way to turn, no sunlight to help you get a direction, you feel lost, helpless, insecure, unhappy, sad, unsure, but then all of a sudden you come to the edge of that scene and you come to a clearing where you can see things at a….Purchase today your copy of The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus on EBook, for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$5.00 to read the rest of the story instantly or click here to Order your copy today of The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus on Paperback, for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$9.95

This book is for someone who is looking to understand their life, and to find out why things are happening to them.

Release your Limited Belief Structures. It is your time now, and what tune are you going to play?

You may have said “Please send me a person who can change my life for the better.” Well the teacher will appear when you are ready.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge will change your life ONLY if you are ready, and Open Minded.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – A key to your inner treasure.

Purchase today on Paperback, for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$9.95

Purchase today on EBook, for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$5.00


If you don’t have a kindle choose an option below to get one to read my books.

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Smiling Eyes - Sacred Master Key

Smiling Eyes – Sacred Master Key


I wish you all a very festive season, and a wonder-full love filled and joyful 2013.

Thanks again for all the support.

With tons of love, light and peace as always and in all ways 🙂


SPIRITUAL TREASURE HUNT – Archangel Michael – Ronna Herman

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D


ॐ Namaste



Become your OWN Life Coach TODAY!


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


SPIRITUAL TREASURE HUNT – Archangel Michael – Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, the SPIRITUAL TREASURE HUNT began in earnest when you, the Star Seed, started to respond to the nudgings of Spirit in the last half of the twentieth century. The vibrational frequencies of spiritual, mental and emotional awareness are bombarding the Earth and humanity in full force. However, you must have prepared yourself to receive this magnificent gift beyond compare. The treasures and miracle cures you are seeking can be found by tuning into the frequencies of love, joy and compassion. You must learn to maintain a loving indifference to small slights, differences and disappointments. You have millions of cellular response triggers, some are very powerful, some quite weak, with many frequency levels in-between. Practice and aim for balance and harmony as you engage with your Soul Self and not with your ego desire body. The pure Love found within your Sacred Heart and the wisdom of your Sacred Mind will give you the truth, power, compassion and fortitude to follow the nudgings of your Higher-Self/Over-Soul, for it will guide you to the innate, inborn condition you seek. Each of you were placed in a particular energetic environment with harmonic frequencies that would be most advantageous in assisting you to learn the life’s lessons you chose before coming into this incarnation. In addition, you were given special talents, gifts and strong inclinations to assist you in learning your life’s lessons so that you could fulfill your chosen life’s mission.

Returning to the narrow path of ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As a functioning Self-master you are learning to choose only the best choices for the benefit of ALL. It is vital that you free yourself from the strong, constricting forces of the solar plexus, which creates the push-pull interaction with others who are living in the third- / fourth-dimensional reality. You must strive to become harmless in order to tap into the wondrous God frequencies of Light stored within your Sacred Heart. First comes neutrality after which, over time, your capacity for love will increase to include all levels of creation. Gradually, as you tap into the more refined levels of your mental nature, you will begin to understand and integrate the many symbols and geometric patterns of the fifth dimension. Knowledge, talent and a high I.Q. does not create a genius. It takes concentration, courage, perseverance, tenacity and an ongoing drive, along with integrity, to tap into your spiritual genius potential. You must tap into and pursue your desire for excellence and strive to live your passion to the very best of your ability.

You are living in extraordinary times. To one degree or another, every human Being’s Soul-self is straining to be released from the prison of thought forms that were placed around the physical/mental and emotional vessel at birth. The strain of bondage is affecting all of humanity. The ego creates the illusion of separation and instills a fear of nonexistence, which creates a self-centered drive for survival: “me verses everything that is not me.” Awareness of the vaster Self begins with the Soul’s nudgings to explore beyond the limitations of the ego-self.

Striving to know one’s true Self can be a wondrous adventure or a painful, seemingly never-ending journey. Too often those who are struggling with the early stages of Self-mastery find that they cannot stand the pressure of the dramatic changes taking place within their personal world, and so they shift back into the frequency patterns which are comfortable. Even though they are dissatisfied and unhappy with their current personal reality, it is familiar territory, and they are not ready to move beyond the strong bonds of the mass consciousness belief patterns. These fragments of self that each of you has created are very strong-willed, and for many dear Souls it is a difficult struggle to gain control of the lower self. Those still stuck in the “herd state of consciousness” follow their leaders without question. They take the path of least resistance, which has already been established by others. They follow the ways of the past, for they fear the future.

As you access the more refined domains of expression, your knowledge and use of Light, Sound, color and, especially, the important Sacred Breath will greatly increase and will become an integral part of your spiritual philosophy of life. We implore you to take advantage of all the tools of mastery that we are supplying, for all of you are at a critical stage in the evolution process. The physical structure of those still mired in the third- / fourth-dimensional environment are in great distress as more and more strange maladies emerge. The origins and cause of many of these maladies cannot be diagnosed, and the traditional methods and drugs will not heal them. Therefore, the medical experts are becoming more frustrated and puzzled as to why so many new chronic conditions, for which there seems to be no permanent cure, are affecting the masses.

You must endeavor to shift from self-judgment to Self-love, which creates a resonance that extends beyond the physical body and begins to affect others. When it grows forceful enough, it can even assist in the healing process for those within your sphere of influence. The human body is a magnetic pole within the spectrum of Light and shadow or within the positive and negative forces of cosmic electromagnetic energy. The physical vessel is a complex organism which contains the Essence elements of all the lower dimensions: mineral, vegetable and animal, as well as the Stardust elements of Creator Light.

You have learned your lessons well, my sweet friends. You are mastering the ability to govern your thoughts and keep your emotions on an even keel. You have learned that pure Love must originate in the wellspring of the Sacred Heart, and you must first honor and love yourself before you can radiate this blessed gift to others. You are making great strides at becoming nonjudgmental and discerning as you allow situations and interactions with others to flow around you. You are fine-tuning your Inner Awareness so that you quickly garner the wisdom that is to be derived from the events of the moment. You are gradually beginning to sense the serenity and the magic of the higher dimensions as you weave in and out of the different levels and harmonic frequencies of consciousness.

Yes, there are still many lessons to be learned, and there always will be. However, you now have the insight to see the justice and perfection in the dance and drama of life that you must experience each day. You are being prepared to take a giant leap INWARD, OUTWARD and FORWARD, beloveds. The time has come for you to assume your proper role in this great event called, the Ascension of Earth and humankind. Your Light Quotient must blaze forth so that it can connect with that of other en-LIGHTEN-ed Beings, and in doing so it will gain strength and momentum. Eventually it will permeate and infuse the Crystalline Etheric Web of your home planet so that ALL will benefit from the CREATOR LIGHT OF TRANSFORMATION.

Remember, using your “LOVE POTENTIAL” means sharing your earthly talents, gifts and riches with others. Love is the catalyst for Creation. By igniting the Adamantine Particles of Light which have been allotted to you and then sharing the resulting fruits of your labor with those around you, a steady flow of Sacred Fire Light to and through you will be assured. It is important that you understand the power and magnitude of the refined Creator Light as well as knowing how to use it effectively. Adamantine particles are much finer than the oxygen you breathe. When done properly, it could be called Soul breathing or breathing with intention whereby you breathe in the elements of Creation, energize them with your loving intention, and then radiate them forth into the world of physicality. In our last message we told you: The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount, that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at his/her current level of en-LIGHTEN-ment, can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY-diated out into the world of form.

As a gift, to assist you in the integration of the maximum amount of Creator Light, we have asked our beloved messenger to share a process that we inspired her to create. This is a gift of great magnitude; however, as with all the tools we offer to you, you must make use of them if they are to be effective.

I am honored to assist you to traverse the twists and turns you must endure on the ever-upward path of Ascension.. Won’t you join me as a standard bearer in this, the advanced phase of expression and learning on planet Earth, as you prepare to move back into the realms of higher consciousness so that you may reclaim your Divine Birthright? Reach outward, beloved ones, reach inward as well, we are waiting to shower upon you all the love and gifts from our Mother/Father God that you can absorb.

I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman



 Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

POINT OF PERCEPTION – the Arcturians – Suzanne Lie

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D


ॐ Namaste



Become your OWN Life Coach TODAY!


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!



