Hilarion – March 27 – April 3, 2016

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A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!



Hilarion – March 27 – April 3, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference! Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you.

Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious!

You are not alone in this transformation; the entire world is in the throes of great change. It begins in the minute cells of every living thing upon the planet and it is being felt internally. It is important as we have stressed many times before, to connect to the Earth each day. Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you. This is something that humanity as a whole needs to become more aware of, for it is the Earth your planet that is your home. There is only one Earth and it needs acknowledgement and love from its inhabitants.

Each day ask your Divine Essence to shift your consciousness in order that you see your individual circumstances through the higher perspective. A higher connection to the divinity within you can make your way through life more peaceful and harmonious. This also develops the qualities of trust and courage within you. Trust that all that is experienced by you and your loved ones are happening for a higher reason and purpose. If we could share one most important piece of advice at this moment in time, it would be that you begin the daily practice of blessing. Bless every circumstance that you find yourself in and look within for the gift it contains. Bless the loved ones with whom you are experiencing challenges, for they are being the courageous souls who agreed to play this role in order that you learn your soul lessons and grow beyond them. They took this on because of their love for you.

Bless every bird, every animal, every tree, every plant, and living thing within your immediate environment. Realize that everything you see is the Source of All That Is in physical manifestation. This is practicing the highest form of love in action and it is what is needed now. Do not allow distractions to take you away from this practice. Realize and become aware of the cycles that are occurring on the planetary and seasonal level and work in unison with them. You are an integral part with all of it and your love helps to maintain and sustain it. In everything that occurs, choose love as your response.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

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2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.




Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: It Becomes Necessary to do Regular Purging

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: It Becomes Necessary to do Regular Purging

hilarion2Beloved Ones,

The only constant during these times is change – and one must be ready and willing to move into the direction that one’s reality mirrors back to them as it occurs. By following these signs that show the way, one begins to live a life of cosmic adventure which becomes filled with wondrous synchronicities and occurrences.

You must be willing to release old patterns, energies and material holdings when their use, enjoyment and implementation in your life have been fulfilled. In these times, it becomes necessary to do regular purging of many items which have outlived their usefulness and the willingness to pass them on to others who can still benefit from them.

Know that the universe always replaces them with something even better and more befitting your soul’s expansion into broader horizons of illuminated living.

This practice of regular culling of everything in your life that has old and stale energies will reward you a million times over. You will be amazed at the magnificence that rushes in to take its place. As you begin to understand the concepts of healthy detachment from the things of the physical world, you regain the sense of personal freedom and liberation to live a more sovereign and abundant life.

You begin to realize that things are nice to have and enjoy in your life but that once their purpose is done, it is easy to let them go. You begin to know that the world you live in is very rich and that there is always more than enough for all. This also opens up avenues of creativity that may have been blocked before. In every sense, your feeling of aliveness in every moment is increased exponentially.

As your inherent internal Light becomes more radiant and luminous, there will be those others in this world that seek to dim that Light so that their level of comfort in their confusion and darkness may continue. Be at peace as you acknowledge their attempt to distract and dim your Light; for you do not owe them the right to diminish you in any way. You are most worthy of all the love in the universe! Send them Light and love and detach from them.

No one has the right to put down or diminish another just for the fun of it – this practice or habit has been in use by people throughout the ages and it must stop. ALL are worthy of God’s love and Light! ALL have the same opportunity to grow, learn and expand their understanding of universal laws and to enjoy an abundant life filled with purity, harmony and goodness.

You do not have to justify your existence and presence in this world to anyone! You have a right to be here just as much as they do and indeed, it shows great arrogance on their part to assume superiority over you just for being who you are. Be at peace always and know that you are loved and supported by your Family of Light.

Take proper time to discern what is actually occurring when it happens and do not engage this negative energy. It is unfortunate that these psychic attacks can and do still occur but you are becoming more proficient in distancing yourself from them without incurring karma for your soul.

Set your sights and your standard of conduct at the highest level and never look back or sideways when there are attempts made to diminish your Light and lead you astray from the spiritual path and discipline you have chosen. Do this without judgement, just knowing that it is not for you to partake of this energy that tries to displace you from your own healthy sense of self esteem.

By this action, you enable others to free themselves from similar situations that might occur in their lives. This is how the Light of the Divine grows and expands upon your world.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

View video by clicking here

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.



Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.



Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: February 2, 2016

Sheldan-Nicle-PAO8 Etznab, 11 Yax, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Everything continues to move forward. This very complex process is being carefully guided by a series of new security measures to ensure quality control.

This has been added to by the irregularities of a number of banks and other such institutions that serve as the appointed monitors for the various ancient families and European royals that are part of this operation. We expect for this whole process of special wires and deliveries to take less than a month.

We simply ask that you remain patient and ready to put your blessings in safe and secure bank accounts, which you have privately prepared for this process. The present governments are on their last legs and we expect to hear the required announcements shortly.

This series of developments are to pave the way for our first public announcements concerning the mass landings. We first want to give you a general explanation of what we intend to do. Then we want to give you a basic understanding of our mentor program.

There has been a millennia-long interrelationship between surface humanity, Agartha and us. This secret project is now reaching a point where it can easily be made public. The dark cabal understands what this sudden disclosure means. It is one that threatens to collapse the contrived realm built since the end of your Second World War.

In the past sixty years a secret global government has grown up, dedicated to forming a permanent dictatorship. This massive effort is presently being dismantled by your brave and dedicated actions to support the Light’s agenda. The rising consciousness of this realm has made all of this possible.

