Crysto Coding the Sun Disc – Archangel Metatron – James Tyberonn

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Crysto Coding the Sun Disc

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! We welcome each of you here in a vector
and energy of Unconditional Love.

Take a moment to feel this very special  energy as you read these words. We assure
you it is quite  real, and it will soothe your being, for it is sent in real time,
in the NOW moment that you read these words,  individually to each of you as you
 review this message.

Never forget Dear Humans, we are ever with you, and offer you a glimpse and very
 valid interface with the energy of your higher aspect. We nurture you in unconditional
love. So we gently ask you to close your eyes and take a moment to feel the energy
we send you, before reading further.

Masters, ‘Unconditional Love’  is a crystalline resonance that enlivens each of
you to vitally move forward. It is a sublime energy that will encourage you to advance
each of your today’s potently into tomorrow’s by assisting you to become more aware,
positive and fortified in your present. But be aware Masters, that adjustmental
growth in the crucible energies of the Ascension, is a work in progress.

Each human on the planet, are now required to interface with incredibly expansive
‘cosmic’ frequencies at this time on the earth. Mere recognition of this expansion,
however, is not enough. It is simply the first step, and is not the same as optimally
integrating with cosmic expansion. Assembly is required!

Optimal integration is expansive growth, and such quickening, such rapid shifts
will inevitably lead again to yet another sense of outgrowing ones skin, it will
 lead again in time, to new feelings of intensity, discomfort and enclosure, requiring
even more focus toward an even greater evolution. Masters if you are feeling these
sensations, we congratulate you, because it is indelible proof of exponential growth.
Indeed you are on  the true path of personal Ascension….and we honor you!

The Cryso-Grid and the Triple Date Portals

And so we are asked by the channel to review many topics in this assay, of the shifting
earth, the complex Crystalline transitions. This includes the Triple Date Portals,
the crysto-pulses of Arkansas, and indeed the recoding of the Sun Disc.

We first shared the information regarding the twelve unique Triple Date Portals
via Tyberonn of the Pleiades, over a decade ago. These are unique numerical frequencial
portals sequenced in base 12. These TDP’s are purposed to activate the Crystalline
Transition. And although many of humanity have now ascribed to the trenchant vigor
of these date-portals, they have somewhat overlooked the core understanding of their
primary substantive significance.

The Triple Date Portals (01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) are equivocally aligned to the
activation of the 12 geo-pentagonal aspects of the ‘double penta-dodecahedron’ of
the 144-Crystalline Grid. The twelve dodecahedronal aspects of the Crystalline grid
is accordingly integrated with the ‘human-grid’ interface codes in the gatherings
and meditations occurring on these frequencial aperture dates. And Masters that
is so appropriate. Indeed the optimal use of the TDP’s is to gather in mass within
powernodes, grid points and crystalline energies….and ‘FIRE THE GRID’. For many
of you are indeed special envoys with a soul-contracted  purpose in the ongoing
activations of the ‘GRID’ and the subsequent recodings of the sun discs.

The grid significance is that the frequency of each triple date portal is designed
to be the ‘activation trigger’ of one of the 12 major dodecahedrons surface base
 plates of the grid.

Accordingly this axiom infers that the 144-Crystalline grid is launched into functionality
by one twelfth each year from 1 January 2001 up through 12 December, 2012 when it
achieves full programming input.  Once the TDP’s are complete, there is a critical
‘interim’ phase between 13  December and 20 December, in which the Crystalline-Grid
 integrates full programming, and reboots into full launch on the winter solstice
of December 21, 2012, the heralded and prophesied Ascension.

In aspect, a key piece of what takes place on the triple frequencial portal dates
is around the ‘human – grid’ alignment to the Crystalline 144 grid. That is why
these dates are being recognized by empaths as important dates for spiritual alignment
gatherings across the planet. Indeed it is not specific astrological alignments
that specialize the triple date portals rather it is the vibrancy of the numbers
 of the base-12 themselves that correlate to the 144 grid.

TDP’s – Firing the Crystalline Grid

Calendar Timing

Triple Date Portal

% Grid Activation

* 1 Jan 2001

Triple One (1-1-1)


* 2 Feb 2002

Triple Two (2-2-2)


* 3 Mar 2003

Triple Three (3-3-3)


* 4 Apr 2004



* 5 May 2005



* 6 Jun 2006



* 7 Jul 2007



* 8 Aug 2008



* 9 Sep 2009



* 10 Oct 2010



* 11Nov 2011



* 12 Dec 2012




13 December – 20 December


* 12-21-12 *

Total Activation

Grid Maximus

In addition to the human interface on the TDP’s, coded energies are fed into the
 Crystalline grid cosmically on the equinoxes and solstices especially since the
 Master Crystal awakenings began in 2008 and the synergistic Cosmic Triggers initiated
in 2009.

