Messages From The Realms Of Light – Metatron: Real Love IsThe Great Catalyst – 29 January 2013 – Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Metatron: Real Love Is The Great Catalyst – 29 January 2013

MY DEAR ONES, I AM AA METATRON!I AM here to tell you that all is fine. All is fine for all souls on earth, in which ever way life looks like! It does not matter whether you are conscious right now about who you are or whether you are aware of the ascension process. You all are alive in the Consciousness of the Creator Who is Pure Love and Light.

Even if the information of the new creation has not yet manifested in your body-mind, all Are, even if still asleep, in the womb of the Divine.There are souls, and ever more among all of you, who are bearers of light, who hold the torch of love high, who are emanations of love itself among you all. And they are creating vortexes which are igniting successively the sparks of light in the hearts of those who are now ready. And there are many and growing!I AM Metatron and I assure you that plans are underway to make it possible to awaken the masses in ways you would not have thought it was possible.

You see, the Divine Power of Creation is limitless! Being asleep and not aware of ones own Divinity is only a “problem” from the point of view of a duality that is based on the two pillars of light and darkness, on the pairs of opposites. So when you are standing on the side of the light you tend to feel a problem how to awaken the ones who still seem to dream in the dark of self-forgetfulness.

However this kind of awareness is locked into the specific design of duality, but which does not exist in in the Heart of God where there is Unity and Singleness without opposites. The Divine has many ways to awaken what is Its Own. And naturally, everything is Its Own!

Therefore do not worry about “others”. Firstly, because they are all different aspects of yourself. And secondly, when you understand this, what you do is to propel your own en-lightenment. That is to allow the Divine Light to break free in your own body-mind so that your body-mind becomes Light Itself!

The more of you do this, the more lights switch on in the One Body of Humanity, the more radiant this Great Human Body of Unity becomes. So do take care about your own Divine Process. This is all you have to do. Short-circuit yourself with the Divine Heart of All and shed your light on the path so that all humanity can step into it.

Gaia is waiting for all her children and it is She Who makes sure that no one is lost.

All who read this message and desire to be awakened in their heart are called to unite with Faith their heart with the Divine Heart. And it will happen in an instant. Even if you are not aware of it, know that it happened for each one of you. And if you continue to assume the Re-Connection with your Source with faith, it will show the Signs to you very soon in your own body-mind and therefore in your life.

It is merely your mind that doubts and cannot see and feel Reality. Reality Is your in-separable connection and unity with God, the Divine, Your Source, or however you want to name the Truth in which you are arising.

Your consent to reconnect Is the very act that makes this unity-union happen. And the process begins. Your mere agreement and willingness Is the initiation into the process of ascension that is promised to you.

In which way your ascension will occur, do not worry about it. It can happen in many ways, including through the death process. No soul will be left behind or be forced to reincarnate again somewhere else in a 3th dimensional circumstance. But every soul has the chance to be reborn on New Ascended Earth. And this means ascension for every soul, who is prepared for Love.

Therefore your service is important to live this Love among your human family so that Love is known again. It is the Very Force, when Real and True, that changes hearts and lives.

The experience of Real Love which is unconditional, is the Great Catalyst that opens the heart and awakens in the being the remembrance of the soul.I AM Metatron, and I Am here to assist your Re-Connection with your Own Divine Source, as your Re-Connection is Inherent in the Present Creation Process that Is Your Ascension. This is the Will of the Creator! And I Am a Servant of the Divine Will.All is One Great Process and we All are taking part in It. Therefore each one of you is an integral piece of the total fabric of Divine Creation.

Do not presume any longer separation but understand that there is Only One Light, One Consciousness, One Heart in which you all participate and play your unique part.

Therefore the One Heart of God or Divine Reality is the Totality of all your hearts, while all your hearts are arising in That One Great Heart.

Marvel about this More than Wonderful Divine Mystery and Be the Love that You Already Are!

I AM AA Metatron!

Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, /


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Archangel Michael – It is No Longer a Matter of Wondering – Ron Head:

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


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The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

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Archangel Michael via Ron Head: It is No Longer a Matter of Wondering

As channeled by Ron Head – January 27, 2013


We will speak with you today about the rising tide of which almost all of you who work with and for the light are becoming aware.

This is something which we have mentioned a while ago, but which, as it was not quite so obvious, even the most sensitive of you had to take on faith. Lately it has been growing day by day, and at such a rate that those who meditate or perhaps have a daily prayer practice, and even those who spend much time communing with your dear planet, are feeling and seeing, even feeling , unmistakably.

For those who have stayed the course, it is no longer a matter of wondering if something is happening or not. Even the most ardent of you had moments of that kind of thinking prior to now. As you move deeper and deeper into the uplifting energies, you will know beyond doubt that, at least for yourselves, ascension is indeed in progress. But know this also, brothers and sisters. The energy which is producing such profound change in your own bodies, and here we mean to reference your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, is also embracing each and every other being in its path. There is no escaping it.

Now, how an individual human may react to it is a matter of choice. That is true. But in the longer run, we promise you that far more will choose the high road than choose the low. There is still a bit of work left for you, is there not? But we suggest that the finding of, and healing of, the last little bits is becoming easier and easier. There are many, many lightworkers who are now more than prepared to help each other upon the way, enough we assure you, to take care of all those who will eventually begin to turn to you for aid.

Many times you have asked, “Why me? Why this? Why now?” You will begin to understand the extreme importance of the reminders of your lessons now. We say reminders because you have traveled this path for so long that there was really very little that you had left to learn when you took on this job. What was important, and you are accomplishing it amazingly well, was that you first clear up the huge amounts of fear, guilt, and feelings of little worth that you brought forward from other experiences. Some of you were already so clear that you actually had to borrow some of that from others. “Why would I do that?” you ask. Because you are such loving beings that you decided to have the experiences you would need to do the work that you knew would be needed here.

Yes, there is a lot left to do. But we think you will believe us now when we tell you that what you are to witness from this time forward will more than be worth the price of admission. And what is more important, what you are experiencing within eclipses even that. We see you striding forward in excitement and love and we are very glad that each of you got their ticket for this ride.

Call upon us for any and all help we can provide, dear hearts. We will be with you and will speak with you again shortly.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


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Archangel Metatron – Living in the New Reality – Natalie Glasson

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


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Archangel Metatron – Living in the New Reality – Natalie Glasson

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – January 27, 2013

Beloved shining beacons of light on the Earth, we bow down to you with tremendous respect and love. We, your guides, friends and loved ones of the inner planes are here to support you as you move through an immense process of your ascension.

Maybe you feel as if you cannot or do not fully understand why certain experiences, creations and expressions are manifesting in your reality, why you choose certain choices over others. I wish to share with you that the instruction book, the planned circumstances by your soul, the limitations and boundaries set for you and set by you in the past are now being cast aside. You are being rewarded for all your devotion to your spiritual connection and awakening with the reality that is free from limitations.