This process has been aided, too, by the many actions of the Agarthans to ensure that a new financial system is to be the precursor for new worldwide governance. All of this gives us signs that quite soon we can at last formally contact you!

Our liaisons, which are serving among those groups that are dedicated to your triumph, are quite confident that a new world is being quickly manifested.

This new realm is one in which you are to be freed from the shackles of debt slavery. It is interesting to note that this new era is to be one founded on monetary abundance. Long ago, the ancient families were approached by the Masters to serve as a depository for part of the sequestered funds accumulated over the centuries by Heaven’s ascended servants.

These huge amounts of gold and other precious items are the core for a time when currency ceases to be the source of wealth. This new age is to be founded upon the principle of your abilities being the reason for your ‘wealth.’ There are many among you who have been unable to break out of the chains imposed by debt slavery and the skewed distribution of wealth.

This new time is to alter this and permit all to achieve their potential. This process is to unleash a sudden unprecedented harvest of invention and ingenuity. We look forward to playing our part in helping you to achieve this most welcome miracle!

As you begin to loosen the shackles of your restricted past, remember deep in your heart the distant origins of this long imprisonment. You are on a journey that is to return you to full consciousness and permit you to be who you really are.

The dark is losing the ability to limit how you think, act and feel. You are starting to rebuild the connections to each other that were initially lost due to the sudden nature of your transformation into beings of limited consciousness and ability.

This coming time is when you start to remember who you were and why you are truly here. Our divine task is to nurture this process and to use our abilities to end your hidden fears and worries. You are to transition back to a world where death and aging is no longer the thing that secretly drives you.

You are to relearn a life pattern that was natural to you before the dark Atlanteans swiftly altered you and cast you into a seemingly endless ‘long night of the swords.’ You are to again become one with the Light! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!

We arrive filled with joy! Many great things are to begin this week. The process of readying the blessings for delivery continues! It has taken longer than at first expected by our numerous associates. Nevertheless, a long delivery operation is reaching a special crescendo.

This month promises to see not only deliveries but also the rise of new governance and the formal implementation of a new financial system. In this regard, a series of final agreements are making it possible to set up exactly how the new worldwide financial system is to be rolled out.

Our associates are, moreover, preparing the final lists and formal warrants that are to be the basis for a dramatic arrest of numerous major financial figures across this globe. This global event is to finally ensure that the dark cabal is broken and unable in any way to influence what is to happen next.

It is therefore vital, my Blessed friends, that you maintain focus and remain able to broadcast your positive vision of this newly manifesting reality. We are also joining together to amplify this divine vision and to combine it with sacred decrees from Heaven.

This new era is initially to be one in which you learn an amazing amount of truth. Take this in and prepare yourselves for a path that is to bring you to a divine precipice, which is to be the beginnings of full consciousness. Our mission is to use our divine guidance and supervisor missions to permit you to accept what we are to teach you.

During the past 13,000 years, a history was carried out that you were completely unaware of. This needs first to be corrected and then carefully gone over again and again. Knowing this is preliminary to what Heaven and your space families are to explain.

This new knowledge is to free you from a philosophical set of manipulations that the Anunnaki and their minions used to control you. This new era is one in which Heaven is to ready you to return to your initial role of being a guardian to Gaia and her varied ecosystems.

Life is precious and you need to discover how to properly care for it. You are also to meet your Inner Earth family. With them, you are to create a new star nation and work hand in hand to manifest the sacred decrees of Heaven throughout this vast solar system.

We are excited by our new duties and are to prepare you for a number of sacred tasks. This process is to start after the new governances are in place and have given you a new set of edicts, which are to forge new relationships between you and Gaia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued to inform you about what is occurring. This realm is now on the verge of great changes that are to finally end your long journey through darkness and contrived manipulation. Take this new wisdom and use it to transform this realm and to accept your coming role to spread a message of Light and Love throughout this galaxy!

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, February 2, 2016, at http://www.paoweb.com/sn020216.htm


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: You Are The Light and That is Your True Identity

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: You Are The Light and That is Your True Identity

hilarion2Beloved Ones,

Upon you, Beloved Ones, rest the strength and stability of your world. You are the adventurers stepping into the unknown and bravely experiencing every moment of it. As you do this you are setting the template of the new Earth reality.

As more of you take up this mantle, your Light and the Light in the world grows exponentially. We have said this many times before but it bears repeating often, for it is easy to forget as the affairs of the world around you catch you in their dramas, of which there are many. Repeat to yourselves often that you ARE the Light and that is your true identity.

The world you live on is very rich and there are enough resources for all but there are those who feel that only they must be in control of all of it. This is going to rapidly change as we venture further into the flow of the cosmic energies. As the energies of love grow ever stronger, hearts that have been closed will begin to open and these ones, too, will begin to change their ways as they realize a better way to live and be.

There will be more cooperation and willingness to listen to the voices of protest that grow ever more demanding and insistent on justice and true equality for all who live and move upon this world. It will become a world that supplies the needs of all. This of course, will take some time, but the end result and outcome will be a happy one.

Continue to believe in magic and see it! Many of you are capturing the wonders of the world around you in pictures and sharing these amongst yourselves and with many who never contemplated or were open to explore new ideas and concepts such as the presence of other forms of life that exist in the same space as they. These pictures are opening up their consciousness in ways that were not possible before.

As you share these gifts of wonder, many wonderful changes begin to take place within each individual who gazes upon them. This opens them to re-experience the joy and wonder that they used to feel and experience when they were but children and will return these qualities to them in abundance.