Beloved Ones, we are the Arcturians,
We bless you all on this important day of 12-21-12 and wish you all Happy Winter Solstice. We see your Lights amplifying with your every breath. From our perspective, Gaia is absorbing your increasing Light and sharing it will all who have not yet found the Fount of Light available for all.
Gaia and all her inhabitants rejoice within this day, for a silent beginning has commenced. Your New Age has come in like a lamb and will grow into the power of a Lion. A strong Silence has come into your NOW in which you can BE your SELF in your everyday life. As you relax into this Silence, you will hear our voice and see our face everywhere.
Many of you have wanted to leave the challenges and turmoil of the third dimension, but you did not realize that there is no such thing as leaving. You are always everywhere all the time. What changes is not your location. All that changes is your Point of Perception. Your Point of Perception is that to which you focus your intention. This intention will stay adhered to this focus by the force of your unconditional love.
Gradually, you will begin to realize that wherever you place your intention and bind it with your unconditional love, shall be your Point of Perception. At first, you will only be able to maintain one Point of Perception at a “time.” Then, as you begin to release your habit of time, you will be able to remain simultaneously focused on more than one Point of Perception.
This ability to maintain multiple Points of Perception is an innate ability of your Ascended Master presence. Yes, you are already Ascended Masters, but you have forgotten that due to your third dimensional thinking. You are not in the process of becoming fifth dimensional. You are in the process of returning your Point of Perception back to the fifth dimensional SELF that you have ALWAYS been.
Your ascension is not the process of becoming someone more evolved. Your ascension is a process of remembering who you have always been and returning your Point of Perception to that expression of your Multidimensional SELF. Once you have consciously placed your Point of Perception onto a higher dimensional expression of your SELF, you will easily be able to live as your Ascended SELF concurrently with your human self.
We have, of course, spoken of this process before. However, within your NOW the energy fields of light directed towards your physical reality is of a much higher frequency than you have experienced in almost 26,000 years. This energy field resonates to the highest frequency of light, which is unconditional love.
The acceptance of this unconditional love into your physical form and everyday life will greatly facilitate the return of your multidimensional memory. Your multidimensional memory will allow you to intimately re-connect with all the Truths you have forgotten during your long sojourn into the third dimension.
In fact, we ask that you relax into the acceptance of this Light right now…
Feel this greater Light as it enters into your Pineal Gland to activate your multidimensional memory…
Remember the YOU that is already an Ascended Master…
Visualize this component of your SELF in great detail…
What do you look like? What are you wearing? See your great light and love emanating from your Third Eye, High Heart and hands…
Feel and accept the unconditional love emanating from this Higher Expression of YOU…
Your Ascended Master SELF is the ONE who choice to incarnate in your present body so that you could assist with Planetary Ascension. Therefore, you do not need to deserve this YOU or change yourself in any way. You are already this ascended one. Therefore, all you need DO is to place your Point of Perception into this component of your Multidimensional SELF.
You can shift your perception via the power of your imagination/5D thought. It may take a bit of meditative “time” for you to allow this shift in your Point of Perception, so be patient with yourself. You have worn your earth vessel for many incarnations and identified it as your self. Therefore, you will need to break that habit and identify your self as your Ascended Master and your earth vessel as the projection from your SELF.
Begin your process by imaging yourself as the Ascended Master, which you are!
Look down at your feet and see what is on your feet…
From your feet look up your body to see what you are wearing…
(Your Ascended Master may not be humanoid, so do not be bothered by that.)
Look out to your ascended hands and see the Light shinning from them…
Touch your face with your hands to see how the Light of your Third Eye is amplified by the touch of your hands…
Now, touch your High Heart to see how your High Heart and hands amplify their Light…
Place your Point of Perception on THIS form…
(At first, you may only be able to hold this Point of Perception during meditation.)
From your Point of Perception as your Ascended SELF, include your earth vessel within this Point of Perception…
As you repeatedly practice this exercise, you will slowly realize that you are both of these expressions of your SELF all the time. Then, you will be beyond the limitation of time, as your primary Point of Perception will be with your Ascended Master SELF. Then, you will maintain your human Point of Perception for as long as you wish.
In fact, you can withdraw your human Point of Perception and protect that earth vessel in a higher frequency, so that you can re-activate and use that vessel whenever you desire. Ascended Masters have often maintained earth vessels in this manner.
There will likely be a great deal of “practice” before you can remember that your primary Point of Perception is your Ascended SELF and your earth vessel is the projection from that SELF. At first, you will likely feel as though your earth vessel is your primary Point of Perception and your Ascended Master SELF is not quite real. Be patient with your SELF as 3D habit takes “time” to break.
As more and more of Gaia’s inhabitants place their primary Point of Perception onto their Ascended SELF, the collective habit of 3D time will begin to fade. This fading away of time will escalate as the Unity Consciousness of Gaia transports their primary Point of Perception onto the Ascended SELF living within the Ascended Planet.
Just as your Ascended SELF resonated to the fifth dimension and beyond long before your first incarnation on Earth, Gaia’s Ascended SELF resonated to the fifth dimension and beyond long before She took Her 3D form of Earth. Gaia and Her inhabitants did not originate in the physical plane. All life originates in Source and chooses to move as far down the frequency scale of reality. However, once a Being remains in the physical plane of time too long, they forget their higher frequencies of SELF.
Again, we remind you that ascension is not an “accomplishment.” Ascension is a return to a version of your Multidimensional SELF. We openly and unconditionally love and welcome ALL of returnees back into our higher frequencies of reality.

The Arcturians and

ALL our Galactic and Celestial Family



 Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

21.12.2012 – Activating Our Solar Light Bodies – Patricia Cota-Robles

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –


Welcome to this most beautiful day of Ascension


ॐ Namaste

Click below to watch this important, life changing video 🙂

Precious Hearts,
This is the Cosmic Moment for which we have all been longing. The NEW YouTube video is an Activity of Light the Company of Heaven has given to Humanity to help us assimilate the monumental influx of Light we are receiving during the December Solstice, December 20-23, 2012, and it will expand throughout 2013, 2014, and 2015.
Each time we view the video and participate in this Activity of Light, we will accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is taking place in our Earthly Bodies. Day by day we will gently transform our carbon-based planetary bodies into Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies of Infinite Perfection.
God Bless You for the Light you are adding to the world, and God Bless You for being instrumental in lifting this Blessed Planet and ALL her Life into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.
Patricia Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization




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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who was about to end his life by hanging himself to a large tree. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he hangs himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

***LISTEN to this beautiful message*** 21.12.2012 – You are a stitch in creation – Audio from Mother Gaia and Master Kuthumi – Chanel Lingenfelder

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –


Welcome to this most beautiful day of Ascension


ॐ Namaste

***Listen to this beautiful message – 21.12.2012 – You are a stitch in creation***
Click here to go to Audio from Mother Gaia and Master Kuthumi – Chanel Lingenfelder

ۣ♥ LOVE & PEACE ♥ڿڰۣ♥ڿڰۣ♥





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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who was about to end his life by hanging himself to a large tree. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he hangs himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

The Light Agenda – Final Episode – Talking to Archangel Michael on the Radio

AA Michael

The Light Agenda

Conversation with AA Michael! Very enlightening. LINK TO THE BLOG RADIO

Stephen Cooks guest for this Final Episode of The Light Agenda is the archangel who has become a friend and guide to all of us during this incredible year of 2012 – and possibly for a whole lot longer – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

Archangel Michael will be talking about his beginnings, his family, his adventures, his favourite moments in earth’s history. and his own journeys around the multi-verses.

He will also be showing his humourous side and sharing some personal jokes, his love of music and, of course he will be talking about this Friday’s expected Ascenion.

Ascension Q and A – Steve Beckow

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to –




ॐ Namaste



Become your OWN Life Coach TODAY!

The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who was about to end his life by hanging himself to a large tree. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he hangs himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


Ascension Q and A, R. 2

2012 December 18
Posted by Steve Beckow

What follows are common questions about Ascension and their answers. This is a dynamic document. We’ll keep adding to this collection and keep it posted here, changing the number with each new revision.

For Bibliography, see end of document.

Q: When will Ascension occur?

A: There is an influx of supreme energy that will light and ignite your planet during this period. Now, it began on 12/12 and it is growing. So what you are saying is, “Will we get the full fireworks display on December 21st, 2012?” And I say, yes, there will be fireworks, and they will continue through the rest of the year. This is a-building.

Now, for some of you it is immediate because you have done all your work, all your preparations, and you have grounded deep in the heart of One and deep in the heart of Gaia.

For others, it will be more like an awakening and thinking, “Oh, my gosh, everything has changed! I’d better start adjusting.” So it will be more of a slower process rather than a snap, which we have referred to many, many times, again, through the end of the year, as you begin the new.

So are you asking, on this day, are the energies there and sent to Earth for everyone to awaken? And I say, yes. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

The date 21st of December 2012 is on the minds of many as the moment for humanity’s awakening approaches. Expectations are high as much has been promised, and there is anxiety that what is to be delivered will not live up to your expectations. Do not worry.

“What is to be delivered is far beyond any of your expectations. There will be no disappointments as a New Age is delivered, bringing with it enormous improvements in the living standards of those who presently live in dire poverty, enabling them to live in the comfort and safety that is the unalienable right of every human being. (Saul, Dec., 16, 2012.)

At the time of the 21st December 2012, the high energy influx due to the alignment of your Sun and the Great Central Sun is going to ‘separate’ those who are ready to ascend, and those who are not. (SaLuSa, May 23, 2012.)

Q: At what time on Dec. 21 will we ascend?