There is no longer a goal to work to in a certain time, the clock is no longer ticking to push you forward along your spiritual path, and there are no longer goals that need to be achieved in or with certain limitations. In truth there is no longer a goal to be achieved.

The boundaries, limitations, goals and inspiration which led you through the past phase of ascension are falling away. In truth you are being given responsibly and freedom. It could seem as if your purpose has been taken away from you. It is far easier to energise yourself and passion to achieve certain levels of growth when you feel that time is running short or when there is a goal post in sight. As you exist in this new reality and phase of energy, there is no goal post for you to strive to reach in a certain time.

Your purpose remains the same, to experience oneness with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator, to master and know yourself and therefore the Creator more fully and to open your heart to be a channel of love and all that is the Creator. Your purpose has maybe never been so vivid but you now have the tools, the time, the freedom to achieve these goals as you wish, where you wish, with who you wish and in the time that you wish.

Ascension for you could take four days, five months, sixteen years or in truth as long as you choose. There are no set rules as to how long ascension should take, whether you achieve it in a group or as an individual, whether you choose to ask for help or not. There is no longer a wrong and right. In truth everything that you have held onto as truth in your reality and realisations about your spiritual self and practices is falling away. As if you are being suspended in space or suspended in energy.

You are supported, loved and have the ability to choose and create all that you need in order to move further beyond limitations and boundaries. It may feel as if pre created security is now falling away. With greater freedom come experiences of being, having, doing, existing as nothing or without restrictions. In the past even time has brought you security and yet you notice that time doesn’t have the same meaning any longer. You are being given and are creating your freedom, which is one of the greatest gifts of this new phase.

You may wish to contemplate the many situations, thoughts, perceptions and understandings that you hold on to in your reality to create a deeper sense of security. Allow yourself to see this as your creation alone and that they do serve you in awakening the power, strength and immense love within your being. Do you actually need security in your reality? Do you need to create boundaries and limitations? Do you need to recognise your limitless self and expansive being? I ask that you take time to practice this contemplation and self-discovery within your reality, if only once, to assist you in releasing from your being, energy and perspective energetic habits and patterns from the past.

With the quality of greater freedom that you have accepted within your reality so it may also bring up aspects of your reality, personality and creations that do not serve you or offer you freedom. As these aspects of yourself come to the surface to be released it can seem that you are being encaged and have less freedom than before. You begin to see yourself in many new ways which may not always be pleasant to witness. Some people may feel that they have more issues to deal with and heal than before 2012. The energy of freedom and responsibility is awakening new aspects of your being that wish to be healed and released.

Freedom for a lightworker and awakened soul of the Creator is a powerful lesson to overcome and digest. You all expect and desire freedom but also fear freedom due to its ability of allowing you to access your power and sacred abilities. No longer is anything in your way, blocking you or hindering you, only what you choose to create. No longer is anything pushing and driving you forward and yet you are placed in the centre of freedom with the opportunity to choose whatever you wish.

It can be an experience of exhilaration but also of being fearful. There is also the question which many lightworkers face, which is how does one experience and interpret freedom and what does one choose to create? Through many lifetimes on the Earth you have been limited, restricted, condemned and maybe even abused for trying to be your truth, now is the time to truly let go of these past energies, understanding that you have the freedom to choose to create what you wish. If so with many opportunities and possibilities available how does one choose what they wish to create?

The guidance, knowingness and truth of the soul is extremely important in this energy of freedom, your guides also act to you as a mirror of your soul and its guidance. Do not be afraid to ask or to follow the inspiration within you, it is this inspiration that will lead you to the experience of greater freedom. You may find at first that your personality isn’t satisfied with the guidance shared from within your being, but the perspective and desires of your personality also need to shift to bring greater happiness, joy, love and peace within your being.

You may also notice that due to the greater sense and energy of freedom that you are more aware of the consequence of your actions, thoughts and creations. Your awareness of the consequences of your situation is your own creation to assist you in choosing and understanding what is appropriate for you. You truly understand when you have created a situation that doesn’t serve you, but it is often that you see it as a failing when in actual fact it helps you understand yourself more fully, you begin to recognise your own vibration, realising when you create something that is not from your true vibration but is from a limited aspect of yourself.

It is in this moment and phase of ascension that you are truly being allowed to experiment. This stage of ascension has been chosen by you because you have mastered abilities of connecting with the Creator, your truth and you have a beautiful understanding and desire to create love. In truth you can trust yourself to deal with the freedom, the responsibility and choices with and from the purest sense of love which will ensure that you do not harm or cause pain to yourself or others. It is a very beautiful reality and stage of ascension that is now unfolding for you to experience.

Enjoy the feeling of no longer being pushed to achieve goals, of no longer having boundaries and limitations. Enjoy the process of your own boundaries and limitations created by you coming to the surface and most of all enjoy becoming one and getting to know yourself more fully. It may be time to realise the reality that you are currently experiencing on the Earth, the game like quality and the powerful ability that you hold in your choices and your ability to manifest.

I am aware that there are many messages and interpretations within my message and communication with you but I wish for you to realise that you have the most beautiful gift within you of knowingness. Your ability to simply know the most perfect choice, truth and manifestation instantly within your being which will serve you and all aspects of the Creator is most beautiful and tremendously powerful, so allow yourself to use it well within your reality.

I wish to share with you an invocation to be of service to you,

‘Archangel Metatron, Beloved Creator, my soul and soul group, I call your presence and love forward to support and love me unconditionally. I ask you to assist me in listening with greater care and clarity to the intuition and knowingness within my being. I recognise my knowingness as guidance from the Creator which brings me freedom, truth and greater experiences of love. I accept my inner knowingness and am able to interpret it into my reality with ease with each new day upon the Earth.

I ask to accept the energies of freedom from the Creator deeper into my being. I realise and acknowledge I am the energy of freedom, I willingly dissolve all boundaries and limitations of my creation and let go of all energies, situations or people that represent security or a false security.

I realise that I have a powerful tool and ability of choice and manifestation; I ask that my ability is always aligned with the truth and love of the Creator and my soul. Support me as I adjust to the energy and reality of greater freedom allowing myself to become an expansive and limitless beacon of light. Assist me in understanding and experiencing this phase of freedom with tremendous ease and perfection.

Thank you.’

With blissful blessings,

Archangel Metatron


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Ann Albers – Messages From The Angels – 26 January 2013

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

The book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one’s life.

The book also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one’s life.