The former structures in the world’s systems are continuing to change and this will become more evident in the daily lives of everyone upon the planet. The focus of the world’s leaders will be on the accommodation of meeting the needs of all citizens and not on just the few, for the people of the world will insist upon this in ever increasing numbers.

The outmoded ways of doing business and commerce will take a turn for the better in terms of a fairer distribution and use of the resources at hand. People will be questioning whether the further exploitation of some of these resources is even necessary and will insist on developing new technology and alternatives that have a lesser impact upon the vital life force of their planet and its inhabitants.

So you see that your determined focus on increasing and expanding the Light within you has an inherent benefit for everyone, for it opens the way for new ideas and innovations to come through into manifestation. This was not possible even a few short years ago. That which was impossible now becomes possible! Look to the increase of new technology and inventions that have as their aim, the betterment of the quality of life for everyone.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Excerpts of the messages as short quotations in written reviews is given permission by the scribe.
www.therainbowscribe.com       www.movingintoluminosity.com

Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.

“Hilarion: You ARE The Light and That is Your True Identity,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, January 31, 2016, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2016.htm


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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The Magic of the Flower of Life by the Andromedans -Natalie Glasson

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


The Magic of the Flower of Life by the Andromedans – Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 29th January 2016

flower of life 1.jpg

The Flower of Life is an ancient sacred geometry symbol and template delivered to humanity from the Universe of the Creator.

Often used to represent the connection of all souls within the source of the Creator upon the inner planes, this symbol was given to humanity as a reminder of their inner plane existence and oneness with the Creator. The symbol or template of light reminds humanity of the eternal peace and love between all beings as well as the presence of the Creator within all. Meditating gazing upon or imagining the Flower of Life can bring forth this message and so much more inspiration to awaken your Godly/Creator remembrance, which is the innocence and truth of your being.

The Flower of Life symbol and energetic template has always been shared between civilisations upon the inner planes however, we the Andromedans are bringing forth an awakening instigated by the power of this symbol for those on the Earth and the inner planes. We wish to further awaken the energies of peace, love and unity within all in order to create a boost in the presence of the Creator.

We, the Andromedans have accessed the Flower of Life template which exists within the core energy of our consciousness as a civilisation to bring forth a template born from our unity with the Creator. Every soul whether on the Earth or the inner planes holds the Flower of Life energetic template and symbol within their energy and being, we wish to activate this into manifestation. Recognising and manifesting our Flower of Life or more appropriately Flower of Light symbol we then begun the process of sharing our Flower of Life born from our energies with other souls throughout the universe of the Creator. We invited each soul to take the Flower of Life into their heart chakras through a specific practice of receiving. As the symbol rested in their heart chakras it transformed merging with their own Creator presence. Not only did the symbol gift the soul necessary wisdom, keys, light and love, it also shared the purpose and meaning of the symbol, thus awakened peace, love and unity within the soul to boost their Creator presence. As the energetic symbol was passed from soul to soul and from civilisation to civilisation it grew in radiance and energetic strength becoming profoundly awakening, healing and inspirational for those who connect with it. The symbol is now manifesting akin to a treasure chest of Creator energy and wisdom, while also acting as a key of transformation. The symbol of the Flower of Life vibrated the power of the Creator into manifestation. This symbol no longer holds and represents our energy instead the energy of so many diverse loving aspects of the Creator within the Universe of the Creator.

Now it is time for the Flower of Life energetic template to be transmitted to humanity to create a powerful awakening of remembrance within all who are willing to receive. The purpose of those upon the Earth is to receive the template and to deliver it to other beings to build the power of the template and the power of peace, love and unity within all. We recognise that the template is creating additional light within souls thus allowing and encouraging the return of all aspects of the Creator to oneness and harmony. As a member of humanity we wish to invite you to receive the Flower of Life template as well as consciously gifting it to others. You may gift it to other human beings by sharing the technique and then encouraging them to experience the download in their own time. Alternatively, you can gift the template to plants, trees, animals, in truth any form of being with consciousness, this process can be achieved through your own visualisation and intentions either during meditation or as you go about your daily routine.

flower of life

Receiving the Flower of Life

Say out loud, ‘My intention is to receive the Flower of Life originally gifted by the Andromedans within my heart chakra with the purpose of further awakening the Creator’s energy of peace, love and unity within my being. I wish to receive into my heart chakra and consciousness the appropriate wisdom, Creator consciousness, light and love which has already been collected within the energetic template. Simultaneously I wish to anchor the truth of my soul into the Flower of Life so that it may add to the Creator consciousness it is forming as, continuing to assist and heal others. I wish to awaken to the light, love and consciousness of the Creator as well as receiving a deep profound healing. Thank you for this sacred service and for supporting me in being of service.’

Breathe deeply and allow your intention to settle within and around you.

Say out loud, ‘I now call upon the most appropriate being of light and love from the universe of the Creator to gift me the Flower of Life, thank you.’

Imagine, sense or acknowledge a being or light consciousness at your left side. Let your palm chakra of your left hand turn to the sky. You will receive the Flower of Life template and energy through your left palm chakra. Let it rest in your palm chakra for a few moments as you become aware of the energy and visualise or sense the Flower of Life symbol.

Inhale deeply, imagine, sense or acknowledge the symbol flowing up your left arm to rest in your heart chakra.

Inhale and exhale as if through your heart chakra becoming aware of the energy of the symbol, its influence upon your being and the awakening it inspires from within you. Know you are also energising the symbol with your own sacred divinity.