This has been gathering momentum since the initial phase of the TDP’s, and has gained
critical inertia as the Grid became more adequately energized. The burgeoning energies
of the Crystalline Transition are indeed triggering the awakening of the Master
Crystals, Planetary Pyramid generators and Sun Discs.  (And we will speak specifically
on the sun disc recodings later  in this assay. )

This critical mass momentum, is precisely why the ‘crystalline reactivations’ and
discoveries of ‘ancient’ and new  Pyramids, such as the incredible complex in Bosnia
 are so important to the planet as it frequencially integrates with and within the
higher energies of the ‘New Earth’ and the Crystalline 144-Grid in the Ascension.

So much is transitioning on your planet now.

The Arkansas Crysto-Pulses

Masters, are you aware, truly aware of the incredible changes taking place around
you ? The shift is easily apparent , in all of its nuances, and undeniably so.

And we tell you that there is no place on the Earth at the present time revealing
more wondrous evidence of the Earths transition, than the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

Why Arkansas you may ask. The answer is because within this vortex lies the largest
single deposit of quartz crystal on the planet. The Atlanteans as well as the Sirian-Pleiadean
Alliance were well aware of this fact. Accordingly there are energetic devices,
and refined crystals within this area that were set in place precisely to play a
 major role in the transition of the earth…and that is happening now before your
collective eyes.

It is an exquisite event, and it is beginning to gain notice on a global scale.
Do not fear what is happening, for you are co creating it, and it is requisite and
indeed beautiful. It is the Crystalline Shift, and that is a key component of the
Ascension. You waited a long long time for this, and it is happening now before
your very eyes.

Dear Humans, recently a flurry of earthquakes have occurred in Arkansas . Several
of these have exceed 4.0 magnitude . A  4.7 quake was reported by your media in
Arkansas within the last 2 weeks. These are different from the quakes occurring
elsewhere. These are quite unique. These are filling the land of the Crystal Vortex
with a magnificent energy and are a result of the activations of the massive quartz
and Master Crystals in Arkansas. Oh yes, its true. These quakes, are very soft,
very gentle, and in truth are rolling pulses, and they began 2 years ago, but are
quickening now.

The tremors that are being noticed  in Arkansas over the past 6 months actually
initiated in a lesser crysto-wave in 2008 around the 8-8-8. They are the Crystals
Awakening. …and this very awakening is changing the planet. Indeed it is a promised
completion for so many of you from the sacred ‘Law of One’.

These  ‘pulses’ are crysto-quakes, to coin a term, and are stirring up a lot of
attention…and will baffle your geologist and physicists for some time yet. These
 pulses are absolutely due to the activation of the Master Crystals located in the
massive quartz fields of Arkansas. The enormous power of these crystals is quite
 unimaginable, and indeed capable of ‘shaking the earth’.

These ‘crysto-quakes’ are not connected to the New Madrid fault line which enters
into the northeastern extreme of Arkansas. The New Madrid line, as your geologists
are aware, does not enter into the physical parameters of the Crystalline vortex
 of the central areas of the state.  That is an important clarification.

These crysto-quakes will continue through 2012, with noticeable increases in 2011.
 But fear not,  we tell you with certainty that what is occurring is benevolent,
 and these incredible energies are charging the Crystal Vortex & indeed the entire
planet with an energetic OMM sonic. These unique crysto-quakes are in fact regulated
releases, and offer exquisite coded  pulses that are transitioning the planet ,
its dimensional nature and paradigm….and indeed humanity in kind.

All that is occurring is leading to the  recoding of the Crysto-Sun Disc and Platinum
Crystal Awakening in Arkansas on the 11-11-11.

The understanding and knowledge of this is indeed there for the savants among you,
for you know this is an incredible completions for those of you of the Atlantean
 the ‘Law of One’.

It is why many of you are drawn to be near this energy, for it enriches all within
its field. It is the energy of Poseida, and the Temple of One.  It creates feelings
of hope, of healing, and a sublime familiarity for so many. It is the pure crystalline
frequency of impeccable  love, and it feels like home. These pulse are generating
it once again.

Arkansas & Brazil

We also tell you that these crysto-pulses will soon be quickening in Brazil. As
Arkansas and Brazil are the largest generators of crystalline energy on the planet
and both hold very key energy devices that are playing a major role in the Crystalline
Transition of the planet. These devices are the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc. These Crysto-Disc
are being recoded in 2011 and 2012. The Golden Disc of Titicaca has now been recoded
and awaits alignment & activation with the Crysto Disc on the 11-11-11.

We have told you that Arkansas will be one of the most powerful vortex-portals on
the planet by 2012, and it is indeed happening. The Crystals are tuned by the grid,
and the Crysto-Sun Disc are in kind aligned to the awakening of the Master Crystals.
Each one , each aspect  supports the other in an inertia and critical momentum of
harmonic resonance.

Recoding the Sun Disc

The original 12 Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. These were placed
by the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance at specific places on the earth in order to program
and network energetic frequencies.

The ongoing  reprogramming of the Sun Disc serve in assisting the  ability of the
Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect  the DNA pattern or blueprint
of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect.  The
discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do
appear disc-like when viewed.