It also talks about the Power in “Art of Living”, “Art of Living in the Now” and the “Art of Dying” which brings awareness to how important these 3 steps are in our life, and this too will help bring about positive changes into one’s individual life NOW and therefore one’s future.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Master Key - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Master Key – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

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Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book. Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


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Ann Albers – Messages From The Angels – 26 January 2013

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we will speak about the nature of patience. As we look into your hearts dear ones we see so many of you anxious and eager to “get on” with your lives. This is wonderful! You are excited. You have dreams and plans that cause your heart to jump for joy! And while we love that you are looking to the future with such zeal, we also know that being fully immersed in your present day, celebrating what you can find to enjoy in each moment, then you will create a vibration to draw you forward into that very future you desire so much faster. For as we have said on so many occasions, the universe always provides you with a match for the energies you are sending out – both consciously and unconsciously.

For example, say you want to create a new career. When you think of doing something that fulfills you you sigh with relief. You feel excited. You can’t wait to get going. However, if you want to create that new career faster, then dear ones, don’t go into your present job with a heavy heart, saying, “I can’t wait until this is over. I can’t wait to get out of here,” because then you are not putting out the highest vibration into the universe. Instead say, “Well here I am, and I am excited that I am creating better, but let me put as much love as possible into my day, right here and right now.” In this vibration of love, all things come so much more quickly!

Likewise say you want to create more financial prosperity in your lives. By all means sit and visualize and feel how life will be like with more money. Enjoy imagining all the wonderful things you will do with this money. But if you want to create it, don’t in your very next breath allow yourself to feel trapped and limited by your current circumstances! That puts a vibration of lack out to the universe. Instead find what abundance you can find now, in this day. Look at the sunset! You are rich! Hear the birds singing! You are wealthy. God gives you so many gifts right now. Yes, we hear you right now. Appreciating the birdies doesn’t pay the bills,” you say. Dear ones, we say, yes it does, for the vibration of gratitude and a full heart will always attract everything you truly want and need. An appreciation of the richness of life seeks out and attracts more.

Patience, dear ones, comes from faith in God’s love and an understanding of how the entire universe works. Patience is an appreciation for what you have right here and right now. It is a willingness to seek the love, the abundance, the joy, right here and and right now, knowing that God loves each and every one of you so much that what you truly want and need will come in right timing, when and if you are in the energy to attract it. You have lessons to learn here upon the earth. You are exactly where you need to be.

Perhaps you need to “try out” the belief that you are loved. Every time you feel fearful or impatient, simply say, “I know you love me God. I trust you will move me in the right directions. I know you care about my heart and my dreams, because you put these dreams in my heart to begin with.” Then you go about your day, patiently knowing that God is with you and God cares. Patience should not be associated with a willingness to suffer through your days until they get better! Patience should arise naturally because you choose happiness now.

How is it you have the patience to bake a cake, but you cannot wait for your manifestations knowing that if you combine the right ingredients within yourself, and warm them with the vibrational frequency of love, surely they will arise into the heavens and give you back such sweetness? Impatience is fear wearing a mask. Impatience is pulling the cake out of the oven to check on it, to pacify your fears, and thereby ruining it. Impatience is digging the seeds you planted out of the ground to see if they have sprouted yet, thereby ruining their growth. Impatience is putting out a vibration that interferes with your creations.

So dear ones, practice patience, for in truth you are practicing living in a reality of truth, where you know and choose to focus on the fact that you are deeply and dearly loved.

God Bless you! We love you so very much.
– The Angels


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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The New Earth Energy in January 2013 – Archangel Michael – Celia Fenn

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The New Earth Energy in January 2013 – a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn

Beloved Family of Light, so your Earth has successfully navigated the 2012 Stargate and become a Multi-Dimensional Star/Planetary Being! You have Reconnected with the Sun/Solaris and with the Galactic Center, and with your Cosmic Light Body! This is indeed a Great Achievement!

But, many will say it seems as though nothing has changed! Many were expecting chaos, disaster, traumatic shifts or miracles in December 2012. But, as We have said for many years, the process of Ending and Beginning was just that….a Process…..that culminated on the 21st December 2012. And the purpose of that Process was that the Shift should be as Graceful and as Trauma-free as possible. It was something to celebrate rather than something to fear. It was not a time of judgment, but a time of Renewal and Rebirthing.

So, now that the Processes is complete and you have entered this Multi-Dimensional Space, you may ask “What Now?”. Maybe you are just a little disappointed because things seem so much the “same” and all your problems have not been miraculously solved in an instant. But, Beloved Ones, the purpose of the Shift was alwaysd to allow you to perceive your world and your Reality in a different way.

We know that you have understood that you “create your own reality”, but we wish you to comprehend fully what this means for you at this time. You were born into an Earth Reality that focussed only on the Third Dimension of Consciousness. It was limited by this and your lives were limited by what was possible in this Dimension. As a result, you created a culture based on limitation, on lack and fear. You allowed your fears to control and dominate your lives and you imprisoned yourselves in mental conflicts and systems, and you imagined that you could not escape.

Then, as you awakened to Higher Dimensions, you flowed with this awakening into the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness and you freed yourselves from limitation and opened to the infinite possibilities of the New Reality and its Multi-Dimensional nature. You were no longer a victim trapped in Time and Space, but an Infinite Being of Light incarnated in Human Form as a Human Angel.

This is where you are now, Beloved Ones. You have embraced your True Nature and recognized that your work is to Create a New Reality in this New Earth. Not to receive it ready made from Spirit, Beloveds, but to share in the ultimate adventure of Co-Creating it with Spirit in a Conscious way. We know, as you know deep inside, that there is no problem that cannot be solved in this Infinite Realm of Possibility and Love and Compassion!

We know, as you know too, that to Create a New Reality means not to focus on the past and on old problems, old energies and old traumas, but to focus your energy on what you want to create Now and in the Future.

If you focus your energy on what is wrong, what is wounded, what is broken, then that is all that you will see, and that will fill your life bringing with it anxiety and stress. If you focus your energy on what you desire to Create, on Love and Harmony and Peace, then that is what you will Create and What will fill your life. If you choose to Be the Peace and Harmony, and to Live that Peace and Harmony, then so it Will Be!

Beloved Ones, perhaps the greatest challenge facing you in 2013 is Living and Breathing the Truth of Who You Are and so Creating Peace and Harmony in your Lives! It is not enough to simply talk about it, or meditate on it, it needs to be the reality that you are Creating and Living.

This requires total honesty about your Life and your Choices. Are you living to the highest expression of your Soul in your every day Life? In your Work? In your Relationships? Do you practise Integrity, Openess, and Generosity. Do you treat yourself with Love and Respect so that you can also treat others this weay? Do you focus on Love, Joy, Compassion and Gratitude on a daily basis? Do you allow your Higher Self to guide you as you follow the flow of Divine Love and Abundance in your Life?

Do you truly allow Divine Light to Love You and Support You in this New Reality, or are you determined to hold onto the “old” you in the energies of anger, depression, and disempowered “victim”?

Beloved Ones, the Choice is Yours. In this New Earth your Reality is determined always by your Choices!