When you feel the process is complete allow the symbol to move from your heart chakra down your right arm to rest in your right palm chakra.

Say out loud, ‘I invite the most appropriate being of light to come forth to receive the gift of the Flower of Life from my being.’

A being will step forth to receive the gift, it may be a person you know in energetic form from your current reality, a guide or an unknown being of light. Let the Flower of Life continue its journey. Take time to be peaceful, breathing deeply and contemplating the energy shifts and awakenings that have taken place within your being.

The practice of receiving the Flower of Life we have shared with you is essential as it has a powerful influence upon your brain and mind. Receiving with your left hand symbolises that you are opening the creative and limitless aspect of your mind to embrace the Creator, as the Flower of Life represents the Creator. You then gift the Flower of Life with your right hand symbolising that the energy of the template has been received and merged with the logical part of your mind, thus as the template leaves your being through your right palm chakra you are honouring yourself as a complete and whole aspect of the Creator at the current vibration of your being. Further expansion and acceptance of the Creator can be experienced from this state of being and recognition within you. One of the many purposes of receiving the symbol in this way is to merge the spiritual with the logical, therefore the inner planes with the physical reality as well as illusion with truth, thus an experience of Creator awakening is born.

This practice is a gift from us the Andromedans, we are star beings, the symbol will also enhance your trust in connecting with star beings and aspects of the Creator beyond the Earth to create a deep seated sense of unity, harmony and peace which not only is embedded within the energetic structure of the Earth and humanity, it is also distributed throughout the entire universe of the Creator.

We, the Andromedans are present to be of loving service to humanity, we are supporting the alignment of the Earth with Venus to become a planet of love throughout the year of 2016. We are also offering to humanity healing, inspiration and tools of awakening to encourage all to move into the Era of Remembrance; a time of tremendous conscious awareness of the Creator.

Please call upon our consciousness and high vibrational light to support you in any areas of your spiritual evolution. The expansion you experience will alter the Earth and consciousness of humanity thus creating profound awakenings within many as well as instigating memories of yourself as the Creator.  You may wish to sit in meditation and invite yourself to be aware as you ask yourself these questions: Am I willing to remember the Creator? What is limiting me from remembering the Creator?

How can I more fully remember the Creator which resides within me? The insights you receive will support your inner expansion and so your further connection with the Flower of Life.

In expansive love,

The Andromedans

Sacred School of OmNa


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Just Start Doing It

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Just Start Doing It

hilarion2Beloved Ones,

As the energy influx continues, your human operating systems are receiving downloads of information that relates to you personally on your spiritual journey of life.

There is a direct interaction that is beginning to take place with your Divine Essence and it comes softly at unexpected times and places. As you begin to pay more attention to these communication attempts, you will be establishing a stronger connection to this higher aspect of yourselves. This will take a bit of time so practice being patient with this process. We are making this known so that you are aware and can be observant to this process.

There is much work ahead for those who have been prepared and you will be guided to those actions and activities which will require your participation and assistance in the days ahead. This work will involve working with the higher realms in order to accomplish certain tasks to help the planet stay stabilized and able to receive the higher cosmic energies.

This work involves utilizing your energy, for you are now moving from the task of increasing your energy to the next step, which is maintaining and using your energy. This is wonderful to see from our perspective and we applaud each and every one of you for the gains that have been made! Well done!

For the most part, your journey involves realizing your own higher potential in your everyday lives, so there will be a lot of opportunities to step beyond the status quo and comfort zones and these will make their way into your awareness. Stepping out of your comfort zones can seem a daunting task but it is imperative that you do so, for the universe responds to those who step up and begin to move forward in the direction their inner guidance takes them.

Whatever goals and dreams you have been nurturing within your hearts requires you to take the bold first step towards manifesting that outcome. It cannot happen if you sit and wait for something to occur! Just start doing it! This sets into motion the power, grace and magic to make it so!

Many of you are now discerning the transformations that are taking place within those in your sphere of influence and we say that this will continue growing exponentially as the year unfolds. The most recalcitrant souls are now turning within and becoming aware of the need for a different life style, in order that they improve their lot in life.

These may come as small changes at first, such as changing their dietary habits, but will ultimately lead them to seek ever greater purity of their body, mind and spirit. The renaissance of love has begun to unfold upon your planet! It is enabling others to seek higher and more peaceful solutions and resolutions to all that they find challenging in their lives.

In this, you are a shining example of what a fully balanced and integrated person truly is. By your loving example, they discern that there is a better way and they become seekers of that way and how they may also become that. This is a very positive turn of events in the daily interactions that take place between people and will, hopefully, expand the consciousness of everyone upon your planet.

As humanity’s consciousness is lightened by living according to higher principles of conduct, greater Light upon the Earth takes hold.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion


The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

Join The Hilarion Connection© Facebook Group here

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Excerpts of the messages as short quotations in written reviews is given permission by the scribe.

www.therainbowscribe.com       www.movingintoluminosity.com

Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.

“Hilarion: Just Start Doing It,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, January 24, 2016, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2016.htm


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Allowing Spaciousness to Nourish Your Heart

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


 Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Allowing Spaciousness to Nourish Your Heart

space 10

Dear Ones,

Illuminating your consciousness and lighting up your path is the nurturing presence of Divine Light, a very bright blessing in this new year.

Life is calling you. Feel the unfolding of Divine Energy as it moves through your being. Do you feel a tug on your heart? Does your inner restlessness have a hidden passion waiting to come into your awareness? There is within you a core of Love — a deep abiding place where the Divine dwells in Harmony and Goodness. From this place you can respond to Life with integrity from your most Divine Self.