A: AAM: I am telling you, do not focus on a time. Focus on a day. But for some of you, it will be more slow because of where you are emotionally, spiritually, physically. For some of you it will be rapid. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

So if you must focus on a time, again, go to the 11:11s or the 10:10s, or meditate from 10:10 to 11:11. We bring you back to the one. We bring you back and we bring you forward.

SB: Is this local time, Lord? Or Greenwich Mean Time?

AAM: Make it your local time. We do not wish to cause mayhem and panic with people trying to figure out Greenwich Mean Time. Now, because you think that some have said that it will take three days, this is part of simply the cycle of the global clock. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: What shall we do on Dec. 21 to prepare ourselves for Ascension?

A: On the day in question, yes, and I do refer to the 21st for you and for your family, I wish you to relax, and I wish you to be as much as possible in a state of meditation, not deep meditation, but a state of alignment, where you are aware of what is transpiring around you, but that you are also aware of what is transpiring within your field, within your being, meaning your body, and within your heart.

So what I am suggesting to thee is that it is not a day for a great deal of external distraction. To be in sacred space, either by yourself or with your beloved, or with a circle, a small circle, of your beloved friends, but it is need to be in a situation where you are able to sit down, lie down, do what you need to do. We would ask you to pay attention. If you are going to do the specific deeper meditations, this is what I am asking.

From 10:01 to 11:11, in the morning, your time, lie or sit in meditation position so your chakras are all opened and aligned. Feel and see, visualize — it does not matter; it will come — that the beam of white light directly from the heart of the Mother/Father/One is coming down right through the central sun, down through your crown, right through your body, exploding in your heart and opening your true heart awareness.

And when that is happening, you wish to keep it open. Now, in the days that you are preparing for this, you are also allowing your grid to become lighter, more ignited, more connected, more united with everything, which is instructions I have given you in other conversations. But for you, for your personal practice, because you are ready to receive this in a very conscious kind of way, that is my instruction.

Eat very light that day. I do not mean don’t eat, but simply eat in ways that are not challenging to your physical body, to your digestion. Green is always the color of choice, because it is of the love. …

Now, you may feel the 20th, the 21st, the 22nd, you may feel some sense — well, you will feel, and we have not talked a great deal about this in the public forums, but perhaps we should — you will feel a sense of disconnection and disassociation. Not severe, not “Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing?” but certainly a sense of disassociation, almost as if you have taken either some plant or chemical hallucinogen, not that severe, but a sense of, “Oh, I am seeing things very differently. I am in a different process.”

Even your movements, you may feel like you’re moving through air as if you are moving through water. Do not worry about it. It is the adjustments and attunements, as you are firmly anchoring in a different dimension. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Q: Where will we go?

A: It is not where you are going to, it is not that your physical — although you will choose to change your physical situation very quickly — but it is not so much that you are going anywhere as the merger of dimensions, the raising of the vibration in what you think of as your existing now will be a conjunction point. So you are not going anywhere. You are simply receiving the higher frequencies of awareness in terms of who you are.

So we do not lift you up out of your apartment. We do not take you anywhere, because the whole Earth is going. So it would be not feasible — well, we could do it, but it is not the way it is planned — that we would take people one by one by one and reposition them. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Q: What would we notice if we looked around?

A: that you can see into energy patterns, colors in the air…. We are not going to… you may see it, but many people will not notice how full the energy is with other beings. So for example, many people believe that they live alone or they live on a quiet street. But when they shift dimensions, they will be able to see the presence of other beings.

You will be able to see the molecules that form, say, your books or your dresser drawer or your desk. And you will have the ability to know, yes, we have decided that this is a firm construct, but I am able to witness and to really see the mixture of rays and energies and colors that go to formulate what we have agreed upon as a solid form.

You will have a sensation of deeper connection, of what you think of as euphoria. Understand what is taking place. Your heart awareness, your knowing, is wide open. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Q: What will it feel like in our new physical bodies?

A: The sense of physicality and being in physical body, when you are in the fifth dimension, is very different insofar as so many of you have been exhausted. And it is because you have been getting used to holding these vibrations and frequencies.

And you have done a good job, by the way. All of you have done a magnificent job. Your determination has been very impressive. But when you are in the fifth, you will feel… so full of vibrant energy. You will feel that you could go for days without sleeping, and just go on sheer energy.

There will be a greater sense of well-being, that your body is humming, that finally, not only — because every person is progressing at a different point, this is an individual process. But the general statement is your organs, your brain, your functions, your bodily functions, your circulation begin to function in alignment with the perfection of your design.

Now, if you were to take [the chemical] Speed, you would think, “Oh, I can go for days, and I don’t need to sleep.” What we are offering as brotherly advice, when we said you need a holiday, we meant it. So take time to sleep, to rest, because what you also will experience in a rest state and in dream state is very conscious sleeping and expansion and what we would call exaltation.

So don’t skip sleep. As your body is adjusting, even though you think you are in the fifth, you are home, your new home, and you can go forever, be gentle with your bodies.

So take time to rest. Take time to lie — yes, even at this time, bring a blanket, lie on the beach, stare at the stars, feel the sun on your face and the magnificence of the blue sky.

And also note, I have not spoken of this… The sky will appear and feel different. I will not explain how, because you will discover how. I am not planting the seed to give you the impression, just pay attention to the sky. It will appear and feel different. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Q: Will all of us ascend in the same manner?

A: Each of you do this process of Ascension in a different way. That is what the channel [Linda Dillon] has meant when she has said that it is private and individual and public. So you do it on an individual soul basis, but you also do this as a collective. We have been very emphatic that everybody, even those who think that they are not part of this, all are welcome, and all are being penetrated. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

It is very different for each and every single human being upon the planet, the same way it has been different for every dog, every cat, every giraffe, every whale, every tree, every plant, every elemental.

You are unique. So I am asking you to go into — and this is pivotal for the shift that is taking place already — the place of allowing. Shifting Ascension, Descension [of bliss, heaven, etc.], is not a struggle. And it is not proving anything to yourself. So let it be. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: What will the experience of Ascension be like?

A: The sense will be that you are flying upward. It is a physical sensation of movement. And a remembering, or a sensation of remembering, that you have wings, or the ability to fly. So that is the feeling of ascending up the sacred spiral.

There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air, will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all.

Then, you will settle into this knowing, and of course that choice of physicality. But also know that if you choose to keep physicality, immediately what you have noted as, what we would call human aches and pains are gone. But the biggest shift is you no longer live or exist — you can visit, you can exhibit, but you do not live — within the third dimension, where you are in that movement of what you think of as going up the sacred spiral.

That is the best analogy I can give you. It is the elevator to the Fifth [Notice that AA Michael says here the Fifth Dimension]. And further, there will be some who simply choose to keep going [to dimensions higher than the Fifth]. But as a collective, that is the plan.

And it will be the place of love. It will be all of a sudden that the decisions, the actions, the existence, the form is love, and is from love, and is of love. So that sense of either/or, of what you traditionally have thought of as yes or no, of duality, of polarity, is gone. It is the alignment. The entire journey in this third-dimensional existence is reaching this place of alignment, of placing yourself beyond the either/or. And when you are doing that in this ascension process, it is like a Roman candle: off you go. (“Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at

Q: When people become aware that something is happening, what should they do at that moment?

A: Relax. Lie down, if possible. Stay still. Go into your heart. Open it even wider. Anchor, feel that you are anchored firmly through the bed or the floor into Gaia, and just allow this transition to take place. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

But it is also the cycle of significant change that you are feeling within yourself. It is a time to be quiet. It is not a time to be necessarily out and about. Yes, if you must be, then of course we protect you; we guide you. We are with you, as we have said. Your star brothers and sisters and all of us are on full active duty. But if you can, remain at home. Remain quiet with your loved ones in your sacred space. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: For how long with the door to Ascension remain open?

A: The door is being kept ajar by those of the collective of humanity — and your star brothers and sisters, actually — who have diligently worked, both consciously, unconsciously, and subconsciously, to keep this door open so that as many may ascend into the new realm as possible. …

At this point in your time, and in the convergence of the Divine Convergence, the door will be kept open for those who are diligently — and diligently is described and defined by yourselves — working on Ascension, the door will be kept open … for the duration of, shall we say, a lifetime. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Let go of the fear. And it is not just discouragement that I am talking about; it is also anger. There is this collective feeling, “Oh, we have been duped!” Let it go. The key, the key to the kingdom, the key to love, the key to your heart is to keep coming back to the love. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: What allows a person to ascend?

A: It is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density. (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.)

Only those of you who have lifted your vibrations sufficiently, will be able to join those energies. Thereby lies the outworking of a truth, that only those of the Light can exist in the new dimension. (SaLuSa, Jan. 9, 2012.)

Q: Is there any possibility that I will be in the wrong place at the wrong time for Ascension?

A: Be assured that you will all be in the right place for the end times, and follow your prompting if you feel a strong urge to re-locate yourself. At such times it is quite likely that you will feel a desire to be close to your family, and if so follow it through if you can. (SaLuSa, Aug. 5, 2011.)

Q: Will families ascend together?