Dancing the Dream

Beloved Ones, the way that you create a New Reality and a New Future is to “Dream” that reality into Manifestation. Dreaming is not just a night time activity, but it is a conscious practice where you create a “daydream” that is a template for the expression of what you wish to create. This “daydream” can be expressed in words, color, sound, dance, poetry….a myriad of ways! In truth, you are All Stardancers of Light, moving through Time and Space….dancing your Reality into Being. Becoming Conscious of this process allows you to be a Conscious Dreamer and Dancer, dancing the incoming energies into Light and Manifestation, rather then being knocked off balance every time there is an accelerated transmission of Light Codes and Information. Strive to be at the Still Point at the center of the Dance, where movement and non-movement become One in Perfect Balance…then you will feel the Light and Poise of the Stardancer in your Life!

As you dream your individual desires and intentions become part of the great Symphony of Creative Energies that are all weaving together into Manifestation. In the Old Earth of the Third Dimension, where you were not Conscious Dreramers, you dreamed your fears and nightmares into manifestation as often as your love and joy. Now, Beloveds, that you are awakened and Conscious Dreamers, choose to dance the Dream of Love and Peace into Reality.

Beloved Family of Light, in the Ancient cultures of Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt, where there were advanced Beings who were able to connect with the Higher Dimensions, it was the Priests and Priestesses who held the Higher Frequencies in balance for the Community. They did this by forming Sacred Communities and using their highly developed Skills and Talents to anchor the Energies and Light Codes into the Earth Plane.

In the New Earth it is You, as Family of Light, who must anchor these Higher Frequencies in your Lives and in your Bodies through your own Skills and Talents! And this is not just through Meditation and Healing, but also through Creativity, Joy and Dance! The Priests and Priestesses of the Past were also Poets, Writers, Artists, Musicians, Singers and Dancers, who held the energies in what they created and in their performances within their communities. Beloved Ones, we see you too learning how to dance and sing and create your Dreams into a New Reality!

Imagine….Create….Participate……these may be the Key Words for living in the New Multi-Dimensional Reality of Light!


The act of Imagining is in fact the act of Creating another Reality. In the past, “imagination” was understood as the ability to “make up” something that was not “real”. So, an artist or writer could imagine an alternate reality, and a film director could visually create that reality so that it seemed absolutely real. When an imagined Reality is presented as a Visual Story, it takes on an aspect of such veracity that it seems like a real, alternate world. Gradually, you are beginning to understand the relationship between imagining and telling a story and creating Reality or Realities, for in truth there are always multiple Realities and Levels of Reality. reality is never a Singular construct, but the shared construction or co-creation of many people dreaming and creating together.

Now perhaps you can see how your Earth Reality was initially created by the Elohim. It was imagined into Form by the Creators of Form, the Elohim Angels, working according to the Light Codes and Impulses from the Divine Heart and Mind. Over time, they were joined by many other Light Beings who came to join in the adventure of Creation in Time and Space, until the Earth became a wonderful Test Laboratory for different forms of Life and Co-Creation, all in accordance with the Divine Plan for life in the Galaxy.

So, Beloveds, do you see that you were never simply the passive “creations” of a more powerful Deity. You yourselves were always a part of the Dream, the Creation, the great Act of Imagination…..both the Creators and the Created! You are “Dreaming” and “Imagining” within the Dream. You are empowered to Dream and Create and to Manifest the New Reality together.


So you may ask…How do I create? What do I need to know?

Firstly, you need to know yourself as you truly Are, as a powerful and empowered Creative being of Light.

Secondly, you need to Imagine and to Dream. Imagine what you would like to Create amongst all the many possibilities, and Dream that into a Story. It is your Story and your Creation. As you choose and create, your story will resonate with the stories of others, who have similar dreams and desires, and you will be drawn together to Create together. But, you must be honest about what you want to create and what you desire. If there are Inner Conflicts, then you will manifest a conflicted Reality.

And so, Beloved Ones, as the year unfolds, you will find yourselves being drawn to Dream and to Create with others. It is a Time of Co-Creation…..You are never Alone!


In the New Earth, Beloved Ones, the easiest way to share dreams and creations is to Participate!

The New Earth is about Community and Participation. It is about Co-Creation. You cannot co-create in a vacuum. You need to get out there and find the people who will Dream with you and Create with you.

In the past this Group energy was held in Temples and Sacred Sites. In the New Earth, you hold this energy when you gather together to share, to meditate, to dance, to sing and to create. You open Temporary Sacred Spaces that can energize Dreams into Manifestation.

Beloved Ones, know that wherever you Are is Sacred Space when you are Conscious and Awakened. If you hold that Truth in your Heart and you come together as a Group with the Intention of holding Sacred Space, then you will ignite and ground the Energy of Creation and Manifestation through Divine Love and Divine Creative Intelligence.

Know, therefore, that there is really nothing to fix, heal or save, Beloveds…..just a New Reality waiting to be Dreamed and Danced into Manifestation…..A New Dream waiting to be Born!

We wish you an Abundant and Joyous Adventure in 2013!

© 2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global – You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

SaLuSa 18-January-2013 – Mike Quinsey

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D

•*¨*•. .


. .._/l\_..

ॐ Namaste



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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

The book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one’s life.

The book also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one’s life.

It also talks about the Power in “Art of Living”, “Art of Living in the Now” and the “Art of Dying” which brings awareness to how important these 3 steps are in our life, and this too will help bring about positive changes into one’s individual life NOW and therefore one’s future.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Master Key - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Master Key – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book. Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


SaLuSa 18-January-2013

Nothing has put your progress back where Ascension is concerned, and all proceeds in an acceptable way. Somewhere along your path and not too far into the future, your civilization will fully ascend as planned. At that time you will have achieved a point of critical mass, and it will not depend on anything else for its success. So it is now up to you to create the circumstances by which it can be achieved, by keeping a powerful focus on all that you desire. Do not lose sight of the fact that all of the time you are creating your future, and many parallel worlds. Be sure of what it is you want and place your intent upon all that is pure and wholesome, and for the betterment of all.

Following your upliftment you are now more powerful than ever, and with the subduing of the Dark Ones little stands in your way to the fulfillment all of you had been led to expect. The world as you know it is still of the old paradigm, and has little to offer now that you have turned your back upon it. It is you however who are calling the changes, and much has already been put in place to bring about a succession of announcements, that will ensure you know that the New Age has begun. The world is in a turmoil but events planned will bring about peaceful solutions, and where needed will be backed by us. We certainly do not intend to disappear from sight, as our future is very much tied up with yours.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light are as busy as ever, as many issues concerning the changes are being sorted out. This means liaison with our allies to ensure that our plans are going to deliver what we need. Our craft have successfully kept a nuclear war at bay, which has threatened on more than one occasion of late. Such ideas no longer have any place in your world, and is the weapon of your last cabal who have been disempowered. In time all types of warfare will cease, and total world peace will be declared. Many industries connected with such activities will have to turn their hand to more useful and peaceful needs. There is no need to worry about the future job situation, as people will not suffer as a consequence of changes, as prosperity will take care of their needs.