This is the harbinger of your future, enticing you to live in greater connection to Light and the expansive awareness of the Love within you that never dies. In 2016, you are lighting up your life with the inspiration that Divine Love can bring you.

Turn your attention to areas of your own life demonstrating to you where your focus most needs to be. The Angelic Dimensions are here to bring more Light, more Love, more Abundance to your world. It starts within as you begin to be aware and bring more Harmony to the various areas of your life that are ready to receive more energy.

Within the frequencies of Divine Light is the power of clear Inspiration forming new connective links to your most Divine self. Operating within this inspired activity is a new creative ability to expand into levels of Harmony with your soul. When you follow your most exalted thoughts and allow your heart to be inspired with the resonance of deep truth, a level of Divine Creativity opens up within you.

As you are illuminated by the qualities of consciousness the Divine is offering, a smorgasbord of opportunity lays itself before you. Spurred on by the deepest desires of your soul, you have a precious moment in time to really contemplate and become aware of the most delicious possibilities opening up to you for your new year.

Space – the New Frontier

As you allow this new awakening within your body to have the spaciousness that it requires to come into fruition, you will eventually find yourself opening into the action inspired by the deepest dreams of your heart — the ones that bring you happiness.

This spaciousness within you now feels very new. Some may see it as a large void space that needs filling, some even judge it as being spaced out. We, your angelic guides are encouraging you to allow to Be as it is – space, nothingness, void. Do not avoid the void, we say.

Even though this spaciousness feels uncomfortable while it is unfamiliar, as you allow the expansive space to work its way through your physical body, the feelings of growing expansion become more familiar so you can recognize them as your divinity flowing in new ways.

This spaciousness is an extremely creative place to be. It becomes anything you focus on, and yet if you allow it to just be spacious, it becomes a platform for the new aspects of life that reflect your true divine nature. This spaciousness is healing balm for your heart and your over-stimulated nervous system.

It is essential that you allow yourself to learn how to relax and just BE. This allows you to do what most inspires you from that place of spaciousness. It is a time of heart-centered inaction leading into action. As you find resonance within yourself by bringing more Divine Love into the space within you, the openings occur in the energetic field around you. These are the Light Fields of Pure Consciousness where you will now begin to live in 5D life.

These fields of consciousness respond to your attention; they are activated by your focus and are the new levels of divinity that you can enjoy, employ and empower in every area of your life. Trust in the Divine Presence expanding within you. Allow the spaciousness to open into new creative states of consciousness. Know that you have just jumped into a new quantum field, so your physical being needs to learn how to accommodate and integrate the higher frequencies of Light energy working in you now.

Focus on Service as Heart-centered Action

This year is about inspired action from your heart that brings new form into manifestation. The new spacious field you are experiencing is allowing your heart’s intelligence to strengthen. A new empowering and deeply calming presence opens to you as your heart’s voice, the unfolding nature of new reality.

This new space within is giving you time to be clear about your intentions for your life. A flow of pure potential awaits your willingness to seed inspired qualities into the sacred matrix of new life awakening within you. The effortless aspects of new creation will become the magical world that you inhabit in 5D.

There are many ways to create new life that are possible in this day and age that were never before available. This year is about honing your 5D skills of co-creation through seeding your mind and heart with Light and pure intentionality. Heaven on Earth is not created in a day, and in the same manner, the new life awakening within you will not come into full fruition immediately.

That does not mean you should not practice this new skill as if you were creating in an instantaneous way, which miraculously just may occur. As you do this, you will be setting the train on the tracks of manifestation to begin your year.

You may have noticed an increasing dedication to the focus of serving God in the world that is expanding your heart. The power of this feeling is inspiring new connections and creating more openings that allow you to show the way to others who may feel confused. Although you are taking action that seems purely as if it were serving only you, this is your divine nature at work. As an added bonus, it creates an expanded perception in the way others perceive you.

You are stepping into your new light-body template. This is an aspect of divinity that you have never experienced. There has never been a time when more than a third of the people on the Earth are awakening into their divinity. Your most authentic, eternal and divine aspect of yourself is at work within you creating new life in 5D.

Open the doors to Freedom as you allow the spaciousness of your Divine Nature to show you the way. And always remember that you are never alone in your evolution. The Angelic Dimensions are here to support the ascension process and bring Heaven to Earth within the heart of all humanity.

All is well and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
January 21, 2016

“Archangel Gabriel: Allowing Spaciousness to Nourish Your Heart,” Channeled by Shanta Gabriel, January 21, 2016, at http://thegabrielmessages.com


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: The World Must Be Consistently Bombarded With Love

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: The World Must Be Consistently Bombarded With Love

hilarion2Part 3 – (cont’d) Part 2 Part 1

You ask what more could be done, what more should be done. Problems that emerge over time gestate and form, hidden at first, unseen, brought about by mans greed, allowed to be by mans ignorance, cannot be resolved within days or minutes or hours, not even by the forces of miracles themselves – it is time and persistency that will win the war.

You must continue to encourage people to focus their loving thoughts, to focus their thoughts of Light upon the world, each and every day, this must be done.

The world must be consistently bombarded with love! People must not grow faint hearted believing that it is not working; people must acknowledge, must see that such forces will need to build slowly over time, that such forces need to be consistently applied, if they are to have effect; that such forces must come from a united and focused legion of people who believe, trust and know the truth.