A: Many families will ascend together although it will not apply to everyone, as there must be allowance made for each soul’s freewill choice. Bear in mind we are referring to groups of different souls, that come together for the purpose of furthering their evolution.

There will always be comings and goings within them, and very few souls will stay permanently for life after life. Be pleased for all those contacts you have made whether they were brief or otherwise, as they were intended as part of your experience, and each valuable in their own way. (SaLuSa, Aug. 5, 2011.)

Q: Will the family’s pets ascend and ascend with the family?

A: Earth’s animal and plant life automatically will go along with the planet and as she ascends, the animal kingdom once again will become peaceable. (Matthew’s Message, March 13, 2005.)

The innocence of her animal souls automatically lets them journey with [Gaia]. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004)

Animals who are loved and cared for automatically will travel along with their families. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 8, 2004)

Q: Are the animals ready?

Everybody has been positioned — Gaia, the kingdoms, the plants, the animals, the elementals, the rivers, the streams, the mountains. They are all ready.

It is just human beings, the human collective that is doing some last-minute preparation. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: can you describe to us the new shape of relationships in the Fifth Dimension?

AAM: Do you mean sacred union relationships? Or do you just mean relationships with your friends, with your family, with your colleagues?

SB: Oh, sacred union relationships, I think there’s a lot of people out there who want to know what relationships, sacred relations, will be like.

AAM: They will be sublime. Now, one of the things that you have been doing in this, what we would call, process, is you have been letting go of many of your karmic ties, imagined hurts, real hurts, historical hurts, past life belief systems, paradigms that have shackled you and limited you in, from our perspective, strange and unusual ways.

Think of a relationship where the vulnerability is present, but also the truth of love, without any of the masks. Now, will this happen instantaneously? You will take a few days.

Maybe some will take weeks or months, but I am speaking to you, my brother, and to you, sweet angel. The masks are gone. And so there is a new paradigm that I am rather preferential to, and it is called truth.

It is the way to be able to fully love and engage another because finally you love and engage with yourself. So that wondrous mirror and that complement that you have chosen for this life is available. Now, I am not referring to your relationship, let me be clear about this; your relationship has full potential to flourish in ways that both of you have dreamt of.

But in other relationships, what you will see, without rancor, without, hmm, devastation, that there will be a parting of the ways, because the choice will be seen as not accurate or not correct, for lack of a better word.

So there may be some separations, because the heart and the consciousness of the heart truly seeks something that is a closer blend and a match, a complement. For those who are alone, there will be a coming together, because there is the ability to truly see another.

Now, I am not saying this will happen overnight, because, do not forget to add into the mix new missions, new assignments, star brothers and sisters, a unified planet. These are the things that we are so excited about! [laugh]

So sacred union will in fact be very much the norm. What you think of as dysfunctional relationships — and this does extend to friendships or family or colleagues — they simply dissipate. Not immediately, but they do dissipate.

And of course everybody is given the opportunity to course-correct, as it were. Because, again, you can see who the truth of that person is. And for many they are seeing the truth of who they are for the very first time.

So this is, this is big, and that is why some will adjust at a slower pace. But relationships takes on a different form. They are more endearing, they are more cherished. They are stronger. They are more supportive. They are more unified. They are more connected. They are more co-creative. It is what we have waited for for so long. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Q: Will our present partners be displaced by our twin flames?

AAM: Well, first of all, the twin flames are not being activated to come forward as partners. In many ways, they will remain, yes, more consciously attached, shall we say, but they will remain more as guardians and advisers.

But you have to remember, husbands and wives, that out, if you have been honest in your relationship, if you have been in truth, if you have looked out of the entire planet, and for some cases even beyond, your beloved’s twin flame chose your partner as the perfect person to journey with for this lifetime that is so spectacular.

So you are the chosen one. You’re not about to be displaced.

And it is true for both sides! So yes. It is, if you are to meet, for example, your wife’s twin flame or your husband’s twin flame, you are meeting someone who already thinks you are incredible, that you are so incredible that you are worthy of traveling with their beloved other. This is a compliment, not a challenge. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Q: Must I at least know a great deal about Ascension to ascend?

A: It is not even necessary to be fully enlightened about Ascension to ascend, but simply to be of good intent and live the love that is inside your heart for all life forms. (SaLuSa, July 5, 2011.)

Q: What do you say to those who can’t feel anything happening?

A: For those who feel that they do not sense or are not experiencing anything since the 12/12 opening of the unity portal, I would suggest that you are not building it on a minute-to-minute, hourly basis. What you have done is you have sat in meditation, and then you have said, “Oh, this isn’t working,” and then basically backed up.

And so I would ask you to continue to build, to build, to build. To, first, ignite your grid. Then, connecting and igniting the grid of Gaia. Then, igniting and connecting with the grid of humanity. Then igniting with your star brothers and sisters, and then with us, with One, with All.

And there is a part of you — yes, I will be the blunt archangel — that may well be — not consciously — fighting it; that you feel that it had need to be a very explosive feeling rather than the creeping of the dawn. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Steve: If somebody wakes up on the 22nd and they’re still here [in 3D], and Gaia is still here and they believe that they’ve done all their work and they were ready for Ascension, what do you say to them?

AAM: I say go still and allow the adjustment to take place. This is not about going or not going, because you are already most of the way up the spiral. In physical form, of course Gaia will continue on, and so will you. That is what is unique about this process. That is what is delightfully unique about this process.

But if you think — and I use the word “think” — that you wake up on the 22nd and that nothing has changed, rather than embracing the old and becoming reactive, because that is immediately reconnecting with the old third, go into your heart and allow the love and the shift to fully present itself. That is all you have to do. Just allow it to present itself. Allow your eyes to go out of focus, your body to relax, and receive. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

If they wake up and they think that they are still on the same old planet, then they have need immediately to attach to the new energy and allow that to flood them. Because all they are doing is carrying a wisp of historic information, and they can let it go. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: Where will people go who are not quite ready to ascend?

A: There are also those who are still clinging — and we do include the lightholder, loveholder community who are still clinging to some fear, to some anger, to some reticence.

You need to let go of this, my friends. This is the last push. We have been flooding you with energy, but we cannot do this completely to you. This is a joint undertaking. This is the creative partnership.

When you have said, for example, if you wake up on the 22nd of December and it seems like you are in the same old same old, then you will be angry – then you WILL be angry, because you are holding onto anger. It has no place! It cannot exist, within your heart, within your being, within your essence, and it cannot exist in the air you breathe and the vibration of New Gaia, of Nova Earth.

So if you are holding on to it, if you are sitting there with your arms folded and saying, “If this doesn’t happen I am going to be furious,” I am begging you, let go of the fury. Let go of the fear. Let go of the reticence. This is a co-creation with you. It is the only reason you came to Earth at this time. “Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2″ at

If you are determined that you still are requiring [a 3D experience] in terms of your own soul journey, for a very brief period of time, there will be a window open — and this has been a part of our work – if you are choosing to still have partial, and I do mean partial, experiences of what you consider to be the 3rd dimension, then you can do so. But the reality is not going to be there. You will experience a hologram.

Now, I am talking about the portion of the human race — not those who absolutely refuse to go and therefore have chosen reassignment — that is ready to go, holding love, but still clinging to some false belief systems. Now, I do not mean the false belief systems that are of the lower vibration, such as control, greed, death, destruction, despair.

So there will be some who find themselves in an intermediary position. But for the majority of those who have said yes, you will find yourself in very rapid transition into the 5th dimension. And perhaps even higher, for some of you….

By and large, that is not the people who are listening to this program tonight. (“Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2″ at

Q: Can you describe this holographic world?

A: Well, they do not know it is a holographic world. There are many holographs that are presented already upon your planet that do not appear as if they are simply holographs. They are taken as substantial, or having form.

So when one goes to a holographic situation, it will appear as if everything is exactly the same, and that you are continuing to work on whatever your issues or your vasanas are and getting ready to continue on. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: Will Gaia be in the Third Dimension after Dec. 21?

Archangel Michael: She will not be there. She is already just brushing the third reality of physicality, and she does so that you are all getting ready. So, no, we do not mean that Gaia will still be in the old third dimension. Let us be very clear about that. …

She is anchored firmly in the fifth dimension; and she has the capacity also to continue on, and for some of you to even go through to the seventh.

Steve: So just to confirm, because, again, people will want very, very clear statements: On the 22nd, it is not possible to wake up on this planet as it was, say, on the 19th of December. It will be in the fifth. People who have not gone to the fifth will wake up either in the holographic world you talked about or else in another universe, I presume.

AAM: That is correct. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: Will the process end for the people who ascend on Dec. 21 or will there be more to the Ascension process?

A: Archangel Michael: [The Ascension process will continue] through to the end of the year, keep going.

Steve: Through to the end of the year?

AAM: If you sit down to dinner and dinner starts as it did, actually, on 12/12 or 11/11, but say you have had your appetizers in another room and you are sitting down to dinner on December 21st, 2012, well, you are going to be at the table through the end of the year. There are many courses, many expansions, many new experiences, many new tastes, many adjustments. Is that clear?