You will be taken out of your poverty and lack, and become part of a society that will share abundance for everyone’s needs. Simply go with the flow, and know that your frustrations and disappointments will soon fade into the background. You are so far along the path to full Ascension, that it is absolutely assured to be your greatest experience so far. Afterwards you may well consider your mission to Mother Earth and duality to be complete, and return to your home planet. It will be your choice that will decide your future, and many will continue their journey with Mother Earth. The cleansing of Earth is beginning to start in earnest, and we are now active in that respect.

You will certainly begin to see more of us in your skies, because as threats against us are eliminated it will be safer for us to show ourselves. We want to leave you in no doubt as to our presence, and then First Contact will become more likely to happen. It will of course be done with the correct protocol that acknowledges the leaders of your different nations. It is not an issue we wish to force, but it is our strong desire that it shall not be put off for too long. Together we have so much to do and already know those of you who are suitable allies to participate in the changes. For this reason, some of you have already visited our ships several times, but we erase the memories to avoid an over reaction on your part. When you have other earthly responsibilities, we do not want you to become distracted and ignore them. There will be plenty of time for such things in the very near future.

We share your vision for the future where your civilization will co-exist with us as One. Where your understanding of life and its true purpose, will lead to the removal of all barriers that have been keeping you separated from each other. Already we see how you are beginning to see yourself in others, realizing that in essence you all have the same desire for peace and happiness. You can enjoy the differences in each others life styles, and in art you see a true expression of the inner person. Forget color or race, politics or religion as in time none of these will stand in the way of a great coming together. Ease of modern travel and communication have already drawn you closer. For those of you who believe in the truth of reincarnation, it is so much easier to accept what we have been referring to. You know that each of you have had lives in many different cultures, in many different countries as part of your evolutionary development.

Realize that duality is all but at an end and that you volunteered to have experience within it, and it can rightly be viewed as an experiment. It has never been your true reality yet some people have got so used to it, they are reluctant to give it up. The familiar is always going to feel comfortable, but duality and the 3rd.dimension have served their purpose and are now breaking up. It is true however, that those who wish to remain in a similar existence will have their wishes granted. God has given you freewill and will not take it away from you. Only you will give it up as you progress through the higher dimensions and become a pure Being of Light. Then you will become at One with All That Is and serve the Will of God.

At present you are but an aspect of your real self, and understandably do not grasp what a wonderful powerful soul you are. Your potential is unlimited, and the first step back to a recognition of it comes with Ascension, and your return to full consciousness. Think big as you go through this year and know that it will be quite remarkable and exciting. You will as you might say ” come of age” and the past will quickly fade into the distance, and no longer have any pull upon you. So let go and put all of your energy into helping bring the changes into manifestation. Be Love incarnate and forgive all of those who have entered your life with darkness, and give freely of your love. It is the only way to release yourself from your past, and step fully into the Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and overjoyed at your intent to push forward, and not waste your energies on what has now moved into history. The future belongs to you, so make sure it is what you truly desire.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

The Journey Ahead — The Great Divine Director- 20 Jan 2013- by Tazjima

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D

   •*¨*•. .


. .._/l\_..

ॐ Namaste



Become your OWN Life Coach TODAY!


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

The book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one’s life.

The book also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one’s life.

It also talks about the Power in “Art of Living”, “Art of Living in the Now” and the “Art of Dying” which brings awareness to how important these 3 steps are in our life, and this too will help bring about positive changes into one’s individual life NOW and therefore one’s future.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book. Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


The Journey Ahead — The Great Divine Director, 20 Jan 2013, by Tazjima

The Journey Ahead – The Great Divine Director—20 January 2013, by Tazjima

I AM the Great Divine Director, a Cosmic Being who serves Father/Mother God on the blue ray of God’s Will and Divine Mind.  I, too, have walked the path of Ascension and have served as a mentor to many of those who came behind me, including the Master Jesus.  Together with Lord Sananda, the higher Self of Master Jesus, as well as the Ascended Masters, Angelic hosts and the Galactic Federation, we serve to assist those who are embodied on earth and now in the process of bringing the new world into being.

Nearly a month has gone by since the great Shift and we see the people of Earth breaking into camps. Of those who used to be proud to call themselves Lightworkers, there are some who appear to be at a loss of just how to approach light work or even what it is.  Miracles were expected and when they did not occur, disappointment and even anger has emerged, much of it directed to those who do seem to be tuning into the new energies that are available.

We will say this—the new energies are subtle and do demand that one turn their attention from the outer world and into the inner.  For those who are impatient and critical of themselves and others, this will prove difficult.  One must learn to calm the emotional body in order to benefit from the energies that are still bombarding your planet. There is a manner of play on your world popular with those who live on coastlines called surfing.  In these new energies, it is possible to learn to surf them with your emotional body as your guide.  This is not a new concept, but one that needs to be considered in this period of transition.  The key here is “play”.  Spiritual living is not all work.  In fact, you will discover that much of it involves being willing to play and find enjoyment in life, just not at the cost of others as it has been in the past on your world.

Since you still live in a physical world, the transitional period will continue for some time, although you will discover that “time” has less and less meaning to you.  There are still institutions that must fail, warring factions that must drop their weapons and the underlying powers that were who must face that their time is at an end and has been for some time.

These ones are highly resistant to accepting the possibility that their cycle has been completed and that the energies of Heaven are now favoring the creation of a new world, one that does not include themselves as rulers and potentates, or even as those mysterious ones jerking the strings from behind a curtain of unbelievable wealth and power.

During this transitional period there will be a continued exposure of the work of the dark forces, who even now are in the process of breaking up and scattering.  Their deeds and misdeeds, their plots and subplots, their plans and plans within plans are all in the process of being exposed and so there is an appearance of even more darkness than before.

Those who still expend their energies in pursuit of this darkness, who are even drawn to it like a ship into a dangerous whirlpool, will find themselves at a loss in the new energies.  For their continued hunt of the ones who have done evil deeds will not be supported by the new energies, which are love.  The power of the Universe will no longer support hate, anger, greed or competition or any other set of emotions that are intended to put others into a fearful state.

To approach this new world wisely, one must let go of the pursuit of looking better than someone else for cooperation and eventually unity thinking is the new mode of thinking and being that will take command of those who are in pursuit of working together to create their version of the new world.

As the transitional period continues, each one of you might consider learning to calm your expectations about what you think should have happened as compared to what happened or did not happen when the Shift occurred – for occur it did whether or not you are aware of the changes that are affecting your world at this very moment.

Dig in and find that peace of presence that is within your heart center.  For those who are skeptical and have never experienced the warmth of the heart, there is an opportunity now to take advantage of the influx of the still very powerful and supportive cosmic energies to discover this unseen and unfelt portion of Self that exists, centered in your chest cavity, yet on a vibrational level such that it cannot be detected by your scientists’ crude machinery. The heart center is the heart of the emotional body and exists in a finer density, slightly higher vibrational level than your physical body.  You could say that it rests in the middle plane of fourth dimension, while your physical body hovers between the upper third and lowest plane of the fourth dimensions.