There are 12 major ‘Disc’ on the planet, and some of the previous locations have
 shifted. Each of the 12 carry specific purpose and are receiving new crystalline
codes. Each of the 12 primary apparatuses feed 12 satellites…the 12 connecting
 to the 144 in a complex geo symmetry that is suited to the base 12 of the Earth
 and to the 144-Crystalline Grid, also formulated in base 12 mathematics.

It is in fact the new grid that initially spawns the new frequencies, and as such
necessitates the new coding for the disc. But there is a ‘human’ element in the
process and procedure. Some of you who co exist in multidimensionality as the Atla-Ra
and Members of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance are in kind carriers of the new code.
If you are indeed one of these envoys, you are feeling the need to be involved in
the recoding, and are drawn to the Crytsal Vortex and to other locations of the
12-helixed discs.

The Cosmic essence of the sun discs is ‘coded’ crystalline

coherent light, the light of higher dimension. The energy of ‘home’. The terrestrial
essence of the Sun -Disc frequencial harmonic is crysto-electromagnetic but is synergized
with the human theta grid. One creates the other and the other supports the first.
Both offer essential gateways of enhancement to human consciousness and are key
elements of the Ascension up shift.

The more that humanity understands that its own higher consciousness is based in
 paradigms of sacred geometric light-codes, the more the geometry becomes multi
dimensional and so the geometric expression of these will up shift in Mer-Ka-Na
field. This is happening now you see.  It will become first one, then the other,
 just as the earth is now the 3rd dimension and then the 5th and then to 12.  What
is it that will move it to the 5th? To the 12th?  Not static consciousness but the
dynamic activation of higher consciousness.  The activation of the consciousness
 is enhanced through the understanding of the grid and the activation of that grid
which in turn compliments the cosmos, and is reflected back again via the sun disc.
We realize this is complex, but we assure you that in your source higher perspective,
you understand the workings quite clearly. In fact you planned the process and protocol
! So myriad factors play a role in this terrestrial to Cosmic shift.

Now of the sun disc, only two are purely Crysto-Disc. The first to be recoded is
 in the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. This will occur on the 11-11-11. The 2nd is
in Minas Gerais. Brazil, and it will recode on the 12-12-12 and the Global Network
will reformat on Dec 21, 2012.  This will be an incredible event combining the awakening
of the Master Crystals, the completion of the 144-Grid and the complete global networking
of the Sun Disc Crysto-Lattice.

Locations of 12 Major Sun Disc:

Arkansas – Pinnacle Mountain

Brazil – Saint Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais

Bolivia – Lake Titicaca ( Near Island of the Sun)

Scotland – Roslyn Chapel

Russia -Ural Mtns

Russia – Siberia-Lake Baikal

Egypt – Giza

Africa – Kilimanjaro

China – Xi-an Pyramids

French Polynesia – Moorea

Australia- Uluru

Sri Lanka

Again we emphasize that each of the major 12 discs support 12 satellites. Each of
the 144 satellites are strategically placed, some of which are greater in pulse,
 greater in frequencial range, according to the energy grid and node in which they
are located.

Be aware, that the placements of the sun disc and sun disc satellites are carefully
chosen. Some locales are quite remote, and  that is also by clear and deiiberate
 design. Factors in vector and placement involve telluric minerology, stellar alignments,
and grid alignment. Likewise with the satellite placement, which additionally involve
alignment vector angle to the primary disc.

The 12 node satellites in North America, fed from Mount Pinnacle , Arkansas Crysto-Disc,


Denali, Alaska

Lake O’Hara, BC, Canada

Mt Shasta

Needle Rock, Colorado

Chitzen-Itza , Yucatan Mexico

Monte Alban, Mexico

Offshore-GoM, near Galveston, Tx


Asheville, NC

Herkimer, NY

Gros Morne, Newfoundland, Canada


And so Masters, we close by assuring you that all is on track, all is well. While
the world speeds forward into the new crystalline age there are intensities that
 must occur. And whilst difficult in the linear, there is nothing taking place that
you do not have the tools and support to manage. In fact you are doing wonderously
well.  The filters of duality prevent you from seeing that there are envoys of Angelics,
of Ascended Masters and of the benevolent Galactic Federation assisting you in this
process. Indeed your own ‘Divinity, your own higher aspects have a role in the script
that is now being enacted.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths. And we tell you that each
and every one of you are Beloved. You are not alone.

…And so it is.

Hi Palmtreelifestyle friends, If you would like to support me, I now have 2 books in print for those interested or if you know anyone who would be interested in Personal and Spiritual Growth.
You can find them at two locations:-
Book 1. The Mind’s Use-Fulness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User – Straight From Publisher OR Straight From Amazon

Book 2. Today… We are going to fly high – Straight From Publisher Or Straight From Amazon – My personal book web-site.

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Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.
Have a Great Day in this most powerful time. Love light and peace as always and in always.

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