SB: But they will be on the fifth dimension?

AAM: Yes. That is correct. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Now I have said that this is a process and not quite a snap. And what do we mean in terms of divine understanding when we say that? Because when we say [it is not quite a] snap, we mean that it is not completely instantaneous. So for example, there are many, many, many upon your planet who have no idea about such a shift occurring. We are not trying, nor do we wish to set up a situation where people wake up and feel that they are psychotic. So for them, there will be a transition, somewhat of an incubation, while they attune themselves to the new reality. (“Transcript of Archangel Michael on Persistent Questions Relating to Ascension and a Roundtable – Part 1/2″ at

Q: Will everyone ascend?

A: Are we working on everybody coming? Yes. Will everybody come? Not necessarily. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: What will Ascension bring?

A: God’s love for His creation is infinite and the magnificent events that He will bring about very shortly now are, of course, unstoppable. It is His desire and intent that humanity move into its natural divine state of full consciousness – and so it will, at exactly the appropriate moment.

When this happens, immeasurable quantities of divine energies of healing, compassion, peace, harmony, and love will immerse your solar system.

All who wish it will become instantly aware of their divine God-given heritage and will move to renew their relationship with these energies, which will then flow freely through them.

The consequent change of perception that all will experience will lead to an immediate laying down of weapons, as all celebrate this wonderful release from the treadmill of karma.

The energy signature of humanity and of planet Earth will change instantly from its present one of anger, fear, hate, and confrontation to one of love, acceptance, compassion, and renewal, which will shine with such incredible brilliance that it will be clearly visible throughout the galaxy and will demonstrate the completion of this stage of the divine plan of creation.

Boundless joy is shortly to envelop you all, so during these last moments of the old matrix, hold the vision of the new Golden Age that is about to dawn for you. All is precisely on schedule, the countdown is almost complete, and Heaven on Earth will very soon be yours. (Saul, May 31, 2009.)

The date 21st of December 2012 is on the minds of many as the moment for humanity’s awakening approaches. Expectations are high as much has been promised, and there is anxiety that what is to be delivered will not live up to your expectations. Do not worry.

What is to be delivered is far beyond any of your expectations. There will be no disappointments as a New Age is delivered, bringing with it enormous improvements in the living standards of those who presently live in dire poverty, enabling them to live in the comfort and safety that is the unalienable right of every human being. …

Love is permeating each one of you to tease out the negative aspects that encourage you to see yourselves as unworthy of knowing God, and that make you feel fearful and tempt you to continue hiding from the warmth and acceptance His all-encompassing embrace. You are, each and every one of you, beginning to feel that loving embrace, and for some of you it is shocking, for others exhausting, and yet others terrifying, because you are still identifying with the little self that you made and hid within.

Those unreal feelings and fears are in the process of being completely dissolved so that any remaining sense of unacceptability or unworthiness will just dissipate, allowing you to understand your utter and unchanging acceptability in God’s eyes, so that you can fearlessly choose to open yourselves fully to Him in complete trust. When you do that, very shortly now, you will awaken, and eternal bliss will be yours. (Saul, Dec., 16, 2012.)

[Ascension] is a tremendous change of scope beyond your imagination, and involves Beings of unlimited power and love. They carry out the Will of God and in that lies your assurance that all will proceed according to the Divine Plan. (SaLuSa, April 13, 2012.)

Q: Will Ascension be delayed?

A: [Ascension is] happening by divine decree, … we can confidently assure you that it will not be delayed. Why otherwise would we of the Galactic Federation be encircling your Earth, with millions of craft in readiness for First Contact and the restoration of Mother Earth. (Atmos, Jan. 18, 2009.)

This is the Mother’s Plan … [and] there is no plan for postponement or delay. (Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 17, 2012.)

[Ascension] is my plan. It is the Divine Plan and it is what we have waited for. Your countdown is on and so is ours. Every day we take the measure of the quotient of light and love on this planet and in the collective, and, dear hearts, it is growing.

It is not growing so that you will reach a tipping point. You are already there. You are all ready to come home. No, not to what to what you think of as the outer realms or Nirvana.

You are ready to come home to your Fifth Dimension, to your Nova Earth, to your nova self in your magnificent form of crystalline, diamonds under pressure. That is what we have worked so diligently with you for so long. Oh, long before you were born. (The Divine Mother in Handbook on Ascension, at

Q: I’m having issues with members of my family. Must I stay with them?

A: There is no time like the present to review your relationships with friends or family. Often when you incarnate you are placed with souls you have known in previous lives, and it is for the reason that you are likely to have issues between you that need facing again.

Because there is a block between you it carries forward to each life until it is resolved. When you are placed together again in a family you do not know why, but you may have antagonism for each other. Because family members are expected to try and get on with each other, it would be hoped that differences could be more easily overcome. However, that is not always the case and they can become worse.

So if you recognise yourself as being in such a situation, realise how it has come about and make a move to repair the damage to your relationship. Sometimes the hardest part is being able to forgive and it is not a sign of weakness on your part. Be the first one to offer the olive branch and it will release the negative emotions that you hold within.

It will be better to have addressed the problem now rather than let it fester and remain with you. Those who hold on to the idea that they are the victim, should understand that karma is the outworking of problems between two people and both are equally involved. (SaLuSa, July 11, 2012.)

You are your first responsibility. This is not selfishness or egotism, nor is it lack of love and caring for others. It is that only you can make decisions that are in line with your instincts and intuition, your soul’s guidance to your consciousness that nudges you into avenues that in your soul contract you chose to experience during this lifetime. This may include changes in relationships, employment, location, group affiliation or other interests and activities. (Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012)

Q: What if a loved one does not want to ascend?

A: All is planned to ensure that as many souls as possible are ready to ascend. However no pressure whatsoever is placed upon those who choose to remain in the third dimension, but to continue that experience they will move elsewhere.

Neither is it considered a failure not to have reached Ascension, as you have infinite life and absolute freedom to take as long as you wish in the lower vibrations. Eventually every soul will rise up, as it is impossible to continue resisting the higher vibrations for any great length of time. (SaLuSa, April 18, 2012.)

Q: Is ascension sudden or is it gradual?

A: It is incremental. But let us be very clear, people will disappear. Now, in conjunction with that, they will also become a dim memory. You’ve had situations like this where you have had a pain or a bad habit or something that used to bother you very deeply, and you let it go. And then a year or two later, this situation will arise again and in a very vague way, you will say, “Oh, … yeah, that used to bother me,” and then you will continue with your day.

The shifting can be incremental. [Depending] on the readiness of the population, what we are seeing right now is that it will be in shifts. And there will be steps and doorways where some will simply go through and anchor for the whole, and then more will go through and anchor for the whole, until the entire process is completed.

Now there still will be those unfortunately, (or fortunately for they are doing what they wish, although it is not my desire), that will choose to continue on in this type of a reality, of the Third as you could think of it as … and they will be shifted to an alternate situation. The people, say, who are sitting there, may blink and not even remember … or have dim sense, ‘I wonder where so and so went?’

People will disappear. It will not be cause for trauma or mayhem. It will not be the same grieving as someone in the physical realm dying. It will just be a slight shift in the case of friends. But, in the case of husbands and wives, parents and children, there would be a knowing. (“Archangel Michael on Ascension” at

Q: What can we tell young children whose parents choose to die rather than change their religious beliefs, and who will care for all the children who are orphaned?

A: Many whose religious or scientific beliefs are the foundation of their lives will choose to depart rather than accept the forthcoming truths that differ profoundly from what they were taught. (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.)

The choice about when to leave this lifetime is made at soul level in original or amended contracts, and no one knows even his own contract, much less anyone else’s. All you can know about someone’s death is that the cause was a vehicle crash, for example, or cancer, heart failure, aneurism or any other medical diagnosis. So it is foolhardy to think, much less assume, that religiously-devout people who die when their children are young chose to do that rather alter their beliefs.

Overt devotion to religion is not the same as what is in one’s heart and mind. Persons you may think never would believe anything that conflicts with teachings of their church may be listening to soul-level messages; conversely, some of the darkest individuals among you attend church services or even hold high offices. …

If both parents die, their children will be cared for by the same family members, friends or legal guardians who would step in just as happens now. With consciousness increasing just as vibratory levels are, children are much more aware and resilient than you may think, and when telepathic connections open, they and their parents may discuss whatever they wish. (Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012.)

Q: Will many be departing at this time?

A: Many are choosing to leave at this time. Do not mourn them, but wish them well in their journey back home, for each and every one of you has been given the choice of staying or leaving for the dimensional shift. You know there is no death, no reason to sink into fear and sadness for those choosing to leave for they are simply moving to another place. Those on the other side can always hear you. Send them love and light, but do not consistently engage them, for that serves to hold them in bondage to the earth and the energy they have chosen to leave. It holds them back from proceeding with their own journey.