We would direct you – if you are willing – to experiment, by sitting quietly and breathing long breaths, slowly in and out.  Visualize a small flame within your breast, just under your sternum, that is glowing like a small campfire in the darkness.  Feel into the details.  The flame is actually three in one, that curl and wrap around each other in constant motion.  Feel the colors – blue, golden yellow and pink – a holy trinity that is present within each human no matter what their allegiance is, whether to dark or light. For without this flame, which is the attachment point in the body along with the pineal gland, for the soul, your body would have no life.  It is your connection to Heaven, to your soul body and to your Monad and greater Self, your multidimensional Self that exists in many worlds and planes.

These words of ours bring nothing new to those who have been actively on the spiritual path for years during this lifetime, but there are many who are now beginning to follow the path set that lack the experience and inner awareness that are now opening to the possibility of parts of themselves existing outside and inside the physical body.  The borders of consciousness are beginning to blur.  It is a transitional state that one must go through as you become acquainted with the unity energies that are even now tugging at your heart and mind.

Moving from a state of separation into one of unity consciousness does take a while for many, for they have to be willing to reform the very foundations of their world, to take that step into seeming air, off the cliff, like the Fool of the Tarot.  It is a time to proceed slowly, gently and with great consideration for your own health, by resting more, finding quiet time and sharing with like-minded individuals who are supportive of your efforts.  It is not the time to criticize oneself or others or to seek comparison.

It is becoming very apparent that ascension is a very individual process even as your world ascends.  Those who focus on working with themselves, by consciously releasing old patterns of being and doing, by continuing their meditations, by discovering what brings joy into their life, by finding little moments to share laughter, these are the ones who will excel in bringing the new energies into their own bodies and harnessing them for the ascension process.  They are acting as pioneers for those who will follow in their wake.  The difficulties that they are willing to take on will smooth the way for those who choose to follow, although perhaps not directly, in their energetic footsteps.

Each one who is willing to undertake the journey will have to discover their way.  It can no longer be defined directly through a course or a book or by reading the messages of others.  Each individual will find a portion of a book, a bit of a sentence or a word from a friend or a spark of inner intuition — an “ah, ha” moment–as the needed catalyst to make that next step.  The path taken will be individual and tailored to each one as their soul dictates, according to their future roles and the lessons needed to complete the journey.

How you approach this is your concern for each person’s path is extremely individualistic.  Therefore, it is a waste of time to criticize and compare for those modes of thinking were built from separatist thinking, from division and power over competition, which automatically sets up some to win and others to fail.

We feel that those who continue to engage in separatist thinking are afraid of stepping from the known and into the unknown, the unseen sea of possibilities that now exists.  For them, it is more comfortable to remain separate, where they can distinguish their boundaries by comparing themselves with another person or group.  This is their choice, if they wish to remain so, but they will find themselves falling behind as the planet continues its journey into the fifth dimension.  We will honor their free will.

The old energies cannot exist in the new world – there will no place for them there and no place for those individuals or groups who chose to hang on to the old manner of thinking and being.  There are other places where they will be welcomed; it just will not be on the new earth.

So, a time of choosing your direction has come again.  Realize, dear ones, that you make this choice in every moment that you exist within the frequency of Earth, for she is a testing ground for all souls, no matter what their origin.  When you take physical embodiment, your soul is gambling that its extension will be able to overcome the veil of separation and make the connection, to phone home as it were and come into an awareness of its true being, that of being one part of a vast Being, extending from earth to the highest heaven.

The testing ground of Earth has been and still is a severe one for souls and not all are given a passing grade, but must find they must continue to recycle through lifetime after lifetime filled with imaginary suffering in an effort to instill a need to seek within on a journey of self-discovery and find that hidden garden in which the eternal flame burns, within each person who walks this earth.

The time allotted for this particular planet to remain a severe school house is coming to an end.  The end is gradual, allowing a diminishment of the energies of separation and a growth of the energies of unity – an uncomfortable period of adjustment for many as they must let go of what is known and step into what is unknown and unchartered for the most part. It is this very uncertainty over the future that drives the anger, disappointment and criticism, the continued retention or hanging onto fear, as being an energy that is known, over the energies of love and openness.

To open oneself up to your own awareness and scrutiny is to invite the possibility of self-criticism for there will always be those things in your past, those decisions or deeds of which you are not proud.  Yet we tell you now, dear ones, no matter what you have done or not done, you are forgiven by Heaven.  The hardest thing to do, the first thing you must do in order to proceed upon your journey of discovery is to forgive yourself.  Until you do this, you will make no headway – your sails will be set contrary to the flow of the winds and you will remain stagnant, not making progress.

It has been suggested that to ascend one only needed to cruise or flow with the energies.  In doing so, there must still be a willingness to look at what comes up for inspection and then to let it go.  You may find yourself in a process of letting go of material objects, changing the way you eat, exercising more or even less, reading new books, finding new friends, moving to another state or even country, in short doing things that you would not have even considered in the old energies.

To those who are still holding onto their favorite fears, let go.  Let go and sink into the warm currents that surround and bathe your body every minute, day and night.  As you let go of the carping intellect and learn to tune into your feelings and intuition, you will discover that lifeline that will direct you towards a new way of being.  It will be different for each one of you; yet will work in synergistic ways to bring you, ultimately, into a new way of life, one that is healthy and life-affirming for each individual and all of life at the same time.

Feeling and using the emotional body as your guide, discovering your intuition – which is the manner in which your soul communicates to you in the earlier periods – is a way to start the journey if you have not done so already, a journey that each one of you will make in the coming days, months and years as your planet continues on hers. As you connect and use the intuition, you will eventually become aware of a tiny, small voice within.  Do not be afraid of this voice – it is the voice of your greater Being.  The science of psychology and psychiatry has given those who experience “voices” the fear that they might be going crazy and need to be put on drugs to deaden the voices.

There is a difference between the voices of the negative entities that do continue to afflict troubled individuals and that of the voice of the soul and the ascended portions of your own greater Being.  The difference can be ascertained in the “feeling” of the energy—one is negative and destructive of self and others, while the voice of the soul is quiet as to be almost non-existent, patient and yes, sometimes even funny.  The lesson here is to be able to distinguish what voice is what.

When you have connected with the higher mode of communication, others will appear.  Also, learn the means of basic self-protection by working with Archangel Michael and the White Crystalline Energies to create a mantle of protection as you work.  Many books and experienced light workers have suggestions for such meditations.  Take one of them and adopt it to your own use in a way that works for you.