These people will have their own challenges of course, their own lives to contend with. They must fight against their doubt, they must fight against their disbelief, and they must fight most powerfully of all, against the feeling that they are powerless to make changes to their reality. No one is powerless. Everyone has the ability to focus and use the energy of the Divine within them and to set it to task.

In order for them to do this, they must be persistent and enduring and they must join together with others in order to bring change and transformation to the world around them. This is very, very important! This must be shared; this must be applied above and beyond all other things.

In conclusion then, we would say this: everything is ending and beginning. Everything draws to a close that it might be born again. This is the nature of reality at this moment in time. If new things are to emerge, old things must die and disappear. What occurs now is this process on a grand scale.

In order to tip the consciousness of the human race, in order to enable them to see that their world is not working, that it is not functioning as it currently is, they must recognize that something drastic must occur – a shift, a change in reality – the likes of which they have not experienced before in their lifetime. The world must experience something utterly transformative.

Atlantis experienced this, it ultimately led to Atlantis’s demise but it also led to Atlantis’s rebirth, led to the Atlanteans venturing out into the world and shaping and changing the nature of the world’s history forever, by passing on their secrets to those people who up until that point, had never heard their Atlantean truths before.

Although it is difficult at times to acknowledge, although it is difficult at times to see, you must try to recognize that what transpires is part of the plan. It is not part of the Divine Plan, not the original plan, but it is part of the plan that has been brought about through humankind’s creative powers that the Divine now improvises with in order to set humankind on a course that will ultimately lead them back to the Source, back to the beginning, that will lead to their ascension and evolution.

If things are to continue flowing in the right direction, if the casualties are to be minimized, if the world is to awaken sooner rather than later, then the world must be doused in love and Light, the hearts of humanity must be opened to the Presence of the Source. The minds of humanity must be given the Light that they need, in order to recognize truth, and this can be done by you and yours, if you focus your energy together and in earnestness, apply the power of your spirits and your souls.

Go forward then, hear our words, use this truth, use this Light, share this message, this understanding. Let people know, let people be blessed, that people might be freed.

Take then, our love, Dearest One, take then our blessing, share our messages, know that we are with you as you walk upon the path and that I and my kind, that the Angels and the Divine, do everything within our power to aid and assist with the transformation of your planet in the most peaceful and positive way that it can be achieved.

In love and Light, let this be so for the greater good of all. (Conclusion of parts 1-3)

Until next week,

I AM Hilarion

© 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.  www.therainbowscribe.com    www.movingintoluminosity.com

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

“Hilarion: The World Must Be Consistently Bombarded With Love,” Channeled by Edwin Courtenay for Marlene Swetlishoff, January 17, 2016, http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2016.htm


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

Thanks for you support. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Jesus via John Smallman: In 2016 All the Major Causes of Human Misery Will End.

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The Master’s Sacred Knowledge E-Book or Paperback


A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


Jesus via John Smallman: In 2016 All the Major Causes of Human Misery Will End.

Jesus postingJohn’s audio reading is available here.

The New Year of 2016 has started well. Much of importance is happening in preparation for the events ahead, which will unfold quite dramatically and spontaneously as the Love that so many are now holding and extending to all of humanity brings about the enormous changes necessary for the endemic suffering and poverty of the vast majority on Earth to be fully relieved.

In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. The New Golden Age for humanity has arrived and the first signs, like the first green shoots signaling the arrival of spring after a harsh winter, are about to appear.

Do not allow the negative energies that arise when you see and hear news of intense suffering to drain and exhaust you as you offer love and compassion to those so affected. This occurs whenever you choose to enter into their pain. Why would you choose to enter into another’s pain? Perhaps because you feel somewhat responsible for it? Every human on Earth is following a path chosen with great wisdom and foresight before incarnating. Every single human is precisely where they intended to be as a result of pre-natal choices.

Obviously, for many, these choices have led to intense pain and suffering, but what they are doing, what they have chosen to do – even though awareness of that choice has for the most part been forgotten – is assisting in humanity’s awakening by helping to clear the deep negativity that has built up over the eons so that Love may flow in and bring Light to the dark that has become heavily established in various areas of the world.

In time, in the illusion, there have, over the eons, been many technologically advanced societies on Earth, societies that became so ego-driven and power hungry that they totally forgot their divine origins – all sentient beings were created in Love by God, and so Love remains their true nature – as they played the game of separation from God.

As humans, severely limited by the “rules of the game,” they allowed their hearts to close thus hiding from themselves their true nature, and instead developed great (within the pre-set limitations of their human bodies) intelligence that they further developed in order to “win” the game of separation from other like-minded humans. This intelligence – more really a set of very limiting but powerful skills – was used to build nations, cultures, armies, and the necessary weapons to enable them to impose their will on others, by focusing intently on the “so-called” dark or shadow side of their human natures.

Humanity is now collectively working to reach a balance between the dark and the enlightened sides of its nature so that the two sides may become integrated, whereupon the heart will open, or the veil that has hidden the Light will dissolve and the creative abilities of the dark side, overwhelmed and unconditionally accepted by Love, will cease playing the unreal game of separation.

When the game is terminated by humanity’s collective choice, and the opposing sides of your individual human natures combine and integrate, enormous creative abilities and competences will arise enabling you to co-operate in a wondrous state of harmony and very quickly heal all the damage that has occurred over the eons.

Separation is a state of disharmony where the yin and yang have moved away from their state of union, have become extremely confused, and have then chosen to see each other as ferocious enemies. This has been pointed out by many sages and wise ones over the eons, and finally the realization of what this means is becoming apparent as the human collective seeks to move lovingly together as recognition of the Oneness of all becomes inescapably apparent.