If someone leaves you with unfinished business, it is appropriate for you to remove any energetic cords, forgive if needed, send love, and consider the issue closed. Unfinished business involving forgiveness can often hold the loved one back because they need closure as much as those left behind. Closure is always possible whether both are in body or not. (The Arcturian Group, June 3, 2012)

Q: What is the situation of those who awaken at this late date; i.e., that is, around about now?

A: For some souls who have only just awakened, their reality has been shattered. And for a while, they will cling to what they believed to be the truth.

It is important that they realize that the coming changes are not to be feared. Also, that it is not too late to alter their pattern of thinking to allow their consciousness levels to be lifted and place themselves on the path to Ascension. (SaLuSa, May 28, 2012.)

Q: Where is the Light coming from that is causing Ascension?

A: Many higher Beings are … focusing their Light upon Earth. (SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.)

There is so much help coming to you from many quarters, as the Universe follows the events upon Earth very closely. Your evolution is viewed as being most important, and a successful outcome is essential to the future of Mankind. (SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.)

[That light] is beamed to Earth from many different sources. The Universe is playing its part in ensuring your successful completion of this cycle, and continues to send ever-increasingly powerful rays of Light. (Ker-On of Venus, Aug. 5, 2009.)

Behind everything that occurs is the motivating force of Light that comes from your Central Sun. The God Force is being given to you at such levels as you can accommodate, and your power is increasing tenfold. I see the wonderful Light that encircles the Earth, and it grows faster than ever as more souls respond to its call. (Saint Germain, 26 Sept. 2008, at

Q: What is a gate-keeper?

A: Many have already ascended, you know. But they come back to help. They are the way-showers. Your gate-keepers are all in place. So, they have also ascended and come back. Well, they are at the doorway. They are really straddling multidimensional reality. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

The time for the physical anchoring of Mother’s promise is upon us. And you, dear heart, it is why you have come. It is why this channel has come. It is why this circle has come. If one forgets that, that is very sad. But it is not a situation any longer, where the entire circle hangs back to bring others along. Now they will have to decide. Because you are holding open the doors.

It is not just metaphorically. You are holding open the doors. That is why all of you are so excited, anxious, tired. You are holding open the doors. We have not talked about this role of this circle of gatekeepers. It is a sacred trust and it is a sacred trust that you will never break. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 12, 2012.)

Some of the galactics are gate-keepers. Some of the angelics are gate-keepers. Some of the humans are gate-keepers. You do not need to know them. They will be there. You may well recognize many of them as you arrive. But no, you do not need to know them. They know themselves. (“Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 17, 2012, at

Q: What is a pillar?

A: You are a Pillar. And what does this mean? It means sweet angel that you are steadfast, that you are responsible and accountable and, a misunderstood word — reliable. I can rely on you to make sure that none are left behind. That the corners are swept clean with love. That where somebody needs a hand outstretched, a heart outstretched, that you will be there.

You are holding up the temple so that all can exit, and so yes, when you exit what you think of as old reality — it collapses and disappears and returns dust to dust. But, not you. I will not leave you behind. Quite the contary. Do not forget that there is also another message [I received this in 2009] That the last shall be first and the meek will inherit the Earth.

Do not worry, you are a sacred pillar and you are an observer. That is also what a pillar does, it holds up the energy, and it is solid, it does not move, it does not waiver. You have been given many challenges to see if this woul! d stand true and you have held firm and you have been stalwart and you have allowed the enfoldment around you. (Personal reading between LM and the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, Nov. 7, 2012.)

Q: What level of enlightenment does Ascension corresponds to. I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called Sahaja Samadhi. Am I correct?

Yes, it is. (“Archangel Michael: Detailed Instructions for Dec. 21, 2012 and After,” at

Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of with your seven chakras. It is beyond, because what you are doing with the chakra system, even with the thirteen, we have emerged from the Third-dimensional realm, which is that reference point for the chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement.

Steve Beckow: It’s wonderful to have that confirmed. Thank you very much, Mother.

DM: It is wonderful for us as well, you know! … Now, you understand that most people – and yes, you will do a good job of explaining – have no conception of what this really means.

SB: Well, you know that I have a website that discusses Sahaja Samadhi at length. … If I take that material and present it to readers, would that be adequate?

DM: That will help. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part ½,” Oct. 17, 2012, at The website is From Darkness Unto Light and the particular page on which this information can be found is

Many people consider that [Kevalya] Nirvikalpa Samadhi [or Brahmajnana] is final, and once having attained it seek to progress no further.

[But] Sahaja [Nirvikalpa] Samadhi is the final and most blessed state, the goal of all Yogis. In this state the individual has become completely merged in the Supreme Self. His identity which became lost in Nirvikalpa Samadhi has become enlarged and is now the Supreme Self and knows itself as such.

Trances are no longer necessary, a person can still carry on with the ordinary day to day business but he no longer identifies himself with the activities, but watches them like a dreamer watching a dream.

There is no more to do, and no more to be attained. This is the Supreme State of Absolute Bliss. But in the words of Bhagavan, it is the SELF and it can be realized by one and all by Self-enquiry. ( Sadhu Arunachala [A.W. Chadwick], A Sadhu’s Reminiscences of Ramana Maharshi. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1961, 47-8.)

By repeated practice one can become accustomed to turning inwards and finding the Self. One must always and constantly make an effort, until one has permanently realized. Once the effort ceases, the state becomes natural and the Supreme takes possession of the person with an unbroken current. Until it has become permanently natural and your habitual state, know that you have not realized the Self, only glimpsed it. (Ramana Maharshi in Paul Brunton and Munagala Venkataramaiah. Conscious Immortality. Conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Rev. ed. 1996. , n.p.)



Saul’s readings can be found at

Matthew’s Messages located at

The Arcturian’s Group’s messages are located to

SaLuSa, Atmos, Ag-Agria, Diane of Sirius, Ker-On of Venus are all located



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Reading with Archangel Michael for Steve Beckow

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ॐ Namaste



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Also to find out more about Ascension Q&A with Steve Beckow
This is an edited version of a personal reading I had with Archangel Michael Dec. 18, 2012. It became clear early on that much of the material was very useful to others and so I asked his permission to share it. I have removed much that was personal. Many thanks to Ellen who turned this around in a matter of hours so that we all could have the benefit of it before Dec. 21, 2012.

Reading with Archangel Michael for Steve Beckow, December 18, 2012

Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, warrior of peace, archangel of love. Welcome. Welcome, my beloved brother and sister [D’Arcy]. Welcome to this time of unfoldment, of what you think of as miraculous, and what we have all waited for, for eons, since the time of the Creator race that now returns.

You are already underway, and the journey has begun in earnest. But yes, my beloved friends, I understand that there are queries and questions, questions of the heart and questions of the mind. So where do you wish to begin?

Steve Beckow: Lord, the first thing I would like from you are my marching orders. [Much of this discussion has been removed.]

AAM: What you are doing is helping people understand this process as they are walking through it. And you are doing that literally through the articles and the communications that you are putting on your and my platform.

On the day in question, yes, and I do refer to the 21st for you and for your family, I wish you to relax, and I wish you to be as much as possible in a state of meditation, not deep meditation, but a state of alignment, where you are aware of what is transpiring around you, but that you are also aware of what is transpiring within your field, within your being, meaning your body, and within your heart.

So what I am suggesting to thee is that it is not a day for a great deal of external distraction. To be in sacred space, either by yourself or with your beloved, or with a circle, a small circle, of your beloved friends, but it is need to be in a situation where you are able to sit down, lie down, do what you need to do. We would ask you to pay attention. If you are going to do the specific deeper meditations, this is what I am asking.

From 10:01 to 11:11, in the morning, your time, lie or sit in meditation position so your chakras are all opened and aligned. Feel and see, visualize — it does not matter; it will come — that the beam of white light directly from the heart of the Mother/Father/One is coming down right through the central sun, down through your crown, right through your body, exploding in your heart and opening your true heart awareness.

And when that is happening, you wish to keep it open. Now, in the days that you are preparing for this, you are also allowing your grid to become lighter, more ignited, more connected, more united with everything, which is instructions I have given you in other conversations. But for you, for your personal practice, because you are ready to receive this in a very conscious kind of way, that is my instruction.

Eat very light that day. I do not mean don’t eat, but simply eat in ways that are not challenging to your physical body, to your digestion. Green is always the color of choice, because it is of the love.

But I have a second request of you.

SB: That’s fine.

AAM: It is to bathe yourself in blue, and it is starting today, and it is through the end of the year. Simply feel that you are bathed, the air around you, your clothing — which is not a problem — but even the water, when you take a bath, that you are literally being bathed and caressed in my blue.

This is also the energy not only of communication but of calm and of change. So you are bringing that energy through on our platform, in your personal relationships, in your partnership. So stay in the blue.

Now, you may feel the 20th, the 21st, the 22nd, you may feel some sense — well, you will feel, and we have not talked a great deal about this in the public forums, but perhaps we should — you will feel a sense of disconnection and disassociation. Not severe, not “Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing?” but certainly a sense of disassociation, almost as if you have taken either some plant or chemical hallucinogen, not that severe, but a sense of, “Oh, I am seeing things very differently. I am in a different process.”