Channeling is a natural means of communication between the greater Being and the human on earth.  There are many means of channeling and one does not need to sit at a computer or speak to others in order to be channeling.  Writers, musicians, artists, dancers, inventors, creative cooks, gardeners, architects and many others are channeling higher energies when their works bring the participant and those who witness the works a sense of beauty, wonder, delight and comfort.

Each of you must discover your own way to ascension, your own gifts to present to the world and what your own mission entails.  The key to discovery, self-discovery is through the heart, the place where the programming exists that will open the new world, your new world, to you.  It is up to you to take that first step, by letting go of fear and stepping out into the open, as shaky as a newborn fawn, into a bright new world, filled with endless wonders to be discovered by all who are willing to go forward into the new dawn.

We wish you well on your journey.  We are ever there beside you.  Call upon us for guidance and comfort if you will, but the greatest portion of the work ahead, initially, will be yours, as we must let you proceed to master co-creation in the healing of your planet, yourselves and each other.  Discover the joy of living in the moment as you follow the inner urgings and markers on your new journey to self-discovery in the creation of a new world.  A new journey and a new world beckon you forward, but you must take the first steps.  Namaste, dear ones; I walk ever beside you.

Thank you, beloved Great Divine Director.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

“By using the Invocation and encouraging others to use it,

no particular group or organisation is sponsored.

It belongs to all humanity.”


Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D


ॐ Namaste



Become your OWN Life Coach TODAY!


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

The book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one’s life.

The book also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one’s life.

It also talks about the Power in “Art of Living”, “Art of Living in the Now” and the “Art of Dying” which brings awareness to how important these 3 steps are in our life, and this too will help bring about positive changes into one’s individual life NOW and therefore one’s future.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


January 13-20, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As you go about your daily life, you are beginning to notice shifts within your bodies and within your consciousness. It is now becoming much easier to stay in equilibrium most of the time, even when changes occur that might have been unexpected or unforeseen. Life just seems to flow in a harmonious and synchronistic way and as you stay attuned to this flow, living in a physical body upon this Planet becomes easier and more filled with grace.

Many of you are experiencing intense heat at various times in your body which comes during or shortly after a download of higher energies and activations. Some of you are experiencing times of the shortness of oxygen or the feeling that you find it hard to get a good breath of air into your lungs. This too, is a symptom that is temporary and has to do with being in a higher frequency level within your auric field. This could be likened to the mountain climbers who scale Mt. Everest, as they get to the higher elevations, the air becomes thinner and more rarefied. There are products on the natural food market that can give assistance with this such as oxygen drops or a daily regimen of vigorous breathing in and out to help your comfort level.

It is time to remind you Dear Ones once again about staying grounded into the core of the Earth. This will help you to integrate the higher energies in a more graceful manner and also help you to walk your path being fully present upon the planet as you bring in more of your higher aspects. If you do not remember to ground yourselves, you can find yourselves losing focus and being unable to complete projects that you are starting or have already implemented. You are each, the bridges between heaven and earth, and so it is a responsibility to self to ensure that this task is one that comes from a balanced energetic body of Light.

There are so many of you discovering the treasures that have lain dormant for eons within yourselves. Many talents are now beginning to surface and it behooves each of you to become an observer and an enabler of all that wants to rise up from within you. There are also skills and talents from previous and future lifetimes that are now coming into your auric field for recognition, assimilation and development. It really is a most exciting time for all souls to inhabit a physical body upon the planet Earth!

Watch your thoughts as they surface, for now you are gaining the ability to make choice as to whether to embrace them or to just let them pass through you and away from you. The possibilities within each thought carries an infinite variety of outcomes depending upon where you place your attention. Truly, your mastership training is in full swing and as you realize your co-creatorship with the Infinite One, you will realize that what you create, you are responsible for, for now the manifestation of your creations will happen more quickly so that you can observe that you are indeed the creator. This will become much easier as you become accustomed to seeing your manifestations appear to you more quickly. Profound times and inner revelations are ahead for all who have done the work.

Until next time…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.



Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

The Divine Mother – Tazjima

Who AM I ? – Info – Transform – Life – How to – Self – Soul – Spirit – Mind – Personal – Spiritual – Growth – Help – Awareness – Discovery – Realization – Motivation – Thoughts – Teaching – Inspiration – Information – God – Angel – Ascended – Masters – Enlightenment – Love – Meditation – Rebirth – How to


Welcome to the GOLDEN AGE 🙂 in 5D


ॐ Namaste



Become your OWN Life Coach TODAY!


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.


Book - The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus

Book – The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends On The Thoughts Of The User. E-Book or Paperback

“The most important thing in your life is your own be-ing. Without knowing the essence of your being, your heart will always remain empty and dis-satisfied. Without recognition of who you are, without inwardly awakening you stumble like a drunkard through a maze of meaningless limitations.” Quote from The minds use-fullness depends on the thoughts of the user.

Alchemy for Self Transformation - Self Healing - Self Motivation - Self Realisation

Alchemy for Self Transformation – Self Healing – Self Motivation – Self Realisation


Today…We are going to fly high. E-Book or Paperback

“Transform your life by acting differently.”

“Re-write your thinking to change your life for the better.”

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.

Inspire and uplift your own life with this simplistic yet life changing Positive Power and Motivational book.


If you are feeling creative and inspired then click here and leave a positive and uplifting comment for the world to read!


As channeled by Tazjima – January 11, 2013

I AM the Divine Mother.

Beloved ones, we wish to welcome you into your new world now that you’ve had a week or two to feel out the new energies. While it still may not be apparent to many people that anything happened during the Shift, we can assure you that much has indeed happened. As was witnessed by some who are presently embodied on the planet among you, the very structure that previously supported the third dimension has been removed by those great Beings who constructed it in the first place. Your world and everything upon it has been moved up into the 4th dimension and will now move gradually into the 5th dimension, as more people begin to feel the heart-based feminine energies that are now available to anyone.

The work done by the light workers on the planet has been extraordinary, your devotion to the cause exemplary. Now the entire Universe will benefit from your work, as well as that portion of the Earth’s population who are yet unawake, but whose Higher Selves wish for them to also ascend. We thank you for your astonishing generosity of spirit, beloved ones of the collective of humanity.

For those of you who are still dissatisfied with the outcome of Shift, we apologize profusely for any misunderstandings or expectations that were not met. Part of the misunderstanding, if one existed, stems from semantics, the use of language and the ability of our messengers to accurately convey our messages. Another part of the “problem”, if one exists, is that sometimes the human mind (and ego) has difficulty in understanding that we work on a different time frame. We do not work from dates, but from levels of energy. And there are always changes in plans.

However, the time period of 12/12/12 to 12/23/12 was quite extraordinary. Due to the very expectations, hopes and desires of those focusing on the potentiality of ascension, your combined efforts enabled the legions of Heaven to lift up the planet and humanity into a lighter vibration, lower density plane. As we have stated earlier, a transformation of your world has taken place, just not in the manner expected by some.