The divine Reality is the state of Oneness in which all that God creates has its endless and eternal existence. There is no alternate reality or place where, for instance, evil exists. There is only God.

Evil is unreal. However, in the illusion you are playing a game with many facets, and evil is one of those facets. It seems very powerful, but that is only because you fear it. When you open your hearts to the divine field of Love in which you are eternally enveloped fear dissolves. When fear dissolves so does conflict which is but a reaction to fear. It is like waking from a nightmare which is unreal, while in the moment it seems very real, and recognizing it for what it was, whereupon it dissolves and fades from memory (unless you write it down immediately) along with the fear that it engendered.

Humanity’s awakening is the same but on an extremely large scale, and when it is complete there will be no more nightmares to frighten you. The Reality of Love will envelop you in overwhelming joy and the unreality of all your worries, anxieties, and fears then becomes unmistakable as they all fade and are forever lost because they never were.

You are eternal divine Beings, infinitely loved by God, the Source of All, and you live – now, in this only moment – in permanent joy. However, by choosing to build and engage with the illusion to attempt to experience a reality separate from Source, you shut out Love by veiling yourselves in an unreal state of darkness and fear. It could best be likened to a small child hiding in a dark closet and terrifying itself even though there is nothing terrifying in there with it. All that frightens you is unreal!

It is unreal because it was unreal when you made it. You made it to play a temporary but frightening game of being separate from Source. But you can never be separate from Source. That is impossible because Source is All that exists.

However over the illusory eons that you have been playing this game its apparent reality has intensified right up until this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – where spiritual evolution is merely your path to awakening – where you find yourselves no longer willing to undergo the pain and suffering that the game continuously provides. Thus you have, finally, chosen collectively to awaken.

All you need do is open to whatever arises in your lives and realize that that is the path you have chosen to follow to your awakening, and that because your awakening is both your will and God’s then your resounding success is divinely guaranteed and consequently absolutely inevitable.

Go within daily, to your holy and sacred altar where the Light of God’s Love burns constantly, and ask for help to awaken, and you will be inundated with help instantly. If you allow it, then you will feel that divine field of Love enveloping and embracing you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: In 2016 All the Major Causes of Human Misery Will End. Channelled by John Smallman. January 10, 2016. https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: 2016 ~ The Embodiment of Multi-Dimensional Mastery ~ The Year of Completion and Transition

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A beautiful comment that I received and would like to share with you. 

It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson

Life Coach - Become your own Life Coach with this Personal and Spiritual Development Book

Taking the steps inward to Unconditional Love!


 Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: 2016 ~ The Embodiment of Multi-Dimensional Mastery ~ The Year of Completion and Transition

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Beloved Family of Light, we welcome you to a New Year in your Earth calendar. It will be a year in which you will be offered the opportunity to complete your current Ascension and Awakening processes, and to fully transition to Multi-Dimensional Mastery in your life.

2015 was a challenging year, as the awakening and ascension processes gathered momentum. In 2016 you will complete a four year transitional period that began in 2012. In this period, the Earth was fully anchored in the Fifth Dimension, and the Light Warriors and Way Showers began the process of stepping into full Multi-Dimensional expression on Earth.

In this coming year, those of you who are ready will step into your destined roles as Multi-Dimensional Light Masters. You will be called upon to Master the Fourth Dimension of Time as Time Masters and Time Travellers.

You will be asked to step up and into the Sixth Dimensions, where you will master the Creative Imagination and the Realm of Archetypes, and you will be initiated into the Seventh Dimension, where the Halls of the Ascended Masters are found. You will also ride the waves of Light and Energy from the Solar levels of the Eighth Dimension and the Galactic levels of the Ninth Dimension, emerging as Galactic Travellers and Masters, present on the Earth to assist in the Earth Transition process.

Beloved Ones, it is an exciting time to be present on Planet Earth! We will expand on how you can best work with these energies in the coming year, but first, let us look at the important “markers” in the flow of time where you will be best empowered to make shifts and transitions in your personal and planetary timelines.

The Planetary Transitions in 2016
The first wave of intense transitional light of this cycle will occur in the month of March. On the 9th of March there will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces, at the time of the New Moon. This will be two weeks before the first Equinox of 2016 on the 23rd of March, which will be the Spring Equinox in the North.

There will be an Annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra/Aries on the 23rd, which will bring in Codes of Balance and Power to the Earth. So the month of March will be intensely illuminated with New Solar and Lunar Light Codes and Golden and Diamond Light, which will be balanced out at and after the Equinox. You can expect much “movement” and change in the flow of time and space in this month.

Many will face challenges in their lives and in their spiritual paths and journey of ascension. These challenges will serve the purpose of ensuring that you are walking the path of your Soul Destiny and that you are ready to embody all aspects of Divine Self in Light Mastery.

You will be given the opportunity to illuminate a new path forward that will be closer to the essence of your soul in its colors, tones and patterns. So, what may seem challenging will in fact be a “reset” to allow you to move forward into a more fluid and light filled reality. You will, in fact, be dropping all old timelines that no longer serve you, and shaping and manifesting new timelines that are able to lift consciousness to a new spiral of manifestation.

Then, on the 21st of June, with the Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini and aligned with the Galactic Center, you will celebrate the Mid-Year Solstice. This will be a powerful time for you to fully integrate all energies on your new timelines, and balance your Multi-Dimensional aspects in the Heart.