Even your movements, you may feel like you’re moving through air as if you are moving through water. Do not worry about it. It is the adjustments and attunements, as you are firmly anchoring in a different dimension.

Now, I have asked you to stay and turn out the lights, as it were, but I am not asking you to stay and be part of the holographic Earth, for you are needed elsewhere, dear heart! We have much to do!

So stay connected through the beginning of the 21st. See who is collecting around you. Bring them with you, cherish them, and then turn out the light.

SB: Collect them around me physically, Lord, or…

AAM: No….

SB: … in spirit?

AAM: … etherically, visually.

SB: Okay. Where will we go to?

AAM: It is not where you are going to, it is not that your physical — although you will choose to change your physical situation very quickly — but it is not so much that you are going anywhere as the merger of dimensions, the raising of the vibration in what you think of as your existing now will be a conjunction point. So you are not going anywhere. You are simply receiving the higher frequencies of awareness in terms of who you are.

So we do not lift you up out of your apartment. We do not take you anywhere, because the whole Earth is going. So it would be not feasible — well, we could do it, but it is not the way it is planned — that we would take people one by one by one and reposition them.

SB: Is it all right if I share what you’re saying with me with people on the blog, Lord? Or is this only applicable to me?

AAM: No, you may share this information.

SB: All right.

AAM: No one can come to harm bathing themselves in blue. And yes, there are many who are thinking they are going somewhere. So it is important that they understand, for example, if they do their meditation, and then they come out of their meditation and they are still in their bedroom, for example, that they think, “Well, it didn’t happen.”

But no, that is not so. Take a moment, pause — do not even get up. Pause, look around, note, see how you feel, see how your heart is acting before you begin to engage in your shifted reality.

SB: What would I be noticing if I looked around, Lord?

AAM: that you can see into energy patterns, colors in the air…. We are not going to… you may see it, but many people will not notice how full the energy is with other beings. So for example, many people believe that they live alone or they live on a quiet street. But when they shift dimensions, they will be able to see the presence of other beings.

You will be able to see the molecules that form, say, your books or your dresser drawer or your desk. And you will have the ability to know, yes, we have decided that this is a firm construct, but I am able to witness and to really see the mixture of rays and energies and colors that go to formulate what we have agreed upon as a solid form.

You will have a sensation of deeper connection, of what you think of as euphoria. Understand what is taking place. Your heart awareness, your knowing, is wide open.

SB: This is Sahaja Samadhi, isn’t it, Lord?

AAM: Yes, it is.

SB: Will we be able to spend some time on holiday at [XXX], or would you like me to remain at my post?

AAM: No. You deserve a holiday. Of course I’m coming along!


SB: Do you like coffee milkshakes?

AAM: Yes, I do!

Now, I have to tell you, and yes, you can share this with your readers as well, the sense of physicality and being in physical body, when you are in the fifth dimension, is very different insofar as so many of you have been exhausted. And it is because you have been getting used to holding these vibrations and frequencies.

And you have done a good job, by the way. All of you have done a magnificent job. Your determination has been very impressive. But when you are in the fifth, you will feel… so full of vibrant energy. You will feel that you could go for days without sleeping, and just go on sheer energy.

There will be a greater sense of well-being, that your body is humming, that finally, not only — because every person is progressing at a different point, this is an individual process. But the general statement is your organs, your brain, your functions, your bodily functions, your circulation begin to function in alignment with the perfection of your design.

Now, if you were to take [the chemical] Speed, you would think, “Oh, I can go for days, and I don’t need to sleep.” What we are offering as brotherly advice, when we said you need a holiday, we meant it. So take time to sleep, to rest, because what you also will experience in a rest state and in dream state is very conscious sleeping and expansion and what we would call exaltation.

So don’t skip sleep. As your body is adjusting, even though you think you are in the fifth, you are home, your new home, and you can go forever, be gentle with your bodies.

So take time to rest. Take time to lie — yes, even at this time, bring a blanket, lie on the beach, stare at the stars, feel the sun on your face and the magnificence of the blue sky.

And also note, I have not spoken of this… The sky will appear and feel different. I will not explain how, because you will discover how. I am not planting the seed to give you the impression, just pay attention to the sky. It will appear and feel different.

SB: All right. And can you describe to us the new shape of relationships on whatever dimension we’re on.

AAM: Do you mean sacred union relationships? Or do you just mean relationships with your friends, with your family, with your colleagues?

SB: Oh, sacred union relationships, I think there’s a lot of people out there who want to know what relationships, sacred relations, will be like.

AAM: They will be sublime. Now, one of the things that you have been doing in this, what we would call, process, is you have been letting go of many of your karmic ties, imagined hurts, real hurts, historical hurts, past life belief systems, paradigms that have shackled you and limited you in, from our perspective, strange and unusual ways.

Think of a relationship where the vulnerability is present, but also the truth of love, without any of the masks. Now, will this happen instantaneously? You will take a few days.

Maybe some will take weeks or months, but I am speaking to you, my brother, and to you, sweet angel. The masks are gone. And so there is a new paradigm that I am rather preferential to, and it is called truth.

It is the way to be able to fully love and engage another because finally you love and engage with yourself. So that wondrous mirror and that complement that you have chosen for this life is available. Now, I am not referring to your relationship, let me be clear about this; your relationship has full potential to flourish in ways that both of you have dreamt of.

But in other relationships, what you will see, without rancor, without, hmm, devastation, that there will be a parting of the ways, because the choice will be seen as not accurate or not correct, for lack of a better word.

So there may be some separations, because the heart and the consciousness of the heart truly seeks something that is a closer blend and a match, a complement. For those who are alone, there will be a coming together, because there is the ability to truly see another.

Now, I am not saying this will happen overnight, because, do not forget to add into the mix new missions, new assignments, star brothers and sisters, a unified planet. These are the things that we are so excited about! [laugh]

So sacred union will in fact be very much the norm. What you think of as dysfunctional relationships — and this does extend to friendships or family or colleagues — they simply dissipate. Not immediately, but they do dissipate.

And of course everybody is given the opportunity to course-correct, as it were. Because, again, you can see who the truth of that person is. And for many they are seeing the truth of who they are for the very first time.

So this is, this is big, and that is why some will adjust at a slower pace. But relationships takes on a different form. They are more endearing, they are more cherished. They are stronger. They are more supportive. They are more unified. They are more connected. They are more co-creative. It is what we have waited for for so long.

Last night, I spoke with your dear friend Stephen Cook. And I spoke to him about our family and how the archangels work together. That is how you will work together.

It is not that this is my bailiwick, and don’t touch it. It is, this is what I know how to do and to create really beautifully. What can you add to it, or how can my talents and abilities compliment yours?

SB: I think there are a lot of husbands and a lot of wives who are saying to themselves, “Oh, my gosh. What happens when my partner meets his twin flame? Any words for them?

AAM: Well, first of all, the twin flames are not being activated to come forward as partners. In many ways, they will remain, yes, more consciously attached, shall we say, but they will remain more as guardians and advisers.

But you have to remember, husbands and wives, that out, if you have been honest in your relationship, if you have been in truth, if you have looked out of the entire planet, and for some cases even beyond, your beloved’s twin flame chose your partner as the perfect person to journey with for this lifetime that is so spectacular.

So you are the chosen one. You’re not about to be displaced.

SB: They’ll be glad to hear that.

AAM: And it is true for both sides! So yes. It is, if you are to meet, for example, your wife’s twin flame or your husband’s twin flame, you are meeting someone who already thinks you are incredible, that you are so incredible that you are worthy of traveling with their beloved other. This is a compliment, not a challenge.

SB: Yes. Okay. I’m trying to figure out, when will I eventually have my original dimensionality back? Or do I stay in a lower dimensionality for the foreseeable future?

AAM: You will have a choice. As I have said to you, when you complete this mission, you are allowed to have 200 years off. But what you do with that is up to you, dear one! You will certainly have full access to your inter-dimensionality.

SB: So no matter what I choose, I’ll have access to it?

AAM: Yes.

SB: Okay. Well, it really just depends on what’s wanted and needed, apart from that.

Let’s see…. Any words for InLight Radio, for the people that … you’ve heard our conversations probably in the last few days. Are we on target? We’re taking two weeks off until after New Year’s.

AAM: You are on target, and it is not… it is important that the collective have the chance to integrate the changes. And that those involved with InLight Radio will be actually quite busy during that period, as you say, meetings, et cetera. But we want you, we require you — and there is very little we require of you — we want you to take a break.

SB: Well, you’re probably going to have to tell me straight out to do that before I do it. But… okay. Do you have some words for the 2012 Scenario editors, given that we’re now drawing into the dock?

AAM: I carry the messages of the entire realm of Heaven, the Divine Mother, the seraphim, and certainly, my brothers and sisters, the entire Council of Love and your own guides. Thank you.