It will take some time, in your terms, for the changes to be apparent in the physical. However, those among you who are particularly sensitive have already experienced a noticeable difference in the energies. Those who have the gift and ability of clairvoyance have witnessed a change in the light radiating from the planet and surrounds; the darkness that had invaded the lower dimensions of your world is gone. All that formerly supported the continuance of the rigid structure of three-dimensional life is now gone. All the structures that were created in 3D are now without inner support; like a building from which the primary supports have been withdrawn, they will collapse. Still, patience is required for those who look to see outward changes.

We remind you, gently, to first look within if you desire to see and experience changes in your world. You are all co-creators; your thoughts as a collective create the world in which you live. Although multiple timelines do exist and intermingle, it is still up to the collective of the timeline in which you find your major focus that will determine what you experience.

We encourage you to leave the structures of the old energy to fall into decay on their own. Placing your focus upon them or resisting them in any way gives these structures power, at least for a short time. Focus instead on your own inner journey. You have all done the work, whether in full consciousness or not; at some level your multidimensional being has been involved in the great Shift, the one long predicted by many cultures across the globe.

In Heaven, we work with long cycles. This Shift was expected for a long time as it came at the end of one world and the beginning of another. Yet with all change, there is some cross-over and gradual loosening of old bonds and ways of thinking that need to be done, even as new ways of living and thinking become more common with the passage of time.

You, our beloved and hard-working light-workers, are needed here on the planet, to continue to hold the light and to be examples of how to live in the new energies. We encourage you to play with the energies, first to see if you do sense any differences. Some light-workers, although very awake, aware and able have not yet tapped into their higher abilities (clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and others). Do not fret or be disturbed by this apparent lack that you may be experiencing. As the tension and stress attributed to the old energies begins to leave your bodies, you will begin to naturally open up to feeling, seeing and hearing new things. Other abilities will also manifest as your higher selves begin to be able to merge and anchor into your physical body.

Work on learning to balance and calm your emotional body, as it is one of the sensitive bodies that absorb a lot of information, but which is blocked when you are upset, angry, and anxious or in fear. Clearing the emotional body of fear will enable you to access higher functions of intuition. And do learn to take a moment or two (or much longer) to spend time with yourself in a quiet place so you can listen, simply listen for the quiet voice within. If you feel that it is yourself talking in your head, you are correct. What is being said is another issue. If your ego is trying to dominate the conversation, the message will be controlling, even negative in its wording. In contrast, the voice of your higher self will be gentle, calm and sometimes even funny. Our messenger can attest to the humor of her guides; she has enjoyed many a chuckle or laugh due to a wry comment or two.

There is much to learn or remember for now you are opening up to the realization that you are truly multidimensional beings, existing at once on many different planes. Your higher bodies communicate with other soul extensions and members of their soul monad or families, as well as communicate with other greater beings whose “bodies” encompass planets, stars and even Universes. We do not relate this to make you feel intimidated, but to encourage you to explore your new world, step by step, in a manner that will not lead to overwhelm.

Seasoned light-workers are being situated to offer assistance, if needed, along the way to fifth dimensional living and you may call on us, Father-Mother God, the archangels, the angels and ascended masters, as well as upon your galactic brethren for assistance. For now, this assistance will be mostly on an energetic level, but in time when more of your population are feeling better adjusted, our assistance will become more physically apparent. Particular dates and predictions will not be given out as that only leads to expectations and disappointments.

To quicken your own personal ascension, we encourage you to look out sources to teach you meditation and relaxation techniques. Listen to how you feel about anything that you explore. If your body begins to tighten up and you feel stressed or anxious, then whatever you are exploring is not for you. You are in charge of your ascension. It is a process, but can be speeded up according to how much you apply yourself to the “work”.

And there will be some who float naturally along with the energies and do not have to do any work that is apparent to an onlooker. However, be aware that many light-workers have embodied with little or no karma, and have already attained ascension in other worlds and planes numerous times. They are here with you to anchor a greater light quotient to keep the energy level of the general population high enough to sustain the continuance of the ascension process for all. In doing this sacred work, they are contributing to the Whole of Creation, for the entire Universe is being affected by the work being done here.

We are quite pleased by what has taken placed on Earth. From the darkest, most dense planet of the third dimension she has literally been transformed. And she will, again, take her rightful place as one of the most beautiful planets existing within this Universe. We hope that many of you will choose to linger upon her as she is raised up in vibration and becomes as bright as a star. There is much to be done to heal her physical body, but also much potential for the use of creative energies to assist in this work of the new age.

If you are still experiencing disappointment and sorrow, please call upon us for comfort. Our nurturing feminine energies can bring a relaxation and release to whatever is bothering you. It is possible that you also may need to work on journaling or doing some other inner kinds of work as this great change will bring up much that needs to be healed. In the process of everyday living in 3D, much was stuffed down in order to be able to function in the restricted manner in which the 3D world required. While it was never meant to be so restrictive, it became so. The resulting traumas and emotional upsets are still stored in the tissue and cells of your physical body, manifesting as pain, heat or cold. Call upon the healing angels and the gentle Arcturians to assist you in these healings.

We encourage you to release now all judgment of those who participated in the darkest episodes (and to some degree, still persist) of your old world; they will have to undergo a life review upon leaving this world. We can assure you that self-judgment is far more severe than anything that the heavenly hosts would choose to dish out. These ones will suffer remorse and even dismay at what they have done when they experience it through their own bodies. Leave that punishment and vengeance to the out-playing of natural law. And work on releasing your own sense of self-judgment that has been taken on in as a result of living in a constrictive environment with many laws and expectations, most of them false, unattainable or designed to control and intimidate the population.

In our eyes, you are perfect. As you expand your sense of self, you will also begin to experience the wonder of your being. You are all beautiful light beings, whose light brilliantly shines through the massive aura of your planet. We love all of you and admire your determination to sustain the work through many lifetimes, despite all of the resistance, pain and trauma that you have endured.

There will come a time when you will be able to review much of what has transpired here, to see and even experience some of your currently suppressed history, that which has been untold or buried by your erstwhile controllers. Much will be revealed. Much will astonish you. You have worked hard and the way will become easier as you move into the new energies. Be open to what comes.

There will be much opportunity and changes coming for those who are able to focus their intent and dreams into being. It is a wondrous new world that you are entering. A child-like sense of wonder, an ability to open your mind to possibilities and a determination to meet the challenges that will come will give all a new sense of being alive.

You have finally struck free of the bonds that held you back. Use your creative powers to create the world in which you want to live. Bring it into manifestation and discover the wonders of your multidimensionality, as well as the endless opportunities, joy and wonders that will unfold to those who go forth with eyes open and senses expectant.

Beloved ones, we love you so much. Go forth with our blessings. We wish you well on your journey of discovery. Namaste.

Thank you, beloved Divine Mother.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.



Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Come join me at my Personal Development Blog

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