The powerful influx of energies from the Galactic Center, magnified by the magnetic Lunar energies, will bring to the surface a deep individual and collective shadow energy for transformation as you gear up for the Planetary New Year, where you will have an opportunity to raise your frequency and initiate a new cycle of Time and Experience for yourselves and the Earth.

The Planetary New Year occurs on the 26th of July, and opens the “Lion’s Gate” Star Gate and the flow of Light Codes for the next cycle of Planetary Evolution. This is the moment when you can make great strides in your evolution, aligning with the waves of Divine Love and Compassion that are received from the Divine Heart and the Divine Creative Intelligence at this time.

The Lion’s Gate climaxes on the 8th of August, at the 8/8/9, which connects you with your Infinite Nature and your Divine Empowerment as a Soul Embodied on Planet Earth, experiencing the creative flow of Light as Time and Space.

In September, there will be more eclipses, first an Annular Solar Eclipse in Virgo on the 1st of September, and then an Annular Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo at the Full Moon on the 16th September. This will be followed by the Second Equinox of 2016 on the 22nd of September. Another wave of intense Light Codes will be received, that will allow for realignment on your new timelines. You will be asked again to ensure that your life choices are aligned with the energy of your soul and spirit in their work on Earth.

The next moment of Transition that will complete this cycle of evolutionary shift will be the 11th of November, or the 11/11/9 Star Gate. This is a powerful Star Gate or “Consciousness Portal” that allows for individual and planetary “genesis” – the commencement of new patterns of experience and creation that will be calibrated with the colors and codes of ascension, specifically the Gold and Diamond Light Codes.

The final alignment will be the Second Solstice in December, when the Southern Planetary portal aligns with the Galactic Center to complete the recalibration of the evolutionary shifts of the year. At this time, you should feel fully aligned with your new timeline and your new path forward.

This will be the path that you will follow into manifestiong the New Earth in 2017, which is a year of the number one. A New Beginning.

The Keys to Multi-Dimensional Mastery
The Golden Keys to Multi-Dimensional Mastery are the understanding, on all levels of being, of how to work with the Frequency and Resonance of your activated Light Body through activating the physical frequencies with Intention and Magnetism.

When you awaken to the Fifth Dimension, you become aware of the “Law of One”, which is an understanding of the Quantum Unified Field and how it creates reality in your lives. The “Law of One” states that all creation derived from the original Prime Creator, or Source, and that each one of you carries the original Divine Spark within your Heart and Soul. This means that although you have individuated as Souls, and then as Physical Beings, you are still part of the Divine Essence, and so part of each other.

The Earth, and all living beings, share a common ancestry, and so you are all part of the “One”. To use the Golden Key of the Fifth Dimension is to fully appreciate the power of the Unified Field, and how you can work with it in your creative expression and manifestation. It is also to understand that if you harm the planet then you are also harming yourself.

As you raise your frequency you will also need to use the Golden Key of the Fourth Dimension, to open your Heart and allow the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence that manifests in your lives as Time and Space. To Master the Fourth Dimension is to understand how you create Time through your ongoing creations as an individual and as a Community, and as a Planetary consciousness.

You are all Time Travellers, and you can move between the Future, the Past and the Present. You can manifest and create on Timelines, and you can change Timelines and experience parallel lives. Unlocking the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness is closely connected to the Sixth Dimension.

The Key to the Sixth Dimension is the activation of the Creative and Magical Imagination, and creation through archetypes, stories, and the “god/goddess” energy. The Mythical Imagination is the “loom” on which you weave the magical stories of life. In order to be able to participate in the creation and manifestation of the New Earth story or dream, you must be able to walk in the “Dream Time” of the Sixth Dimension.

In order to achieve this level of Conscious Creativity, you will need to activate your Magical Imagination through creativity; art, story telling, poetry, dance, music…..whatever creative forms inspire your soul to magical expression. In these activities, you “play” with the muses of inspiration and are inspired by the elemental and archetypal energies that create rivers of meaning in the material world. This is the place where dreams originate, are expressed, and descend into manifestation in the Fifth Dimension.

Mastering the 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions will give you access to the Seventh Dimension, the level of the Ascended Earth Master. Here is found the Temple of Light where your Soul dwells, and where the Ascended Masters are always present and available to the Collective Consciousness of the Planet and of the Galaxy.

When you are invited into the Grand Crystalline Temple of the Masters, you will understand the patterns and designs of Life and Creation. This will give you the power to direct energy within these patterns and to effectively shift the direction and flow of these energies, so being able to shift and change the stories of life being expressed on the lower Dimensions of Consciousness.

The Eighth and Ninth Dimensions represent the Solar and Galactic levels, as these open out to those who have mastered the lower levels. Once you have accepted yourself as an Ascended Master, you will then also understand your connections to the Temple of the Solar Council within the Sun/Solaris, and the Diamond Temple of the Great Central Sun that is the home of the Galactic Council. You will be able to move freely between these different levels as a fully realized Ninth Dimensional Being and citizen of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

Beloved Ones, there is much work for you to do as you enter into 2016. The Star Nations and the Angelic Realms and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you in your projects, your dreams and your creations. It is up to you, as Ascended Earth Masters, to use the Golden Keys to activate the New Earth Reality that you came to initiate on Earth at this Moment!

We wish you Joy and Love and Peace in 2016!


“Archangel Michael: 2016~The Embodiment of Multi-Dimensional Mastery~The Year of Completion and Transition,” Channeled by Celia Fenn, January 10, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/j4cvy3v


Learn to let your eyes smile, and the rest of you will follow!

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Have a Great Day. In love light and peace. 🙂

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