You have done yeoman’s duty, and you have extended and stretched, and at times been befuddled, discouraged, elated, tired, and you have continued on. This is the beginning, my friends, not the end. And you shake your heads and say, “Oh, no!”

But it will be easier, not more challenging. But I thank you. I thank you for your service. I thank you for your heart commitment. I thank you for your mental acuity. I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And I bless each one of you. You are ready to fly.

SB: All right. Very good. Well, I’m excited, I’m a little giddy, I’m jumping for joy, and I’ll try and keep everybody calm over the next few days.

AAM: Blue, dear heart, blue.

SB: Yes.

AAM: I love you.

SB: Thank you, Lord. I love you and I very much enjoy working with you. And to continue to work with you is just my dream.

AAM: We have only just begun, my friend, my brother.

SB: It’s exciting.

AAM: Farewell.

SB: Farewell, Lord.




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Personal and Spiritual Growth Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Greeting friends!

I am excited and pleased to announce the divine timing of the publication of the Master’s Sacred Knowledge now out in both Paperback and EBook format on the amazing and exciting day of 12.12.12.

We are coming up to Christmas and if you are looking to buy a life changing book for yourself, or a family member or even for a friend, then get your paperback order in now to Amazon for a Christmas Limited Time Price of US$9.95. Or if you cannot wait that long to read this positive, motivating and inspiring book which is full of life changing information, you can order your EBook version instantly now for a Christmas Limited Time Price of US$5.00.

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge

A key to your inner treasure!

This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who was about to end his life by hanging himself to a large tree. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he hangs himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

Purchase your copy of The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus Paperback for a Limited Time Price of ONLY US$9.95

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The Master's Sacred Knowledge

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge

Sacred Master Key Book

Sacred Master Key Book

Divine Sacred Master Key

Divine Sacred Master Key


Excerpt from the book

(¯` ´¯)


Art of Living

The old wise man was walking down a dusty dirt road on his way to the sea thinking happily to himself what a beautiful fresh morning it was, with the sun just peaking over the mountains he had just left behind shining and warming his back and casting his long shadow in front of him. “Greetings shadow self, nice to see you again, I trust you are well this morning and we shall continue to be at peace with each other like every other day.”

The birds were chirping and singing sweet songs, and flying around in search of a tasty meal at the beginning of their day. The buzz of the insects flying past and the flutter of the butterfly from flower to flower, as well as the hum of the bees collecting pollen to turn into honey were every day events that the old wise man liked to see, hear, smell and to feel what was going on around him. How amazing this all is, he thought to himself again, what a wonderful creation I am privileged to be a part of.

As the wise old man was going around the bend in the road, he noticed a young man standing on a stump by a tree holding a rope, part of the rope was tied around a high branch and the other part was a noose which was in his hands, which he was about to place around his neck.

The wise old man gently and quietly walked up to the young man and greeted him.

“Morning young man,” said the old man. “May I humbly interrupt you please for a moment? It looks to me that you are about to place that strong rope around your neck to hang yourself. If this is the case then please allow me to interrupt you for a few minutes of your time, so I can tell you a few things before you do, some things that may help you change your mind. Things that are important to the way you can look at life, things that will change your life for the better and will inspire you to love life, then I will be on my way and then you can carry on doing whatever you want to do!”

The young man looked at the old man with sadness in his face, and smudged tears around his eyes. The young man did not say anything except nodded that it was ok for the old man to say what he wanted to say.

“Please, sit down awhile on your wooden stump young master if you will,” the old wise man said in a gentle and kind voice pointing to the stump the young man was standing on. “It seems that you are not having a good day, maybe a good week or even a good year, but I would like to pass something onto you that can change that and then maybe you can still hang yourself, but this time by your feet and not your neck. This way you can still stay alive and be part of this wonderful world in which we live in, and this will help you to look at life from a completely different angle and with a very different view.”

The young man thought about it for a few seconds, then he sat down on the chopped bark-less wooden stump.

“I would like to pass on to you some Sacred principles in the Art of Living and Dying, and to share some Sacred Wisdom with you that will really change your world around if you would be willing to give it some consideration, and then slowly implement it in your daily living,” said the old wise man. “Sacred principles that will take you from a world from outer doing to that of a world of inner being.”

“We are all on a journey of self discovery, and it is not the end destination that matters right now, but what does matter right now is how you are in the present moment, the here and now, what you are thinking and feeling now, what your deeds and actions are now. That is what is really important to you today, and then in each moment of every other day is just as important. It is all about the now and the step-by-step you take in your journey to your destination that matters and determines your future and what you will also encounter in your future, as how you feel in the now will be your future. So don’t live life aimlessly and without purpose or the small insignificant things or problems will start to erode you away. I will call you young master because everyone is a master in the making, until you become the Master. Can you understand this young master?” asked the old man to the young insecure boy.

The young boy nodded.

“I can give you a Master Key that can open many doors, but you need to unlock the doors and walk through them by yourself. Unlocking the doors and going through them will release you from your-self created bondage and prison cell. That I cannot do for you. I can only pass on this Master key to you, and what you do with it is up to you.”

The boy nodded after listening, and he was happy that someone cared for him, and was taking the time to talk to him. He was also now very curious as to what this old man was going to say to him.

“Young master, what good is knowledge if you don’t put it into practice! Young master, what is knowledge?” the old man asked, but not waiting for an answer. “Knowledge is all the things and lessons you have learnt along your path up to this point in your life, and you will continue to learn more as you keep moving along your pathway to your destination. So, look at the greater picture of all your life and look forward to all the days that will come in your future, learn from your past and most importantly live positively in the NOW, in this present moment, which is a gift from the creator, and get your mindset balanced to be truly happy.”

“The journey to the centre of your heart is a challenging one, and there will be many trying moments when you will want to give it up, but each moment is there to teach you something, and it’s how you approach each of these moments which decide your highs and lows and your future and all our futures. We all reach different levels of understanding at different times, and the information that each of us comes into contact with will mean different things to different people, depending on their consciousness. We are all on different cycles, and paths which are leading us back to the Creator Source and it is up to us as individuals the direction we choose to go in, the people we choose to be with whether it’s forward, backwards, or even around and around and around. So choose these things wisely young master so as not to chase your tail!” said the old sage looking at the boy gently.

“The sculpting of our self is a never ending process. You decide what you want to look like by chiselling, moulding and trimming your shape, your personality – your Tree of Life. You have the power to add or subtract the traits you like and dislike. It is a process of moulding and carving the soul seed which you are to your liking. This seed grows to be the big you. You water the seed with knowledge as it grows, it takes years and years to get big, we all have to start as a seed, then turn into a seedling and then into a mighty tree if that’s what you want to be. The wisdom is your fruit which others can live off, and the seed can be replanted to go and bring life about again, a never ending process, the circle of life!” explained the sage.

“This tree you have chosen today is a very old tree, it has gone through many different seasons, good and bad yet it is still here, big, strong, tall and graceful, just like you can become over time. Look at the colours of the leaves, they are changing and will soon let go and be released to carry on their own journey, and the tree will be left bare yet still living patiently waiting for its spring to come around again and then it will rejuvenate itself to that of magnificent glory. We all need to let go of that which we no longer need, or no longer serves us at any given point in our journey, just like the tree letting go its leaves or parts of itself, the things that it knows would be detrimental to its survival at a certain times of the year, knowing well that it is part of the cycle of life. It just releases parts of itself, it does kill itself, and this is something you may want to consider young master.”

“See that negative engraving on the tree trunk?” said the sage pointing to a carving in the tree. “That has been engraved on the trunk by someone who is not looking at life in a positive way, and it will be with this tree for the rest of its life, it cannot get away from it, it cannot release or change what someone else has done to it, but you can, you have the power and consciousness to get rid of negative engravings you have allowed others to carve in you as well as the ones you have created yourself. You don’t have to carry those engravings with you for the rest of your life. You just need to become aware that they are there, and you can transmute them out of your being. You have the power and ability to let them go!”

“You have the power young master, you have the power!” explained the master confidently and pointing to the seated youngster who looked up.

“The changing point in my life was with my motto – as long as I learn something every day, it doesn’t matter how small or large that something is, it’s something that I didn’t know before, and have learnt and added to my knowledge and character. The wisdom only came later when I started putting it into practice,” said the old man delightfully. “It takes time, but gives you something to focus on. Focus and work on you young master, as you really matter in your life. I also went through a very bad time like you are now, but I decided to take the steps through the phase I was going through, and I eventually saw the clearing and found direction again. It is like walking in a dense forest, and you cannot see the way, which way to turn, no sunlight to help you get a direction, you feel lost, helpless, insecure, unhappy, sad, unsure, but then all of a sudden you come to the edge of that scene and you come to a clearing where you can see things at a….(To read the rest of this positive and inspiring book, click on the EBook or Paperback link below)

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“You inner strength is your outer foundation.” – Allan Rufus

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – A key to your inner treasure.

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In love, light, joy and peace. This is my journey of Self discovery…